Merge branch 'master' into rate_dropdown
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
-- This updates a 1.33.16 database to 1.34.0
-- No changes required
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
%global _hardened_build 1
Name: zoneminder
Version: 1.33.16
Version: 1.34.0
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: A camera monitoring and analysis tool
Group: System Environment/Daemons
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ ScriptAlias /zm/cgi-bin "/usr/lib/zoneminder/cgi-bin"
Require all granted
# Order matters. This alias must come first.
Alias /zm/cache /var/cache/zoneminder/cache
<Directory /var/cache/zoneminder/cache>
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}
,libsys-mmap-perl [!hurd-any]
,libwww-perl, liburi-perl
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# ==========================================================================
# ZoneMinder Axis version 2 API Control Protocol Module, $Date$, $Revision$
# ZoneMinder Axis version 2 API Control Protocol Module
# Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Philip Coombes
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@ -43,349 +43,359 @@ use ZoneMinder::Logger qw(:all);
use ZoneMinder::Config qw(:all);
use Time::HiRes qw( usleep );
use URI;
sub open
my $self = shift;
sub open {
my $self = shift;
use LWP::UserAgent;
$self->{ua} = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$self->{ua}->agent( "ZoneMinder Control Agent/".ZoneMinder::Base::ZM_VERSION );
if ( $self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress} !~ /^\w+:\/\// ) {
# Has no scheme at the beginning, so won't parse as a URI
$self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress} = 'http://'.$self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress};
my $uri = URI->new($self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress});
$ADDRESS = $uri->scheme.'://'.$uri->authority().$uri->path().($uri->port()?':'.$uri->port():'');
use LWP::UserAgent;
$self->{ua} = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$self->{ua}->cookie_jar( {} );
$self->{ua}->agent('ZoneMinder Control Agent/'.ZoneMinder::Base::ZM_VERSION);
$self->{state} = 'closed';
my ( $username, $password, $host ) = ( $uri->authority() =~ /^([^:]+):([^@]*)@(.+)$/ );
my $realm = $self->{Monitor}->{ControlDevice};
$self->{ua}->credentials($ADDRESS, $realm, $username, $password);
# test auth
my $res = $self->{ua}->get($ADDRESS.'/cgi/ptdc.cgi');
if ( $res->is_success ) {
$self->{state} = 'open';
sub printMsg
my $self = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my $msg_len = length($msg);
if ( $res->status_line() eq '401 Unauthorized' ) {
Debug( $msg."[".$msg_len."]" );
sub sendCmd
my $self = shift;
my $cmd = shift;
my $result = undef;
printMsg( $cmd, "Tx" );
#print( "http://$address/$cmd\n" );
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET=>"http://".$self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress}."/$cmd" );
my $res = $self->{ua}->request($req);
if ( $res->is_success )
$result = !undef;
Error( "Error check failed: '".$res->status_line()."'" );
my $headers = $res->headers();
foreach my $k ( keys %$headers ) {
Debug("Initial Header $k => $$headers{$k}");
return( $result );
if ( $$headers{'www-authenticate'} ) {
my ( $auth, $tokens ) = $$headers{'www-authenticate'} =~ /^(\w+)\s+(.*)$/;
if ( $tokens =~ /\w+="([^"]+)"/i ) {
if ( $realm ne $1 ) {
$realm = $1;
Debug("Changing REALM to $realm");
$self->{ua}->credentials($host, $realm, $username, $password);
$res = $self->{ua}->get($ADDRESS);
if ( $res->is_success() ) {
$self->{state} = 'open';
Error('Authentication still failed after updating REALM'.$res->status_line);
$headers = $res->headers();
foreach my $k ( keys %$headers ) {
Debug("Initial Header $k => $$headers{$k}");
} # end foreach
} else {
Error('Authentication failed, not a REALM problem');
} else {
Error('Failed to match realm in tokens');
} # end if
} else {
Debug('No headers line');
} # end if headers
} # end if $res->status_line() eq '401 Unauthorized'
} # end sub open
sub sendCmd {
my $self = shift;
my $cmd = shift;
$self->printMsg($cmd, 'Tx');
my $url = $ADDRESS.$cmd;
my $res = $self->{ua}->get($url);
if ( $res->is_success ) {
Debug('sndCmd command: ' . $url . ' content: '.$res->content);
return !undef;
Error("Error cmd $url failed: '".$res->status_line()."'");
return undef;
sub cameraReset
my $self = shift;
Debug( "Camera Reset" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/admin/restart.cgi";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub cameraReset {
my $self = shift;
Debug('Camera Reset');
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/admin/restart.cgi';
sub moveConUp
my $self = shift;
Debug( "Move Up" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=up";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveConUp {
my $self = shift;
Debug('Move Up');
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=up';
sub moveConDown
my $self = shift;
Debug( "Move Down" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=down";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveConDown {
my $self = shift;
Debug('Move Down');
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=down';
sub moveConLeft
my $self = shift;
Debug( "Move Left" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=left";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveConLeft {
my $self = shift;
Debug('Move Left');
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=left';
sub moveConRight
my $self = shift;
Debug( "Move Right" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=right";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveConRight {
my $self = shift;
Debug('Move Right');
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=right';
sub moveConUpRight
my $self = shift;
Debug( "Move Up/Right" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=upright";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveConUpRight {
my $self = shift;
Debug('Move Up/Right');
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=upright';
sub moveConUpLeft
my $self = shift;
Debug( "Move Up/Left" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=upleft";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveConUpLeft {
my $self = shift;
Debug('Move Up/Left');
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=upleft';
sub moveConDownRight
my $self = shift;
Debug( "Move Down/Right" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=downright";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveConDownRight {
my $self = shift;
Debug('Move Down/Right');
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=downright';
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveConDownLeft
my $self = shift;
Debug( "Move Down/Left" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=downleft";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveConDownLeft {
my $self = shift;
Debug('Move Down/Left');
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=downleft';
sub moveMap
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $xcoord = $self->getParam( $params, 'xcoord' );
my $ycoord = $self->getParam( $params, 'ycoord' );
Debug( "Move Map to $xcoord,$ycoord" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?center=$xcoord,$ycoord&imagewidth=".$self->{Monitor}->{Width}."&imageheight=".$self->{Monitor}->{Height};
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveMap {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $xcoord = $self->getParam($params, 'xcoord');
my $ycoord = $self->getParam($params, 'ycoord');
Debug("Move Map to $xcoord,$ycoord");
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?center=$xcoord,$ycoord&imagewidth=".$self->{Monitor}->{Width}.'&imageheight='.$self->{Monitor}->{Height};
sub moveRelUp
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam( $params, 'tiltstep' );
Debug( "Step Up $step" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rtilt=$step";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveRelUp {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam($params, 'tiltstep');
Debug("Step Up $step");
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rtilt='.$step;
sub moveRelDown
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam( $params, 'tiltstep' );
Debug( "Step Down $step" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rtilt=-$step";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveRelDown {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam($params, 'tiltstep');
Debug("Step Down $step");
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rtilt=-'.$step;
sub moveRelLeft
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam( $params, 'panstep' );
Debug( "Step Left $step" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rpan=-$step";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveRelLeft {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam($params, 'panstep');
Debug("Step Left $step");
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rpan=-'.$step;
sub moveRelRight
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam( $params, 'panstep' );
Debug( "Step Right $step" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rpan=$step";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveRelRight {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam($params, 'panstep');
Debug("Step Right $step");
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rpan='.$step;
sub moveRelUpRight
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $panstep = $self->getParam( $params, 'panstep' );
my $tiltstep = $self->getParam( $params, 'tiltstep' );
Debug( "Step Up/Right $tiltstep/$panstep" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rpan=$panstep&rtilt=$tiltstep";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveRelUpRight {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $panstep = $self->getParam($params, 'panstep');
my $tiltstep = $self->getParam($params, 'tiltstep');
Debug("Step Up/Right $tiltstep/$panstep");
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rpan=$panstep&rtilt=$tiltstep";
sub moveRelUpLeft
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $panstep = $self->getParam( $params, 'panstep' );
my $tiltstep = $self->getParam( $params, 'tiltstep' );
Debug( "Step Up/Left $tiltstep/$panstep" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rpan=-$panstep&rtilt=$tiltstep";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveRelUpLeft {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $panstep = $self->getParam($params, 'panstep');
my $tiltstep = $self->getParam($params, 'tiltstep');
Debug("Step Up/Left $tiltstep/$panstep");
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rpan=-$panstep&rtilt=$tiltstep";
sub moveRelDownRight
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $panstep = $self->getParam( $params, 'panstep' );
my $tiltstep = $self->getParam( $params, 'tiltstep' );
Debug( "Step Down/Right $tiltstep/$panstep" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rpan=$panstep&rtilt=-$tiltstep";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveRelDownRight {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $panstep = $self->getParam($params, 'panstep');
my $tiltstep = $self->getParam($params, 'tiltstep');
Debug("Step Down/Right $tiltstep/$panstep");
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rpan=$panstep&rtilt=-$tiltstep";
sub moveRelDownLeft
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $panstep = $self->getParam( $params, 'panstep' );
my $tiltstep = $self->getParam( $params, 'tiltstep' );
Debug( "Step Down/Left $tiltstep/$panstep" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rpan=-$panstep&rtilt=-$tiltstep";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub moveRelDownLeft {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $panstep = $self->getParam($params, 'panstep');
my $tiltstep = $self->getParam($params, 'tiltstep');
Debug("Step Down/Left $tiltstep/$panstep");
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rpan=-$panstep&rtilt=-$tiltstep";
sub zoomRelTele
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam( $params, 'step' );
Debug( "Zoom Tele" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rzoom=$step";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub zoomRelTele {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam($params, 'step');
Debug('Zoom Tele');
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rzoom=$step";
sub zoomRelWide
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam( $params, 'step' );
Debug( "Zoom Wide" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rzoom=-$step";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub zoomRelWide {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam($params, 'step');
Debug('Zoom Wide');
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rzoom=-$step";
sub focusRelNear
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam( $params, 'step' );
Debug( "Focus Near" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rfocus=-$step";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub focusRelNear {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam($params, 'step');
Debug('Focus Near');
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rfocus=-$step";
sub focusRelFar
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam( $params, 'step' );
Debug( "Focus Far" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rfocus=$step";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub focusRelFar {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam($params, 'step');
Debug('Focus Far');
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?rfocus=$step";
sub focusAuto
my $self = shift;
Debug( "Focus Auto" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?autofocus=on";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub focusAuto {
my $self = shift;
Debug('Focus Auto');
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?autofocus=on';
sub focusMan
my $self = shift;
Debug( "Focus Manual" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?autofocus=off";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub focusMan {
my $self = shift;
Debug('Focus Manual');
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?autofocus=off';
sub irisRelOpen
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam( $params, 'step' );
Debug( "Iris Open" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?riris=$step";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub irisRelOpen {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam($params, 'step');
Debug('Iris Open');
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?riris=$step";
sub irisRelClose
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam( $params, 'step' );
Debug( "Iris Close" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?riris=-$step";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub irisRelClose {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $step = $self->getParam($params, 'step');
Debug('Iris Close');
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?riris=-$step";
sub irisAuto
my $self = shift;
Debug( "Iris Auto" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?autoiris=on";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub irisAuto {
my $self = shift;
Debug('Iris Auto');
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?autoiris=on';
sub irisMan
my $self = shift;
Debug( "Iris Manual" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?autoiris=off";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub irisMan {
my $self = shift;
Debug('Iris Manual');
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?autoiris=off';
sub presetClear
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $preset = $self->getParam( $params, 'preset' );
Debug( "Clear Preset $preset" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?removeserverpresetno=$preset";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub presetClear {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $preset = $self->getParam($params, 'preset');
Debug("Clear Preset $preset");
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?removeserverpresetno=$preset";
sub presetSet
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $preset = $self->getParam( $params, 'preset' );
Debug( "Set Preset $preset" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?setserverpresetno=$preset";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub presetSet {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $preset = $self->getParam($params, 'preset');
Debug("Set Preset $preset");
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?setserverpresetno=$preset";
sub presetGoto
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $preset = $self->getParam( $params, 'preset' );
Debug( "Goto Preset $preset" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?gotoserverpresetno=$preset";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub presetGoto {
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $preset = $self->getParam($params, 'preset');
Debug("Goto Preset $preset");
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?gotoserverpresetno=$preset";
sub presetHome
my $self = shift;
Debug( "Home Preset" );
my $cmd = "/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=home";
$self->sendCmd( $cmd );
sub presetHome {
my $self = shift;
Debug('Home Preset');
my $cmd = '/axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?move=home';
@ -36,9 +36,172 @@ require ZoneMinder::Server;
#our @ISA = qw(Exporter ZoneMinder::Base);
use parent qw(ZoneMinder::Object);
use vars qw/ $table $primary_key /;
use vars qw/ $table $primary_key %fields $serial %defaults $debug/;
$table = 'Monitors';
$primary_key = 'Id';
$serial = $primary_key = 'Id';
%fields = map { $_ => $_ } qw(
%defaults = (
ServerId => 0,
StorageId => 0,
Type => 'Ffmpeg',
Function => 'Mocord',
Enabled => 1,
LinkedMonitors => undef,
Device => '',
Channel => 0,
Format => 0,
V4LMultiBuffer => undef,
V4LCapturesPerFrame => 1,
Protocol => undef,
Method => '',
Host => undef,
Port => '',
SubPath => '',
Path => undef,
Options => undef,
User => undef,
Pass => undef,
Width => undef,
Height => undef,
Colours => 4,
Palette => 0,
Orientation => undef,
Deinterlacing => 0,
DecoderHWAccelName => undef,
DecoderHWAccelDevice => undef,
SaveJPEGs => 3,
VideoWriter => 0,
OutputCodec => undef,
OutputContainer => undef,
EncoderParameters => "# Lines beginning with # are a comment \n# For changing quality, use the crf option\n# 1 is best, 51 is worst quality\n#crf=23\n",
Brightness => -1,
Contrast => -1,
Hue => -1,
Colour => -1,
EventPrefix => 'Event-',
LabelFormat => '%N - %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S',
LabelX => 0,
LabelY => 0,
LabelSize => 1,
ImageBufferCount => 20,
WarmupCount => 0,
PreEventCount => 5,
PostEventCount => 5,
StreamReplayBuffer => 0,
AlarmFrameCount => 1,
SectionLength => 600,
MinSectionLength => 10,
FrameSkip => 0,
MotionFrameSkip => 0,
AnalysisFPSLimit => undef,
AnalysisUpdateDelay => 0,
MaxFPS => undef,
AlarmMaxFPS => undef,
FPSReportInterval => 100,
RefBlendPerc => 6,
AlarmRefBlendPerc => 6,
Controllable => 0,
ControlId => undef,
ControlDevice => undef,
ControlAddress => undef,
AutoStopTimeout => undef,
TrackMotion => 0,
TrackDelay => undef,
ReturnLocation => -1,
ReturnDelay => undef,
DefaultRate => 100,
DefaultScale => 100,
SignalCheckPoints => 0,
SignalCheckColour => '#0000BE',
WebColour => '#ff0000',
Exif => 0,
Sequence => undef,
sub Server {
return new ZoneMinder::Server( $_[0]{ServerId} );
@ -108,6 +108,9 @@ if ( $options{command} ) {
Fatal("Unable to load control data for monitor $id");
my $protocol = $monitor->{Protocol};
if ( !$protocol ) {
Fatal('No protocol is set in monitor. Please edit the monitor, edit control type, select the control capability and fill in the Protocol field');
if ( -x $protocol ) {
# Protocol is actually a script!
@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ void Logger::initialise(const std::string &id, const Options &options) {
if ( options.mTerminalLevel != NOOPT )
tempTerminalLevel = options.mTerminalLevel;
// DEBUG1 == 1. So >= DEBUG1, we set to DEBUG9?! Why?
if ( options.mDatabaseLevel != NOOPT )
tempDatabaseLevel = options.mDatabaseLevel;
@ -359,7 +360,7 @@ Logger::Level Logger::databaseLevel(Logger::Level databaseLevel) {
if ( databaseLevel > NOOPT ) {
databaseLevel = limit(databaseLevel);
if ( mDatabaseLevel != databaseLevel ) {
if ( databaseLevel > NOLOG && mDatabaseLevel <= NOLOG ) {
if ( (databaseLevel > NOLOG) && (mDatabaseLevel <= NOLOG) ) { // <= NOLOG would be NOOPT
if ( !zmDbConnect() ) {
databaseLevel = NOLOG;
@ -1060,7 +1060,6 @@ int RemoteCameraHttp::PreCapture() {
if ( sd < 0 ) {
if ( sd < 0 ) {
Error("Unable to connect to camera");
return -1;
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if ( result < 0 ) {
// Failure, try reconnecting
} // end while ! zm_terminate
@ -119,13 +119,11 @@ if ( sem_acquire($semaphore,1) !== false ) {
switch ( $data['type'] ) {
$data = unpack('ltype/imonitor/istate/dfps/ilevel/irate/ddelay/izoom/Cdelayed/Cpaused/Cenabled/Cforced', $msg);
ZM\Logger::Debug('FPS: ' . $data['fps']);
$data['fps'] = round( $data['fps'], 2 );
ZM\Logger::Debug('FPS: ' . $data['fps'] );
$data['rate'] /= RATE_BASE;
$data['delay'] = round( $data['delay'], 2 );
$data['zoom'] = round( $data['zoom']/SCALE_BASE, 1 );
if ( ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH && ZM_AUTH_RELAY == 'hashed' ) {
if ( ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH && (ZM_AUTH_RELAY == 'hashed') ) {
$time = time();
// Regenerate auth hash after half the lifetime of the hash
if ( (!isset($_SESSION['AuthHashGeneratedAt'])) or ( $_SESSION['AuthHashGeneratedAt'] < $time - (ZM_AUTH_HASH_TTL * 1800) ) ) {
@ -144,7 +142,7 @@ if ( sem_acquire($semaphore,1) !== false ) {
$data['rate'] /= RATE_BASE;
$data['zoom'] = round( $data['zoom']/SCALE_BASE, 1 );
if ( ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH && ZM_AUTH_RELAY == 'hashed' ) {
if ( ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH && (ZM_AUTH_RELAY == 'hashed') ) {
$time = time();
// Regenerate auth hash after half the lifetime of the hash
if ( (!isset($_SESSION['AuthHashGeneratedAt'])) or ( $_SESSION['AuthHashGeneratedAt'] < $time - (ZM_AUTH_HASH_TTL * 1800) ) ) {
@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ class MonitorsController extends AppController {
'Groups_Monitors.MonitorId = Monitor.Id',
'group' => '`Monitor`.`Id`',
$monitors = $this->Monitor->find('all',$find_array);
@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ class Event extends ZM_Object {
return ZM_Object::_find_one(get_class(), $parameters, $options);
public static function clear_cache() {
return ZM_Object::_clear_cache(get_class());
public function Storage( $new = null ) {
if ( $new ) {
$this->{'Storage'} = $new;
@ -115,13 +115,17 @@ class Filter extends ZM_Object {
public function control($command, $server_id=null) {
$Servers = $server_id ? Server::find(array('Id'=>$server_id)) : Server::find(array('Status'=>'Running'));
if ( !count($Servers) and !$server_id ) {
# This will be the non-multi-server case
$Servers = array(new Server());
if ( !count($Servers) ) {
if ( !$server_id ) {
# This will be the non-multi-server case
$Servers = array(new Server());
} else {
Warning("Server not found for id $server_id");
foreach ( $Servers as $Server ) {
if ( !defined('ZM_SERVER_ID') or !$Server->Id() or ZM_SERVER_ID==$Server->Id() ) {
if ( (!defined('ZM_SERVER_ID')) or (!$Server->Id()) or (ZM_SERVER_ID==$Server->Id()) ) {
# Local
Logger::Debug("Controlling filter locally $command for server ".$Server->Id());
daemonControl($command, '', '--filter_id='.$this->{'Id'}.' --daemon');
@ -139,7 +143,7 @@ class Filter extends ZM_Object {
$url = '?user='.$_SESSION['username'];
$url .= '&view=filter&action=control&command='.$command.'&Id='.$this->Id().'&ServerId='.$Server->Id();
$url .= '&view=filter&object=filter&action=control&command='.$command.'&Id='.$this->Id().'&ServerId='.$Server->Id();
Logger::Debug("sending command to $url");
$data = array();
if ( defined('ZM_ENABLE_CSRF_MAGIC') ) {
@ -128,7 +128,14 @@ class Monitor extends ZM_Object {
public function Server() {
return new Server($this->{'ServerId'});
if ( !property_exists($this, 'Server') ) {
if ( $this->ServerId() )
$this->{'Server'} = Server::find_one(array('Id'=>$this->{'ServerId'}));
if ( !property_exists($this, 'Server') ) {
$this->{'Server'} = new Server();
return $this->{'Server'};
public function __call($fn, array $args){
@ -110,8 +110,9 @@ class ZM_Object {
public static function _find_one($class, $parameters = array(), $options = array() ) {
global $object_cache;
if ( ! isset($object_cache[$class]) )
if ( ! isset($object_cache[$class]) ) {
$object_cache[$class] = array();
$cache = &$object_cache[$class];
if (
( count($parameters) == 1 ) and
@ -127,6 +128,11 @@ class ZM_Object {
return $results[0];
public static function _clear_cache($class) {
global $object_cache;
$object_cache[$class] = array();
public static function Objects_Indexed_By_Id($class) {
$results = array();
foreach ( ZM_Object::_find($class, null, array('order'=>'lower(Name)')) as $Object ) {
@ -290,6 +296,18 @@ Logger::Debug("$k => Have default for $v: ");
# Set defaults. Note that we only replace "" with null, not other values
# because for example if we want to clear TimestampFormat, we clear it, but the default is a string value
foreach ( $this->defaults as $field => $default ) {
if ( (!array_key_exists($field, $this)) or ($this->{$field} == '') ) {
if ( is_array($default) ) {
$this->{$field} = $default['default'];
} else if ( $default == null ) {
$this->{$field} = $default;
$fields = array_filter(
function($v) {
@ -58,6 +58,13 @@ class Storage extends ZM_Object {
return $this->{'Events'};
public function EventCount() {
if ( (! property_exists($this, 'EventCount')) or (!$this->{'EventCount'}) ) {
$this->{'EventCount'} = dbFetchOne('SELECT COUNT(*) AS EventCount FROM Events WHERE StorageId=?', 'EventCount', array($this->Id()));
return $this->{'EventCount'};
public function disk_usage_percent() {
$path = $this->Path();
if ( ! $path ) {
@ -116,13 +123,14 @@ class Storage extends ZM_Object {
$used = dbFetchOne('SELECT SUM(DiskSpace) AS DiskSpace FROM Events WHERE StorageId=? AND DiskSpace IS NOT NULL', 'DiskSpace', array($this->Id()));
do {
# Do in batches of 1000 so as to not useup all ram
# Do in batches of 1000 so as to not useup all ram, Event will do caching though...
$events = Event::find(array('StorageId'=>$this->Id(), 'DiskSpace'=>null), array('limit'=>1000));
foreach ( $events as $Event ) {
$Event->Storage($this); // Prevent further db hit
# DiskSpace will update the event
$used += $Event->DiskSpace();
} #end foreach
} while ( count($events) == 1000 );
$this->{'DiskSpace'} = $used;
@ -64,35 +64,12 @@ if ( isset($_REQUEST['object']) and ( $_REQUEST['object'] == 'filter' ) ) {
$_REQUEST['filter']['Background'] = empty($_REQUEST['filter']['Background']) ? 0 : 1;
$_REQUEST['filter']['Concurrent'] = empty($_REQUEST['filter']['Concurrent']) ? 0 : 1;
$changes = $filter->changes($_REQUEST['filter']);
ZM\Logger::Debug("Changes: " . print_r($changes,true));
if ( 0 ) {
$sql .= ', Query = '.dbEscape(jsonEncode($_REQUEST['filter']['Query']));
$sql .= ', AutoArchive = '.(!empty($_REQUEST['filter']['AutoArchive']) ? 1 : 0);
$sql .= ', AutoVideo = '. ( !empty($_REQUEST['filter']['AutoVideo']) ? 1 : 0);
$sql .= ', AutoUpload = '. ( !empty($_REQUEST['filter']['AutoUpload']) ? 1 : 0);
$sql .= ', AutoEmail = '. ( !empty($_REQUEST['filter']['AutoEmail']) ? 1 : 0);
$sql .= ', AutoMessage = '. ( !empty($_REQUEST['filter']['AutoMessage']) ? 1 : 0);
$sql .= ', AutoExecute = '. ( !empty($_REQUEST['filter']['AutoExecute']) ? 1 : 0);
$sql .= ', AutoExecuteCmd = '.dbEscape($_REQUEST['filter']['AutoExecuteCmd']);
$sql .= ', AutoDelete = '. ( !empty($_REQUEST['filter']['AutoDelete']) ? 1 : 0);
if ( !empty($_REQUEST['filter']['AutoMove']) ? 1 : 0) {
$sql .= ', AutoMove = 1, AutoMoveTo='. validInt($_REQUEST['filter']['AutoMoveTo']);
} else {
$sql .= ', AutoMove = 0';
$sql .= ', UpdateDiskSpace = '. ( !empty($_REQUEST['filter']['UpdateDiskSpace']) ? 1 : 0);
$sql .= ', Background = '. ( !empty($_REQUEST['filter']['Background']) ? 1 : 0);
$sql .= ', Concurrent = '. ( !empty($_REQUEST['filter']['Concurrent']) ? 1 : 0);
ZM\Logger::Debug('Changes: ' . print_r($changes,true));
if ( $_REQUEST['Id'] and ( $action == 'Save' ) ) {
if ( 0 ) {
dbQuery('UPDATE Filters SET '.$sql.' WHERE Id=?', array($_REQUEST['Id']));
if ( $filter->Background() )
} else {
if ( $action == 'execute' ) {
@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ if ( $action == 'monitor' ) {
} else {
ZM\Error('Error saving new Monitor.');
$error_message = dbError($sql);
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ class Logger {
return( $this->databaseLevel );
return $this->databaseLevel;
public function fileLevel( $fileLevel ) {
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ class Logger {
return( $this->fileLevel );
return $this->fileLevel;
public function weblogLevel( $weblogLevel ) {
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ class Logger {
$this->weblogLevel = $weblogLevel;
return( $this->weblogLevel );
return $this->weblogLevel;
public function syslogLevel( $syslogLevel ) {
@ -317,30 +317,31 @@ class Logger {
return( $this->syslogLevel );
return $this->syslogLevel;
private function openSyslog() {
openlog( $this->id, LOG_PID|LOG_NDELAY, LOG_LOCAL1 );
openlog($this->id, LOG_PID|LOG_NDELAY, LOG_LOCAL1);
private function closeSyslog() {
private function logFile( $logFile ) {
if ( preg_match( '/^(.+)\+$/', $logFile, $matches ) )
private function logFile($logFile) {
if ( preg_match('/^(.+)\+$/', $logFile, $matches) ) {
$this->logFile = $matches[1].'.'.getmypid();
} else {
$this->logFile = $logFile;
private function openFile() {
if ( !$this->useErrorLog ) {
if ( $this->logFd = fopen( $this->logFile, 'a+' ) ) {
if ( strnatcmp( phpversion(), '5.2.0' ) >= 0 ) {
if ( $this->logFd = fopen($this->logFile, 'a+') ) {
if ( strnatcmp(phpversion(), '5.2.0') >= 0 ) {
$error = error_get_last();
trigger_error( "Can't open log file '$logFile': ".$error['message'].' @ '.$error['file'].'/'.$error['line'], E_USER_ERROR );
trigger_error("Can't open log file '$logFile': ".$error['message'].' @ '.$error['file'].'/'.$error['line'], E_USER_ERROR);
$this->fileLevel = self::NOLOG;
@ -349,73 +350,83 @@ class Logger {
private function closeFile() {
if ( $this->logFd )
fclose( $this->logFd );
public function logPrint( $level, $string, $file=NULL, $line=NULL ) {
if ( $level <= $this->effectiveLevel ) {
$string = preg_replace( '/[\r\n]+$/', '', $string );
$code = self::$codes[$level];
if ( $level > $this->effectiveLevel ) {
$time = gettimeofday();
$message = sprintf( '%s.%06d %s[%d].%s [%s]', strftime( '%x %H:%M:%S', $time['sec'] ), $time['usec'], $this->id, getmypid(), $code, $string );
$string = preg_replace('/[\r\n]+$/', '', $string);
$code = self::$codes[$level];
if ( is_null($file) ) {
if ( $this->useErrorLog || $this->databaseLevel > self::NOLOG ) {
$backTrace = debug_backtrace();
$file = $backTrace[1]['file'];
$line = $backTrace[1]['line'];
if ( $this->hasTerm )
$rootPath = getcwd();
$rootPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
$file = preg_replace( '/^'.addcslashes($rootPath,'/').'\/?/', '', $file );
$time = gettimeofday();
$message = sprintf('%s.%06d %s[%d].%s [%s] [%s]',
strftime('%x %H:%M:%S', $time['sec']), $time['usec'],
$this->id, getmypid(), $code, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $string);
if ( $this->useErrorLog )
$message .= ' at '.$file.' line '.$line;
$message = $message;
if ( $level <= $this->termLevel )
if ( is_null($file) ) {
if ( $this->useErrorLog || ($this->databaseLevel > self::NOLOG) ) {
$backTrace = debug_backtrace();
$file = $backTrace[1]['file'];
$line = $backTrace[1]['line'];
if ( $this->hasTerm )
print( $message."\n" );
$rootPath = getcwd();
print( preg_replace( "/\n/", '<br/>', htmlspecialchars($message) ).'<br/>' );
if ( $level <= $this->fileLevel )
if ( $this->useErrorLog ) {
if ( !error_log( $message."\n", 3, $this->logFile ) ) {
if ( strnatcmp( phpversion(), '5.2.0' ) >= 0 ) {
$error = error_get_last();
trigger_error( "Can't write to log file '".$this->logFile."': ".$error['message'].' @ '.$error['file'].'/'.$error['line'], E_USER_ERROR );
} elseif ( $this->logFd ) {
fprintf( $this->logFd, $message."\n" );
$message = $code.' ['.$string.']';
if ( $level <= $this->syslogLevel )
syslog( self::$syslogPriorities[$level], $message );
if ( $level <= $this->databaseLevel ) {
try {
global $dbConn;
$sql = 'INSERT INTO Logs ( TimeKey, Component, Pid, Level, Code, Message, File, Line ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )';
$stmt = $dbConn->prepare( $sql );
$result = $stmt->execute( array( sprintf( '%d.%06d', $time['sec'], $time['usec'] ), $this->id, getmypid(), $level, $code, $string, $file, $line ) );
} catch(PDOException $ex) {
$this->databaseLevel = self::NOLOG;
Error("Can't write log entry '$sql': ". $ex->getMessage());
$rootPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
$file = preg_replace('/^'.addcslashes($rootPath,'/').'\/?/', '', $file);
// This has to be last as trigger_error can be fatal
if ( $level <= $this->weblogLevel ) {
if ( $this->useErrorLog )
error_log( $message, 0 );
trigger_error( $message, self::$phpErrorLevels[$level] );
if ( $this->useErrorLog ) {
$message .= ' at '.$file.' line '.$line;
} else {
$message = $message;
if ( $level <= $this->termLevel ) {
if ( $this->hasTerm )
print(preg_replace("/\n/", '<br/>', htmlspecialchars($message)).'<br/>');
if ( $level <= $this->fileLevel ) {
if ( $this->useErrorLog ) {
if ( !error_log($message."\n", 3, $this->logFile) ) {
if ( strnatcmp(phpversion(), '5.2.0') >= 0 ) {
$error = error_get_last();
trigger_error("Can't write to log file '".$this->logFile."': ".$error['message'].' @ '.$error['file'].'/'.$error['line'], E_USER_ERROR);
} else if ( $this->logFd ) {
fprintf($this->logFd, $message."\n");
$message = $code.' ['.$string.']';
if ( $level <= $this->syslogLevel )
syslog( self::$syslogPriorities[$level], $message );
if ( $level <= $this->databaseLevel ) {
try {
global $dbConn;
$sql = 'INSERT INTO `Logs` ( `TimeKey`, `Component`, `ServerId`, `Pid`, `Level`, `Code`, `Message`, `File`, `Line` ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )';
$stmt = $dbConn->prepare($sql);
$result = $stmt->execute(array(sprintf('%d.%06d', $time['sec'], $time['usec']), $this->id,
(defined('ZM_SERVER_ID') ? ZM_SERVER_ID : null), getmypid(), $level, $code, $string, $file, $line));
} catch(PDOException $ex) {
$this->databaseLevel = self::NOLOG;
Error("Can't write log entry '$sql': ". $ex->getMessage());
// This has to be last as trigger_error can be fatal
if ( $level <= $this->weblogLevel ) {
if ( $this->useErrorLog ) {
error_log($message, 0);
} else {
trigger_error($message, self::$phpErrorLevels[$level]);
@ -981,6 +981,14 @@ $OLANG = array(
"loglevel=debug" Set verbosity of FFmpeg (quiet, panic, fatal, error, warning, info, verbose, debug)
'Help' => '
This is equivalent to the ffmpeg -hwaccel command line option. With intel graphics support, use "vaapi". For NVIDIA cuda support use "cuda". To check for support, run ffmpeg -hwaccels on the command line.'
'Help' => '
This is equivalent to the ffmpeg -hwaccel_device command line option. You should only have to specify this if you have multiple GPUs. A typical value for Intel VAAPI would be /dev/dri/renderD128.'
'OPTIONS_RTSPTrans' => array(
'Help' => '
This sets the RTSP Transport Protocol for FFmpeg.~~
@ -940,6 +940,8 @@ function exportEvents(
$archive = '';
if ( $exportFormat == 'tar' ) {
$archive = ZM_DIR_EXPORTS.'/'.$export_root.($connkey?'_'.$connkey:'').'.tar';
$version = shell_exec('tar -v');
$command = 'tar --create --dereference';
if ( $exportCompressed ) {
$archive .= '.gz';
@ -947,8 +949,11 @@ function exportEvents(
$exportFormat .= '.gz';
if ( $exportStructure == 'flat' ) {
//strip file paths if we
$command .= " --xform='s#^.+/##x'";
if (preg_match("/BSD/i", $version)) {
$command .= " -s '#^.*/##'";
} else {
$command .= " --xform='s#^.+/##x'";
$command .= ' --file='.escapeshellarg($archive);
} elseif ( $exportFormat == 'zip' ) {
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ for ( $i=0; $i < count($terms); $i++ ) {
<td><?php if ( count($terms) > 2 ) { echo htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][obr]", $obracketTypes, $term['obr']); } else { ?> <?php } ?></td>
<td><?php echo htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][attr]", $attrTypes, $term['attr'], 'checkValue(this);'); ?></td>
<td><?php echo htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][attr]", $attrTypes, $term['attr'], array('data-on-change-this'=>'checkValue')); ?></td>
if ( isset($term['attr']) ) {
if ( $term['attr'] == 'Archived' ) {
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ function validateForm( form ) {
function updateButtons(element) {
var form = element.form;
if ( element.type == 'checkbox' && element.checked ) {
form.elements['executeButton'].disabled = false;
} else {
@ -105,6 +104,7 @@ function submitToEvents( element ) {
form.action = thisUrl + '?view=events';
history.replaceState(null, null, '?view=filter&' + $j(form).serialize());
function submitToMontageReview( element ) {
var form = element.form;
form.action = thisUrl + '?view=montagereview';
@ -143,12 +143,12 @@ function deleteFilter( element ) {
function parseRows(rows) {
for (var rowNum = 0; rowNum < rows.length; rowNum++) { //Each row is a term
for ( var rowNum = 0; rowNum < rows.length; rowNum++ ) { //Each row is a term
var queryPrefix = 'filter[Query][terms][';
var inputTds = rows.eq(rowNum).children();
if (rowNum == 0) inputTds.eq(0).html(' '); //Remove and from first term
if (rowNum > 0) { //add and/or to 1+
if ( rowNum == 0 ) inputTds.eq(0).html(' '); //Remove and from first term
if ( rowNum > 0 ) { //add and/or to 1+
var cnjVal = inputTds.eq(0).children().val();
var conjSelect = $j('<select></select>').attr('name', queryPrefix + rowNum + '][cnj]').attr('id', queryPrefix + rowNum + '][cnj]');
$j.each(conjTypes, function(i) {
@ -172,19 +172,19 @@ function parseRows(rows) {
inputTds.eq(1).html(obrSelect).children().val(obrVal); //Set bracket contents and assign saved value
} else {
inputTds.eq(1).html(' '); //Blank if there aren't enough terms for brackets
inputTds.eq(1).html(' '); // Blank if there aren't enough terms for brackets
inputTds.eq(5).html(' ');
if (rows.length == 1) {
inputTds.eq(6).find(':input[value="-"]').prop('disabled', true); //enable/disable remove row button
if ( rows.length == 1 ) {
inputTds.eq(6).find('button[data-on-click-this="delTerm"]').prop('disabled', true); //enable/disable remove row button
} else {
inputTds.eq(6).find(':input[value="-"]').prop('disabled', false);
inputTds.eq(6).find('button[data-on-click-this="delTerm"]').prop('disabled', false);
var attr = inputTds.eq(2).children().val();
if ( attr == "Archived") { //Archived types
if ( attr == "Archived" ) { //Archived types
inputTds.eq(3).html('equal to<input type="hidden" name="filter[Query][terms][' + rowNum + '][op]" value="=">');
var archiveSelect = $j('<select></select>').attr('name', queryPrefix + rowNum + '][val]').attr('id', queryPrefix + rowNum + '][val]');
for (var i = 0; i < archiveTypes.length; i++) {
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ function parseRows(rows) {
term[2] = rowNum;
inputTds.eq(2).children().eq(0).attr('name', 'filter'+stringFilter(term));
inputTds.eq(2).children().eq(0).attr('id', 'filter'+stringFilter(term));
}//End for each term/row
} // End for each term/row
history.replaceState(null, null, '?view=filter&' + $j('#contentForm').serialize());
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ function tlZoomBounds( minTime, maxTime ) {
function tlZoomOut() {
function tlPanLeft() {
@ -229,12 +229,18 @@ function getStreamCmdResponse(respObj, respText) {
} // end if canEditMonitors
if ( streamStatus.auth ) {
auth_hash = streamStatus.auth;
console.log("Have a new auth hash" + streamStatus.auth);
// Try to reload the image stream.
var streamImg = $('liveStream');
if ( streamImg ) {
streamImg.src = streamImg.src.replace(/auth=\w+/i, 'auth='+streamStatus.auth);
streamCmdParms = streamCmdParms.replace(/auth=\w+/i, 'auth='+streamStatus.auth);
statusCmdParms = statusCmdParms.replace(/auth=\w+/i, 'auth='+streamStatus.auth);
eventCmdParms = eventCmdParms.replace(/auth=\w+/i, 'auth='+streamStatus.auth);
actParms = actParms.replace(/auth=\w+/i, 'auth='+streamStatus.auth);
controlParms = controlParms.replace(/auth=\w+/i, 'auth='+streamStatus.auth);
} // end if have a new auth hash
} // end if respObj.status
} else {
@ -473,6 +479,9 @@ function getActResponse( respObj, respText ) {
function deleteEvent( event, eventId ) {
var actParms = "view=request&request=event&action=delete&id="+eventId;
if ( auth_hash ) {
actParms += '&auth='+auth_hash;
var actReq = new Request.JSON( {
url: thisUrl,
method: 'post',
@ -831,13 +831,13 @@ include('_monitor_source_nvsocket.php');
<tr class="DecoderHWAccelName">
<td><?php echo translate('DecoderHWAccelName') ?>
(<?php echo makePopupLink('?view=optionhelp&option=DECODERHWACCELNAME', 'zmOptionHelp', 'optionhelp', '?') ?>)
(<?php echo makePopupLink('?view=optionhelp&option=OPTIONS_DECODERHWACCELNAME', 'zmOptionHelp', 'optionhelp', '?') ?>)
<td><input type="text" name="newMonitor[DecoderHWAccelName]" value="<?php echo validHtmlStr($monitor->DecoderHWAccelName()) ?>"/></td>
<tr class="DecoderHWAccelDevice">
<td><?php echo translate('DecoderHWAccelDevice') ?>
(<?php echo makePopupLink('?view=optionhelp&option=DECODERHWACCELDEVIC', 'zmOptionHelp', 'optionhelp', '?') ?>)
(<?php echo makePopupLink('?view=optionhelp&option=OPTIONS_DECODERHWACCELDEVICE', 'zmOptionHelp', 'optionhelp', '?') ?>)
<td><input type="text" name="newMonitor[DecoderHWAccelDevice]" value="<?php echo validHtmlStr($monitor->DecoderHWAccelDevice()) ?>"/></td>
@ -872,6 +872,7 @@ if ( $monitor->Type() != 'NVSocket' && $monitor->Type() != 'WebSite' ) {
'1920x1080'=>'1920x1080 1080p',
'2048x1536'=>'2048x1536 3MP',
'2592x1944'=>'2592x1944 5MP',
'3840x2160'=>'3840x2160 4K UHD',
), $monitor->Width().'x'.$monitor->Height()
@ -247,18 +247,18 @@ function probeNetwork() {
$arp_command = ZM_PATH_ARP;
$result = explode(' ', $arp_command);
if ( !is_executable($result[0]) ) {
ZM\Error("ARP compatible binary not found or not executable by the web user account. Verify ZM_PATH_ARP points to a valid arp tool.");
ZM\Error('ARP compatible binary not found or not executable by the web user account. Verify ZM_PATH_ARP points to a valid arp tool.');
return $cameras;
$result = exec(escapeshellcmd($arp_command), $output, $status);
if ( $status ) {
ZM\Error("Unable to probe network cameras, status is '$status'");
return $cameras;
$monitors = array();
foreach ( dbFetchAll("SELECT Id, Name, Host FROM Monitors WHERE Type = 'Remote' ORDER BY Host") as $monitor ) {
foreach ( dbFetchAll("SELECT `Id`, `Name`, `Host` FROM `Monitors` WHERE `Type` = 'Remote' ORDER BY `Host`") as $monitor ) {
if ( preg_match('/^(.+)@(.+)$/', $monitor['Host'], $matches) ) {
//echo "1: ".$matches[2]." = ".gethostbyname($matches[2])."<br/>";
$monitors[gethostbyname($matches[2])] = $monitor;
@ -277,29 +277,29 @@ function probeNetwork() {
'78:a5:dd' => array('type'=>'Wansview','probeFunc'=>'probeWansview')
foreach ( $output as $line ) {
if ( !preg_match('/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*(([0-9a-f]{2}:){5})/', $line, $matches) )
$ip = $matches[1];
$host = $ip;
$mac = $matches[2];
//echo "I:$ip, H:$host, M:$mac<br/>";
$macRoot = substr($mac,0,8);
if ( isset($macBases[$macRoot]) ) {
$macBase = $macBases[$macRoot];
$camera = call_user_func($macBase['probeFunc'], $ip);
$sourceDesc = base64_encode(serialize($camera['monitor']));
$sourceString = $camera['model'].' @ '.$host;
if ( isset($monitors[$ip]) ) {
$monitor = $monitors[$ip];
$sourceString .= ' ('.$monitor['Name'].')';
} else {
$sourceString .= ' - '.translate('Available');
$cameras[$sourceDesc] = $sourceString;
foreach ( $output as $line ) {
if ( !preg_match('/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*(([0-9a-f]{2}:){5})/', $line, $matches) )
$ip = $matches[1];
$host = $ip;
$mac = $matches[2];
//echo "I:$ip, H:$host, M:$mac<br/>";
$macRoot = substr($mac,0,8);
if ( isset($macBases[$macRoot]) ) {
$macBase = $macBases[$macRoot];
$camera = call_user_func($macBase['probeFunc'], $ip);
$sourceDesc = base64_encode(serialize($camera['monitor']));
$sourceString = $camera['model'].' @ '.$host;
if ( isset($monitors[$ip]) ) {
$monitor = $monitors[$ip];
$sourceString .= ' ('.$monitor['Name'].')';
} else {
$sourceString .= ' - '.translate('Available');
} # end foreach output line
return $cameras;
$cameras[$sourceDesc] = $sourceString;
} # end foreach output line
return $cameras;
} # end function probeNetwork()
$cameras = array();
@ -278,8 +278,8 @@ foreach ( array_map('basename', glob('skins/'.$skin.'/css/*',GLOB_ONLYDIR)) as $
<td class="colScheme"><?php echo makePopupLink('?view=storage&id='.$Storage->Id(), 'zmStorage', 'storage', validHtmlStr($Storage->Scheme()), $canEdit ) ?></td>
<td class="colServer"><?php echo makePopupLink('?view=storage&id='.$Storage->Id(), 'zmStorage', 'storage', validHtmlStr($Storage->Server()->Name()), $canEdit ) ?></td>
<td class="colDiskSpace"><?php echo human_filesize($Storage->disk_used_space()) . ' of ' . human_filesize($Storage->disk_total_space()) ?></td>
<td class="ColEvents"><?php echo count($Storage->Events()).' using '.human_filesize($Storage->event_disk_space()) ?></td>
<td class="colMark"><input type="checkbox" name="markIds[]" value="<?php echo $Storage->Id() ?>" data-on-click-this="configureDeleteButton"<?php if ( count($Storage->Events()) or !$canEdit ) { ?> disabled="disabled"<?php } ?><?php echo count($Storage->Events()) ? ' title="Can\'t delete as long as there are events stored here."' : ''?>/></td>
<td class="ColEvents"><?php echo $Storage->EventCount().' using '.human_filesize($Storage->event_disk_space()) ?></td>
<td class="colMark"><input type="checkbox" name="markIds[]" value="<?php echo $Storage->Id() ?>" data-on-click-this="configureDeleteButton"<?php if ( $Storage->EventCount() or !$canEdit ) { ?> disabled="disabled"<?php } ?><?php echo $Storage->EventCount() ? ' title="Can\'t delete as long as there are events stored here."' : ''?>/></td>
<?php } #end foreach Server ?>
Reference in New Issue