improve htmlSelect and add Storage and Server filters to console

Isaac Connor 2017-10-19 09:50:07 -04:00
parent 32ba53cf1b
commit cf2eace2c7
2 changed files with 35 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -560,10 +560,15 @@ function htmlSelect( $name, $contents, $values, $behaviours=false ) {
$html = "<select name=\"$name\" id=\"$name\"$behaviourText>";
foreach ( $contents as $value=>$text ) {
if ( is_array( $text ) )
$text = $text['Name'];
else if ( is_object( $text ) )
$text = $text->Name();
//for ( $i = 0; $i < count($contents); $i +=2 ) {
//$value = $contents[$i];
//$text = $contents[$i+1];
$selected = is_array( $values ) ? in_array( $value, $values ) : $value==$values;
$selected = is_array( $values ) ? in_array( $value, $values ) : !strcmp($value, $values);
//Warning("Selected is $selected from $value and $values");
$html .= "<option value=\"$value\"".($selected?" selected=\"selected\"":'').">$text</option>";
$html .= '</select>';

View File

@ -26,9 +26,17 @@ foreach ( $servers as $S ) {
foreach ( array('ServerFilter','StorageFilter') as $var ) {
if ( isset( $_REQUEST[$var] ) ) {
$_SESSION[$var] = $_REQUEST[$var];
} else if ( isset( $_COOKIES[$var] ) ) {
$_SESSION[$var] = $_COOKIES[$var];
if ( $_REQUEST[$var] != '' ) {
$_SESSION[$var] = $_REQUEST[$var];
} else {
unset( $_SESSION[$var] );
} else if ( isset( $_COOKIE[$var] ) ) {
if ( $_COOKIE[$var] != '' ) {
$_SESSION[$var] = $_COOKIE[$var];
} else {
@ -151,7 +159,21 @@ $groupSql = Group::get_group_sql( $group_id );
$maxHeight = 0;
# Used to determine if the Cycle button should be made available
$monitors = dbFetchAll( 'SELECT * FROM Monitors'.($groupSql?' WHERE '.$groupSql:'').' ORDER BY Sequence ASC' );
$conditions = array();
$values = array();
if ( $groupSql )
$conditions[] = $groupSql;
if ( isset($_SESSION['ServerFilter']) ) {
$conditions[] = 'ServerId=?';
$values[] = $_SESSION['ServerFilter'];
if ( isset($_SESSION['StorageFilter']) ) {
$conditions[] = 'StorageId=?';
$values[] = $_SESSION['StorageFilter'];
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM Monitors' . ( count($conditions) ? ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $conditions ) : '' ).' ORDER BY Sequence ASC';
$monitors = dbFetchAll( $sql, null, $values );
$displayMonitors = array();
$monitors_dropdown = array(''=>'All');
@ -204,15 +226,15 @@ for( $i = 0; $i < count($displayMonitors); $i += 1 ) {
<?php if ( count($ServersById) > 0 ) { ?>
<span id="ServerFilter"><label><?php echo translate('Server')?>:</label>
echo htmlSelect( array_merge(array(''=>'All'), $ServersById ), $_SESSION['ServerFilter'], array('onchange'=>'changeFilter(this);') );
echo htmlSelect( 'ServerFilter', array_merge(array(''=>'All'), $ServersById ), (isset($_SESSION['ServerFilter'])?$_SESSION['ServerFilter']:''), array('onchange'=>'changeFilter(this);') );
if ( count($StorageById) > 0 ) { ?>
<span id="StorageFilter"><label><?php echo translate('StorageFilter')?>:</label>
<span id="StorageFilter"><label><?php echo translate('Storage')?>:</label>
echo htmlSelect( array_merge(array(''=>'All'), $StorageById ), $_SESSION['StorageFilter'], array('onchange'=>'changeFilter(this);') );
echo htmlSelect( 'StorageFilter', array_merge(array(''=>'All'), $StorageById ), (isset($_SESSION['StorageFilter'])?$_SESSION['StorageFilter']:''), array('onchange'=>'changeFilter(this);') );