Fix cameras not appearing online because we aren't ever updating the Monitor_Status record

Isaac Connor 2024-08-21 18:08:31 -04:00
parent 5379f2273b
commit c1ffd32f1e
1 changed files with 1 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1943,18 +1943,16 @@ void Monitor::UpdateFPS() {
} // end if fps_report_interval
shared_data->capture_fps = new_capture_fps;
last_fps_time = now;
last_capture_image_count = shared_data->image_count;
shared_data->analysis_fps = new_analysis_fps;
last_motion_frame_count = motion_frame_count;
last_camera_bytes = new_camera_bytes;
last_fps_time = now;
if (elapsed > Seconds(10)) {
std::string sql = stringtf(
"UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY Monitor_Status SET Status='Connected', CaptureFPS = %.2lf, CaptureBandwidth=%u, AnalysisFPS = %.2lf, UpdatedOn=NOW() WHERE MonitorId=%u",
new_capture_fps, new_capture_bandwidth, new_analysis_fps, id);
} // now != last_fps_time
} // void Monitor::UpdateFPS()