rough in add monitors import wizard

Isaac Connor 2017-10-27 20:52:08 -07:00
parent eb48759ff8
commit c16e101120
3 changed files with 410 additions and 0 deletions

web/ajax/add_monitors.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
function unparse_url($parsed_url, $substitutions = array() ) {
$fields = array('scheme','host','port','user','pass','path','query','fragment');
foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
if ( isset( $substitutions[$field] ) ) {
$parsed_url[$field] = $substitutions[$field];
$scheme = isset($parsed_url['scheme']) ? $parsed_url['scheme'] . '://' : '';
$host = isset($parsed_url['host']) ? $parsed_url['host'] : '';
$port = isset($parsed_url['port']) ? ':' . $parsed_url['port'] : '';
$user = isset($parsed_url['user']) ? $parsed_url['user'] : '';
$pass = isset($parsed_url['pass']) ? ':' . $parsed_url['pass'] : '';
$pass = ($user || $pass) ? "$pass@" : '';
$path = isset($parsed_url['path']) ? $parsed_url['path'] : '';
$query = isset($parsed_url['query']) ? '?' . $parsed_url['query'] : '';
$fragment = isset($parsed_url['fragment']) ? '#' . $parsed_url['fragment'] : '';
return "$scheme$user$pass$host$port$path$query$fragment";
$defaultMonitor = new Monitor();
'StorageId' => 1,
'ServerId' => 'auto',
'Function' => 'Record',
'Type' => 'Ffmpeg',
'Enabled' => '1',
'Colour' => '4', // 32bit
'PreEventCount' => 0,
) );
function probe( &$url_bits ) {
global $defaultMonitor;
$available_streams = array();
if ( ! isset($url_bits['port']) ) {
// No port given, do a port scan
foreach ( range( 2000, 2007 ) as $port ) {
$socket = socket_create( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP );
socket_set_option( $socket,
SOL_SOCKET, // socket level
SO_SNDTIMEO, // timeout option
"sec"=>0, // Timeout in seconds
"usec"=>500 // I assume timeout in microseconds
$new_stream = null;
Info("Testing connection to " . $url_bits['host'].':'.$port);
if ( socket_connect( $socket, $url_bits['host'], $port ) ) {
$new_stream = $url_bits; // make a copy
$new_stream['port'] = $port;
} else {
Info("No connection to ".$url_bits['host'] . " on port $port");
if ( $new_stream ) {
if ( ! isset($new_stream['scheme'] ) )
$new_stream['scheme'] = 'http';
$url = unparse_url($new_stream, array('path'=>'/', 'query'=>'action=snapshot'));
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize( $url );
Info("Got $width x $height from $url");
$new_stream['Width'] = $width;
$new_stream['Height'] = $height;
//try {
//if ( $response = do_request( 'GET', $url ) ) {
//$new_stream['path'] = '/';
//$new_stream['query'] = '?action=stream';
//$image = imagecreatefromstring($response);
////$size = getimagesize( $image );
//} else {
//Info("No response from $url");
//} catch ( EXception $e ) {
//Info("No response from $url");
$available_streams[] = $new_stream;
} // end if new_Stream
} // end foreach port to scan
} else {
// A port was specified, so don't need to port scan.
$available_streams[] = $url_bits;
foreach ( $available_streams as &$stream ) {
# check for existence in db.
$stream['url'] = unparse_url( $stream, array( 'path'=>'/','query'=>'action=stream' ) );
$monitors = Monitor::find_all( array( 'Path'=>$stream['url'] ) );
if ( count($monitors ) ) {
$stream['Monitor'] = $monitors[0];
if ( isset( $stream['Width'] ) and ( $stream['Monitor']->Width() != $stream['Width'] ) ) {
$stream['Warning'] .= 'Monitor width ('.$stream['Monitor']->Width().') and stream width ('.$stream['Width'].") do not match!\n";
if ( isset( $stream['Height'] ) and ( $stream['Monitor']->Height() != $stream['Height'] ) ) {
$stream['Warning'] .= 'Monitor height ('.$stream['Monitor']->Height().') and stream width ('.$stream['Height'].") do not match!\n";
} else {
$stream['Monitor'] = $defaultMonitor;
if ( isset($stream['Width']) ) {
$stream['Monitor']->Width( $stream['Width'] );
$stream['Monitor']->Height( $stream['Height'] );
} // Monitor found or not
} // end foreach Stream
#$macCommandString = 'arp ' . $url_bits['host'] . " | awk 'BEGIN{ i=1; } { i++; if(i==3) print $3 }'";
#$mac = exec($macCommandString);
#Info("Mac $mac");
return $available_streams;
} // end function probe
if ( canEdit( 'Monitors' ) ) {
switch ( $_REQUEST['action'] ) {
case 'probe' :
$available_streams = array();
$url_bits = null;
if ( preg_match('/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/', $_REQUEST['url'] ) ) {
$url_bits = array( 'host'=>$_REQUEST['url'] );
} else {
$url_bits = parse_url( $_REQUEST['url'] );
if ( 0 ) {
// Shortcut test
$monitors = Monitor::find_all( array( 'Path'=>$_REQUEST['url'] ) );
if ( count( $monitors ) ) {
Info("Monitor found for " . $_REQUEST['url']);
$url_bits['url'] = $_REQUEST['url'];
$url_bits['Monitor'] = $monitors[0];
$available_stream[] = $url_bits;
ajaxResponse( array ( 'Streams'=>$available_streams) );
} # end url already has a monitor
if ( ! $url_bits ) {
ajaxError("The given URL was too malformed to parse.");
$available_streams = probe( $url_bits );
ajaxResponse( array('Streams'=>$available_streams) );
} // end case url_probe
case 'import':
$file = $_FILES['import_file'];
if ($file["error"] > 0) {
} else {
$filename = $file["name"];
$available_streams = array();
$row = 1;
if (($handle = fopen($file['tmp_name'], 'r')) !== FALSE) {
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
$name = $data[0];
$url = $data[1];
$group = $data[2];
Info("Have the following line data $name $url $group");
$url_bits = null;
if ( preg_match('/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/', $url) ) {
$url_bits = array( 'host'=>$url, 'scheme'=>'http' );
} else {
$url_bits = parse_url( $url );
if ( ! $url_bits ) {
Info("Bad url, skipping line $name $url $group");
$available_streams += probe( $url_bits );
//$url_bits['url'] = unparse_url( $url_bits );
//$url_bits['Monitor'] = $defaultMonitor;
//$url_bits['Monitor']->Name( $name );
//$url_bits['Monitor']->merge( $_POST['newMonitor'] );
//$available_streams[] = $url_bits;
} // end while rows
ajaxResponse( array('Streams'=>$available_streams) );
} else {
ajaxError("Uploaded file does not exist");
} // end case import
Warning("unknown action " . $_REQUEST['action'] );
} // end ddcase default
} else {
Warning("Cannot edit monitors" );
ajaxError( 'Unrecognised action or insufficient permissions' );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
// ZoneMinder web function view file, $Date$, $Revision$
// Copyright (C) 2017 ZoneMinder LLC
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
if ( !canEdit( 'Monitors' ) ) {
$view = 'error';
$focusWindow = true;
$navbar = getNavBarHTML();
xhtmlHeaders(__FILE__, translate('AddMonitors'));
<div id="page">
<?php echo $navbar ?>
<div id="content">
<form name="contentForm" id="contentForm" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>">
<div style="position:relative;">
<div id="results" style="position: absolute; top:0; right: 0; width: 50%; height: 100%;">
<div id="url_results">
<div style="width:50%;position: absolute; top:0; left: 0;height: 100%;">
<fieldset><legend>Enter by IP or URL</legend>
<!--<input type="text" name="newMonitor[Name]" />-->
<input type="url" name="newMonitor[Url]" oninput="probe(this);"/>
<fieldset><legend>Import CSV Spreadsheet</legend>
Spreadsheet should have the following format:<br/>
<table class="major">
<tr title="Example Data">
<td>Example Name MN1-30 INQ37.01</td>
Defaults to apply to each monitor:<br/>
<tr><td><?php echo translate('Function') ?></td><td>
$options = array();
foreach ( getEnumValues('Monitors', 'Function') as $opt ) {
$options[$opt] = translate('Fn'.$opt);
echo htmlSelect( 'newMonitor[Function]', $options, 'Record' );
$servers = Server::find_all();
$ServersById = array();
foreach ( $servers as $S ) {
$ServersById[$S->Id()] = $S;
if ( count($ServersById) > 0 ) { ?>
<tr class="Server"><td><?php echo translate('Server')?></td><td>
<?php echo htmlSelect( 'newMonitor[ServerId]', array(''=>'Auto')+$ServersById, '' ); ?>
$storage_areas = Storage::find_all();
$StorageById = array();
foreach ( $storage_areas as $S ) {
$StorageById[$S->Id()] = $S;
if ( count($StorageById) > 0 ) {
<tr class="Storage"><td><?php echo translate('Storage')?></td><td>
<?php echo htmlSelect( 'newMonitor[StorageId]', array(''=>'All')+$StorageById, 1 ); ?>
<input type="file" name="import_file" id="import_file"/>
<input type="button" value="Import" onclick="import_csv(this.form);"/>
<?php xhtmlFooter() ?>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
var probeReq = new Request.JSON( { url:thisUrl, method: 'get', timeout: AJAX_TIMEOUT, link: 'cancel', onSuccess: getProbeResponse } );
function probe( url_e ) {
probeReq.send( "request=add_monitors&action=probe&url="+url_e.value );
var ProbeResults;
function getProbeResponse( respObj, respText ) {
if ( checkStreamForErrors( "getProbeResponse", respObj ) )
if ( respObj.Streams ) {
parseStreams( respObj.Streams );
} else {
alert("No Streams");
} // end function getProbeResponse
function parseStreams( Streams ) {
ProbeResults = Array();
var results_div = $j('#url_results')[0];
if ( ! results_div ) {
console.log("No results div found.");
results_div.innerHTML = '';
var html = '';
for( i in Streams ) {
var stream = Streams[i];
if ( stream.url ) {
html += '<p>'+stream.url;
if ( stream.Monitor.Id ) {
html += ' is already entered into the system by Monitor ' + stream.Monitor.Id + ' ' + stream.Monitor.Name + '<br/>';
html += '<input type="button" value="Edit" onclick="addMonitor(\''+stream.url+'\');"/>';
} else {
html += '<input type="button" value="Add" onclick="addMonitor(\''+stream.url+'\');"/>';
html += '</p>';
ProbeResults[stream.url] = stream;
} else {
} // end for eah Stream
results_div.innerHTML = html;
function addMonitor(url) {
if ( ! ProbeResults[url] ) {
alert("Monitor for url " + url + " not found in probe results." );
var Stream = ProbeResults[url];
var Monitor = Stream.Monitor;
popup_url = '?view=monitor&newMonitor[Path]='+url;
keys = Object.keys( Monitor );
for ( i in Monitor ) {
if ( ! Monitor[i] )
if ( Monitor[i] == 'null' )
popup_url += '&newMonitor['+i+']='+Monitor[i];
createPopup( popup_url, 'zmMonitor0', 'monitor' );
function import_csv( form ) {
var formData = new FormData( form );
//formData.append('file', $('#file')[0].files[0]);
url : thisUrl+"?request=add_monitors&action=import",
type : 'POST',
data : formData,
processData: false, // tell jQuery not to process the data
contentType: false, // tell jQuery not to set contentType
success : function(data) {
var json = JSON.parse(data);
parseStreams( json.Streams );