pass a minimum event hash instead of the event id to deleteEvent

Isaac Connor 2015-02-06 11:50:07 -05:00
parent 9a1e210849
commit bcdac0104f
1 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -574,9 +574,10 @@ if ( !empty($action) )
// well time out before completing, in which case zmaudit will still tidy up
$markEids = dbFetchAll( "select Id from Events where MonitorId=?", 'Id', array($markMid) );
// Slight hack, we maybe should load *, but we happen to know that the deleteEvent function uses Id and StartTime.
$markEids = dbFetchAll( "SELECT Id,StartTime FROM Events WHERE MonitorId=?", NULL, array($markMid) );
foreach( $markEids as $markEid )
deleteEvent( $markEid );
deleteEvent( $markEid, $markMid );
deletePath( ZM_DIR_EVENTS."/".basename($monitor['Name']) );
deletePath( ZM_DIR_EVENTS."/".$monitor['Id'] ); // I'm trusting the Id.