Added orientation and tidied up a bit.
git-svn-id: e3e1d417-86f3-4887-817a-d78f3d33393fpull/27/merge
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
EXTRA_DIST = zmschema.sql.z zmalter-0.0.1.sql zmalter-0.9.7.sql zmalter-0.9.8.sql zmalter-0.9.9.sql zmalter-0.9.10.sql
EXTRA_DIST = zmschema.sql.z zmalter-0.0.1.sql zmalter-0.9.7.sql zmalter-0.9.8.sql zmalter-0.9.9.sql zmalter-0.9.10.sql zmalter-0.9.11.sql
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
target_alias = @target_alias@
EXTRA_DIST = zmschema.sql.z zmalter-0.0.1.sql zmalter-0.9.7.sql zmalter-0.9.8.sql zmalter-0.9.9.sql zmalter-0.9.10.sql
EXTRA_DIST = zmschema.sql.z zmalter-0.0.1.sql zmalter-0.9.7.sql zmalter-0.9.8.sql zmalter-0.9.9.sql zmalter-0.9.10.sql zmalter-0.9.11.sql
subdir = db
mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
-- This updates a 0.9.11 database to 0.9.12
alter table Monitors add column Orientation enum('0','90','180','270') not null default '0' after Palette;
-- These are optional, it just seemed a good time...
optimize table Frames;
optimize table Events;
optimize table Filters;
optimize table Zones;
optimize table Monitors;
optimize table Stats;
@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ CREATE TABLE Monitors (
Width smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
Height smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
Palette tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
Orientation enum('0','90','180','270') NOT NULL default '0',
LabelFormat varchar(32) NOT NULL default '%%s - %y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S',
LabelX smallint(5) unsigned default NULL,
LabelY smallint(5) unsigned default NULL,
@ -56,19 +56,7 @@ public:
unsigned int ImageSize() const { return( colours*width*height ); }
virtual int PreCapture()=0;
virtual unsigned char *PostCapture()=0;
virtual int PostCapture( Image &image )=0;
inline unsigned char *Capture()
return( PostCapture() );
inline int Capture( Image &image )
return( PostCapture( image ) );
#endif // ZM_CAMERA_H
@ -53,3 +53,8 @@
#define ZM_OPT_ADAPTIVE_SKIP <from zmconfig> // Whether we use the adaptive skip algorithm
#define ZM_OPT_FRAME_SERVER <from zmconfig> // Whether we use the frame server to speed things up
#define ZM_MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH 2048 // The largest image we imagine ever handling
#define ZM_MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT 1536 // The largest image we imagine ever handling
#define ZM_MAX_IMAGE_COLOURS 3 // The largest image we imagine ever handling
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ bool Event::SendFrameImage( const Image *image, bool alarm_frame )
static int jpg_buffer_size = 0;
//static unsigned char jpg_buffer[monitor->CameraWidth()*monitor->CameraHeight()];
static unsigned char jpg_buffer[2048*1536];
static unsigned char jpg_buffer[ZM_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE];
image->EncodeJpeg( jpg_buffer, &jpg_buffer_size );
@ -706,3 +706,123 @@ void Image::Fill( Rgb colour, const Box *limits )
void Image::Rotate( int angle )
angle %= 360;
if ( !angle )
if ( angle%90 )
static unsigned char rotate_buffer[ZM_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE];
switch( angle )
case 90 :
int temp = width;
width = height;
height = temp;
unsigned char *s_ptr = buffer;
if ( colours == 1 )
unsigned char *d_ptr;
for ( int i = width-1; i >= 0; i-- )
d_ptr = rotate_buffer+i;
for ( int j = height-1; j >= 0; j-- )
*d_ptr = *s_ptr++;
d_ptr += width;
unsigned char *d_ptr;
for ( int i = width-1; i >= 0; i-- )
d_ptr = rotate_buffer+(3*i);
for ( int j = height-1; j >= 0; j-- )
*d_ptr = *s_ptr++;
*(d_ptr+1) = *s_ptr++;
*(d_ptr+2) = *s_ptr++;
d_ptr += (3*width);
case 180 :
unsigned char *s_ptr = buffer+size;
unsigned char *d_ptr = rotate_buffer;
if ( colours == 1 )
while( s_ptr > buffer )
*d_ptr++ = *s_ptr;
while( s_ptr > buffer )
s_ptr -= 3;
*d_ptr++ = *s_ptr;
*d_ptr++ = *(s_ptr+1);
*d_ptr++ = *(s_ptr+2);
case 270 :
int temp = width;
width = height;
height = temp;
unsigned char *s_ptr = buffer+size;
if ( colours == 1 )
unsigned char *d_ptr;
for ( int i = width-1; i >= 0; i-- )
d_ptr = rotate_buffer+i;
for ( int j = height-1; j >= 0; j-- )
*d_ptr = *s_ptr;
d_ptr += width;
unsigned char *d_ptr;
for ( int i = width-1; i >= 0; i-- )
d_ptr = rotate_buffer+(3*i);
for ( int j = height-1; j >= 0; j-- )
*(d_ptr+2) = *(--s_ptr);
*(d_ptr+1) = *(--s_ptr);
*d_ptr = *(--s_ptr);
d_ptr += (3*width);
memcpy( buffer, rotate_buffer, size );
@ -121,10 +121,14 @@ public:
width = p_width;
height = p_height;
colours = p_colours;
size = width*height*colours;
delete[] buffer;
buffer = new JSAMPLE[size];
memset( buffer, 0, size );
int new_size = width*height*colours;
if ( size != new_size )
size = new_size;
delete[] buffer;
buffer = new JSAMPLE[size];
memset( buffer, 0, size );
memcpy( buffer, new_buffer, size );
@ -164,6 +168,7 @@ public:
void Fill( Rgb colour, const Box *limits=0 );
void Hatch( Rgb colour, const Box *limits=0 );
void Rotate( int angle );
#endif // ZM_IMAGE_H
@ -446,22 +446,6 @@ int LocalCamera::PreCapture()
return( 0 );
unsigned char *LocalCamera::PostCapture()
//Info(( "%s: Capturing image", id ));
if ( ioctl(m_videohandle, VIDIOCSYNC, &m_sync_frame) )
Error(( "Sync failure for frame %d: %s", m_sync_frame, strerror(errno)));
return( 0 );
unsigned char *buffer = m_buffer+(m_sync_frame*m_vmb.size/m_vmb.frames);
m_sync_frame = (m_sync_frame+1)%m_vmb.frames;
return( buffer );
int LocalCamera::PostCapture( Image &image )
//Info(( "%s: Capturing image", id ));
@ -475,14 +459,14 @@ int LocalCamera::PostCapture( Image &image )
unsigned char *buffer = m_buffer+(m_sync_frame*m_vmb.size/m_vmb.frames);
m_sync_frame = (m_sync_frame+1)%m_vmb.frames;
static unsigned char temp_buffer[2048*1536];
static unsigned char temp_buffer[ZM_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE];
switch( palette )
static unsigned char y_plane[2048*1536];
static char u_plane[2048*1536];
static char v_plane[2048*1536];
static unsigned char y_plane[ZM_MAX_IMAGE_DIM];
static char u_plane[ZM_MAX_IMAGE_DIM];
static char v_plane[ZM_MAX_IMAGE_DIM];
unsigned char *rgb_ptr = temp_buffer;
unsigned char *y_ptr = y_plane;
@ -632,6 +616,7 @@ int LocalCamera::PostCapture( Image &image )
image.Assign( width, height, colours, buffer );
return( 0 );
@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ public:
unsigned int Format() const { return( format ); }
int PreCapture();
unsigned char *PostCapture();
int PostCapture( Image &image );
static bool GetCurrentSettings( int device, char *output, bool verbose );
@ -26,14 +26,14 @@
#include "zm_local_camera.h"
#include "zm_remote_camera.h"
Monitor::Monitor( int p_id, char *p_name, int p_function, int p_device, int p_channel, int p_format, int p_width, int p_height, int p_colours, bool p_capture, char *p_label_format, const Coord &p_label_coord, int p_image_buffer_count, int p_warmup_count, int p_pre_event_count, int p_post_event_count, int p_capture_delay, int p_fps_report_interval, int p_ref_blend_perc, int p_n_zones, Zone *p_zones[] ) : id( p_id ), function( (Function)p_function ), label_coord( p_label_coord ), image_buffer_count( p_image_buffer_count ), warmup_count( p_warmup_count ), pre_event_count( p_pre_event_count ), post_event_count( p_post_event_count ), capture_delay( p_capture_delay ), fps_report_interval( p_fps_report_interval ), ref_blend_perc( p_ref_blend_perc ), image( p_width, p_height, p_colours ), ref_image( p_width, p_height, p_colours ), n_zones( p_n_zones ), zones( p_zones )
Monitor::Monitor( int p_id, char *p_name, int p_function, int p_device, int p_channel, int p_format, int p_width, int p_height, int p_palette, int p_orientation, char *p_label_format, const Coord &p_label_coord, int p_image_buffer_count, int p_warmup_count, int p_pre_event_count, int p_post_event_count, int p_capture_delay, int p_fps_report_interval, int p_ref_blend_perc, bool p_capture, int p_n_zones, Zone *p_zones[] ) : id( p_id ), function( (Function)p_function ), width( p_width ), height( p_height ), orientation( (Orientation)p_orientation ), label_coord( p_label_coord ), image_buffer_count( p_image_buffer_count ), warmup_count( p_warmup_count ), pre_event_count( p_pre_event_count ), post_event_count( p_post_event_count ), capture_delay( p_capture_delay ), fps_report_interval( p_fps_report_interval ), ref_blend_perc( p_ref_blend_perc ), image( width, height, (p_palette==VIDEO_PALETTE_GREY?1:3) ), ref_image( width, height, (p_palette==VIDEO_PALETTE_GREY?1:3) ), n_zones( p_n_zones ), zones( p_zones )
name = new char[strlen(p_name)+1];
strcpy( name, p_name );
strcpy( label_format, p_label_format );
camera = new LocalCamera( p_device, p_channel, p_format, p_width, p_height, p_colours, p_capture );
camera = new LocalCamera( p_device, p_channel, p_format, (p_orientation%2)?width:height, (orientation%2)?height:width, p_palette, p_capture );
fps = 0.0;
event_count = 0;
@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ Monitor::Monitor( int p_id, char *p_name, int p_function, int p_device, int p_ch
for ( int i = 0; i < image_buffer_count; i++ )
image_buffer[i].timestamp = &(shared_images->timestamps[i]);
image_buffer[i].image = new Image( camera->Width(), camera->Height(), camera->Colours(), &(shared_images->images[i*camera->ImageSize()]) );
image_buffer[i].image = new Image( width, height, camera->Colours(), &(shared_images->images[i*camera->ImageSize()]) );
if ( !n_zones )
n_zones = 1;
zones = new Zone *[1];
zones[0] = new Zone( this, 0, "All", Zone::ACTIVE, Box( camera->Width(), camera->Height() ), RGB_RED );
zones[0] = new Zone( this, 0, "All", Zone::ACTIVE, Box( width, height ), RGB_RED );
start_time = last_fps_time = time( 0 );
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Monitor::Monitor( int p_id, char *p_name, int p_function, int p_device, int p_ch
if ( !p_capture )
ref_image.Assign( camera->Width(), camera->Height(), camera->Colours(), image_buffer[shared_images->last_write_index].image->Buffer() );
ref_image.Assign( width, height, camera->Colours(), image_buffer[shared_images->last_write_index].image->Buffer() );
@ -127,14 +127,14 @@ Monitor::Monitor( int p_id, char *p_name, int p_function, int p_device, int p_ch
record_event_stats = ZM_RECORD_EVENT_STATS;
Monitor::Monitor( int p_id, char *p_name, int p_function, const char *p_host, const char *p_port, const char *p_path, int p_width, int p_height, int p_colours, bool p_capture, char *p_label_format, const Coord &p_label_coord, int p_image_buffer_count, int p_warmup_count, int p_pre_event_count, int p_post_event_count, int p_capture_delay, int p_fps_report_interval, int p_ref_blend_perc, int p_n_zones, Zone *p_zones[] ) : id( p_id ), function( (Function)p_function ), label_coord( p_label_coord ), image_buffer_count( p_image_buffer_count ), warmup_count( p_warmup_count ), pre_event_count( p_pre_event_count ), post_event_count( p_post_event_count ), capture_delay( p_capture_delay ), fps_report_interval( p_fps_report_interval ), ref_blend_perc( p_ref_blend_perc ), image( p_width, p_height, p_colours ), ref_image( p_width, p_height, p_colours ), n_zones( p_n_zones ), zones( p_zones )
Monitor::Monitor( int p_id, char *p_name, int p_function, const char *p_host, const char *p_port, const char *p_path, int p_width, int p_height, int p_palette, int p_orientation, char *p_label_format, const Coord &p_label_coord, int p_image_buffer_count, int p_warmup_count, int p_pre_event_count, int p_post_event_count, int p_capture_delay, int p_fps_report_interval, int p_ref_blend_perc, bool p_capture, int p_n_zones, Zone *p_zones[] ) : id( p_id ), function( (Function)p_function ), width( p_width ), height( p_height ), orientation( (Orientation)p_orientation ), label_coord( p_label_coord ), image_buffer_count( p_image_buffer_count ), warmup_count( p_warmup_count ), pre_event_count( p_pre_event_count ), post_event_count( p_post_event_count ), capture_delay( p_capture_delay ), fps_report_interval( p_fps_report_interval ), ref_blend_perc( p_ref_blend_perc ), image( width, height, (p_palette==VIDEO_PALETTE_GREY?1:3) ), ref_image( width, height, (p_palette==VIDEO_PALETTE_GREY?1:3) ), n_zones( p_n_zones ), zones( p_zones )
name = new char[strlen(p_name)+1];
strcpy( name, p_name );
strcpy( label_format, p_label_format );
camera = new RemoteCamera( p_host, p_port, p_path, p_width, p_height, p_colours, p_capture );
camera = new RemoteCamera( p_host, p_port, p_path, (p_orientation%2)?width:height, (orientation%2)?height:width, p_palette, p_capture );
fps = 0.0;
event_count = 0;
@ -174,13 +174,13 @@ Monitor::Monitor( int p_id, char *p_name, int p_function, const char *p_host, co
for ( int i = 0; i < image_buffer_count; i++ )
image_buffer[i].timestamp = &(shared_images->timestamps[i]);
image_buffer[i].image = new Image( camera->Width(), camera->Height(), camera->Colours(), &(shared_images->images[i*camera->ImageSize()]) );
image_buffer[i].image = new Image( width, height, camera->Colours(), &(shared_images->images[i*camera->ImageSize()]) );
if ( !n_zones )
n_zones = 1;
zones = new Zone *[1];
zones[0] = new Zone( this, 0, "All", Zone::ACTIVE, Box( camera->Width(), camera->Height() ), RGB_RED );
zones[0] = new Zone( this, 0, "All", Zone::ACTIVE, Box( width, height ), RGB_RED );
start_time = last_fps_time = time( 0 );
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ Monitor::Monitor( int p_id, char *p_name, int p_function, const char *p_host, co
if ( !p_capture )
ref_image.Assign( camera->Width(), camera->Height(), camera->Colours(), image_buffer[shared_images->last_write_index].image->Buffer() );
ref_image.Assign( width, height, camera->Colours(), image_buffer[shared_images->last_write_index].image->Buffer() );
@ -558,11 +558,11 @@ int Monitor::Load( int device, Monitor **&monitors, bool capture )
static char sql[256];
if ( device == -1 )
strcpy( sql, "select Id, Name, Function+0, Device, Channel, Format, Width, Height, Palette, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, ImageBufferCount, WarmupCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount, MaxFPS, FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc from Monitors where Function != 'None'" );
strcpy( sql, "select Id, Name, Function+0, Device, Channel, Format, Width, Height, Palette, Orientation+0, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, ImageBufferCount, WarmupCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount, MaxFPS, FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc from Monitors where Function != 'None'" );
sprintf( sql, "select Id, Name, Function+0, Device, Channel, Format, Width, Height, Palette, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, ImageBufferCount, WarmupCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount, MaxFPS, FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc from Monitors where Function != 'None' and Device = %d", device );
sprintf( sql, "select Id, Name, Function+0, Device, Channel, Format, Width, Height, Palette, Orientation+0, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, ImageBufferCount, WarmupCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount, MaxFPS, FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc from Monitors where Function != 'None' and Device = %d", device );
if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) )
@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ int Monitor::Load( int device, Monitor **&monitors, bool capture )
monitors = new Monitor *[n_monitors];
for( int i = 0; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row( result ); i++ )
monitors[i] = new Monitor( atoi(dbrow[0]), dbrow[1], atoi(dbrow[2]), atoi(dbrow[3]), atoi(dbrow[4]), atoi(dbrow[5]), atoi(dbrow[6]), atoi(dbrow[7]), atoi(dbrow[8]), capture, dbrow[9], Coord( atoi(dbrow[10]), atoi(dbrow[11]) ), atoi(dbrow[12]), atoi(dbrow[13]), atoi(dbrow[14]), atoi(dbrow[15]), atof(dbrow[16])>0.0?int(1000.0/atof(dbrow[16])):0, atoi(dbrow[17]), atoi(dbrow[18]) );
monitors[i] = new Monitor( atoi(dbrow[0]), dbrow[1], atoi(dbrow[2]), atoi(dbrow[3]), atoi(dbrow[4]), atoi(dbrow[5]), atoi(dbrow[6]), atoi(dbrow[7]), atoi(dbrow[8]), atoi(dbrow[9]), dbrow[10], Coord( atoi(dbrow[11]), atoi(dbrow[12]) ), atoi(dbrow[13]), atoi(dbrow[14]), atoi(dbrow[15]), atoi(dbrow[16]), atof(dbrow[17])>0.0?int(1000.0/atof(dbrow[17])):0, atoi(dbrow[18]), atoi(dbrow[19]), capture );
Zone **zones = 0;
int n_zones = Zone::Load( monitors[i], zones );
monitors[i]->AddZones( n_zones, zones );
@ -604,11 +604,11 @@ int Monitor::Load( const char *host, const char*port, const char *path, Monitor
static char sql[256];
if ( !host )
strcpy( sql, "select Id, Name, Function+0, Host, Port, Path, Width, Height, Palette, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, ImageBufferCount, WarmupCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount, MaxFPS, FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc from Monitors where Function != 'None'" );
strcpy( sql, "select Id, Name, Function+0, Host, Port, Path, Width, Height, Palette, Orientation+0, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, ImageBufferCount, WarmupCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount, MaxFPS, FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc from Monitors where Function != 'None'" );
sprintf( sql, "select Id, Name, Function+0, Host, Port, Path, Width, Height, Palette, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, ImageBufferCount, WarmupCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount, MaxFPS, FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc from Monitors where Function != 'None' and Host = '%s' and Port = '%s' and Path = '%s'", host, port, path );
sprintf( sql, "select Id, Name, Function+0, Host, Port, Path, Width, Height, Palette, Orientation+0, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, ImageBufferCount, WarmupCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount, MaxFPS, FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc from Monitors where Function != 'None' and Host = '%s' and Port = '%s' and Path = '%s'", host, port, path );
if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) )
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ int Monitor::Load( const char *host, const char*port, const char *path, Monitor
monitors = new Monitor *[n_monitors];
for( int i = 0; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row( result ); i++ )
monitors[i] = new Monitor( atoi(dbrow[0]), dbrow[1], atoi(dbrow[2]), dbrow[3], dbrow[4], dbrow[5], atoi(dbrow[6]), atoi(dbrow[7]), atoi(dbrow[8]), capture, dbrow[9], Coord( atoi(dbrow[10]), atoi(dbrow[11]) ), atoi(dbrow[12]), atoi(dbrow[13]), atoi(dbrow[14]), atoi(dbrow[15]), atof(dbrow[16])>0.0?int(1000.0/atof(dbrow[16])):0, atoi(dbrow[17]), atoi(dbrow[18]) );
monitors[i] = new Monitor( atoi(dbrow[0]), dbrow[1], atoi(dbrow[2]), dbrow[3], dbrow[4], dbrow[5], atoi(dbrow[6]), atoi(dbrow[7]), atoi(dbrow[8]), atoi(dbrow[9]), dbrow[10], Coord( atoi(dbrow[11]), atoi(dbrow[12]) ), atoi(dbrow[13]), atoi(dbrow[14]), atoi(dbrow[15]), atoi(dbrow[16]), atof(dbrow[17])>0.0?int(1000.0/atof(dbrow[17])):0, atoi(dbrow[18]), atoi(dbrow[19]), capture );
Zone **zones = 0;
int n_zones = Zone::Load( monitors[i], zones );
monitors[i]->AddZones( n_zones, zones );
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ int Monitor::Load( const char *host, const char*port, const char *path, Monitor
Monitor *Monitor::Load( int id, bool load_zones )
static char sql[256];
sprintf( sql, "select Id, Name, Type, Function+0, Device, Channel, Format, Host, Port, Path, Width, Height, Palette, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, ImageBufferCount, WarmupCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount, MaxFPS, FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc from Monitors where Id = %d", id );
sprintf( sql, "select Id, Name, Type, Function+0, Device, Channel, Format, Host, Port, Path, Width, Height, Palette, Orientation+0, LabelFormat, LabelX, LabelY, ImageBufferCount, WarmupCount, PreEventCount, PostEventCount, MaxFPS, FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc from Monitors where Id = %d", id );
if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) )
Error(( "Can't run query: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) ));
@ -668,11 +668,11 @@ Monitor *Monitor::Load( int id, bool load_zones )
if ( !strcmp( dbrow[2], "Local" ) )
monitor = new Monitor( atoi(dbrow[0]), dbrow[1], atoi(dbrow[3]), atoi(dbrow[4]), atoi(dbrow[5]), atoi(dbrow[6]), atoi(dbrow[10]), atoi(dbrow[11]), atoi(dbrow[12]), false, dbrow[13], Coord( atoi(dbrow[14]), atoi(dbrow[15]) ), atoi(dbrow[16]), atoi(dbrow[17]), atoi(dbrow[18]), atoi(dbrow[19]), atof(dbrow[20])>0.0?int(1000.0/atof(dbrow[20])):0, atoi(dbrow[21]), atoi(dbrow[22]) );
monitor = new Monitor( atoi(dbrow[0]), dbrow[1], atoi(dbrow[3]), atoi(dbrow[4]), atoi(dbrow[5]), atoi(dbrow[6]), atoi(dbrow[10]), atoi(dbrow[11]), atoi(dbrow[12]), atoi(dbrow[13]), dbrow[14], Coord( atoi(dbrow[15]), atoi(dbrow[16]) ), atoi(dbrow[17]), atoi(dbrow[18]), atoi(dbrow[19]), atoi(dbrow[20]), atof(dbrow[21])>0.0?int(1000.0/atof(dbrow[21])):0, atoi(dbrow[22]), atoi(dbrow[23]), false );
monitor = new Monitor( atoi(dbrow[0]), dbrow[1], atoi(dbrow[3]), dbrow[7], dbrow[8], dbrow[9], atoi(dbrow[10]), atoi(dbrow[11]), atoi(dbrow[12]), false, dbrow[13], Coord( atoi(dbrow[14]), atoi(dbrow[15]) ), atoi(dbrow[16]), atoi(dbrow[17]), atoi(dbrow[18]), atoi(dbrow[19]), atof(dbrow[20])>0.0?int(1000.0/atof(dbrow[20])):0, atoi(dbrow[21]), atoi(dbrow[22]) );
monitor = new Monitor( atoi(dbrow[0]), dbrow[1], atoi(dbrow[3]), dbrow[7], dbrow[8], dbrow[9], atoi(dbrow[10]), atoi(dbrow[11]), atoi(dbrow[12]), atoi(dbrow[13]), dbrow[14], Coord( atoi(dbrow[15]), atoi(dbrow[16]) ), atoi(dbrow[17]), atoi(dbrow[18]), atoi(dbrow[19]), atoi(dbrow[20]), atof(dbrow[21])>0.0?int(1000.0/atof(dbrow[21])):0, atoi(dbrow[22]), atoi(dbrow[23]), false );
int n_zones = 0;
if ( load_zones )
@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ bool Monitor::DumpSettings( char *output, bool verbose )
sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Port : %s\n", ((RemoteCamera *)camera)->Port() );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Path : %s\n", ((RemoteCamera *)camera)->Path() );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Width : %d\n", ((LocalCamera *)camera)->Width() );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Width : %d\n", camera->Width() );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Height : %d\n", camera->Height() );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Palette : %d\n", camera->Palette() );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), "Colours : %d\n", camera->Colours() );
@ -44,13 +44,18 @@ public:
} Function;
typedef enum { ROTATE_0=1, ROTATE_90, ROTATE_180, ROTATE_270 } Orientation;
typedef enum { IDLE, ALARM, ALERT } State;
// These are read from the DB and thereafter remain unchanged
int id;
char *name;
Function function;
unsigned int width; // Normally the same as the camera, but not if partly rotated
unsigned int height; // Normally the same as the camera, but not if partly rotated
Function function; // What the monitor is doing
Orientation orientation; // Whether the image has to be rotated at all
char label_format[64]; // The format of the timestamp on the images
Coord label_coord; // The coordinates of the timestamp on the images
int image_buffer_count; // Size of circular image buffer, at least twice the size of the pre_event_count
@ -105,8 +110,8 @@ protected:
Camera *camera;
Monitor( int p_id, char *p_name, int p_function, int p_device, int p_channel, int p_format, int p_width, int p_height, int p_colours, bool p_capture, char *p_label_format, const Coord &p_label_coord, int p_image_buffer_count, int p_warmup_count, int p_pre_event_count, int p_post_event_count, int p_capture_delay, int p_fps_report_interval, int p_ref_blend_perc, int p_n_zones=0, Zone *p_zones[]=0 );
Monitor( int p_id, char *p_name, int p_function, const char *p_host, const char *p_port, const char *p_path, int p_width, int p_height, int p_colours, bool p_capture, char *p_label_format, const Coord &p_label_coord, int p_image_buffer_count, int p_warmup_count, int p_pre_event_count, int p_post_event_count, int p_capture_delay, int p_fps_report_interval, int p_ref_blend_perc, int p_n_zones=0, Zone *p_zones[]=0 );
Monitor( int p_id, char *p_name, int p_function, int p_device, int p_channel, int p_format, int p_width, int p_height, int p_palette, int p_orientation, char *p_label_format, const Coord &p_label_coord, int p_image_buffer_count, int p_warmup_count, int p_pre_event_count, int p_post_event_count, int p_capture_delay, int p_fps_report_interval, int p_ref_blend_perc, bool p_capture, int p_n_zones=0, Zone *p_zones[]=0 );
Monitor( int p_id, char *p_name, int p_function, const char *p_host, const char *p_port, const char *p_path, int p_width, int p_height, int p_palette, int p_orientation, char *p_label_format, const Coord &p_label_coord, int p_image_buffer_count, int p_warmup_count, int p_pre_event_count, int p_post_event_count, int p_capture_delay, int p_fps_report_interval, int p_ref_blend_perc, bool p_capture, int p_n_zones=0, Zone *p_zones[]=0 );
void AddZones( int p_n_zones, Zone *p_zones[] );
@ -135,19 +140,8 @@ public:
bool DumpSettings( char *output, bool verbose );
void DumpZoneImage();
unsigned int CameraWidth() const { return( camera->Width() ); }
unsigned int CameraHeight() const { return( camera->Height() ); }
inline int Capture()
if ( camera->PreCapture() == 0 )
if ( camera->PostCapture() == 0 )
return( 0 );
return( -1 );
unsigned int Width() const { return( width ); }
unsigned int Height() const { return( height ); }
inline int PreCapture()
return( camera->PreCapture() );
@ -156,6 +150,11 @@ public:
if ( camera->PostCapture( image ) == 0 )
if ( orientation != ROTATE_0 )
image.Rotate( (orientation-1)*90 );
char label_time_text[64];
char label_text[64];
time_t now = time( 0 );
@ -176,8 +175,6 @@ public:
gettimeofday( image_buffer[index].timestamp, &dummy_tz );
image_buffer[index].image->CopyBuffer( image );
//memcpy( image_buffer[index].image->buffer, image.buffer, image.size );
//Info(( "%d: %x - %x", index, image_buffer[index].image, image_buffer[index].image->buffer ));
shared_images->last_write_index = index;
@ -319,20 +319,6 @@ int RemoteCamera::PreCapture()
return( 0 );
unsigned char *RemoteCamera::PostCapture()
int max_size = width*height*colours;
unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc( max_size );
int content_length = GetResponse( buffer, max_size );
if ( content_length < 0 )
return( 0 );
return( buffer );
int RemoteCamera::PostCapture( Image &image )
int max_size = width*height*colours;
@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ public:
int GetHeader( const char *content, const char *header, char *value );
int GetResponse( unsigned char *&buffer, int &max_size );
int PreCapture();
unsigned char *PostCapture();
int PostCapture( Image &image );
@ -437,16 +437,16 @@ int Zone::Load( Monitor *monitor, Zone **&zones )
if ( !strcmp( Units, "Percent" ) )
LoX = (LoX*(monitor->CameraWidth()-1))/100;
LoY = (LoY*(monitor->CameraHeight()-1))/100;
HiX = (HiX*(monitor->CameraWidth()-1))/100;
HiY = (HiY*(monitor->CameraHeight()-1))/100;
MinAlarmPixels = (MinAlarmPixels*monitor->CameraWidth()*monitor->CameraHeight())/100;
MaxAlarmPixels = (MaxAlarmPixels*monitor->CameraWidth()*monitor->CameraHeight())/100;
MinFilterPixels = (MinFilterPixels*monitor->CameraWidth()*monitor->CameraHeight())/100;
MaxFilterPixels = (MaxFilterPixels*monitor->CameraWidth()*monitor->CameraHeight())/100;
MinBlobPixels = (MinBlobPixels*monitor->CameraWidth()*monitor->CameraHeight())/100;
MaxBlobPixels = (MaxBlobPixels*monitor->CameraWidth()*monitor->CameraHeight())/100;
LoX = (LoX*(monitor->Width()-1))/100;
LoY = (LoY*(monitor->Height()-1))/100;
HiX = (HiX*(monitor->Width()-1))/100;
HiY = (HiY*(monitor->Height()-1))/100;
MinAlarmPixels = (MinAlarmPixels*monitor->Width()*monitor->Height())/100;
MaxAlarmPixels = (MaxAlarmPixels*monitor->Width()*monitor->Height())/100;
MinFilterPixels = (MinFilterPixels*monitor->Width()*monitor->Height())/100;
MaxFilterPixels = (MaxFilterPixels*monitor->Width()*monitor->Height())/100;
MinBlobPixels = (MinBlobPixels*monitor->Width()*monitor->Height())/100;
MaxBlobPixels = (MaxBlobPixels*monitor->Width()*monitor->Height())/100;
if ( atoi(dbrow[2]) == Zone::INACTIVE )
@ -247,6 +247,7 @@ if ( $action )
if ( $new_width != $monitor['Width'] ) $changes[] = "Width = '$new_width'";
if ( $new_height != $monitor['Height'] ) $changes[] = "Height = '$new_height'";
if ( $new_colours != $monitor['Palette'] ) $changes[] = "Palette = '$new_palette'";
if ( $new_orientation != $monitor['Orientation'] ) $changes[] = "Orientation = '$new_orientation'";
if ( $new_label_format != $monitor['LabelFormat'] ) $changes[] = "LabelFormat = '$new_label_format'";
if ( $new_label_x != $monitor['LabelX'] ) $changes[] = "LabelX = '$new_label_x'";
if ( $new_label_y != $monitor['LabelY'] ) $changes[] = "LabelY = '$new_label_y'";
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ $jws = array(
'console' => array( 'w'=>720, 'h'=>400 ),
'cycle' => array( 'w'=>46, 'h'=>80 ),
'montage' => array( 'w'=>20, 'h'=>20 ),
'monitor' => array( 'w'=>420, 'h'=>492 ),
'monitor' => array( 'w'=>420, 'h'=>512 ),
'watch' => array( 'w'=>72, 'h'=>315 ),
'device' => array( 'w'=>196, 'h'=>164 ),
'function' => array( 'w'=>248, 'h'=>92 ),
@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@ location.href = '<?= $PHP_SELF ?>?view=events&mid=<?= $mid ?><?= $filter_query ?
<tr><td align="right"><?php if ( LEARN_MODE ) { ?><select name="learn_state" class="form" disabled><option value="">Ignore</option><option value="-">Exclude</option><option value="+">Include</option></select> <input type="button" name="learn_btn" value="Set Learn Prefs" class="form" onClick="event_form.action.value = 'learn'; event_form.submit();" disabled> <?php } ?><input type="button" name="delete_btn" value="Delete" class="form" onClick="event_form.action.value = 'delete'; event_form.submit();" disabled></td></tr>
<tr><td align="right"><?php if ( LEARN_MODE ) { ?><select name="learn_state" class="form" disabled><option value="">Ignore</option><option value="-">Exclude</option><option value="+">Include</option></select> <input type="button" name="learn_btn" value="Set Learn Prefs" class="form" onClick="document.event_form.action.value = 'learn'; document.event_form.submit();" disabled> <?php } ?><input type="button" name="delete_btn" value="Delete" class="form" onClick="document.event_form.action.value = 'delete'; document.event_form.submit();" disabled></td></tr>
@ -2059,6 +2059,7 @@ function configureButton(form,name)
$monitor['Function'] = "None";
$monitor[Type] = "Local";
$monitor[Port] = "80";
$monitor[Orientation] = "0";
$monitor[LabelFormat] = '%%s - %y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S';
$monitor[LabelX] = 0;
$monitor[LabelY] = 0;
@ -2072,6 +2073,7 @@ function configureButton(form,name)
$local_palettes = array( "Grey"=>1, "RGB24"=>4, "RGB565"=>3, "YUV420P"=>15 );
$remote_palettes = array( "8 bit greyscale"=>1, "24 bit colour"=>4 );
$orientations = array( "Normal"=>0, "Rotate Right"=>90, "Inverted"=>180, "Rotate Left"=>270 );
@ -2128,7 +2130,7 @@ $select_name = "new_type";
$$select_name = $$select_name?$$select_name:$monitor[Type];
$source_types = array( "Local"=>"Local", "Remote"=>"Remote" );
<tr><td align="left" class="text">Source Type</td><td><?php buildSelect( $select_name, $source_types, "monitor_form.submit();" ); ?></td></tr>
<tr><td align="left" class="text">Source Type</td><td><?php buildSelect( $select_name, $source_types, "document.monitor_form.submit();" ); ?></td></tr>
if ( $$select_name == "Local" )
@ -2151,6 +2153,7 @@ $source_types = array( "Local"=>"Local", "Remote"=>"Remote" );
<tr><td align="left" class="text">Capture Width (pixels)</td><td align="left" class="text"><input type="text" name="new_width" value="<?= $monitor[Width] ?>" size="4" class="form"></td></tr>
<tr><td align="left" class="text">Capture Height (pixels)</td><td align="left" class="text"><input type="text" name="new_height" value="<?= $monitor[Height] ?>" size="4" class="form"></td></tr>
<tr><td align="left" class="text">Orientation</td><td align="left" class="text"><select name="new_orientation" class="form"><?php foreach ( $orientations as $name => $value ) { ?><option value="<?= $value ?>"<?php if ( $value == $monitor[Orientation] ) { ?> selected<?php } ?>><?= $name ?></option><?php } ?></select></td></tr>
<tr><td align="left" class="text">Timestamp Label Format</td><td align="left" class="text"><input type="text" name="new_label_format" value="<?= $monitor[LabelFormat] ?>" size="20" class="form"></td></tr>
<tr><td align="left" class="text">Timestamp Label X</td><td align="left" class="text"><input type="text" name="new_label_x" value="<?= $monitor[LabelX] ?>" size="4" class="form"></td></tr>
<tr><td align="left" class="text">Timestamp Label Y</td><td align="left" class="text"><input type="text" name="new_label_y" value="<?= $monitor[LabelY] ?>" size="4" class="form"></td></tr>
@ -2168,7 +2171,7 @@ $source_types = array( "Local"=>"Local", "Remote"=>"Remote" );
<?php } ?>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left" class="text"> </td></tr>
<td align="left"><input type="submit" value="Save" class="form" onClick="monitor_form.view.value='none'; monitor_form.action.value='monitor';"></td>
<td align="left"><input type="submit" value="Save" class="form" onClick="document.monitor_form.view.value='none'; document.monitor_form.action.value='monitor';"></td>
<td align="left"><input type="button" value="Cancel" class="form" onClick="closeWindow()"></td>
Reference in New Issue