Merge branch 'multi-server' into storageareas

Isaac Connor 2016-01-02 14:45:24 -05:00
commit b1205bcaa9
10 changed files with 236 additions and 461 deletions

View File

@ -1,99 +1,105 @@
# Change Log
## [Unreleased](
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Zoneminder Signal Loss event [\#964](
- Default scale other than actual skews image [\#963](
- Monitor configured with ffmpeg shows last part of URL instead of hostname in overview [\#950](
- please update bundled CakePHP [\#945](
- Montage shows only feed from the first camera [\#940](
- zmtrigger: minor message format correction [\#939](
- error starting zoneminder after latest upgrade [\#935](
- Error "Attempt to directly assign buffer from an undersized buffer of size" [\#932](
- External access to snapshots of cameras [\#929](
- virtualbox - zoneminder shows only six cams [\#927](
- zm\_update-1.28.99.sql not executable [\#924](
- m [\#922](
- loop recording [\#914](
- Implement Passive Source Type for Cams that Support Event Uploading [\#912](
- incorrect encoding of Russian language [\#907](
- Can't compile Zoneminder v1.28.1 [\#904](
- Add isRunning field to States [\#898](
- updated 9831W control script [\#893](
- 404 error on Ubuntu 14.04 install [\#889](
- Video Smear - Vertical Striping [\#888](
- Zoneminder mobile theme broken. [\#887](
- cgi-bin -\> symlink on zms not work for me \(Gentoo/SystemD\) [\#878](
- Replay Event Stuck [\#869](
- cant add or edit monitor [\#868](
- Odd window size differences when viewing frame alarm image between Chrome & FF [\#865](
- On ubuntu 14.04 zoneminder 1.28.1 alarm never terminate!! [\#852](
- X-10 configuration not working ZM V1.28.1 [\#848](
- Global symbol requires explicit package name... [\#846](
- Adapt to changes in Ubuntu 15.04 [\#840](
- After initial setup, unable to start again [\#839](
- FFMPEG path finding error \(formerly: Are you switching to a totally CMake based build?\) [\#835](
- Purchase a Raspberry Pi 2 + PiCam for ZoneMinder development \[$114\] [\#832](
- Can't Login Web getting a Loop [\#831](
- Missing function drop down values \(db issue?\) [\#828](
- curl using HEAD instead of GET for http requests results in 404 on some servers [\#827](
- Empty string if missing index in lang files [\#819](
- fix for RTSP streaming over UDP [\#811](
- bundled CakePHP overhead [\#810](
- PHP session locks serialize access to all scripts causing UI hangs [\#806](
- How do I add authentication to ZM APIs? [\#797](
- Add man page for [\#788](
- man pages please; improve --help option [\#787](
- ZM\_CONTENTDIR issues [\#786](
- please update bundled jQuery [\#785](
- please update bundled Mootools [\#784](
- duplicated files in `cgi-bin` [\#777](
- FTBFS on kFreeBSD [\#771](
- CMake: incorrect installation of Perl modules \[patch\] [\#769](
- Issue when viewing events when users are restricted to limited cameras [\#766](
- ignores ZM\_SERVER\_HOST in zm.conf [\#765](
- Remote Zoneminder installations [\#764](
- source code mess [\#760](
- bttv crashing zoneminder rpm [\#755](
- Make Uninstall no longer removes Perl modules [\#753](
- Playback video problem in v1.26.5 [\#752](
- Integrate Make Movie Branch [\#747](
- FI8620 ERR Error while decoding frame [\#741](
- \[Critical\] 1.28.0 to 1.28.1 seems to have lost ability for RTSP Authentication [\#738](
- Disabling cambozola in options doesn't actually disable? [\#735](
- FI9821W v2 shows blue screen [\#734](
- Configure script checking for netpbm [\#731](
- Missing dependency for killall in rpm package [\#727](
- Build with ZM\_TARGET\_DISTRO=el7 fails to start under systemd [\#724](
- Issue with event page for users with restricted monitors [\#717](
- Unrecognised content type 'video/x-ms-asf' [\#716](
- Flat skin stopped working [\#715](
- Zone edit dots are gone [\#712](
- zm\_rtsp Use of avformat\_free\_context not version checked [\#710](
- Unable to generate video, check /usr/share/zoneminder/events/1/15/02/15/20/10/00/ffmpeg.log for details [\#705](
- Axis M5014 PTZ Control [\#703](
- 2nd network port breaks 'Probe' in 1.28 on Ubuntu 14.04LTS? [\#698](
- ZM's Develop actually [\#697](
- Release 1.28.1 [\#693](
- Image disappears \(flickers\) in monitor and event playback [\#689](
- Multiple issues.. [\#688](
- short PHP open tags paragraph on Troubleshooting page [\#684](
- The monitorprobe.php code does not work in FreeBSD [\#683](
- ZoneMinder problem [\#680](
- CMAKE ZM\_PERL\_SUBPREFIX Slash Issue [\#677](
- Centos 6.5 crashes [\#619](
- ZMS crashes after "Attempt to directly assign buffer from an undersized buffer of size" error [\#586](
- hi all, i'm under Linux Gentoo with systemd - ZM v1.27.99.0 [\#511](
- Event export with ZM\_USE\_DEEP\_STORAGE option set [\#506](
- Streaming not working on Chrome when authentication is ON [\#328](
- Can add a simple send mail function [\#311](
## [v1.29.0-rc1]( (2016-01-01)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Bump version to 1.29.0 [\#1213]( ([knnniggett](
- Missing rtd theme [\#1202]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Skip directories that have non-digits in them [\#1201]( ([connortechnology](
- updated mobile app info [\#1200]( ([pliablepixels](
- Api more security [\#1196]( ([pliablepixels](
- Documentation [\#1194]( ([pliablepixels](
- Documentation updated for ubuntu [\#1193]( ([pliablepixels](
- Fixes \#1179 Libvlc Live555 Segmentation Fault [\#1190]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Add code to detect the change in REALM from older to newer firmware [\#1184]( ([connortechnology](
- add a 1/8th scale option, which is useful for 1920x1080 streams [\#1182]( ([connortechnology](
- Zms socket lock [\#1180]( ([connortechnology](
- Check for the presence of CrudControllerTrait.php instead of .git [\#1178]( ([knnniggett](
- Partial fix for \#1167 [\#1176]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Error on missing submodules [\#1173]( ([knnniggett](
- fix mem alloc fault in zm\_monitor.cpp [\#1168]( ([knnniggett](
- compat for php 5.4 [\#1164]( ([abishai](
- remove comment at end of line [\#1157]( ([connortechnology](
- Reorder RTSPDescribe to avoid -wreorder warnings [\#1147]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Update to \#1137 for backward compatibility. [\#1142]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Update Travis to ffmpeg 2.8.1 for testing [\#1139]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Replace deprecated FFmpeg API [\#1137]( ([onlyjob](
- added prev/next event ids [\#1136]( ([pliablepixels](
- Install nph-zms with FILES so it is listed in install\_manifest.txt [\#1124]( ([baffo32](
- Stray semicolon causes SQL error [\#1123]( ([baffo32](
- Use relative URL's instead of absolute [\#1121]( ([knnniggett](
- Update version check URL [\#1120]( ([kylejohnson](
- Add index to frames [\#1116]( ([kylejohnson](
- Fatal if content dirs are unwritable [\#1113]( ([baffo32](
- Fatal error if date.timezone is unset [\#1111]( ([baffo32](
- Fix faulty install line [\#1107]( ([baffo32](
- Update preinst [\#1103]( ([seebaer1976](
- Update apache.conf [\#1102]( ([seebaer1976](
- Update rules [\#1101]( ([seebaer1976](
- Update links [\#1100]( ([seebaer1976](
- Update preinst [\#1099]( ([seebaer1976](
- Fix zmaudit [\#1095]( ([connortechnology](
- fixed version compare logic [\#1094]( ([pliablepixels](
- Don't install zm.conf if it already exists [\#1090]( ([connortechnology](
- change types and move things around to remove compile warnings [\#1089]( ([connortechnology](
- Tz [\#1084]( ([connortechnology](
- fixed orange display for monitor mode [\#1083]( ([pliablepixels](
- use deleteAll\(\) vs. delete\(\) when deleting an Event's Frames [\#1080]( ([kylejohnson](
- Added control script for SunEyes SP-P1802SWPTZ [\#1079]( ([bofhdk](
- Use the 3.0 branch of crud, compatible with cakephp 2.x [\#1078]( ([kylejohnson](
- 663 frames primary key [\#1075]( ([kylejohnson](
- Delete fixes for Events [\#1073]( ([pliablepixels](
- restart monitor when edited via APIs [\#1070]( ([pliablepixels](
- add debug statements for when LastWriteTime is not defined. [\#1067]( ([connortechnology](
- fixed recaptcha showing up pre DB update [\#1066]( ([pliablepixels](
- fixed security instructions for curl [\#1062]( ([pliablepixels](
- header typo corrections [\#1058]( ([onlyjob](
- quick fix for \#1055: make sure our mmap fd is \> 2 [\#1057]( ([connortechnology](
- Fix sgfault caused by the privacy mask stuff [\#1056]( ([connortechnology](
- link to cambozola pacakge, rather than download during build [\#1054]( ([knnniggett](
- redhat rpm packaging modifications [\#1052]( ([knnniggett](
- remove core.php, modify core.php.default [\#1049]( ([knnniggett](
- Google recaptcha [\#1048]( ([pliablepixels](
- enable/disable RTSP Describe Header [\#1045]( ([knnniggett](
- Add Documentation for Privacy zones [\#1044]( ([schrorg](
- added note about potential Perl and PHP time translation conflict wit… [\#1043]( ([pliablepixels](
- Multi server [\#1040]( ([connortechnology](
- 1038 fixing state mgmt 1030 is active fix [\#1039]( ([pliablepixels](
- Grey color for disabled buttons [\#1037]( ([pliablepixels](
- Update filterevents.rst [\#1035]( ([tikismoke](
- add warning and help text for maxfps fields [\#1033]( ([knnniggett](
- update doc [\#1032]( ([tikismoke](
- Remove full path from Logger filename [\#1029]( ([knnniggett](
- Typo in [\#1027]( ([tikismoke](
- Add new zone type - privacy zones [\#1026]( ([schrorg](
- Send login activity to the zoneminder event log [\#1021]( ([knnniggett](
- Small dark CSS fixes in frames and timeline view [\#1019]( ([schrorg](
- New User Permission "Groups" [\#1018]( ([knnniggett](
- 1013 document migration [\#1017]( ([pliablepixels](
- Fix issue with score values less than 0 [\#1016]( ([knnniggett](
- Explained a caveat with using relative times [\#1012]( ([pliablepixels](
- Included logic to not enforce authentication in API layer if ZM auth is off [\#1008]( ([pliablepixels](
- Update to ffmpeg 2.7.2 in travis build [\#1007]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- I was using the wrong field to check for portal authentication [\#1006]( ([pliablepixels](
- Demote user auth info message to debug [\#1003]( ([Linwood-F](
- Add scale as optional feature to image.php [\#1001]( ([Linwood-F](
- 995 events count per api \(bumps up \# of events reported per API call\) [\#996]( ([pliablepixels](
- APIs will be served only if user is logged into the ZM portal [\#994]( ([pliablepixels](
- Add option to make TimeStamp larger [\#992]( ([schrorg](
- Implemented \#989 \(highlight current row in tables\) for dark CSS [\#990]( ([schrorg](
- CSS\[skins/classic\]: highlight current row in tables. [\#989]( ([onlyjob](
- quiet error when no Servers in Servers table [\#986]( ([connortechnology](
- fix \#948 1 [\#985]( ([connortechnology](
- Remove shared data warning for purpose query only [\#984]( ([Linwood-F](
- Change from info to debug [\#983]( ([Linwood-F](
- Fix image dimensions check [\#980]( ([connortechnology](
- Apache.conf modifications [\#968]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Dark CSS for classic theme [\#967]( ([schrorg](
- Auto generated changelog [\#966]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- 959 add exif date time to images [\#962]( ([Linwood-F](
- Add analysis interval parameter to monitors settings [\#956]( ([manupap1](
- Fixed Configs API to return all values [\#955]( ([pliablepixels](
- Change encoding of german language file to UTF-8 [\#952]( ([schrorg](
- Show correct part of URL \(hostname\) for ffmpeg sources in console [\#951]( ([schrorg](
@ -125,17 +131,12 @@
- Generate man pages for perl scripts & C Binaries in the bin folder [\#896]( ([knnniggett](
- 893 foscam 9831 w and other foscams [\#895]( ([pliablepixels](
- 893 foscam 9831 w and other foscams [\#894]( ([pliablepixels](
- improve debugging for analysis check and restart if can't read shared data [\#892]( ([connortechnology](
- Zmwatch cleanup2 [\#891]( ([connortechnology](
- reverse the if statement to reduce indenting [\#890]( ([connortechnology](
- Updated API document [\#886]( ([pliablepixels](
- Use avconv as alternative to ffmpeg executable [\#884]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- 881 bootstrap loading config [\#883]( ([pliablepixels](
- Merged Angular UI branch API to master [\#882]( ([pliablepixels](
- h264 GUI translate fixes [\#880]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Merging Master to feature-h264-videostorage [\#879]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- 799 api improvements [\#877]( ([pliablepixels](
- Fixed daemonStatus API to return string returned by ZMC in addition t… [\#876]( ([pliablepixels](
- Add version to the startup log line [\#875]( ([connortechnology](
- German translation update [\#874]( ([seeebek](
- reduce the wait to 2/10ths instead of a whole second [\#873]( ([connortechnology](
@ -186,8 +187,6 @@
- POD: converted to "pod2usage" [\#763]( ([onlyjob](
- build: fix FTBFS with format-hardening \(please review\) [\#761]( ([onlyjob](
- fixing POD errors [\#759]( ([onlyjob](
- Fixed a missing bracket post merge and also SQL\_values now used for Even... [\#750]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Keeping h264 updated. [\#749]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Ignore autogenerated files in git [\#746]( ([manupap1](
- when auth is needed, try command again before dying. [\#739]( ([connortechnology](
- remove NETPBM dependency from autotools [\#737]( ([knnniggett](
@ -205,8 +204,6 @@
- Check to make sure that skin and css are valid. [\#713]( ([connortechnology](
- Fixes \#710 Added libavformat version check around free context functions [\#711]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- try harder to find arp. [\#709]( ([connortechnology](
- Merging Video and feature-h264-videostorage update [\#707]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Update Version.txt to 1.28.1 [\#706]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Make el6 and el7 build process a little more automated [\#704]( ([clipo1979](
- small improvements: [\#702]( ([connortechnology](
- Centos 7 rpm packaging [\#700]( ([knnniggett](
@ -217,76 +214,6 @@
## [v1.28.1]( (2015-02-05)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Implement unit testing [\#266](
- Replace PHP short tags [\#11](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Streaming an Event as MPEG fails. [\#686](
- Zoneminder Web UI No Longer Refreshes After Change [\#534](
- Monster log messages [\#491](
- zmu fails silently when it cannot read zm.conf [\#339](
- Errors on Monitors page during first view [\#175](
- Logs screen overflows when too much text in message column [\#138](
- When filtering in the Events view, filter options are lost between pages [\#25](
**Closed issues:**
- Gentoo Systemd ZM V1.28.0- New old bug with PATH\_SOCK and PATH\_SWAP [\#681](
- PDO\_MYSQL the only PHP driver needed? [\#679](
- Unable to probe local cameras, status is '127' [\#673](
- zmc won't start automatically + Can't open memory map file [\#669](
- Fake camera support [\#659](
- Horrible error message when pressing probe [\#658](
- socket\_sendto\( /var/run/zm/zms-256303s.sock \) failed: No such file or directory [\#656](
- update feature should be removed or easily disabled [\#655](
- crashes when processing background filter with no terms [\#652](
- Use of undefined constants ZM\_SKIN\_DEFAULT and ZM\_CSS\_DEFAULT in index.php [\#650](
- Improper track URL handling in zm\_rtsp.cpp [\#644](
- Cannot install on jessie when running systemd [\#642](
- Version detection [\#626](
- some trash in debian package [\#625](
- signed integers awesome [\#624](
- cmake does not honor SYSCONFDIR [\#623](
- PTZ Control Icons have disappeared [\#622](
- RTSP Improvements [\#612](
- CCTV Camera to IP converter [\#603](
- mjpg streamer installations on fedora 20 [\#600](
- Changing the skin in the options SHOULD be permanent. [\#598](
- Zoneminder requires SElinux disabled on RHEL & derivatives. [\#593](
- Editing control settings on a monitor should probably try to kill any running zmcontrol [\#590](
- 1.28 missing dependency on debian jessie [\#581](
- LibVLC MJPEG stream slows down [\#571](
- %EV% in EMAIL\_BODY in E-mail options send still video [\#569](
- Add documentation for EMAIL\_BODY variables [\#568](
- 3S PTZ [\#566](
- Live view wrong socket name [\#563](
- V4L1 Support removal? [\#558](
- feature-h264-videostorage compile errors [\#553](
- zmc -m 1 crashed, signal 6 [\#540](
- Attempt to assign buffer from a NULL pointer [\#538](
- Please recommend ffmpeg settings for best video quality [\#536](
- Modect Mode\(Active\) - How to revert from alarm to idle [\#509](
- Update v1.27.99.0. [\#503](
- Docker Container Broken [\#498](
- Nordmark IP camera [\#483](
- Release v1.28.0 [\#467](
- Let's make a new website [\#446](
- Zoneminder, Onvif CPU and RTSP capture [\#431](
- Right memory settings to capture 1080p cameras [\#425](
- Startup problem on Ubuntu [\#424](
- Feature Request: Support for digest authentication over RTSP [\#399](
- Install Zm V1.27.0 on Linux Gentoo x64 \(systemd\) [\#396](
- Missing Dependencies [\#368](
- Error "AVOutputFormat does not name a type AVOutputFormat \*of;" [\#340](
- Add the ability to force RTSP over TCP in ffmpeg cameras. [\#323](
- limited maximum path length for the device path prevents use of some by-id names [\#301](
- Stream acquired via RTSP/FFMPEG won't recover from connection loss - "Unable to read packet from stream 0" [\#299](
- Invalid response status 501: Method Not Implemented [\#298](
- Invalid SOS parameters for sequential JPEG [\#279](
**Merged pull requests:**
- fix content-type parsing when there are options on it [\#692]( ([connortechnology](
@ -315,11 +242,8 @@
- Output to stderror when zmu can't read zm.conf [\#627]( ([knnniggett](
- Add missing dependency to policykit-1 [\#621]( ([manupap1](
- Replace PHP Short Open Tags - Fixes \#11 [\#620]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Video Highlander [\#618]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Merge Master to feature-h264-videostorage [\#616]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Rtsp [\#615]( ([knnniggett](
- Merge flat css to classic [\#614]( ([connortechnology](
- feature-h264-videostorage mp4 container [\#613]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- echo the URL to the RTSP device during the OPTIONS directive [\#608]( ([knnniggett](
- Fix some memory leaks in zma [\#607]( ([manupap1](
- Fix a mismatched free in zmc binary [\#606]( ([manupap1](
@ -346,91 +270,16 @@
- Fixed bug in rtsp streaming caused by a bad string concatenation [\#557]( ([manupap1](
- Add a stringVector join function for future use [\#556]( ([connortechnology](
- Fixed bug in rtsp streaming caused by a signed - unsigned conversion. [\#555]( ([manupap1](
- Keeping branch current, and fixing libvlc compile issues [\#554]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Bumped version being found by [\#551]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Update Ubuntu install instructions [\#550]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Ignore more files and initial travis framework [\#544]( ([kylejohnson](
- Update Travis to ffmpeg 2.4.2 [\#539]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Add libvlc to Travis [\#535]( ([knnniggett](
- Merge master to feature-h264-videostorage and restore web GUI [\#532]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- 351-Rebase Attempt for ffmpeg stability fixes [\#531]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- 478 Basic ONVIF Support [\#479]( ([altaroca](
## [v1.28.0]( (2014-10-18)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Migrate completely to C++ [\#265](
- All of the Config table shouldn't be written in Configure::write [\#192](
- Translation stuff done, please pull in and test... [\#72](
**Fixed bugs:**
- zms crashes due to monitor not running. [\#468](
- Flat Skins Export Functions missing $ [\#455](
- unexpected } in console.php [\#354](
- incomplete path to arp in zoneminder/skins/classic/views/monitorprobe.php causes probe code 127 failures [\#271](
- Minor errors when either OPT\_MAIL, OPT\_MESSAGE, or OPT\_UPLOAD are not set [\#34](
**Closed issues:**
- Travis Build failing due to build issues with ffmpeg master [\#520](
- '' exited abnormally, exit status 9 [\#516](
- Get the script on alarm feature working [\#515](
- cmake installation on Arch Linux creates extraneous lib/perl5/... and share/man/... directories [\#514](
- ZM Gui Stopped SU Syntax Error [\#512](
- Error using log filter [\#504](
- fps drop in latest snapshot 1.27.99 [\#495](
- mysql missing field error after update [\#494](
- Emails not including video when I add %EV% [\#487](
- Cameras don't show remotely [\#484](
- ZM Gui Stopped SU Syntax Error [\#482](
- Airlink101 AIC500 mjpeg stream [\#481](
- When a monitor's size is changed, the zone does not resize with it. [\#477](
- .. [\#472](
- Just A Note When Compiling [\#471](
- firefox on windows not load all monitors in montage view [\#470](
- Default to FLAT Skin [\#466](
- chown and chmod on symlink instead of content directory [\#463](
- Cannot compile Zoneminder on CentOS 6.4 [\#461](
- Video is not attached to e-mail anymore \(zm 1.27\) [\#460](
- \[Video Branch\] Unknown column 'SaveJPEGs' in 'field list' [\#453](
- Log Ajax loading oldest to newest [\#450](
- '@' in password of a remote camera makes things go wrong [\#443](
- Current code segfaults [\#439](
- Crashing under Arch Linux [\#437](
- Email Montage view on schedule [\#436](
- \[question\] vmware image for latest ZM [\#428](
- Cannot Compile [\#423](
- seg in nph-zms/loadEventData atoi [\#417](
- ffmpeg problem [\#414](
- Minor fixes \(?\) for zmtrigger and mobile skin [\#410](
- Misleading Config Dump [\#402](
- Call to undefined function fixdevices\(\) [\#401](
- Option to execute arbitrary script for each event. \[$100 awarded\] [\#400](
- Zoneminder without Analysation [\#398](
- Viewing 31 monitors in montage [\#379](
- flat theme usability / Layout issues [\#378](
- Undefined index: filter in /usr/share/zoneminder/skins/zmc/views/filter.php [\#369](
- docker install not working [\#366](
- Events are not being reported to table on main index page [\#364](
- PatternFly for design commanality and improved user experience [\#363](
- Radio buttons rendering in events replay in flat skin [\#356](
- Pick a git branching strategy [\#350](
- Compile directive ZM\_CGIDIR is not interpreted correctly [\#347](
- 736516 - FTBFS: zm\_image.cpp:2991:165: error: \_\_attribute\_\_\(\(\_\_target\_\_\("sse2"\)\)\) is invalid [\#345](
- zmcamtool isn't installed [\#344](
- Overload Frame Ignore Count has no function [\#337](
- preclusive zones calculated twice [\#336](
- Build issue - In function `matroska\_decode\_buffer' [\#335](
- High Load with Low CPU usage [\#326](
- AUTH\_TYPE=remote not working in 1.26.4 [\#324](
- Filter / Purge And Delete not running [\#321](
- /root/zoneminder\_1.26.4-1\_amd64.deb not created [\#260](
- 721161 - depends on ffmpeg which is going away [\#100](
- 694131 - FTBFS against libav 9 [\#98](
- Request: Better API/Remote control [\#23](
**Merged pull requests:**
- fixes ftbs with no ffmpeg support [\#530]( ([knnniggett](
@ -450,7 +299,6 @@
- Fixes errors when opening Filters \(issue \#34\) [\#457]( ([knnniggett](
- Fixed missing $ on ARRAY\(event\[id\]\). Fixes \#455 [\#456]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Wrap sort order. Fixes \#450 [\#451]( ([SteveGilvarry](
- Update downloads.html [\#448]( ([barjac](
- scripts: BusyBox compatibility [\#445]( ([clandmeter](
- Fixed issue DateTime handling in filter queries that broke timeline view... [\#442]( ([Tim-Craig](
- Cleaning up the Contribution section of the README [\#440]( ([kylejohnson](
@ -502,49 +350,8 @@
## [v1.27.0]( (2014-03-15)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Change help text of source "Maximum FPS" and "Alarm Maximum FPS" to note that this should only be used on analog cameras [\#273](
- Make 'better' [\#272](
- Enhance security by creating SELinux policies. [\#248](
- Update wiki page \(please?\) [\#91](
- Better ffmpeg Version Checking [\#31](
- Proposed: Enable purgewhenfull filter by default [\#332](
- Exportable Camera Configs [\#86](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Vivotek cameras, ultra slow FPS. [\#204](
- Script to remove auto-generated files [\#112](
- zm\_mpeg no longer uses correct ffmpeg API's [\#83](
- Not all options in Monitors/add.ctp are saved to the database [\#13](
- Flat skin needs window widths fixed [\#331](
- Configuration gets broken in database after crash [\#239](
- zmc crashes after a few minutes of usage in 1.26.4 [\#237](
**Closed issues:**
- Apache using private /tmp space [\#307](
- crashes, which keeps Monitors in alarm state. [\#295](
- SQL-ERR using Timeline after executing Filter matching on string with whitespace [\#291](
- zm\_signal.cpp crashing signal 11 \(Segmentation fault\) [\#288](
- Zoneminder no longer builds when using -DZM\_NO\_FFMPEG=ON [\#285](
- Can't to use chinese [\#278](
- jquery is embedded inside export\_functions.php [\#274](
- Implement live streaming of H264 camera streams [\#176](
- Support non-embedded password challenge [\#33](
- libvlc source type not working in Ubuntu 12.04.3 [\#330](
- InnoDB conversion silent failure [\#320](
- Release v1.27.0 \[$100 awarded\] [\#315](
- Default skin is flat, can't switch to classic. ?skin doesn't help [\#313](
- make failure [\#304](
- Fix 'remote' AUTH\_TYPE [\#296](
- Use libcurl for http\(s\) authentication with remote cameras \[$400 awarded\] [\#238](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Release 1.27 [\#341]( ([kylejohnson](
- Fix popup sizes in flat skins. Fixes \#331 [\#334]( ([kylejohnson](
- - import and export ptz camera controls & camera presets [\#318]( ([kylejohnson](
- Example script to react to monitor alarms [\#317]( ([kylejohnson](
- Change comments for many Camera subclasses [\#316]( ([nereocystis](
@ -572,34 +379,12 @@
## [v1.26.5]( (2013-12-16)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- ZoneMinder domain / website / email [\#225](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Post shmget problem due to \*code\* not shmmax/shmall [\#226](
- SQL error when "pre event image count" \>150 or so due to insufficient ZM\_SQL\_LGE\_BUFSIZ [\#222](
- 'asm' operand has impossible constraints [\#219](
- ipv6 support [\#210](
- RTSP decoding errors in 1.26.4 \[$450 awarded\] [\#221](
- The Prev "\<+" button does not work [\#32](
**Closed issues:**
- Strict subs error? [\#262](
- PHP depreciating [\#229](
- Add a feature to monitor camera\(s\) availability [\#228](
- Release 1.26.4 [\#202](
- 631969 - 2 problems with options screen [\#106](
- 657620 - Path issues for js scripts [\#102](
- Support http digest authentication for IP camera access [\#30](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Add reference to zm\_update-1.26.5.sql in [\#269]( ([knnniggett](
- Detection Support for WansView Cams [\#268]( ([Phhere](
- use proper DBI parameter passing to improve security [\#264]( ([connortechnology](
- Fix RTSP decoding errors in 1.26.4 \(addresses \#221\) [\#259]( ([ebarnard](
- Network Detection Support for Wansview [\#257]( ([Phhere](
- Fix checkJsonError messages [\#256]( ([Phhere](
- Update [\#255]( ([zdanek](
@ -608,16 +393,9 @@
- Fix shared memory errors on centos 6.4 [\#250]( ([insidenothing](
- Update zoneminder.service [\#246]( ([dtmf](
- remove extra stuff that I don't think we need because we are the source. Opinions? [\#240]( ([connortechnology](
- Re-Add ZM\_PATH\_DATA [\#236]( ([knnniggett](
- Cast content\_length to signed int for error-check comparison [\#232]( ([josephevans](
- Apply INSERTs in Event::AddFrames in batches to fix issue \#222 [\#223]( ([fastolfe](
- Updates to the zones view and edit pages [\#220]( ([kylejohnson](
- ffmpeg detection improvements [\#218]( ([mastertheknife](
- cmake support files for redhat/centos distros [\#217]( ([knnniggett](
- Create ZM\_TARGET\_DISTRO [\#216]( ([knnniggett](
- We need a toggle for x10 support [\#215]( ([knnniggett](
- Cmake support files for fedora distro [\#214]( ([knnniggett](
- Initial zone editing in html5 canvas [\#213]( ([kylejohnson](
- ZoneMinder Dutch Translation updates by Alco \(a.k. nightcrawler\) [\#211]( ([kylejohnson](
- Change Prev Button functionality [\#207]( ([knnniggett](
- Delete PATH\_BUILD and TIME\_BUILD from zm.conf and fix ZM\_DB\_TYPE [\#243]( ([mastertheknife](
@ -628,42 +406,6 @@
## [v1.26.4]( (2013-10-08)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Configuration options should be handled in the model, not the controller [\#191](
- Travis CI automatic building [\#168](
- Switch h264 feature branch to track the modern branch [\#167](
- Add redhat specific files to source tree [\#115](
- Performing count\(\) in SQL is slower than in PHP [\#2](
**Fixed bugs:**
- New WebUI displays horizontal scroll bar with 100% width [\#169](
- syntax error, unexpected $end on line 16 in LiveStreamHelper.php [\#147](
- Readme.fedora contains incorrect references [\#145](
- Bandwidth cookie issues [\#143](
- Monitor image invalid when monitor not enabled [\#140](
- Monitor image size too small [\#139](
**Closed issues:**
- MJPEG without cambozola.jar on modern browsers \(including Linux ones\) [\#198](
- Ability to hide all 'controls' and menus [\#171](
- strace on zma gives "timer\_gettime...\(..\).. = -1 EINVAL \(Invalid argument\)" [\#170](
- Add ability to zms \(or use the segmenter\) to play back h264 video either directly or transcoded [\#166](
- I can delete multiple events at once. [\#137](
- I can view logs [\#135](
- I can update system config / options [\#134](
- I can change the order of monitors [\#132](
- When a new version is available, I am alerted [\#130](
- Bandwidth is updated on the UI after chaning it [\#129](
- I can change the bandwidth [\#128](
- I can delete events [\#126](
- I can view monitor streams individually [\#125](
- 667428 - ftbfs with GCC-4.7 [\#99](
- 707411 - FTBFS: zm\_local\_camera.cpp:742:49: error: invalid conversion from '\_\_u32 {aka unsigned int}' to 'v4l2\_buf\_type' [\#97](
- Change in monitor setup requested. [\#19](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Change frameserver warnings to debug level 2 [\#205]( ([knnniggett](
@ -671,26 +413,13 @@
- Signal improvements and fixes [\#201]( ([mastertheknife](
- Create ZM\_PATH\_DATA and point zmupdate to ZM\_PATH\_DATA/db [\#200]( ([knnniggett](
- remove ${CMAKE\_CURRENT\_SOURCE\_DIR} from add\_custom\_target [\#199]( ([knnniggett](
- Updated cmake for the modern WebUI branch [\#196]( ([mastertheknife](
- Added missing word in readme [\#194]( ([WDKevin](
- Moved writing of configure options from Controller to Model. Fixes \#191. [\#193]( ([kylejohnson](
- Moved zmBandwidth option from cookie to Configure:: option. Might fix \#175 [\#190]( ([kylejohnson](
- Moved the Config tabs to the sidebar [\#185]( ([kylejohnson](
- Added datetime picker support and implemented on events sidebar [\#179]( ([WDKevin](
- Add cmake to ZoneMinder [\#178]( ([mastertheknife](
- Fixes the fixed-width container bug in bootstrap [\#177]( ([WDKevin](
- Rtsp updates [\#174]( ([POKKAHOH](
- Minor patches to support older ffmpeg under distro's like Ubuntu 12.04 [\#173]( ([chetan-prime](
- Solution for Issue \#170 [\#172]( ([raulcaj](
- Fixing debian build files including automated database setup [\#164]( ([jaydio](
- Add fedora rpm development files to zoneminder source tree [\#163]( ([knnniggett](
- Improve Chrome browser support & log streaming events [\#162]( ([knnniggett](
- Merge master into modern to keep changes up to date [\#161]( ([chriswiggins](
- Checks for updates every 5 minutes and notifies the user when there is one [\#158]( ([WDKevin](
- Dynamic monitor resizing [\#157]( ([chriswiggins](
- Delete multiple events at once [\#156]( ([WDKevin](
- Added missing file [\#155]( ([WDKevin](
- Add support to change order of monitors [\#154]( ([WDKevin](
- Can't seem to catch a break tonight. Moving debian files into correct folder [\#149]( ([knnniggett](
- Move debian folder under distros [\#148]( ([knnniggett](
- Removing the redhat folder from the root for real this time [\#141]( ([knnniggett](
@ -702,11 +431,6 @@
## [v1.26.3]( (2013-09-10)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- syntax error near unexpected token `5.6.0' [\#118](
- Must modify zmupdate whenever the zm release number is incremented [\#114](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Add 1.26.1 and 1.26.2 releases to zmupdate [\#116]( ([knnniggett](
@ -714,19 +438,6 @@
## [v1.26.2]( (2013-09-06)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Update zmupdate to look at the github repo for the latest version [\#109](
**Fixed bugs:**
- 666980 - hash authentication broken in update [\#105](
**Closed issues:**
- 1.26.1 didn't get bumped from 1.26.0 [\#113](
- Migrate FAQ from ZoneMinder Wiki to GitHub Wiki [\#110](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Use GitHub repo for version check [\#111]( ([chriswiggins](
@ -734,85 +445,18 @@
## [v1.26.1]( (2013-09-06)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Make and configure files are not in v1.26.0 [\#107](
## [v1.26.0]( (2013-09-05)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- AM is deprecated in automake-1.13 onwards [\#94](
- CVE-2013-0232 [\#93](
- \[CRITICAL\] zms crashes with hashed authentication [\#88](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix "Can't stat : No such file or directory" message [\#95]( ([knnniggett](
- Update getBrowser\(\) to match IE10 [\#92]( ([knnniggett](
- Update to give option to convert to InnoDB tables [\#84]( ([knnniggett](
## [v1.26-beta.3]( (2013-08-28)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- libjpeg turbo errors during make [\#52](
**Closed issues:**
- checking for libavcore incorrectly [\#64](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix for Issue \#88 - ZMS crashing [\#90]( ([knnniggett](
- Fixed typo [\#89]( ([knnniggett](
- edit zmupdate function in init script [\#87]( ([knnniggett](
- Add PTZ control files and camera presets for specific ptz cameras. [\#85]( ([knnniggett](
- Update [\#81]( ([knnniggett](
- Suppresses erroneous Corrupt Jpeg messages sent from the jpeg library [\#80]( ([knnniggett](
- Added frameserver patch from Zoneminder Wiki [\#79]( ([knnniggett](
- Don't check for gnutls-openssl on systems with older gnutls [\#78]( ([knnniggett](
- Change default dB Engine from MyISAM to InnoDB [\#77]( ([knnniggett](
- Added build notes for CentOS & RHEL [\#76]( ([knnniggett](
## [v1.26-beta.2]( (2013-08-15)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Updated Hungarian translation [\#35](
**Fixed bugs:**
- 1.26 Beta does not install Control Script [\#38](
**Closed issues:**
- Store video in a \*video\* format [\#40](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Update hu\_hu.php [\#37]( ([nagyrobi](
## [v1.26-beta.1]( (2013-08-13)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Scripts should only be loaded on the pages they're needed [\#15](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Control Types always none using source Ffmpeg [\#16](
- No PTZ control option when adding a new monitor [\#4](
- Monitors/index.ctp Undefined offset error [\#1](
**Closed issues:**
- Please Add my code for 0-23Hour 0n/off Zone Operation [\#24](
## [v1.25]( (2013-04-12)

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)
project (zoneminder)
set(zoneminder_VERSION "1.28.111")
set(zoneminder_VERSION "1.29.1")
# make API version a minor of ZM version
set(zoneminder_API_VERSION "${zoneminder_VERSION}.1")

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# For instructions on building with cmake, please see INSTALL
AC_INIT(zm,1.28.111,[ - Please check FAQ first],zoneminder,
AC_INIT(zm,1.29.1,[ - Please check FAQ first],zoneminder,

db/zm_update-1.29.0.sql Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
-- This updates a 1.28.110 database to 1.29.0
-- No changes required

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
%define _without_x10 1
Name: zoneminder
Version: 1.28.1
Version: 1.29.0
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: A camera monitoring and analysis tool
Group: System Environment/Daemons

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
%define zmgid_final apache
Name: zoneminder
Version: 1.28.1
Version: 1.29.0
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: A camera monitoring and analysis tool
Group: System Environment/Daemons

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
%global _hardened_build 1
Name: zoneminder
Version: 1.28.1
Version: 1.29.0
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: A camera monitoring and analysis tool
Group: System Environment/Daemons

View File

@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ MAIN: while( $loop ) {
Debug( "Got ".int(keys(%$db_events))." events\n" );
<<<<<<< HEAD
my $fs_monitors;
foreach my $Storage (
@ -317,6 +318,131 @@ MAIN: while( $loop ) {
} # end foreach Storage Area
my $fs_monitors;
foreach my $monitor ( glob("[0-9]*") )
# Thie glob above gives all files starting with a digit. So a monitor with a name starting with a digit will be in this list.
next if $monitor =~ /\D/;
Debug( "Found filesystem monitor '$monitor'" );
my $fs_events = $fs_monitors->{$monitor} = {};
( my $monitor_dir ) = ( $monitor =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
if ( $Config{ZM_USE_DEEP_STORAGE} )
foreach my $day_dir ( glob("$monitor_dir/*/*/*") )
Debug( "Checking $day_dir" );
( $day_dir ) = ( $day_dir =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
chdir( $day_dir );
opendir( DIR, "." )
or Fatal( "Can't open directory '$day_dir': $!" );
my @event_links = sort { $b <=> $a } grep { -l $_ } readdir( DIR );
closedir( DIR );
my $count = 0;
foreach my $event_link ( @event_links )
Debug( "Checking link $event_link" );
( my $event = $event_link ) =~ s/^.*\.//;
my $event_path = readlink( $event_link );
if ( $count++ > MAX_AGED_DIRS )
$fs_events->{$event} = -1;
if ( !-e $event_path )
aud_print( "Event link $day_dir/$event_link does not point to valid target" );
if ( confirm() )
( $event_link ) = ( $event_link =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
unlink( $event_link );
$cleaned = 1;
$fs_events->{$event} = (time() - ($^T - ((-M $event_path) * 24*60*60)));
chdir( EVENT_PATH );
chdir( $monitor_dir );
opendir( DIR, "." ) or Fatal( "Can't open directory '$monitor_dir': $!" );
my @temp_events = sort { $b <=> $a } grep { -d $_ && $_ =~ /^\d+$/ } readdir( DIR );
closedir( DIR );
my $count = 0;
foreach my $event ( @temp_events )
if ( $count++ > MAX_AGED_DIRS )
$fs_events->{$event} = -1;
$fs_events->{$event} = (time() - ($^T - ((-M $event) * 24*60*60)));
chdir( EVENT_PATH );
Debug( "Got ".int(keys(%$fs_events))." events\n" );
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
$cleaned = 0;
while ( my ( $fs_monitor, $fs_events ) = each(%$fs_monitors) )
if ( my $db_events = $db_monitors->{$fs_monitor} )
if ( $fs_events )
while ( my ( $fs_event, $age ) = each(%$fs_events ) )
if ( !defined($db_events->{$fs_event}) && ($age < 0 || ($age > $Config{ZM_AUDIT_MIN_AGE})) )
aud_print( "Filesystem event '$fs_monitor/$fs_event' does not exist in database" );
if ( confirm() )
deleteEventFiles( $fs_event, $fs_monitor );
$cleaned = 1;
aud_print( "Filesystem monitor '$fs_monitor' does not exist in database" );
if ( confirm() )
my $command = "rm -rf $fs_monitor";
executeShellCommand( $command );
$cleaned = 1;
my $monitor_links;
foreach my $link ( glob("*") )
next if ( !-l $link );
next if ( -e $link );
aud_print( "Filesystem monitor link '$link' does not point to valid monitor directory" );
if ( confirm() )
( $link ) = ( $link =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
my $command = "rm $link";
executeShellCommand( $command );
$cleaned = 1;
>>>>>>> multi-server
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
$cleaned = 0;

View File

@ -1 +1 @@