Bug 13 - Added support for loss of signal detection.
git-svn-id: http://svn.zoneminder.com/svn/zm/trunk@1814 e3e1d417-86f3-4887-817a-d78f3d33393fpull/27/merge
@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ our $shm_data =
"size" => { "type"=>"int", "seq"=>$shm_seq++ },
"valid" => { "type"=>"bool1", "seq"=>$shm_seq++ },
"active" => { "type"=>"bool1", "seq"=>$shm_seq++ },
"signal" => { "type"=>"bool1", "seq"=>$shm_seq++ },
"state" => { "type"=>"enum", "seq"=>$shm_seq++},
"last_write_index" => { "type"=>"int", "seq"=>$shm_seq++ },
"last_read_index" => { "type"=>"int", "seq"=>$shm_seq++ },
@ -682,7 +683,8 @@ The data fields in shared memory that may be accessed are as follows. There are
shared_data The general shared memory section
size The size, in bytes, of this section
valid Flag indicating whether this section has been initialised
active Flag indicatinf whether this monitor is active
active Flag indicating whether this monitor is active (enabled/disabled)
signal Flag indicating whether this monitor is reciving a valid signal
state The current monitor state, see the STATE constants below
last_write_index The last index, in the image buffer, that an image has been saved to
last_read_index The last index, in the image buffer, that an image has been analysed from
Reference in New Issue