Image: Modernize Annotate method

Peter Keresztes Schmidt 2021-04-19 01:55:11 +02:00
parent 07e49e47af
commit a918e8aeba
2 changed files with 96 additions and 118 deletions

View File

@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ Image::Image() :
buffer = 0;
holdbuffer = 0;
text[0] = '\0';
blend = fptr_blend;
@ -150,7 +149,6 @@ Image::Image(const char *filename) {
holdbuffer = 0;
text[0] = '\0';
@ -176,7 +174,6 @@ Image::Image(int p_width, int p_height, int p_colours, int p_subpixelorder, uint
} else {
text[0] = '\0';
imagePixFormat = AVPixFormat();
@ -204,14 +201,12 @@ Image::Image(int p_width, int p_linesize, int p_height, int p_colours, int p_sub
} else {
text[0] = '\0';
imagePixFormat = AVPixFormat();
Image::Image(const AVFrame *frame) {
text[0] = '\0';
width = frame->width;
height = frame->height;
pixels = width*height;
@ -336,7 +331,7 @@ Image::Image(const Image &p_image) {
holdbuffer = 0;
(*fptr_imgbufcpy)(buffer, p_image.buffer, size);
strncpy(text, p_image.text, sizeof(text));
annotation_ = p_image.annotation_;
imagePixFormat = p_image.imagePixFormat;
@ -1191,8 +1186,8 @@ cinfo->out_color_space = JCS_RGB;
cinfo->dct_method = JDCT_FASTEST;
jpeg_start_compress(cinfo, TRUE);
if ( config.add_jpeg_comments && text[0] ) {
jpeg_write_marker(cinfo, JPEG_COM, (const JOCTET *)text, strlen(text));
if ( config.add_jpeg_comments && !annotation_.empty() ) {
jpeg_write_marker(cinfo, JPEG_COM, reinterpret_cast<const JOCTET *>(annotation_.c_str()), annotation_.size());
// If we have a non-zero time (meaning a parameter was passed in), then form a simple exif segment with that time as DateTimeOriginal and SubsecTimeOriginal
// No timestamp just leave off the exif section.
@ -1997,143 +1992,122 @@ void Image::MaskPrivacy( const unsigned char *p_bitmask, const Rgb pixel_colour
void Image::Annotate(
const char *p_text,
const std::string &text,
const Coord &coord,
const unsigned int size,
const uint8 size,
const Rgb fg_colour,
const Rgb bg_colour) {
strncpy(text, p_text, sizeof(text)-1);
annotation_ = text;
unsigned int index = 0;
unsigned int line_no = 0;
unsigned int text_len = strlen(text);
unsigned int line_len = 0;
const char *line = text;
const uint8_t fg_r_col = RED_VAL_RGBA(fg_colour);
const uint8_t fg_g_col = GREEN_VAL_RGBA(fg_colour);
const uint8_t fg_b_col = BLUE_VAL_RGBA(fg_colour);
const uint8_t fg_bw_col = fg_colour & 0xff;
const Rgb fg_rgb_col = rgb_convert(fg_colour, subpixelorder);
const uint8_t bg_r_col = RED_VAL_RGBA(bg_colour);
const uint8_t bg_g_col = GREEN_VAL_RGBA(bg_colour);
const uint8_t bg_b_col = BLUE_VAL_RGBA(bg_colour);
const uint8_t bg_bw_col = bg_colour & 0xff;
const Rgb bg_rgb_col = rgb_convert(bg_colour, subpixelorder);
const bool bg_trans = (bg_colour == kRGBTransparent);
FontVariant const &font_variant = font.GetFontVariant(size - 1);
const uint16_t char_width = font_variant.GetCharWidth();
const uint16_t char_height = font_variant.GetCharHeight();
Debug(4, "Font size %d, char_width %d char_height %d", size, char_width, char_height);
const uint16 char_width = font_variant.GetCharWidth();
const uint16 char_height = font_variant.GetCharHeight();
while ( (index < text_len) && (line_len = strcspn(line, "\n")) ) {
unsigned int line_width = line_len * char_width;
std::vector<std::string> lines = Split(annotation_, '\n');
std::size_t max_line_length = 0;
for (const std::string &s : lines) {
max_line_length = std::max(max_line_length, s.size());
unsigned int lo_line_x = coord.X();
unsigned int lo_line_y = coord.Y() + (line_no * char_height);
uint32 x0_max = width - (max_line_length * char_width);
uint32 y0_max = height - (lines.size() * char_height);
unsigned int min_line_x = 0;
// FIXME What if line_width > width?
unsigned int max_line_x = width - line_width;
unsigned int min_line_y = 0;
unsigned int max_line_y = height - char_height;
// Calculate initial coordinates of annotation so that everything is displayed even if the
// user set coordinates would prevent that.
uint32 x0 = ZM::clamp(static_cast<uint32>(coord.X()), 0u, x0_max);
uint32 y0 = ZM::clamp(static_cast<uint32>(coord.Y()), 0u, y0_max);
if ( lo_line_x > max_line_x )
lo_line_x = max_line_x;
if ( lo_line_x < min_line_x )
lo_line_x = min_line_x;
if ( lo_line_y > max_line_y )
lo_line_y = max_line_y;
if ( lo_line_y < min_line_y )
lo_line_y = min_line_y;
uint32 y = y0;
for (const std::string &line : lines) {
uint32 x = x0;
unsigned int hi_line_x = lo_line_x + line_width;
unsigned int hi_line_y = lo_line_y + char_height;
if (colours == ZM_COLOUR_GRAY8) {
uint8 *ptr = &buffer[(y * width) + x0];
for (char c : line) {
for (uint64 cp_row : font_variant.GetCodepoint(c)) {
if (bg_colour != kRGBTransparent) {
std::fill(ptr, ptr + char_width, static_cast<uint8>(bg_colour & 0xff));
// Clip anything that runs off the right of the screen
if ( hi_line_x > width )
hi_line_x = width;
if ( hi_line_y > height )
hi_line_y = height;
while (cp_row != 0) {
int column_idx = char_width - __builtin_ctzll(cp_row) + size;
*(ptr + column_idx) = fg_colour & 0xff;
cp_row = cp_row & (cp_row - 1);
ptr -= (width * char_height);
ptr += char_width;
x += char_width;
if (x >= width) {
} else if (colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB24) {
constexpr uint8 bytesPerPixel = 3;
uint8 *ptr = &buffer[((y * width) + x0) * bytesPerPixel];
if ( colours == ZM_COLOUR_GRAY8 ) {
unsigned char *ptr = &buffer[(lo_line_y*width)+lo_line_x];
for ( unsigned int y = lo_line_y, r = 0; y < hi_line_y && r < char_height; y++, r++, ptr += width ) {
unsigned char *temp_ptr = ptr;
for ( unsigned int x = lo_line_x, c = 0; x < hi_line_x && c < line_len; c++ ) {
uint64_t f = font_variant.GetCodepoint(line[c])[r];
if ( !bg_trans ) memset(temp_ptr, bg_bw_col, char_width);
while ( f != 0 ) {
uint64_t t = f & -f;
int idx = char_width - __builtin_ctzll(f) + size;
*(temp_ptr + idx) = fg_bw_col;
f ^= t;
temp_ptr += char_width;
} else if ( colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB24 ) {
unsigned int wc = width * colours;
unsigned char *ptr = &buffer[((lo_line_y*width)+lo_line_x)*colours];
for ( unsigned int y = lo_line_y, r = 0; y < hi_line_y && r < char_height; y++, r++, ptr += wc ) {
unsigned char *temp_ptr = ptr;
for ( unsigned int x = lo_line_x, c = 0; x < hi_line_x && c < line_len; c++ ) {
uint64_t f = font_variant.GetCodepoint(line[c])[r];
if ( !bg_trans ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < char_width; i++ ) { // We need to set individual r,g,b components
unsigned char *colour_ptr = temp_ptr + (i*3);
RED_PTR_RGBA(colour_ptr) = bg_r_col;
GREEN_PTR_RGBA(colour_ptr) = bg_g_col;
BLUE_PTR_RGBA(colour_ptr) = bg_b_col;
while ( f != 0 ) {
uint64_t t = f & -f;
int idx = char_width - __builtin_ctzll(f) + size;
unsigned char *colour_ptr = temp_ptr + (idx*3);
RED_PTR_RGBA(colour_ptr) = fg_r_col;
GREEN_PTR_RGBA(colour_ptr) = fg_g_col;
BLUE_PTR_RGBA(colour_ptr) = fg_b_col;
f ^= t;
temp_ptr += char_width * colours;
} else if ( colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB32 ) {
unsigned int wc = width * colours;
uint8_t *ptr = &buffer[((lo_line_y*width)+lo_line_x) << 2];
for ( unsigned int y = lo_line_y, r = 0; y < hi_line_y && r < char_height; y++, r++, ptr += wc ) {
Rgb* temp_ptr = (Rgb*)ptr;
for ( unsigned int x = lo_line_x, c = 0; x < hi_line_x && c < line_len; c++ ) {
uint64_t f = font_variant.GetCodepoint(line[c])[r];
if ( !bg_trans ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < char_width; i++ )
*(temp_ptr + i) = bg_rgb_col;
while ( f != 0 ) {
uint64_t t = f & -f;
int idx = char_width - __builtin_ctzll(f) + size;
*(temp_ptr + idx) = fg_rgb_col;
f ^= t;
temp_ptr += char_width;
for (char c : line) {
for (uint64 cp_row : font_variant.GetCodepoint(c)) {
if (bg_colour != kRGBTransparent) {
for (int i = 0; i < char_width; i++) { // We need to set individual r,g,b components
uint8 *colour_ptr = ptr + (i * bytesPerPixel);
RED_PTR_RGBA(colour_ptr) = RED_VAL_RGBA(bg_colour);
GREEN_PTR_RGBA(colour_ptr) = GREEN_VAL_RGBA(bg_colour);
BLUE_PTR_RGBA(colour_ptr) = BLUE_VAL_RGBA(bg_colour);
while (cp_row != 0) {
int column_idx = char_width - __builtin_ctzll(cp_row) + size;
uint8 *colour_ptr = ptr + (column_idx * bytesPerPixel);
RED_PTR_RGBA(colour_ptr) = RED_VAL_RGBA(fg_colour);
GREEN_PTR_RGBA(colour_ptr) = GREEN_VAL_RGBA(fg_colour);
BLUE_PTR_RGBA(colour_ptr) = BLUE_VAL_RGBA(fg_colour);
cp_row = cp_row & (cp_row - 1);
ptr -= (width * char_height * bytesPerPixel);
ptr += char_width * bytesPerPixel;
x += char_width;
if (x >= width) {
} else if (colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB32) {
constexpr uint8 bytesPerPixel = 4;
Rgb *ptr = reinterpret_cast<Rgb *>(&buffer[((y * width) + x0) * bytesPerPixel]);
for (char c : line) {
for (uint64 cp_row : font_variant.GetCodepoint(c)) {
if (bg_colour != kRGBTransparent) {
std::fill(ptr, ptr + char_width, bg_rgb_col);
while (cp_row != 0) {
uint32 column_idx = char_width - __builtin_ctzll(cp_row) + size;
*(ptr + column_idx) = fg_rgb_col;
cp_row = cp_row & (cp_row - 1);
ptr += width;
ptr -= (width * char_height);
ptr += char_width;
x += char_width;
if (x >= width) {
} else {
Error("Annotate called with unexpected colours: %d", colours);
index += line_len;
while ( text[index] == '\n' ) {
y += char_height;
if (y >= height) {
line = text+index;

View File

@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class Image {
uint8_t *buffer;
int buffertype; /* 0=not ours, no need to call free(), 1=malloc() buffer, 2=new buffer */
int holdbuffer; /* Hold the buffer instead of replacing it with new one */
char text[1024];
std::string annotation_;
@ -282,7 +282,11 @@ class Image {
const Coord centreCoord(const char *text, const int size) const;
void MaskPrivacy( const unsigned char *p_bitmask, const Rgb pixel_colour=0x00222222 );
void Annotate(const char *p_text, const Coord &coord, unsigned int size = 1, Rgb fg_colour = kRGBWhite, Rgb bg_colour = kRGBBlack);
void Annotate(const std::string &text,
const Coord &coord,
uint8 size = 1,
Rgb fg_colour = kRGBWhite,
Rgb bg_colour = kRGBBlack);
Image *HighlightEdges( Rgb colour, unsigned int p_colours, unsigned int p_subpixelorder, const Box *limits=0 );
//Image *HighlightEdges( Rgb colour, const Polygon &polygon );
void Timestamp( const char *label, const time_t when, const Coord &coord, const int size );