more wip
@ -1,43 +1,44 @@
function evaluateLoadTimes() {
// Only consider it a completed event if we load ALL monitors, then zero all and start again
var start=0;
var end=0;
if(liveMode!=1 && currentSpeed==0) return; // don't evaluate when we are not moving as we can do nothing really fast.
for(var i=0; i<monitorIndex.length; i++) {
if( monitorName[i]>"") {
if( monitorLoadEndTimems[i]==0) return; // if we have a monitor with no time yet just wait
if( start == 0 || start > monitorLoadStartTimems[i] ) start = monitorLoadStartTimems[i];
if( end == 0 || end < monitorLoadEndTimems[i] ) end = monitorLoadEndTimems[i];
if(start==0 || end==0) return; // we really should not get here
for(var i=0; i<numMonitors; i++) {
freeTimeLastIntervals[imageLoadTimesEvaluated++] = 1 - ((end - start)/currentDisplayInterval);
if( imageLoadTimesEvaluated < imageLoadTimesNeeded ) return;
var avgFrac=0;
for(var i=0; i<imageLoadTimesEvaluated; i++)
avgFrac += freeTimeLastIntervals[i];
avgFrac = avgFrac / imageLoadTimesEvaluated;
// The larger this is(positive) the faster we can go
if (avgFrac >= 0.9) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 0.50).toFixed(1); // we can go much faster
else if (avgFrac >= 0.8) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 0.55).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.7) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 0.60).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.6) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 0.65).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.5) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 0.70).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.4) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 0.80).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.35) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 0.90).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.3) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 1.00).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.25) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 1.20).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.2) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 1.50).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.1) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 2.00).toFixed(1);
else currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 2.50).toFixed(1);
currentDisplayInterval=Math.min(Math.max(currentDisplayInterval, 30),10000); // limit this from about 30fps to .1 fps
$('fps').innerHTML="Display refresh rate is " + (1000 / currentDisplayInterval).toFixed(1) + " per second, avgFrac=" + avgFrac.toFixed(3) + ".";
// Only consider it a completed event if we load ALL monitors, then zero all and start again
var start=0;
var end=0;
if ( liveMode != 1 && currentSpeed == 0 ) return; // don't evaluate when we are not moving as we can do nothing really fast.
for ( var i = 0; i < monitorIndex.length; i++ ) {
if ( monitorName[i] > "" ) {
if ( monitorLoadEndTimems[i] ==0 ) return; // if we have a monitor with no time yet just wait
if ( start == 0 || start > monitorLoadStartTimems[i] ) start = monitorLoadStartTimems[i];
if ( end == 0 || end < monitorLoadEndTimems[i] ) end = monitorLoadEndTimems[i];
if ( start == 0 || end == 0 ) return; // we really should not get here
for ( var i=0; i < numMonitors; i++ ) {
var monId = monitorPtr[i];
monitorLoadStartTimems[monId] = 0;
monitorLoadEndTimems[monId] = 0;
freeTimeLastIntervals[imageLoadTimesEvaluated++] = 1 - ((end - start)/currentDisplayInterval);
if( imageLoadTimesEvaluated < imageLoadTimesNeeded ) return;
var avgFrac=0;
for ( var i=0; i < imageLoadTimesEvaluated; i++ )
avgFrac += freeTimeLastIntervals[i];
avgFrac = avgFrac / imageLoadTimesEvaluated;
// The larger this is(positive) the faster we can go
if (avgFrac >= 0.9) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 0.50).toFixed(1); // we can go much faster
else if (avgFrac >= 0.8) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 0.55).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.7) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 0.60).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.6) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 0.65).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.5) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 0.70).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.4) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 0.80).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.35) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 0.90).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.3) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 1.00).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.25) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 1.20).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.2) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 1.50).toFixed(1);
else if (avgFrac >= 0.1) currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 2.00).toFixed(1);
else currentDisplayInterval = (currentDisplayInterval * 2.50).toFixed(1);
currentDisplayInterval=Math.min(Math.max(currentDisplayInterval, 30),10000); // limit this from about 30fps to .1 fps
$('fps').innerHTML="Display refresh rate is " + (1000 / currentDisplayInterval).toFixed(1) + " per second, avgFrac=" + avgFrac.toFixed(3) + ".";
function SetImageSource(monId,val) {
@ -56,39 +57,48 @@ function SetImageSource(monId,val) {
// callback when loading an image. Will load itself to the canvas
function imagedone(obj, monId, success) {
if(success) {
monitorCanvasCtx[monId].drawImage( monitorImageObject[monId], 0, 0, monitorCanvasObj[monId].width, monitorCanvasObj[monId].height );
var iconSize=(Math.max(monitorCanvasObj[monId].width, monitorCanvasObj[monId].height) * 0.10);
monitorCanvasCtx[monId].font = "600 " + iconSize.toString() + "px Arial";
monitorCanvasCtx[monId].fillText("+",iconSize*0.2, iconSize*1.2);
monitorCanvasCtx[monId].fillText("-",monitorCanvasObj[monId].width - iconSize*1.2, iconSize*1.2);
monitorLoadEndTimems[monId] = new Date().getTime(); // elapsed time to load
if ( success ) {
var monitorCanvasCtx = monitorCanvasCtx[monId];
var monitorCanbasObj = monitorCanvasObj[monId];
console.log("drawing image for " + monId + " + width: " + monitorCanvasObj.width );
monitorCanvasCtx.drawImage( monitorImageObject[monId], 0, 0, monitorCanvasObj.width, monitorCanvasObj.height );
var iconSize=(Math.max(monitorCanvasObj.width, monitorCanvasObj.height) * 0.10);
monitorCanvasCtx.font = "600 " + iconSize.toString() + "px Arial";
monitorCanvasCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "difference";
monitorCanvasCtx.fillText("+", iconSize*0.2, iconSize*1.2);
monitorCanvasCtx.fillText("-", monitorCanvasObj[monId].width - iconSize*1.2, iconSize*1.2);
monitorLoadEndTimems[monId] = new Date().getTime(); // elapsed time to load
if ( ! success ) {
// if we had a failrue queue up the no-data image
loadImage2Monitor(monId,"no data"); // leave the staged URL if there is one, just ignore it here.
} else {
if ( monitorLoadingStageURL[monId] == "" ) {
// This means that there wasn't a loading image placeholder.
// So we weren't actually loading an image... which seems weird.
if(!success) {
// if we had a failrue queue up the no-data image
loadImage2Monitor(monId,"no data"); // leave the staged URL if there is one, just ignore it here.
} else {
if(monitorLoadingStageURL[monId]=="") return;
loadImage2Monitor(monId,monitorLoadingStageURL[monId] );
function loadImage2Monitor(monId,url) {
function loadImage2Monitor( monId, url ) {
if ( monitorLoading[monId] && monitorImageObject[monId].src != url ) {
// never queue the same image twice (if it's loading it has to be defined, right?
monitorLoadingStageURL[monId] = url; // we don't care if we are overriting, it means it didn't change fast enough
} else {
if ( monitorImageObject[monId].src == url ) return; // do nothing if it's the same
if ( url == 'no data' ) {
if ( ! monitorCanvasCtx[monId] ) {
if ( ! monitorCanvasCtx[monId] ) {
alert("No ctx for " + monId);
} else {
@ -439,222 +449,197 @@ function setLive(value)
// The section below are to reload this program with new parameters
function clicknav(minSecs,maxSecs,arch,live) // we use the current time if we can
var now = new Date() / 1000;
var minStr="";
var maxStr="";
var currentStr="";
if(maxSecs > now)
maxSecs = parseInt(now);
maxStr="&maxTime=" + secs2dbstr(maxSecs);
minStr="&minTime=" + secs2dbstr(minSecs);
if(maxSecs==0 && minSecs==0)
minStr="&minTime=01/01/1950 12:00:00";
maxStr="&maxTime=12/31/2035 12:00:00";
var intervalStr="&displayinterval=" + currentDisplayInterval.toString();
if(minSecs && maxSecs)
if(currentTimeSecs > minSecs && currentTimeSecs < maxSecs) // make sure time is in the new range
currentStr="¤t=" + secs2dbstr(currentTimeSecs);
function clicknav(minSecs,maxSecs,arch,live) {// we use the current time if we can
var now = new Date() / 1000;
var minStr="";
var maxStr="";
var currentStr="";
if ( minSecs > 0 ) {
if(maxSecs > now)
maxSecs = parseInt(now);
maxStr="&maxTime=" + secs2dbstr(maxSecs);
if ( maxSecs > 0 )
minStr="&minTime=" + secs2dbstr(minSecs);
if ( maxSecs == 0 && minSecs == 0 ) {
minStr="&minTime=01/01/1950 12:00:00";
maxStr="&maxTime=12/31/2035 12:00:00";
var intervalStr="&displayinterval=" + currentDisplayInterval.toString();
if ( minSecs && maxSecs ) {
if ( currentTimeSecs > minSecs && currentTimeSecs < maxSecs ) // make sure time is in the new range
currentStr="¤t=" + secs2dbstr(currentTimeSecs);
var liveStr="&live=0";
var liveStr="&live=0";
if ( live == 1 )
var fitStr="&fit=0";
var fitStr="&fit=0";
if ( fitMode == 1 )
var zoomStr="";
for(var i=0; i<numMonitors; i++)
if(monitorZoomScale[monitorPtr[i]] < 0.99 || monitorZoomScale[monitorPtr[i]] > 1.01) // allow for some up/down changes and just treat as 1 of almost 1
zoomStr += "&z" + monitorPtr[i].toString() + "=" + monitorZoomScale[monitorPtr[i]].toFixed(2);
var zoomStr="";
for ( var i=0; i < numMonitors; i++ )
if ( monitorZoomScale[monitorPtr[i]] < 0.99 || monitorZoomScale[monitorPtr[i]] > 1.01 ) // allow for some up/down changes and just treat as 1 of almost 1
zoomStr += "&z" + monitorPtr[i].toString() + "=" + monitorZoomScale[monitorPtr[i]].toFixed(2);
var uri = "?view=" + currentView + fitStr + groupStr + minStr + maxStr + currentStr + intervalStr + liveStr + zoomStr + "&scale=" + document.getElementById("scaleslider").value + "&speed=" + speeds[document.getElementById("speedslider").value];
var uri = "?view=" + currentView + fitStr + groupStr + minStr + maxStr + currentStr + intervalStr + liveStr + zoomStr + "&scale=" + document.getElementById("scaleslider").value + "&speed=" + speeds[$j("#speedslider").value];
window.location = uri;
function lastHour()
var now = new Date() / 1000;
clicknav(now - 3600 + 1, now,1,0);
function lastHour() {
var now = new Date() / 1000;
clicknav(now - 3600 + 1, now,1,0);
function lastEight()
var now = new Date() / 1000;
clicknav(now - 3600*8 + 1, now,1,0);
function lastEight() {
var now = new Date() / 1000;
clicknav(now - 3600*8 + 1, now,1,0);
function zoomin()
rangeTimeSecs = parseInt(rangeTimeSecs / 2);
minTimeSecs = parseInt(currentTimeSecs - rangeTimeSecs/2); // this is the slider current time, we center on that
maxTimeSecs = parseInt(currentTimeSecs + rangeTimeSecs/2);
function zoomin() {
rangeTimeSecs = parseInt(rangeTimeSecs / 2);
minTimeSecs = parseInt(currentTimeSecs - rangeTimeSecs/2); // this is the slider current time, we center on that
maxTimeSecs = parseInt(currentTimeSecs + rangeTimeSecs/2);
function zoomout()
rangeTimeSecs = parseInt(rangeTimeSecs * 2);
minTimeSecs = parseInt(currentTimeSecs - rangeTimeSecs/2); // this is the slider current time, we center on that
maxTimeSecs = parseInt(currentTimeSecs + rangeTimeSecs/2);
function zoomout() {
rangeTimeSecs = parseInt(rangeTimeSecs * 2);
minTimeSecs = parseInt(currentTimeSecs - rangeTimeSecs/2); // this is the slider current time, we center on that
maxTimeSecs = parseInt(currentTimeSecs + rangeTimeSecs/2);
function panleft()
minTimeSecs = parseInt(minTimeSecs - rangeTimeSecs/2);
maxTimeSecs = minTimeSecs + rangeTimeSecs - 1;
function panleft() {
minTimeSecs = parseInt(minTimeSecs - rangeTimeSecs/2);
maxTimeSecs = minTimeSecs + rangeTimeSecs - 1;
function panright()
minTimeSecs = parseInt(minTimeSecs + rangeTimeSecs/2);
maxTimeSecs = minTimeSecs + rangeTimeSecs - 1;
function panright() {
minTimeSecs = parseInt(minTimeSecs + rangeTimeSecs/2);
maxTimeSecs = minTimeSecs + rangeTimeSecs - 1;
function allof()
function allof() {
function allnon()
function allnon() {
/// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> handles packing different size/aspect monitors on screen <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
function compSize(a, b) // sort array by some size parameter - height seems to work best. A semi-greedy algorithm
if ( monitorHeight[a] * monitorWidth[a] * monitorNormalizeScale[a] * monitorZoomScale[a] * monitorNormalizeScale[a] * monitorZoomScale[a] > monitorHeight[b] * monitorWidth[b] * monitorNormalizeScale[b] * monitorZoomScale[b] * monitorNormalizeScale[b] * monitorZoomScale[b]) return -1;
else if ( monitorHeight[a] * monitorWidth[a] * monitorNormalizeScale[a] * monitorZoomScale[a] * monitorNormalizeScale[a] * monitorZoomScale[a] == monitorHeight[b] * monitorWidth[b] * monitorNormalizeScale[b] * monitorZoomScale[b] * monitorNormalizeScale[b] * monitorZoomScale[b]) return 0;
else return 1;
function compSize(a, b) { // sort array by some size parameter - height seems to work best. A semi-greedy algorithm
var a_value = monitorHeight[a] * monitorWidth[a] * monitorNormalizeScale[a] * monitorZoomScale[a] * monitorNormalizeScale[a] * monitorZoomScale[a];
var b_value = monitorHeight[b] * monitorWidth[b] * monitorNormalizeScale[b] * monitorZoomScale[b] * monitorNormalizeScale[b] * monitorZoomScale[b];
if ( a_value > b_value ) return -1;
else if ( a_value == b_value ) return 0;
else return 1;
function maxfit2(divW, divH)
var bestFitX=[]; // how we arranged the so-far best match
var bestFitX2=[];
var bestFitY=[];
var bestFitY2=[];
var bestFitScale;
function maxfit2(divW, divH) {
var bestFitX=[]; // how we arranged the so-far best match
var bestFitX2=[];
var bestFitY=[];
var bestFitY2=[];
var bestFitScale;
var minScale=0.05;
var maxScale=5.00;
var bestFitArea=0;
var minScale=0.05;
var maxScale=5.00;
var bestFitArea=0;
var borders=-1;
var borders=-1;
if( maxScale - minScale < 0.01 ) break;
var thisScale = (maxScale + minScale) / 2;
var allFit=1;
var thisArea=0;
var thisX=[]; // top left
var thisY=[];
var thisX2=[]; // bottom right
var thisY2=[];
while(1) {
if( maxScale - minScale < 0.01 ) break;
var thisScale = (maxScale + minScale) / 2;
var allFit=1;
var thisArea=0;
var thisX=[]; // top left
var thisY=[];
var thisX2=[]; // bottom right
var thisY2=[];
for(var m=0; m<numMonitors; m++)
// this loop places each monitor (if it can)
for ( var m = 0; m < numMonitors; m++ ) {
// this loop places each monitor (if it can)
var monId = monitorPtr[m];
function doesItFit(x,y,w,h,d)
{ // does block (w,h) fit at position (x,y) relative to edge and other nodes already done (0..d)
if(x+w>=divW) return 0;
if(y+h>=divH) return 0;
for(var i=0; i<=d; i++)
if( !( thisX[i]>x+w-1 || thisX2[i] < x || thisY[i] > y+h-1 || thisY2[i] < y ) ) return 0;
return 1; // it's OK
function doesItFit(x,y,w,h,d) { // does block (w,h) fit at position (x,y) relative to edge and other nodes already done (0..d)
if(x+w>=divW) return 0;
if(y+h>=divH) return 0;
for(var i=0; i<=d; i++)
if( !( thisX[i]>x+w-1 || thisX2[i] < x || thisY[i] > y+h-1 || thisY2[i] < y ) ) return 0;
return 1; // it's OK
if(borders<=0) borders=$("Monitor"+monitorPtr[m]).getStyle("border").toInt() * 2; // assume fixed size border, and added to both sides and top/bottom
// try fitting over first, then down. Each new one must land at either upper right or lower left corner of last (try in that order)
// Pick the one with the smallest Y, then smallest X if Y equal
var fitX = 999999999;
var fitY = 999999999;
for( adjacent=0; adjacent<m; adjacent++)
// try top right of adjacent
if( doesItFit(thisX2[adjacent]+1, thisY[adjacent], monitorWidth[monitorPtr[m]] * thisScale * monitorNormalizeScale[monitorPtr[m]] * monitorZoomScale[monitorPtr[m]] + borders, monitorHeight[monitorPtr[m]] * thisScale * monitorNormalizeScale[monitorPtr[m]] * monitorZoomScale[monitorPtr[m]] + borders, m-1) == 1 )
if(thisY[adjacent]<fitY || ( thisY[adjacent]==fitY && thisX2[adjacent]+1 < fitX ))
// try bottom left
if ( doesItFit(thisX[adjacent], thisY2[adjacent]+1, monitorWidth[monitorPtr[m]] * thisScale * monitorNormalizeScale[monitorPtr[m]] * monitorZoomScale[monitorPtr[m]] + borders, monitorHeight[monitorPtr[m]] * thisScale * monitorNormalizeScale[monitorPtr[m]] * monitorZoomScale[monitorPtr[m]] + borders, m-1) == 1 )
if(thisY2[adjacent]+1<fitY || ( thisY2[adjacent]+1 == fitY && thisX[adjacent]<fitX ))
if(m==0) // note for teh very first one there were no adjacents so the above loop didn't run
if( doesItFit(0,0,monitorWidth[monitorPtr[m]] * thisScale * monitorNormalizeScale[monitorPtr[m]] * monitorZoomScale[monitorPtr[m]] + borders, monitorHeight[monitorPtr[m]] * thisScale * monitorNormalizeScale[monitorPtr[m]] * monitorZoomScale[monitorPtr[m]] + borders, -1) == 1 )
break; // break out of monitor loop flagging we didn't fit
thisX[m] =fitX;
thisX2[m]=fitX + monitorWidth[monitorPtr[m]] * thisScale * monitorNormalizeScale[monitorPtr[m]] * monitorZoomScale[monitorPtr[m]] + borders;
thisY[m] =fitY;
thisY2[m]=fitY + monitorHeight[monitorPtr[m]] * thisScale * monitorNormalizeScale[monitorPtr[m]] * monitorZoomScale[monitorPtr[m]] + borders;
thisArea += (thisX2[m] - thisX[m])*(thisY2[m] - thisY[m]);
if ( borders <= 0 )
borders=$("Monitor"+monId).getStyle("border").toInt() * 2; // assume fixed size border, and added to both sides and top/bottom
// try fitting over first, then down. Each new one must land at either upper right or lower left corner of last (try in that order)
// Pick the one with the smallest Y, then smallest X if Y equal
var fitX = 999999999;
var fitY = 999999999;
for ( adjacent = 0; adjacent < m; adjacent ++ ) {
// try top right of adjacent
if ( doesItFit(thisX2[adjacent]+1, thisY[adjacent], monitorWidth[monId] * thisScale * monitorNormalizeScale[monId] * monitorZoomScale[monId] + borders, monitorHeight[monId] * thisScale * monitorNormalizeScale[monId] * monitorZoomScale[monId] + borders, m-1) == 1 ) {
if ( thisY[adjacent]<fitY || ( thisY[adjacent] == fitY && thisX2[adjacent]+1 < fitX ) ) {
fitX = thisX2[adjacent] + 1;
fitY = thisY[adjacent];
// try bottom left
if ( doesItFit(thisX[adjacent], thisY2[adjacent]+1, monitorWidth[monId] * thisScale * monitorNormalizeScale[monId] * monitorZoomScale[monId] + borders, monitorHeight[monId] * thisScale * monitorNormalizeScale[monId] * monitorZoomScale[monId] + borders, m-1) == 1 ) {
if ( thisY2[adjacent]+1 < fitY || ( thisY2[adjacent]+1 == fitY && thisX[adjacent] < fitX ) ) {
fitX = thisX[adjacent];
fitY = thisY2[adjacent] + 1;
else // didn't fit
if ( m == 0 ) { // note for the very first one there were no adjacents so the above loop didn't run
if ( doesItFit(0,0,monitorWidth[monId] * thisScale * monitorNormalizeScale[monId] * monitorZoomScale[monId] + borders, monitorHeight[monId] * thisScale * monitorNormalizeScale[monId] * monitorZoomScale[monId] + borders, -1) == 1 ) {
fitX = 0;
fitY = 0;
if ( fitX == 999999999 ) {
allFit = 0;
break; // break out of monitor loop flagging we didn't fit
thisX[m] =fitX;
thisX2[m]=fitX + monitorWidth[monitorPtr[m]] * thisScale * monitorNormalizeScale[monitorPtr[m]] * monitorZoomScale[monitorPtr[m]] + borders;
thisY[m] =fitY;
thisY2[m]=fitY + monitorHeight[monitorPtr[m]] * thisScale * monitorNormalizeScale[monitorPtr[m]] * monitorZoomScale[monitorPtr[m]] + borders;
thisArea += (thisX2[m] - thisX[m])*(thisY2[m] - thisY[m]);
if(bestFitArea>0) // only rearrange if we could fit -- otherwise just do nothing, let them start coming out, whatever
for(m=0; m<numMonitors; m++)
c = $("Monitor" + monitorPtr[m]);
||||[m].toString() + "px";
||||[m].toString() + "px";
c.width = bestFitX2[m] - bestFitX[m] + 1 - borders;
c.height= bestFitY2[m] - bestFitY[m] + 1 - borders;
return 1;
if ( allFit == 1 ) {
if(bestFitArea<thisArea) {
} else {
// didn't fit
return 0;
if ( bestFitArea > 0 ) { // only rearrange if we could fit -- otherwise just do nothing, let them start coming out, whatever
for ( m = 0; m < numMonitors; m++ ) {
c = $("Monitor" + monitorPtr[m]);
||||[m].toString() + "px";
||||[m].toString() + "px";
c.width = bestFitX2[m] - bestFitX[m] + 1 - borders;
c.height= bestFitY2[m] - bestFitY[m] + 1 - borders;
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Handles individual monitor clicks and navigation to the standard event/watch display
@ -700,9 +685,9 @@ function clickMonitor(event,monId) {
// >>>>>>>>> Initialization that runs on window load by being at the bottom
function initPage() {
for ( var i = 0, len=monitorPtr.length; i < len; i += 1 ) {
canvas = $("timeline");
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
for ( var i = 0, len = monitorPtr.length; i < len; i += 1 ) {
var monId = monitorPtr[i];
if ( ! monId ) continue;
monitorCanvasObj[monId] = $('Monitor'+monId );
@ -716,7 +701,6 @@ function initPage() {
monitorImageObject[monId].onload = function() {imagedone(this, this.monId, true )};
monitorImageObject[monId].onerror = function() {imagedone(this, this.monId, false )};
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
var currentScale=<?php echo $defaultScale?>;
var liveMode=<?php echo $initialModeIsLive?>;
console.log("Live mode?"+liveMode);
var fitMode=<?php echo $fitMode?>;
var currentSpeed=<?php echo $speeds[$speedIndex]?>; // slider scale, which is only for replay and relative to real time
var speedIndex=<?php echo $speedIndex?>;
@ -17,7 +18,6 @@ var eId = [];
var eStartSecs = [];
var eEndSecs = [];
var eventFrames = []; // this is going to presume all frames equal durationlength
var zeropad = <?php echo sprintf("\"%0" . ZM_EVENT_IMAGE_DIGITS . "d\"",0); ?>;
var groupStr=<?php if($group=="") echo '""'; else echo "\"&group=$group\""; ?>;
Reference in New Issue