SELECTING auto_increment value doesn't work. Must use mysql_insertid

Isaac Connor 2023-09-18 17:05:10 -04:00
parent 4410757037
commit 82a7dca63b
1 changed files with 2 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -251,11 +251,8 @@ $log->debug("No serial") if $debug;
if ( ! $$self{$id} ) {
my $s = qq{SELECT `auto_increment` FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE `table_name` = '$table'};
($$self{$id}) = ($sql{$$fields{$id}}) = $local_dbh->selectrow_array( $s );
#($$self{$id}) = ($sql{$$fields{$id}}) = $local_dbh->selectrow_array( q{SELECT nextval('} . $serial{$id} . q{')} );
$log->debug("SQL statement execution SELECT $s returned $$self{$id}") if $debug or DEBUG_ALL;
#$log->debug("SQL statement execution SELECT $s returned $$self{$id}") if $debug or DEBUG_ALL;
$insert = 1;
} # end if
} # end foreach
@ -300,22 +297,6 @@ $log->debug("No serial") if $debug;
my $need_serial = @identified_by_without_values > 0;
if ( $force_insert or $need_serial ) {
if ( $need_serial ) {
if ( $serial ) {
$log->debug("Getting auto_increments");
my $s = qq{SELECT `auto_increment` FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE `table_name` = '$table'};
@$self{@identified_by} = @sql{@$fields{@identified_by}} = $local_dbh->selectrow_array( $s );
#@$self{@identified_by} = @sql{@$fields{@identified_by}} = $local_dbh->selectrow_array( q{SELECT nextval('} . $serial . q{')} );
if ( $local_dbh->errstr() ) {
$log->error("Error getting next id. " . $local_dbh->errstr() ."\n".
"SQL statement execution $s returned ".join(',',@$self{@identified_by}));
} elsif ( $debug or DEBUG_ALL ) {
$log->debug("SQL statement execution $s returned ".join(',',@$self{@identified_by}));
} # end if
} # end if
} # end if
my @keys = keys %sql;
my $command = "INSERT INTO `$table` (" . join(',', map { '`'.$_.'`' } @keys ) . ') VALUES (' . join(',', map { '?' } @sql{@keys} ) . ')';
if ( ! ( $_ = $local_dbh->prepare($command) and $_->execute( @sql{@keys} ) ) ) {
@ -330,6 +311,7 @@ $log->debug("No serial") if $debug;
$command =~ s/\?/\%s/g;
$log->debug('SQL DEBUG: ('.sprintf($command, map { defined $_ ? $_ : 'undef' } ( @sql{@keys} ) ).'):' );
} # end if
$$self{Id} = $local_dbh->{'mysql_insertid'} if !$$self{Id};
} else {
delete $sql{created_on};
my @keys = keys %sql;
@ -352,16 +334,6 @@ $log->debug("No serial") if $debug;
} # end if
} # end if
ZoneMinder::Database::end_transaction( $local_dbh, $ac ) if $ac;
#if ( $$fields{id} ) {
#if ( ! $ZoneMinder::Object::cache{$type}{$$self{id}} ) {
#$ZoneMinder::Object::cache{$type}{$$self{id}} = $self;
#} # end if
#delete $ZoneMinder::Object::cache{$config{db_name}}{$type}{$$self{id}};
#} # end if
#$log->debug("after delete");
#eval 'if ( %'.$type.'::find_cache ) { %'.$type.'::find_cache = (); }';
#$log->debug("after clear cache");
return '';
} # end sub save