Only allow Events Columns for sort. Fixes GHSA-2qp3-fwpv-mc96. Fixes GHSA-9cmr-7437-v9fj

Isaac Connor 2023-09-11 11:29:46 -04:00
parent 3f95e04ede
commit 677f6a3155
1 changed files with 33 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -46,14 +46,32 @@ $order = (isset($_REQUEST['order']) and (strtolower($_REQUEST['order']) == 'asc'
// The names of the dB columns in the events table we are interested in
$columns = array('Id', 'MonitorId', 'StorageId', 'Name', 'Cause', 'StartDateTime', 'EndDateTime', 'Length', 'Frames', 'AlarmFrames', 'TotScore', 'AvgScore', 'MaxScore', 'Archived', 'Emailed', 'Notes', 'DiskSpace');
if ( $sort != 'Id' ) {
if (!in_array($sort, $columns)) {
ZM\Error('Invalid sort field: ' . $sort);
$sort = 'Id';
} else if ($sort == 'EndDateTime') {
if ($order == 'ASC') {
$sort = 'E.EndDateTime IS NULL, E.EndDateTime';
} else {
$sort = 'E.EndDateTime IS NOT NULL, E.EndDateTime';
} else {
$sort = 'E.'.$sort;
$where = 'WHERE MonitorId = '.$mid;
$col_str = 'E.*';
$sql = 'SELECT ' .$col_str. ' FROM `Events` AS E '.$where.' ORDER BY '.$sort.' '.$order. ' LIMIT ?';
ZM\Debug('Calling the following sql query: ' .$sql);
$rows = dbQuery($sql, array($limit));
$returned_rows = array();
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
if ($rows) {
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$event = new ZM\Event($row['Id']);
$scale = intval(5*100*ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_WIDTH / $event->Width());
@ -69,7 +87,8 @@ foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$row['Length'] = gmdate('H:i:s', intval($row['Length']));
$returned_rows[] = $row;
} # end foreach row matching search
} # end foreach row matching search
$data['rows'] = $returned_rows;