source triggers.sql

Isaac Connor 2018-02-17 12:59:53 -05:00
parent e991e2a05d
commit 670a979a0e
1 changed files with 2 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -1154,10 +1154,11 @@ INSERT INTO MontageLayouts (`Name`,`Positions`) VALUES ('3 Wide', '{ "default":{
INSERT INTO MontageLayouts (`Name`,`Positions`) VALUES ('4 Wide', '{ "default":{"float":"left", "width":"24.5%","left":"0px","right":"0px","top":"0px","bottom":"0px"} }' );
INSERT INTO MontageLayouts (`Name`,`Positions`) VALUES ('5 Wide', '{ "default":{"float":"left", "width":"19%","left":"0px","right":"0px","top":"0px","bottom":"0px"} }' );
-- We generally don't alter triggers, we drop and re-create them, so let's keep them in a separate file that we can just source in update scripts.
source triggers.sql
-- Apply the initial configuration
-- This section is autogenerated by
-- Do not edit this file as any changes will be overwritten