a better fix for the sign comparison warnings during compilation

mastertheknife 2013-09-17 10:28:59 +03:00
parent 7d5e0d3ba2
commit 5a9364703c
5 changed files with 155 additions and 155 deletions

View File

@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ void Image::Initialise()
/* Requests a writeable buffer to the image. This is safer than buffer() because this way we can gurantee that a buffer of required size exists */
uint8_t* Image::WriteBuffer(const int p_width, const int p_height, const int p_colours, const int p_subpixelorder) {
uint8_t* Image::WriteBuffer(const unsigned int p_width, const unsigned int p_height, const unsigned int p_colours, const unsigned int p_subpixelorder) {
unsigned int newsize;
if(p_colours != ZM_COLOUR_GRAY8 && p_colours != ZM_COLOUR_RGB24 && p_colours != ZM_COLOUR_RGB32) {
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ uint8_t* Image::WriteBuffer(const int p_width, const int p_height, const int p_c
/* Assign an existing buffer to the image instead of copying from a source buffer. The goal is to reduce the amount of memory copying and increase efficiency and buffer reusing. */
void Image::AssignDirect( const int p_width, const int p_height, const int p_colours, const int p_subpixelorder, uint8_t *new_buffer, const size_t buffer_size, const int p_buffertype) {
void Image::AssignDirect( const unsigned int p_width, const unsigned int p_height, const unsigned int p_colours, const unsigned int p_subpixelorder, uint8_t *new_buffer, const size_t buffer_size, const int p_buffertype) {
if(new_buffer == NULL) {
Error("Attempt to directly assign buffer from a NULL pointer");
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ void Image::AssignDirect( const int p_width, const int p_height, const int p_col
void Image::Assign(const int p_width, const int p_height, const int p_colours, const int p_subpixelorder, const uint8_t* new_buffer, const size_t buffer_size) {
void Image::Assign(const unsigned int p_width, const unsigned int p_height, const unsigned int p_colours, const unsigned int p_subpixelorder, const uint8_t* new_buffer, const size_t buffer_size) {
unsigned int new_size = (p_width * p_height) * p_colours;
if(new_buffer == NULL) {
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ void Image::Assign( const Image &image ) {
(*fptr_imgbufcpy)(buffer, image.buffer, size);
Image *Image::HighlightEdges( Rgb colour, int p_colours, int p_subpixelorder, const Box *limits )
Image *Image::HighlightEdges( Rgb colour, unsigned int p_colours, unsigned int p_subpixelorder, const Box *limits )
if ( colours != ZM_COLOUR_GRAY8 )
@ -498,18 +498,18 @@ Image *Image::HighlightEdges( Rgb colour, int p_colours, int p_subpixelorder, co
/* Set image to all black */
int lo_x = limits?limits->Lo().X():0;
int lo_y = limits?limits->Lo().Y():0;
int hi_x = limits?limits->Hi().X():width-1;
int hi_y = limits?limits->Hi().Y():height-1;
unsigned int lo_x = limits?limits->Lo().X():0;
unsigned int lo_y = limits?limits->Lo().Y():0;
unsigned int hi_x = limits?limits->Hi().X():width-1;
unsigned int hi_y = limits?limits->Hi().Y():height-1;
if ( p_colours == ZM_COLOUR_GRAY8 )
for ( int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
for ( unsigned int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
const uint8_t* p = buffer + (y * width) + lo_x;
uint8_t* phigh = high_buff + (y * width) + lo_x;
for ( int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, p++, phigh++ )
for ( unsigned int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, p++, phigh++ )
bool edge = false;
if ( *p )
@ -528,11 +528,11 @@ Image *Image::HighlightEdges( Rgb colour, int p_colours, int p_subpixelorder, co
else if ( p_colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB24 )
for ( int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
for ( unsigned int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
const uint8_t* p = buffer + (y * width) + lo_x;
uint8_t* phigh = high_buff + (((y * width) + lo_x) * 3);
for ( int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, p++, phigh += 3 )
for ( unsigned int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, p++, phigh += 3 )
bool edge = false;
if ( *p )
@ -553,11 +553,11 @@ Image *Image::HighlightEdges( Rgb colour, int p_colours, int p_subpixelorder, co
else if ( p_colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB32 )
for ( int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
for ( unsigned int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
const uint8_t* p = buffer + (y * width) + lo_x;
Rgb* phigh = (Rgb*)(high_buff + (((y * width) + lo_x) * 4));
for ( int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, p++, phigh++ )
for ( unsigned int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, p++, phigh++ )
bool edge = false;
if ( *p )
@ -631,9 +631,9 @@ bool Image::WriteRaw( const char *filename ) const
return( true );
bool Image::ReadJpeg( const char *filename, int p_colours, int p_subpixelorder)
bool Image::ReadJpeg( const char *filename, unsigned int p_colours, unsigned int p_subpixelorder)
int new_width, new_height, new_colours, new_subpixelorder;
unsigned int new_width, new_height, new_colours, new_subpixelorder;
struct jpeg_decompress_struct *cinfo = jpg_dcinfo;
if ( !cinfo )
@ -884,9 +884,9 @@ bool Image::WriteJpeg( const char *filename, int quality_override ) const
return( true );
bool Image::DecodeJpeg( const JOCTET *inbuffer, int inbuffer_size, int p_colours, int p_subpixelorder)
bool Image::DecodeJpeg( const JOCTET *inbuffer, int inbuffer_size, unsigned int p_colours, unsigned int p_subpixelorder)
int new_width, new_height, new_colours, new_subpixelorder;
unsigned int new_width, new_height, new_colours, new_subpixelorder;
struct jpeg_decompress_struct *cinfo = jpg_dcinfo;
if ( !cinfo )
@ -1141,10 +1141,10 @@ bool Image::Zip( Bytef *outbuffer, unsigned long *outbuffer_size, int compressio
#endif // HAVE_ZLIB_H
bool Image::Crop( int lo_x, int lo_y, int hi_x, int hi_y )
bool Image::Crop( unsigned int lo_x, unsigned int lo_y, unsigned int hi_x, unsigned int hi_y )
int new_width = (hi_x-lo_x)+1;
int new_height = (hi_y-lo_y)+1;
unsigned int new_width = (hi_x-lo_x)+1;
unsigned int new_height = (hi_y-lo_y)+1;
if ( lo_x > hi_x || lo_y > hi_y )
@ -1162,11 +1162,11 @@ bool Image::Crop( int lo_x, int lo_y, int hi_x, int hi_y )
return( true );
int new_size = new_width*new_height*colours;
unsigned int new_size = new_width*new_height*colours;
uint8_t *new_buffer = AllocBuffer(new_size);
int new_stride = new_width*colours;
for ( int y = lo_y, ny = 0; y <= hi_y; y++, ny++ )
unsigned int new_stride = new_width*colours;
for ( unsigned int y = lo_y, ny = 0; y <= hi_y; y++, ny++ )
unsigned char *pbuf = &buffer[((y*width)+lo_x)*colours];
unsigned char *pnbuf = &new_buffer[(ny*new_width)*colours];
@ -1364,7 +1364,7 @@ void Image::Overlay( const Image &image )
/* RGB32 compatible: complete */
void Image::Overlay( const Image &image, int x, int y )
void Image::Overlay( const Image &image, unsigned int x, unsigned int y )
if ( !(width < image.width || height < image.height) )
@ -1381,17 +1381,17 @@ void Image::Overlay( const Image &image, int x, int y )
Panic( "Attempt to partial overlay differently coloured images, expected %d, got %d", colours, image.colours );
int lo_x = x;
int lo_y = y;
int hi_x = (x+image.width)-1;
int hi_y = (y+image.height-1);
unsigned int lo_x = x;
unsigned int lo_y = y;
unsigned int hi_x = (x+image.width)-1;
unsigned int hi_y = (y+image.height-1);
if ( colours == ZM_COLOUR_GRAY8 )
const uint8_t *psrc = image.buffer;
for ( int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
for ( unsigned int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
uint8_t *pdest = &buffer[(y*width)+lo_x];
for ( int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++ )
for ( unsigned int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++ )
*pdest++ = *psrc++;
@ -1400,10 +1400,10 @@ void Image::Overlay( const Image &image, int x, int y )
else if ( colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB24 )
const uint8_t *psrc = image.buffer;
for ( int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
for ( unsigned int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
uint8_t *pdest = &buffer[colours*((y*width)+lo_x)];
for ( int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++ )
for ( unsigned int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++ )
*pdest++ = *psrc++;
*pdest++ = *psrc++;
@ -1414,10 +1414,10 @@ void Image::Overlay( const Image &image, int x, int y )
else if ( colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB32 )
const Rgb *psrc = (Rgb*)(image.buffer);
for ( int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
for ( unsigned int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
Rgb *pdest = (Rgb*)&buffer[((y*width)+lo_x)<<2];
for ( int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++ )
for ( unsigned int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++ )
*pdest++ = *psrc++;
@ -1466,15 +1466,15 @@ void Image::Blend( const Image &image, int transparency )
AssignDirect( width, height, colours, subpixelorder, new_buffer, size, ZM_BUFTYPE_ZM);
Image *Image::Merge( int n_images, Image *images[] )
Image *Image::Merge( unsigned int n_images, Image *images[] )
if ( n_images <= 0 ) return( 0 );
if ( n_images == 1 ) return( new Image( *images[0] ) );
int width = images[0]->width;
int height = images[0]->height;
int colours = images[0]->colours;
for ( int i = 1; i < n_images; i++ )
unsigned int width = images[0]->width;
unsigned int height = images[0]->height;
unsigned int colours = images[0]->colours;
for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < n_images; i++ )
if ( !(width == images[i]->width && height == images[i]->height && colours == images[i]->colours) )
@ -1483,12 +1483,12 @@ Image *Image::Merge( int n_images, Image *images[] )
Image *result = new Image( width, height, images[0]->colours, images[0]->subpixelorder);
int size = result->size;
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
unsigned int size = result->size;
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
int total = 0;
unsigned int total = 0;
uint8_t *pdest = result->buffer;
for ( int j = 0; j < n_images; j++ )
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < n_images; j++ )
uint8_t *psrc = images[j]->buffer;
total += *psrc;
@ -1500,15 +1500,15 @@ Image *Image::Merge( int n_images, Image *images[] )
return( result );
Image *Image::Merge( int n_images, Image *images[], double weight )
Image *Image::Merge( unsigned int n_images, Image *images[], double weight )
if ( n_images <= 0 ) return( 0 );
if ( n_images == 1 ) return( new Image( *images[0] ) );
int width = images[0]->width;
int height = images[0]->height;
int colours = images[0]->colours;
for ( int i = 1; i < n_images; i++ )
unsigned int width = images[0]->width;
unsigned int height = images[0]->height;
unsigned int colours = images[0]->colours;
for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < n_images; i++ )
if ( !(width == images[i]->width && height == images[i]->height && colours == images[i]->colours) )
@ -1517,13 +1517,13 @@ Image *Image::Merge( int n_images, Image *images[], double weight )
Image *result = new Image( *images[0] );
int size = result->size;
unsigned int size = result->size;
double factor = 1.0*weight;
for ( int i = 1; i < n_images; i++ )
for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < n_images; i++ )
uint8_t *pdest = result->buffer;
uint8_t *psrc = images[i]->buffer;
for ( int j = 0; j < size; j++ )
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < size; j++ )
*pdest = (uint8_t)(((*pdest)*(1.0-factor))+((*psrc)*factor));
@ -1534,15 +1534,15 @@ Image *Image::Merge( int n_images, Image *images[], double weight )
return( result );
Image *Image::Highlight( int n_images, Image *images[], const Rgb threshold, const Rgb ref_colour )
Image *Image::Highlight( unsigned int n_images, Image *images[], const Rgb threshold, const Rgb ref_colour )
if ( n_images <= 0 ) return( 0 );
if ( n_images == 1 ) return( new Image( *images[0] ) );
int width = images[0]->width;
int height = images[0]->height;
int colours = images[0]->colours;
for ( int i = 1; i < n_images; i++ )
unsigned int width = images[0]->width;
unsigned int height = images[0]->height;
unsigned int colours = images[0]->colours;
for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < n_images; i++ )
if ( !(width == images[i]->width && height == images[i]->height && colours == images[i]->colours) )
@ -1551,14 +1551,14 @@ Image *Image::Highlight( int n_images, Image *images[], const Rgb threshold, con
Image *result = new Image( width, height, images[0]->colours, images[0]->subpixelorder );
int size = result->size;
for ( int c = 0; c < colours; c++ )
unsigned int size = result->size;
for ( unsigned int c = 0; c < colours; c++ )
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
int count = 0;
unsigned int count = 0;
uint8_t *pdest = result->buffer+c;
for ( int j = 0; j < n_images; j++ )
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < n_images; j++ )
uint8_t *psrc = images[j]->buffer+c;
@ -1678,10 +1678,10 @@ void Image::Annotate( const char *p_text, const Coord &coord, const Rgb fg_colou
strncpy( text, p_text, sizeof(text) );
int index = 0;
int line_no = 0;
int text_len = strlen( text );
int line_len = 0;
unsigned int index = 0;
unsigned int line_no = 0;
unsigned int text_len = strlen( text );
unsigned int line_len = 0;
const char *line = text;
const uint8_t fg_r_col = RED_VAL_RGBA(fg_colour);
@ -1701,15 +1701,15 @@ void Image::Annotate( const char *p_text, const Coord &coord, const Rgb fg_colou
while ( (index < text_len) && (line_len = strcspn( line, "\n" )) )
int line_width = line_len * CHAR_WIDTH;
unsigned int line_width = line_len * CHAR_WIDTH;
int lo_line_x = coord.X();
int lo_line_y = coord.Y() + (line_no * LINE_HEIGHT);
unsigned int lo_line_x = coord.X();
unsigned int lo_line_y = coord.Y() + (line_no * LINE_HEIGHT);
int min_line_x = 0;
int max_line_x = width - line_width;
int min_line_y = 0;
int max_line_y = height - LINE_HEIGHT;
unsigned int min_line_x = 0;
unsigned int max_line_x = width - line_width;
unsigned int min_line_y = 0;
unsigned int max_line_y = height - LINE_HEIGHT;
if ( lo_line_x > max_line_x )
lo_line_x = max_line_x;
@ -1720,8 +1720,8 @@ void Image::Annotate( const char *p_text, const Coord &coord, const Rgb fg_colou
if ( lo_line_y < min_line_y )
lo_line_y = min_line_y;
int hi_line_x = lo_line_x + line_width;
int hi_line_y = lo_line_y + LINE_HEIGHT;
unsigned int hi_line_x = lo_line_x + line_width;
unsigned int hi_line_y = lo_line_y + LINE_HEIGHT;
// Clip anything that runs off the right of the screen
if ( hi_line_x > width )
@ -1732,13 +1732,13 @@ void Image::Annotate( const char *p_text, const Coord &coord, const Rgb fg_colou
if ( colours == ZM_COLOUR_GRAY8 )
unsigned char *ptr = &buffer[(lo_line_y*width)+lo_line_x];
for ( int y = lo_line_y, r = 0; y < hi_line_y && r < CHAR_HEIGHT; y++, r++, ptr += width )
for ( unsigned int y = lo_line_y, r = 0; y < hi_line_y && r < CHAR_HEIGHT; y++, r++, ptr += width )
unsigned char *temp_ptr = ptr;
for ( int x = lo_line_x, c = 0; x < hi_line_x && c < line_len; c++ )
for ( unsigned int x = lo_line_x, c = 0; x < hi_line_x && c < line_len; c++ )
int f = fontdata[(line[c] * CHAR_HEIGHT) + r];
for ( int i = 0; i < CHAR_WIDTH && x < hi_line_x; i++, x++, temp_ptr++ )
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < CHAR_WIDTH && x < hi_line_x; i++, x++, temp_ptr++ )
if ( f & (0x80 >> i) )
@ -1755,16 +1755,16 @@ void Image::Annotate( const char *p_text, const Coord &coord, const Rgb fg_colou
else if ( colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB24 )
int wc = width * colours;
unsigned int wc = width * colours;
unsigned char *ptr = &buffer[((lo_line_y*width)+lo_line_x)*colours];
for ( int y = lo_line_y, r = 0; y < hi_line_y && r < CHAR_HEIGHT; y++, r++, ptr += wc )
for ( unsigned int y = lo_line_y, r = 0; y < hi_line_y && r < CHAR_HEIGHT; y++, r++, ptr += wc )
unsigned char *temp_ptr = ptr;
for ( int x = lo_line_x, c = 0; x < hi_line_x && c < line_len; c++ )
for ( unsigned int x = lo_line_x, c = 0; x < hi_line_x && c < line_len; c++ )
int f = fontdata[(line[c] * CHAR_HEIGHT) + r];
for ( int i = 0; i < CHAR_WIDTH && x < hi_line_x; i++, x++, temp_ptr += colours )
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < CHAR_WIDTH && x < hi_line_x; i++, x++, temp_ptr += colours )
if ( f & (0x80 >> i) )
@ -1787,16 +1787,16 @@ void Image::Annotate( const char *p_text, const Coord &coord, const Rgb fg_colou
else if ( colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB32 )
int wc = width * colours;
unsigned int wc = width * colours;
uint8_t *ptr = &buffer[((lo_line_y*width)+lo_line_x)<<2];
for ( int y = lo_line_y, r = 0; y < hi_line_y && r < CHAR_HEIGHT; y++, r++, ptr += wc )
for ( unsigned int y = lo_line_y, r = 0; y < hi_line_y && r < CHAR_HEIGHT; y++, r++, ptr += wc )
Rgb* temp_ptr = (Rgb*)ptr;
for ( int x = lo_line_x, c = 0; x < hi_line_x && c < line_len; c++ )
for ( unsigned int x = lo_line_x, c = 0; x < hi_line_x && c < line_len; c++ )
int f = fontdata[(line[c] * CHAR_HEIGHT) + r];
for ( int i = 0; i < CHAR_WIDTH && x < hi_line_x; i++, x++, temp_ptr++ )
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < CHAR_WIDTH && x < hi_line_x; i++, x++, temp_ptr++ )
if ( f & (0x80 >> i) )
@ -1845,7 +1845,7 @@ void Image::Timestamp( const char *label, const time_t when, const Coord &coord
/* RGB32 compatible: complete */
void Image::Colourise(const int p_reqcolours, const int p_reqsubpixelorder)
void Image::Colourise(const unsigned int p_reqcolours, const unsigned int p_reqsubpixelorder)
Debug(9, "Colourise: Req colours: %u Req subpixel order: %u Current colours: %u Current subpixel order: %u",p_reqcolours,p_reqsubpixelorder,colours,subpixelorder);
@ -1865,7 +1865,7 @@ void Image::Colourise(const int p_reqcolours, const int p_reqsubpixelorder)
if ( p_reqsubpixelorder == ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_ABGR || p_reqsubpixelorder == ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_ARGB) {
/* ARGB\ABGR subpixel order. alpha byte is first (mem+0), so we need to shift the pixel left in the end */
for(int i=0;i<pixels;i++) {
for(unsigned int i=0;i<pixels;i++) {
newpixel = subpixel = psrc[i];
newpixel = (newpixel<<8) | subpixel;
newpixel = (newpixel<<8) | subpixel;
@ -1873,7 +1873,7 @@ void Image::Colourise(const int p_reqcolours, const int p_reqsubpixelorder)
} else {
/* RGBA\BGRA subpixel order, alpha byte is last (mem+3) */
for(int i=0;i<pixels;i++) {
for(unsigned int i=0;i<pixels;i++) {
newpixel = subpixel = psrc[i];
newpixel = (newpixel<<8) | subpixel;
newpixel = (newpixel<<8) | subpixel;
@ -1955,16 +1955,16 @@ void Image::Fill( Rgb colour, const Box *limits )
/* Convert the colour's RGBA subpixel order into the image's subpixel order */
colour = rgb_convert(colour,subpixelorder);
int lo_x = limits?limits->Lo().X():0;
int lo_y = limits?limits->Lo().Y():0;
int hi_x = limits?limits->Hi().X():width-1;
int hi_y = limits?limits->Hi().Y():height-1;
unsigned int lo_x = limits?limits->Lo().X():0;
unsigned int lo_y = limits?limits->Lo().Y():0;
unsigned int hi_x = limits?limits->Hi().X():width-1;
unsigned int hi_y = limits?limits->Hi().Y():height-1;
if ( colours == ZM_COLOUR_GRAY8 )
for ( int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
for ( unsigned int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
unsigned char *p = &buffer[(y*width)+lo_x];
for ( int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, p++)
for ( unsigned int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, p++)
*p = colour;
@ -1972,10 +1972,10 @@ void Image::Fill( Rgb colour, const Box *limits )
else if ( colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB24 )
for ( int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
for ( unsigned int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
unsigned char *p = &buffer[colours*((y*width)+lo_x)];
for ( int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, p += 3)
for ( unsigned int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, p += 3)
@ -2013,16 +2013,16 @@ void Image::Fill( Rgb colour, int density, const Box *limits )
/* Convert the colour's RGBA subpixel order into the image's subpixel order */
colour = rgb_convert(colour,subpixelorder);
int lo_x = limits?limits->Lo().X():0;
int lo_y = limits?limits->Lo().Y():0;
int hi_x = limits?limits->Hi().X():width-1;
int hi_y = limits?limits->Hi().Y():height-1;
unsigned int lo_x = limits?limits->Lo().X():0;
unsigned int lo_y = limits?limits->Lo().Y():0;
unsigned int hi_x = limits?limits->Hi().X():width-1;
unsigned int hi_y = limits?limits->Hi().Y():height-1;
if ( colours == ZM_COLOUR_GRAY8 )
for ( int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
for ( unsigned int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
unsigned char *p = &buffer[(y*width)+lo_x];
for ( int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, p++)
for ( unsigned int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, p++)
if ( ( x == lo_x || x == hi_x || y == lo_y || y == hi_y ) || (!(x%density) && !(y%density) ) )
*p = colour;
@ -2031,10 +2031,10 @@ void Image::Fill( Rgb colour, int density, const Box *limits )
else if ( colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB24 )
for ( int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
for ( unsigned int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
unsigned char *p = &buffer[colours*((y*width)+lo_x)];
for ( int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, p += 3)
for ( unsigned int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, p += 3)
if ( ( x == lo_x || x == hi_x || y == lo_y || y == hi_y ) || (!(x%density) && !(y%density) ) ) {
@ -2046,11 +2046,11 @@ void Image::Fill( Rgb colour, int density, const Box *limits )
else if ( colours == ZM_COLOUR_RGB32 ) /* RGB32 */
for ( int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
for ( unsigned int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
Rgb* p = (Rgb*)&buffer[((y*width)+lo_x)<<2];
for ( int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, p++)
for ( unsigned int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, p++)
if ( ( x == lo_x || x == hi_x || y == lo_y || y == hi_y ) || (!(x%density) && !(y%density) ) )
/* Fast, copies the entire pixel in a single pass */
@ -2346,16 +2346,16 @@ void Image::Rotate( int angle )
new_height = width;
new_width = height;
int line_bytes = new_width*colours;
unsigned int line_bytes = new_width*colours;
unsigned char *s_ptr = buffer;
if ( colours == ZM_COLOUR_GRAY8 )
unsigned char *d_ptr;
for ( int i = new_width-1; i >= 0; i-- )
for ( unsigned int i = new_width-1; i >= 0; i-- )
d_ptr = rotate_buffer+i;
for ( int j = new_height-1; j >= 0; j-- )
for ( unsigned int j = new_height-1; j >= 0; j-- )
*d_ptr = *s_ptr++;
d_ptr += line_bytes;
@ -2366,10 +2366,10 @@ void Image::Rotate( int angle )
Rgb* s_rptr = (Rgb*)s_ptr;
Rgb* d_rptr;
for ( int i = new_width-1; i >= 0; i-- )
for ( unsigned int i = new_width-1; i >= 0; i-- )
d_rptr = (Rgb*)(rotate_buffer+(i<<2));
for ( int j = new_height-1; j >= 0; j-- )
for ( unsigned int j = new_height-1; j >= 0; j-- )
*d_rptr = *s_rptr++;
d_rptr += new_width;
@ -2379,10 +2379,10 @@ void Image::Rotate( int angle )
else /* Assume RGB24 */
unsigned char *d_ptr;
for ( int i = new_width-1; i >= 0; i-- )
for ( unsigned int i = new_width-1; i >= 0; i-- )
d_ptr = rotate_buffer+(3*i);
for ( int j = new_height-1; j >= 0; j-- )
for ( unsigned int j = new_height-1; j >= 0; j-- )
*d_ptr = *s_ptr++;
*(d_ptr+1) = *s_ptr++;
@ -2433,16 +2433,16 @@ void Image::Rotate( int angle )
new_height = width;
new_width = height;
int line_bytes = new_width*colours;
unsigned int line_bytes = new_width*colours;
unsigned char *s_ptr = buffer+size;
if ( colours == ZM_COLOUR_GRAY8 )
unsigned char *d_ptr;
for ( int i = new_width-1; i >= 0; i-- )
for ( unsigned int i = new_width-1; i >= 0; i-- )
d_ptr = rotate_buffer+i;
for ( int j = new_height-1; j >= 0; j-- )
for ( unsigned int j = new_height-1; j >= 0; j-- )
*d_ptr = *s_ptr;
@ -2468,10 +2468,10 @@ void Image::Rotate( int angle )
else /* Assume RGB24 */
unsigned char *d_ptr;
for ( int i = new_width-1; i >= 0; i-- )
for ( unsigned int i = new_width-1; i >= 0; i-- )
d_ptr = rotate_buffer+(3*i);
for ( int j = new_height-1; j >= 0; j-- )
for ( unsigned int j = new_height-1; j >= 0; j-- )
*(d_ptr+2) = *(--s_ptr);
*(d_ptr+1) = *(--s_ptr);
@ -2493,8 +2493,8 @@ void Image::Flip( bool leftright )
uint8_t* flip_buffer = AllocBuffer(size);
int line_bytes = width*colours;
int line_bytes2 = 2*line_bytes;
unsigned int line_bytes = width*colours;
unsigned int line_bytes2 = 2*line_bytes;
if ( leftright )
// Horizontal flip, left to right
@ -2506,7 +2506,7 @@ void Image::Flip( bool leftright )
while( d_ptr < max_d_ptr )
for ( int j = 0; j < width; j++ )
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < width; j++ )
*d_ptr++ = *s_ptr;
@ -2521,7 +2521,7 @@ void Image::Flip( bool leftright )
Rgb* max_d_rptr = (Rgb*)max_d_ptr;
while( d_rptr < max_d_rptr )
for ( int j = 0; j < width; j++ )
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < width; j++ )
*d_rptr++ = *s_rptr;
@ -2533,7 +2533,7 @@ void Image::Flip( bool leftright )
while( d_ptr < max_d_ptr )
for ( int j = 0; j < width; j++ )
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < width; j++ )
s_ptr -= 3;
*d_ptr++ = *s_ptr;
@ -2590,19 +2590,19 @@ void Image::Scale( unsigned int factor )
unsigned int last_h_index = 0;
unsigned int last_w_index = 0;
unsigned int h_index;
for ( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for ( unsigned int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
unsigned char *ps = &buffer[y*wc];
unsigned int w_count = ZM_SCALE_BASE/2;
unsigned int w_index;
last_w_index = 0;
for ( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
for ( unsigned int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
w_count += factor;
w_index = w_count/ZM_SCALE_BASE;
for (unsigned int f = last_w_index; f < w_index; f++ )
for ( int c = 0; c < colours; c++ )
for ( unsigned int c = 0; c < colours; c++ )
*pd++ = *(ps+c);
@ -2650,7 +2650,7 @@ void Image::Scale( unsigned int factor )
if ( w_index > last_w_index )
for ( int c = 0; c < colours; c++ )
for ( unsigned int c = 0; c < colours; c++ )
*pd++ = *ps++;

View File

@ -136,12 +136,12 @@ protected:
static struct zm_error_mgr jpg_err;
int width;
int height;
int pixels;
int colours;
int size;
int subpixelorder;
unsigned int width;
unsigned int height;
unsigned int pixels;
unsigned int colours;
unsigned int size;
unsigned int subpixelorder;
unsigned long allocation;
uint8_t *buffer;
int buffertype; /* 0=not ours, no need to call free(), 1=malloc() buffer, 2=new buffer */
@ -158,18 +158,18 @@ public:
Image( const Image &p_image );
inline int Width() const { return( width ); }
inline int Height() const { return( height ); }
inline int Pixels() const { return( pixels ); }
inline int Colours() const { return( colours ); }
inline int SubpixelOrder() const { return( subpixelorder ); }
inline int Size() const { return( size ); }
inline unsigned int Width() const { return( width ); }
inline unsigned int Height() const { return( height ); }
inline unsigned int Pixels() const { return( pixels ); }
inline unsigned int Colours() const { return( colours ); }
inline unsigned int SubpixelOrder() const { return( subpixelorder ); }
inline unsigned int Size() const { return( size ); }
/* Internal buffer should not be modified from functions outside of this class */
inline const uint8_t* Buffer() const { return( buffer ); }
inline const uint8_t* Buffer( unsigned int x, unsigned int y= 0 ) const { return( &buffer[colours*((y*width)+x)] ); }
/* Request writeable buffer */
uint8_t* WriteBuffer(const int p_width, const int p_height, const int p_colours, const int p_subpixelorder);
uint8_t* WriteBuffer(const unsigned int p_width, const unsigned int p_height, const unsigned int p_colours, const unsigned int p_subpixelorder);
inline int IsBufferHeld() const { return holdbuffer; }
inline void HoldBuffer(int tohold) { holdbuffer = tohold; }
@ -181,9 +181,9 @@ public:
width = height = colours = size = pixels = subpixelorder = 0;
void Assign( int p_width, int p_height, int p_colours, int p_subpixelorder, const uint8_t* new_buffer, const size_t buffer_size);
void Assign( unsigned int p_width, unsigned int p_height, unsigned int p_colours, unsigned int p_subpixelorder, const uint8_t* new_buffer, const size_t buffer_size);
void Assign( const Image &image );
void AssignDirect( const int p_width, const int p_height, const int p_colours, const int p_subpixelorder, uint8_t *new_buffer, const size_t buffer_size, const int p_buffertype);
void AssignDirect( const unsigned int p_width, const unsigned int p_height, const unsigned int p_colours, const unsigned int p_subpixelorder, uint8_t *new_buffer, const size_t buffer_size, const int p_buffertype);
inline void CopyBuffer( const Image &image )
@ -202,9 +202,9 @@ public:
bool ReadRaw( const char *filename );
bool WriteRaw( const char *filename ) const;
bool ReadJpeg( const char *filename, int p_colours, int p_subpixelorder);
bool ReadJpeg( const char *filename, unsigned int p_colours, unsigned int p_subpixelorder);
bool WriteJpeg( const char *filename, int quality_override=0 ) const;
bool DecodeJpeg( const JOCTET *inbuffer, int inbuffer_size, int p_colours, int p_subpixelorder);
bool DecodeJpeg( const JOCTET *inbuffer, int inbuffer_size, unsigned int p_colours, unsigned int p_subpixelorder);
bool EncodeJpeg( JOCTET *outbuffer, int *outbuffer_size, int quality_override=0 ) const;
@ -212,24 +212,24 @@ public:
bool Zip( Bytef *outbuffer, unsigned long *outbuffer_size, int compression_level=Z_BEST_SPEED ) const;
#endif // HAVE_ZLIB_H
bool Crop( int lo_x, int lo_y, int hi_x, int hi_y );
bool Crop( unsigned int lo_x, unsigned int lo_y, unsigned int hi_x, unsigned int hi_y );
bool Crop( const Box &limits );
void Overlay( const Image &image );
void Overlay( const Image &image, int x, int y );
void Overlay( const Image &image, unsigned int x, unsigned int y );
void Blend( const Image &image, int transparency=12 );
static Image *Merge( int n_images, Image *images[] );
static Image *Merge( int n_images, Image *images[], double weight );
static Image *Highlight( int n_images, Image *images[], const Rgb threshold=RGB_BLACK, const Rgb ref_colour=RGB_RED );
static Image *Merge( unsigned int n_images, Image *images[] );
static Image *Merge( unsigned int n_images, Image *images[], double weight );
static Image *Highlight( unsigned int n_images, Image *images[], const Rgb threshold=RGB_BLACK, const Rgb ref_colour=RGB_RED );
//Image *Delta( const Image &image ) const;
void Delta( const Image &image, Image* targetimage) const;
const Coord centreCoord( const char *text ) const;
void Annotate( const char *p_text, const Coord &coord, const Rgb fg_colour=RGB_WHITE, const Rgb bg_colour=RGB_BLACK );
Image *HighlightEdges( Rgb colour, int p_colours, int p_subpixelorder, const Box *limits=0 );
Image *HighlightEdges( Rgb colour, unsigned int p_colours, unsigned int p_subpixelorder, const Box *limits=0 );
//Image *HighlightEdges( Rgb colour, const Polygon &polygon );
void Timestamp( const char *label, const time_t when, const Coord &coord );
void Colourise(const int p_reqcolours, const int p_reqsubpixelorder);
void Colourise(const unsigned int p_reqcolours, const unsigned int p_reqsubpixelorder);
void DeColourise();
void Clear() { memset( buffer, 0, size ); }

View File

@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ void LocalCamera::Terminate()
if ( v4l_version == 1 )
for(unsigned int i=0; i < v4l1_data.frames.frames; i++) {
for(int i=0; i < v4l1_data.frames.frames; i++) {
/* Free capture pictures */
capturePictures[i] = NULL;

View File

@ -2727,7 +2727,7 @@ int Monitor::Capture()
if ( true ) {
if ( capture_image->Size() != (int)camera->ImageSize() )
if ( capture_image->Size() != camera->ImageSize() )
Error( "Captured image does not match expected size, check width, height and colour depth" );
return( -1 );

View File

@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ int RemoteCameraHttp::PreCapture()
int RemoteCameraHttp::Capture( Image &image )
int content_length = GetResponse();
unsigned int content_length = GetResponse();
if ( content_length == 0 )
Warning( "Unable to capture image, retrying" );