cpplint spacing changes. The real change is in Analysis we move the Ready check to only affect motion detection. This hopefully fixes the massive memory leak when Decoding=OnDemand
@ -38,29 +38,31 @@
#if ZM_HAS_V4L2
#include "zm_local_camera.h"
#endif // ZM_HAS_V4L2
#endif // ZM_HAS_V4L2
#include "zm_libvlc_camera.h"
#endif // HAVE_LIBVLC
#endif // HAVE_LIBVLC
#include "zm_libvnc_camera.h"
#endif // HAVE_LIBVNC
#endif // HAVE_LIBVNC
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#else // ZM_MEM_MAPPED
#else // ZM_MEM_MAPPED
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#endif // ZM_MEM_MAPPED
#endif // ZM_MEM_MAPPED
// SOLARIS - we don't have MAP_LOCKED on openSolaris/illumos
#ifndef MAP_LOCKED
@ -68,7 +70,7 @@
//Workaround for the gsoap library on RHEL
// Workaround for the gsoap library on RHEL
struct Namespace namespaces[] =
{NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} // end of table
@ -76,26 +78,35 @@ struct Namespace namespaces[] =
// This is the official SQL (and ordering of the fields) to load a Monitor.
// It will be used wherever a Monitor dbrow is needed. WHERE conditions can be appended
// It will be used wherever a Monitor dbrow is needed.
std::string load_monitor_sql =
"SELECT `Id`, `Name`, `Deleted`, `ServerId`, `StorageId`, `Type`, `Capturing`+0, `Analysing`+0, `AnalysisSource`+0, `AnalysisImage`+0,"
"`Recording`+0, `RecordingSource`+0, `Decoding`+0, `RTSP2WebEnabled`, `RTSP2WebType`,"
"`JanusEnabled`, `JanusAudioEnabled`, `Janus_Profile_Override`, `Janus_Use_RTSP_Restream`, `Janus_RTSP_User`, `Janus_RTSP_Session_Timeout`, "
"`LinkedMonitors`, `EventStartCommand`, `EventEndCommand`, `AnalysisFPSLimit`, `AnalysisUpdateDelay`, `MaxFPS`, `AlarmMaxFPS`,"
"`Device`, `Channel`, `Format`, `V4LMultiBuffer`, `V4LCapturesPerFrame`, " // V4L Settings
"`Protocol`, `Method`, `Options`, `User`, `Pass`, `Host`, `Port`, `Path`, `SecondPath`, `Width`, `Height`, `Colours`, `Palette`, `Orientation`+0, `Deinterlacing`, "
"SELECT `Id`, `Name`, `Deleted`, `ServerId`, `StorageId`, `Type`, "
"`Capturing`+0, `Analysing`+0, `AnalysisSource`+0, `AnalysisImage`+0, "
"`Recording`+0, `RecordingSource`+0, `Decoding`+0, "
"`RTSP2WebEnabled`, `RTSP2WebType`, "
"`JanusEnabled`, `JanusAudioEnabled`, `Janus_Profile_Override`, "
"`Janus_Use_RTSP_Restream`, `Janus_RTSP_User`, `Janus_RTSP_Session_Timeout`, "
"`LinkedMonitors`, `EventStartCommand`, `EventEndCommand`, `AnalysisFPSLimit`,"
"`AnalysisUpdateDelay`, `MaxFPS`, `AlarmMaxFPS`,"
"`Device`, `Channel`, `Format`, `V4LMultiBuffer`, `V4LCapturesPerFrame`, "
"`Protocol`, `Method`, `Options`, `User`, `Pass`, `Host`, `Port`, `Path`, "
"`SecondPath`, `Width`, `Height`, `Colours`, `Palette`, `Orientation`+0, "
"`Deinterlacing`, "
"`Decoder`, `DecoderHWAccelName`, `DecoderHWAccelDevice`, `RTSPDescribe`, "
"`SaveJPEGs`, `VideoWriter`, `EncoderParameters`, "
"`OutputCodec`, `Encoder`, `OutputContainer`, "
"`RecordAudio`, "
"`Brightness`, `Contrast`, `Hue`, `Colour`, "
"`EventPrefix`, `LabelFormat`, `LabelX`, `LabelY`, `LabelSize`,"
"`ImageBufferCount`, `MaxImageBufferCount`, `WarmupCount`, `PreEventCount`, `PostEventCount`, `StreamReplayBuffer`, `AlarmFrameCount`, "
"`SectionLength`, `SectionLengthWarn`, `MinSectionLength`, `FrameSkip`, `MotionFrameSkip`, "
"`ImageBufferCount`, `MaxImageBufferCount`, `WarmupCount`, `PreEventCount`, "
"`PostEventCount`, `StreamReplayBuffer`, `AlarmFrameCount`, "
"`SectionLength`, `SectionLengthWarn`, `MinSectionLength`, `FrameSkip`,"
"`MotionFrameSkip`, "
"`FPSReportInterval`, `RefBlendPerc`, `AlarmRefBlendPerc`, `TrackMotion`, `Exif`, "
"`Latitude`, `Longitude`, "
"`RTSPServer`, `RTSPStreamName`, `ONVIF_Alarm_Text`,"
"`ONVIF_URL`, `ONVIF_Username`, `ONVIF_Password`, `ONVIF_Options`, `ONVIF_Event_Listener`, `use_Amcrest_API`,"
"`ONVIF_URL`, `ONVIF_Username`, `ONVIF_Password`, `ONVIF_Options`, "
"`ONVIF_Event_Listener`, `use_Amcrest_API`,"
"`SignalCheckPoints`, `SignalCheckColour`, `Importance`-1, ZoneCount "
", `MQTT_Enabled`, `MQTT_Subscriptions`"
@ -161,8 +172,8 @@ std::string TriggerState_Strings[] = {
"Cancel", "On", "Off"
: id(0),
Monitor::Monitor() :
@ -366,19 +377,19 @@ void Monitor::Load(MYSQL_ROW dbrow, bool load_zones=true, Purpose p = QUERY) {
delete storage;
storage = new Storage(storage_id);
if ( ! strcmp(dbrow[col], "Local") ) {
if (!strcmp(dbrow[col], "Local")) {
type = LOCAL;
} else if ( ! strcmp(dbrow[col], "Ffmpeg") ) {
} else if (!strcmp(dbrow[col], "Ffmpeg")) {
type = FFMPEG;
} else if ( ! strcmp(dbrow[col], "Remote") ) {
} else if (!strcmp(dbrow[col], "Remote")) {
type = REMOTE;
} else if ( ! strcmp(dbrow[col], "File") ) {
} else if (!strcmp(dbrow[col], "File")) {
type = FILE;
} else if ( ! strcmp(dbrow[col], "NVSocket") ) {
} else if (!strcmp(dbrow[col], "NVSocket")) {
type = NVSOCKET;
} else if ( ! strcmp(dbrow[col], "Libvlc") ) {
} else if (!strcmp(dbrow[col], "Libvlc")) {
type = LIBVLC;
} else if ( ! strcmp(dbrow[col], "VNC") ) {
} else if (!strcmp(dbrow[col], "VNC")) {
type = VNC;
} else {
Fatal("Bogus monitor type '%s' for monitor %d", dbrow[col], id);
@ -411,15 +422,17 @@ void Monitor::Load(MYSQL_ROW dbrow, bool load_zones=true, Purpose p = QUERY) {
analysis_fps_limit = dbrow[col] ? strtod(dbrow[col], nullptr) : 0.0; col++;
analysis_update_delay = Seconds(strtoul(dbrow[col++], nullptr, 0));
capture_delay =
(dbrow[col] && atof(dbrow[col]) > 0.0) ? std::chrono::duration_cast<Microseconds>(FPSeconds(1 / atof(dbrow[col])))
(dbrow[col] && atof(dbrow[col]) > 0.0) ?
std::chrono::duration_cast<Microseconds>(FPSeconds(1 / atof(dbrow[col])))
: Microseconds(0);
alarm_capture_delay =
(dbrow[col] && atof(dbrow[col]) > 0.0) ? std::chrono::duration_cast<Microseconds>(FPSeconds(1 / atof(dbrow[col])))
(dbrow[col] && atof(dbrow[col]) > 0.0) ?
std::chrono::duration_cast<Microseconds>(FPSeconds(1 / atof(dbrow[col])))
: Microseconds(0);
/* "Device, Channel, Format, V4LMultiBuffer, V4LCapturesPerFrame, " // V4L Settings */
/* "Device, Channel, Format, V4LMultiBuffer, V4LCapturesPerFrame, " */
device = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++;
channel = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++;
format = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++;
@ -434,7 +447,7 @@ void Monitor::Load(MYSQL_ROW dbrow, bool load_zones=true, Purpose p = QUERY) {
v4l_captures_per_frame = 0;
if ( dbrow[col] ) {
if (dbrow[col]) {
v4l_captures_per_frame = atoi(dbrow[col]);
} else {
v4l_captures_per_frame = config.captures_per_frame;
@ -461,27 +474,27 @@ void Monitor::Load(MYSQL_ROW dbrow, bool load_zones=true, Purpose p = QUERY) {
deinterlacing = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++;
deinterlacing_value = deinterlacing & 0xff;
/*"`Decoder`, `DecoderHWAccelName`, `DecoderHWAccelDevice`, `RTSPDescribe`, " */
/*"`Decoder`, `DecoderHWAccelName`, `DecoderHWAccelDevice`, `RTSPDescribe`, " */
decoder_name = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++;
decoder_hwaccel_name = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++;
decoder_hwaccel_device = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++;
rtsp_describe = (dbrow[col] && *dbrow[col] != '0'); col++;
/* "`SaveJPEGs`, `VideoWriter`, `EncoderParameters`, " */
/* "`SaveJPEGs`, `VideoWriter`, `EncoderParameters`, " */
savejpegs = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++;
videowriter = (VideoWriter)atoi(dbrow[col]); col++;
encoderparams = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++;
Debug(3, "Decoding: %d savejpegs %d videowriter %d", decoding, savejpegs, videowriter);
/*"`OutputCodec`, `Encoder`, `OutputContainer`, " */
/*"`OutputCodec`, `Encoder`, `OutputContainer`, " */
output_codec = dbrow[col] ? atoi(dbrow[col]) : 0; col++;
encoder = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++;
output_container = dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""; col++;
record_audio = (*dbrow[col] != '0'); col++;
/* "Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Colour, " */
/* "Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Colour, " */
brightness = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++;
contrast = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++;
hue = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++;
@ -504,10 +517,13 @@ void Monitor::Load(MYSQL_ROW dbrow, bool load_zones=true, Purpose p = QUERY) {
post_event_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++;
stream_replay_buffer = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++;
alarm_frame_count = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++;
if (alarm_frame_count < 1) alarm_frame_count = 1;
else if (alarm_frame_count > MAX_PRE_ALARM_FRAMES) alarm_frame_count = MAX_PRE_ALARM_FRAMES;
if (alarm_frame_count < 1) {
alarm_frame_count = 1;
} else if (alarm_frame_count > MAX_PRE_ALARM_FRAMES) {
alarm_frame_count = MAX_PRE_ALARM_FRAMES;
/* "SectionLength, MinSectionLength, FrameSkip, MotionFrameSkip, " */
/* "SectionLength, MinSectionLength, FrameSkip, MotionFrameSkip, " */
section_length = Seconds(atoi(dbrow[col])); col++;
section_length_warn = dbrow[col] ? atoi(dbrow[col]) : false; col++;
min_section_length = Seconds(atoi(dbrow[col])); col++;
@ -521,7 +537,7 @@ void Monitor::Load(MYSQL_ROW dbrow, bool load_zones=true, Purpose p = QUERY) {
frame_skip = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++;
motion_frame_skip = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++;
/* "FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc, AlarmRefBlendPerc, TrackMotion, Exif," */
/* "FPSReportInterval, RefBlendPerc, AlarmRefBlendPerc, TrackMotion, Exif," */
fps_report_interval = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++;
ref_blend_perc = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++;
alarm_ref_blend_perc = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++;
@ -532,13 +548,13 @@ void Monitor::Load(MYSQL_ROW dbrow, bool load_zones=true, Purpose p = QUERY) {
latitude = dbrow[col] ? atof(dbrow[col]) : 0.0; col++;
longitude = dbrow[col] ? atof(dbrow[col]) : 0.0; col++;
/* "`RTSPServer`,`RTSPStreamName`, */
/* "`RTSPServer`,`RTSPStreamName`, */
rtsp_server = (*dbrow[col] != '0'); col++;
rtsp_streamname = dbrow[col]; col++;
// get alarm text from table.
// get alarm text from table.
onvif_alarm_txt = std::string(dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""); col++;
/* "`ONVIF_URL`, `ONVIF_Username`, `ONVIF_Password`, `ONVIF_Options`, `ONVIF_Event_Listener`, `use_Amcrest_API`, " */
/* "`ONVIF_URL`, `ONVIF_Username`, `ONVIF_Password`, `ONVIF_Options`, `ONVIF_Event_Listener`, `use_Amcrest_API`, " */
onvif_url = std::string(dbrow[col] ? dbrow[col] : ""); col++;
if (onvif_url.empty()) {
Uri path_uri(path);
@ -552,7 +568,7 @@ void Monitor::Load(MYSQL_ROW dbrow, bool load_zones=true, Purpose p = QUERY) {
onvif_event_listener = (*dbrow[col] != '0'); col++;
use_Amcrest_API = (*dbrow[col] != '0'); col++;
/*"SignalCheckPoints, SignalCheckColour, Importance-1 FROM Monitors"; */
/*"SignalCheckPoints, SignalCheckColour, Importance-1 FROM Monitors"; */
signal_check_points = atoi(dbrow[col]); col++;
signal_check_colour = strtol(dbrow[col][0] == '#' ? dbrow[col]+1 : dbrow[col], 0, 16); col++;
@ -561,11 +577,11 @@ void Monitor::Load(MYSQL_ROW dbrow, bool load_zones=true, Purpose p = QUERY) {
red_val = RED_VAL_BGRA(signal_check_colour);
green_val = GREEN_VAL_BGRA(signal_check_colour);
blue_val = BLUE_VAL_BGRA(signal_check_colour);
grayscale_val = signal_check_colour & 0xff; /* Clear all bytes but lowest byte */
grayscale_val = signal_check_colour & 0xff; /* Clear all bytes but lowest byte */
importance = dbrow[col] ? atoi(dbrow[col]) : 0; col++;
if (importance < 0) importance = 0; // Should only be >= 0
zone_count = dbrow[col] ? atoi(dbrow[col]) : 0;// col++;
if (importance < 0) importance = 0; // Should only be >= 0
zone_count = dbrow[col] ? atoi(dbrow[col]) : 0; col++;
mqtt_enabled = (*dbrow[col] != '0'); col++;
@ -583,17 +599,18 @@ void Monitor::Load(MYSQL_ROW dbrow, bool load_zones=true, Purpose p = QUERY) {
last_signal = true; // Defaulting to having signal so that we don't get a signal change on the first frame.
// Instead initial failure to capture will cause a loss of signal change which I think makes more sense.
if ( strcmp(config.event_close_mode, "time") == 0 )
if (strcmp(config.event_close_mode, "time") == 0) {
event_close_mode = CLOSE_TIME;
else if ( strcmp(config.event_close_mode, "alarm") == 0 )
} else if (strcmp(config.event_close_mode, "alarm") == 0) {
event_close_mode = CLOSE_ALARM;
} else {
event_close_mode = CLOSE_IDLE;
// Should maybe store this for later use
std::string monitor_dir = stringtf("%s/%u", storage->Path(), id);
if ( purpose != QUERY ) {
if (purpose != QUERY) {
if ( mkdir(monitor_dir.c_str(), 0755) && ( errno != EEXIST ) ) {
@ -1941,12 +1958,6 @@ bool Monitor::Analyse() {
return false;
// Ready means that we have captured the warmup # of frames
if (!Ready()) {
Debug(3, "Not ready?");
delete packet_lock;
return false;
// signal is set by capture
bool signal = shared_data->signal;
@ -2091,7 +2102,8 @@ bool Monitor::Analyse() {
} // end if decoding enabled
if (shared_data->analysing > ANALYSING_NONE) {
// Ready means that we have captured the warmup # of frames
if ((shared_data->analysing > ANALYSING_NONE) && Ready()) {
Debug(3, "signal and capturing and doing motion detection %d", shared_data->analysing);
if (analysis_fps_limit) {
@ -3003,10 +3015,10 @@ Event * Monitor::openEvent(
if (!event_start_command.empty()) {
if (fork() == 0) {
Logger *log = Logger::fetch();
Error("Error execing %s: %s", event_start_command.c_str(), strerror(errno));
@ -3562,7 +3574,7 @@ std::vector<Group *> Monitor::Groups() {
StringVector Monitor::GroupNames() {
StringVector groupnames;
for ( Group * g: Groups() ) {
for ( Group * g : Groups() ) {
Debug(1, "Groups: %s", g->Name().c_str());
@ -3571,16 +3583,14 @@ StringVector Monitor::GroupNames() {
//ONVIF Set Credentials
void Monitor::set_credentials(struct soap *soap)
void Monitor::set_credentials(struct soap *soap) {
soap_wsse_add_Timestamp(soap, NULL, 10);
soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(soap, "Auth", onvif_username.c_str(), onvif_password.c_str());
//GSOAP boilerplate
int SOAP_ENV__Fault(struct soap *soap, char *faultcode, char *faultstring, char *faultactor, struct SOAP_ENV__Detail *detail, struct SOAP_ENV__Code *SOAP_ENV__Code, struct SOAP_ENV__Reason *SOAP_ENV__Reason, char *SOAP_ENV__Node, char *SOAP_ENV__Role, struct SOAP_ENV__Detail *SOAP_ENV__Detail)
int SOAP_ENV__Fault(struct soap *soap, char *faultcode, char *faultstring, char *faultactor, struct SOAP_ENV__Detail *detail, struct SOAP_ENV__Code *SOAP_ENV__Code, struct SOAP_ENV__Reason *SOAP_ENV__Reason, char *SOAP_ENV__Node, char *SOAP_ENV__Role, struct SOAP_ENV__Detail *SOAP_ENV__Detail) {
// populate the fault struct from the operation arguments to print it
// SOAP 1.1
Reference in New Issue