Use new zmDbExecute helper function, when there are no alarm frames, still do the substitutions so that we don't leave the tags. EIMOD and EIMODG don't depend on frames, so move them out.
@ -245,10 +245,7 @@ sub getFilters {
or `AutoMove` = 1
or `AutoCopy` = 1
) ORDER BY `Name`';
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql)
or Fatal("Unable to prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr());
my $res = $sth->execute(@sql_values)
or Fatal("Unable to execute '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr());
my ($sth, $res) = zmDbExecute($sql, @sql_values) or Fatal("Unable to execute '$sql'");
FILTER: while( my $db_filter = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
my $filter = new ZoneMinder::Filter($$db_filter{Id}, $db_filter);
Debug("Found filter '$db_filter->{Name}'");
@ -261,8 +258,7 @@ FILTER: while( my $db_filter = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
push @filters, $filter;
if ( ! @filters ) {
if (!@filters) {
Warning("No filter found for $sql with values(@sql_values)");
} else {
Debug("Got " . @filters . " filters");
@ -446,14 +442,8 @@ sub generateVideo {
return 0;
} else {
my $sql = 'UPDATE `Events` SET `Videoed` = 1 WHERE `Id` = ?';
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql)
or Fatal("Unable to prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr());
my $res = $sth->execute($Event->{Id})
or Fatal("Unable to execute '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr());
if ( wantarray() ) {
return( $format, $output );
zmDbExecute('UPDATE `Events` SET `Videoed`=1 WHERE `Id`=?', $Event->{Id});
return ($format, $output) if wantarray();
return 1;
@ -640,11 +630,7 @@ sub uploadArchFile {
or Error("SFTP - Unable to upload '$archLocPath': ".$sftp->error);
my $sql = 'UPDATE `Events` SET `Uploaded` = 1 WHERE `Id` = ?';
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql)
or Fatal("Unable to prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr());
my $res = $sth->execute($Event->{Id})
or Fatal("Unable to execute '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr());
dbDbExecute('UPDATE `Events` SET `Uploaded`=1 WHERE `Id`=?', $Event->{Id});
return 1;
} # end sub uploadArchFile
@ -678,14 +664,12 @@ sub substituteTags {
my $first_alarm_frame = '';
my $max_alarm_frame = '';
my $max_alarm_score = 0;
if ( $need_images ) {
if ($need_images) {
my $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `Frames` WHERE `EventId`=? AND `Type`=? ORDER BY `FrameId`';
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql)
or Fatal("Unable to prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr());
my $res = $sth->execute($Event->{Id},'Alarm')
or Fatal("Unable to execute '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr());
my $res = zmDbExecute($Event->{Id}, 'Alarm') or return;
my $rows = 0;
while ( my $frame = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
while ( my $frame = $res->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
if ( !$first_alarm_frame ) {
$first_alarm_frame = $frame;
@ -696,7 +680,6 @@ sub substituteTags {
$rows ++;
Debug("Frames: rows: $rows first alarm frame: $first_alarm_frame max_alarm_frame: $max_alarm_frame, score: $max_alarm_score");
my $url = $Config{ZM_URL};
@ -739,15 +722,47 @@ sub substituteTags {
$text =~ s/%ETAGS%/$tags/g;
if ( $first_alarm_frame ) {
$text =~ s/%EPFMOD%/$url?view=frame&mid=$Event->{MonitorId}&eid=$Event->{Id}&fid=objdetect/g;
$text =~ s/%EPIMOD%/$url?view=image&mid=$Event->{MonitorId}&eid=$Event->{Id}&fid=objdetect/g;
$text =~ s/%EPFMODG%/$url?view=frame&mid=$Event->{MonitorId}&eid=$Event->{Id}&fid=objdetect_gif/g;
$text =~ s/%EPIMODG%/$url?view=image&mid=$Event->{MonitorId}&eid=$Event->{Id}&fid=objdetect_gif/g;
if ($attachments_ref) {
if ($text =~ /%EIMOD%/g ) {
my $path = $Event->Path().'/objdetect.jpg';
if (-e $path) {
my $filename = $Event->Id().'_'.fileparse($path);
my $attachment = { type=>'image/jpeg', path=>$path, content_id=>uri_encode($filename) };
push @$attachments_ref, $attachment if !is_in_attachments($path, $attachments_ref);
$text =~ s/%EIMOD%/<img src="cid:$$attachment{content_id}"\/>/g;
} else {
Debug(1, 'No image for MOD at '.$path);
$text =~ s/%EIMOD%//g;
if ($text =~ s/%EIMODG%//g) {
my $path = $Event->Path().'/objdetect.gif';
if (-e $path) {
my $filename = $Event->Id().'_'.fileparse($path);
my $attachment = { type=>'image/gif', path=>$path, content_id=>uri_encode($filename) };
push @$attachments_ref, $attachment if !is_in_attachments($path, $attachments_ref);
$text =~ s/%EIMODG%/<img src="cid:$$attachment{content_id}"\/>/g;
} else {
Debug(1, 'No image for MODG at '.$path);
$text =~ s/%EIMODG%//g;
} # end if attachments_ref
if (!$first_alarm_frame) {
$text =~ s/%EPF1%//g; #Path to the frame view for the first alarmed event image
$text =~ s/%EPFM%//g; #Path to the frame view for the (first) event image with the highest score
$text =~ s/%EPI1%//g; #Path to the first alarmed event image, suitable for use in img tags
$text =~ s/%EPIM%//g; #Path to the (first) event image with the highest score, suitable for use in img tags
} else {
$text =~ s/%EPF1%/$url?view=frame&mid=$Event->{MonitorId}&eid=$Event->{Id}&fid=$first_alarm_frame->{FrameId}/g;
$text =~ s/%EPFM%/$url?view=frame&mid=$Event->{MonitorId}&eid=$Event->{Id}&fid=$max_alarm_frame->{FrameId}/g;
$text =~ s/%EPI1%/$url?view=image&mid=$Event->{MonitorId}&eid=$Event->{Id}&fid=$first_alarm_frame->{FrameId}/g;
$text =~ s/%EPIM%/$url?view=image&mid=$Event->{MonitorId}&eid=$Event->{Id}&fid=$max_alarm_frame->{FrameId}/g;
$text =~ s/%EPFMOD%/$url?view=frame&mid=$Event->{MonitorId}&eid=$Event->{Id}&fid=objdetect/g;
$text =~ s/%EPIMOD%/$url?view=image&mid=$Event->{MonitorId}&eid=$Event->{Id}&fid=objdetect/g;
$text =~ s/%EPFMODG%/$url?view=frame&mid=$Event->{MonitorId}&eid=$Event->{Id}&fid=objdetect_gif/g;
$text =~ s/%EPIMODG%/$url?view=image&mid=$Event->{MonitorId}&eid=$Event->{Id}&fid=objdetect_gif/g;
if ($attachments_ref) {
if ($text =~ /%EI1%/g) {
@ -803,31 +818,7 @@ sub substituteTags {
if ($text =~ /%EIMOD%/g ) {
my $path = $Event->Path().'/objdetect.jpg';
if (-e $path) {
my $filename = $Event->Id().'_'.fileparse($path);
my $attachment = { type=>'image/jpeg', path=>$path, content_id=>uri_encode($filename) };
push @$attachments_ref, $attachment if !is_in_attachments($path, $attachments_ref);
$text =~ s/%EIMOD%/<img src="cid:$$attachment{content_id}"\/>/g;
} else {
Debug(1, 'No image for MOD at '.$path);
$text =~ s/%EIMOD%//g;
if ( $text =~ s/%EIMODG%//g ) {
my $path = $Event->Path().'/objdetect.gif';
if ( -e $path ) {
my $filename = $Event->Id().'_'.fileparse($path);
my $attachment = { type=>'image/gif', path=>$path, content_id=>uri_encode($filename) };
push @$attachments_ref, $attachment if !is_in_attachments($path, $attachments_ref);
$text =~ s/%EIMODG%/<img src="cid:$$attachment{content_id}"\/>/g;
} else {
Debug(1, 'No image for MODG at '.$path);
$text =~ s/%EIMODG%//g;
} # end if attachments_ref
} # end if $first_alarm_frame
Reference in New Issue