Remove countSQL code that ran the sql query once to get the # of entries returned to be used in pagination. Now that we support POSTSQL Conditions it is no longer useful. Pagination has to happen later. Implement POSTSQLConditions in filtering results.

Isaac Connor 2020-08-16 13:06:37 -04:00
parent d3cc4d589f
commit 303154c690
1 changed files with 30 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -25,31 +25,32 @@ if ( !canView('Events') || (!empty($_REQUEST['execute']) && !canEdit('Events'))
$countSql = 'SELECT count(E.Id) AS EventCount FROM Monitors AS M INNER JOIN Events AS E ON (M.Id = E.MonitorId) WHERE';
$eventsSql = 'SELECT E.*,M.Name AS MonitorName,M.DefaultScale FROM Monitors AS M INNER JOIN Events AS E on (M.Id = E.MonitorId) WHERE';
if ( $user['MonitorIds'] ) {
$user_monitor_ids = ' M.Id in ('.$user['MonitorIds'].')';
$countSql .= $user_monitor_ids;
$eventsSql .= $user_monitor_ids;
} else {
$countSql .= ' 1';
$eventsSql .= ' 1';
$filterQuery = $_REQUEST['filter']['query'];
if ( $_REQUEST['filter']['sql'] ) {
$countSql .= $_REQUEST['filter']['sql'];
$eventsSql .= $_REQUEST['filter']['sql'];
$filter = parseFilter($_REQUEST['filter']);
$filterQuery = $filter['query'];
ZM\Logger::Debug("Filter ".print_r($filter, true));
if ( $filter['sql'] ) {
$eventsSql .= $filter['sql'];
$eventsSql .= " ORDER BY $sortColumn $sortOrder,Id $sortOrder";
$eventsSql .= " ORDER BY $sortColumn $sortOrder";
if ( $sortColumn != 'E.Id' ) $eventsSql .= ",E.Id $sortOrder";
$page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? validInt($_REQUEST['page']) : 0;
$limit = isset($_REQUEST['limit']) ? validInt($_REQUEST['limit']) : 0;
$limit = 9;
$nEvents = dbFetchOne($countSql, 'EventCount');
$results = dbQuery($eventsSql);
$nEvents = $results->rowCount();
if ( !empty($limit) && $nEvents > $limit ) {
$nEvents = $limit;
@ -62,14 +63,14 @@ if ( !empty($page) ) {
$page = $pages;
$limitStart = (($page-1)*ZM_WEB_EVENTS_PER_PAGE);
if ( empty( $limit ) ) {
if ( empty($limit) ) {
$limitAmount = ZM_WEB_EVENTS_PER_PAGE;
} else {
$limitLeft = $limit - $limitStart;
$limitAmount = ($limitLeft>ZM_WEB_EVENTS_PER_PAGE)?ZM_WEB_EVENTS_PER_PAGE:$limitLeft;
$eventsSql .= " LIMIT $limitStart, $limitAmount";
} elseif ( !empty($limit) ) {
} else if ( !empty($limit) ) {
$eventsSql .= ' LIMIT 0, '.$limit;
@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ if ( $pages > 1 ) {
<input type="hidden" name="view" value="<?php echo $view ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo $page ?>"/>
<?php echo $_REQUEST['filter']['fields'] ?>
<?php echo $filter['fields'] ?>
<input type="hidden" name="sort_field" value="<?php echo validHtmlStr($_REQUEST['sort_field']) ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="sort_asc" value="<?php echo validHtmlStr($_REQUEST['sort_asc']) ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="limit" value="<?php echo $limit ?>"/>
@ -145,9 +146,24 @@ if ( $pages > 1 ) {
$count = 0;
$disk_space_total = 0;
$results = dbQuery($eventsSql);
while ( $event_row = dbFetchNext($results) ) {
$event = new ZM\Event($event_row);
if ( count($filter['PostSQLConditions']) ) {
ZM\Logger::Debug("Has post conditions" . count($filter['PostSQLConditions']));
$failed = false;
foreach ( $filter['PostSQLConditions'] as $term ) {
if ( !$term->test($event) ) {
$failed = true;
if ( $failed ) continue;
} else {
ZM\Logger::Debug("Has no post conditions");
} # end if PostSQLConditions
if ( $event_row['Archived'] )
$archived = true;