show the analyse image in frames view if it exists

Andrew Bauer 2020-12-12 11:37:50 -06:00
parent 51a862057f
commit 2f0df74c54
1 changed files with 16 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -161,15 +161,30 @@ function queryRequest($eid, $search, $advsearch, $sort, $offset, $order, $limit)
$returned_rows = array();
foreach ( array_slice($filtered_rows, $offset, $limit) as $row ) {
# Build the path to the potential analysis image
$analImage = sprintf('%0'.ZM_EVENT_IMAGE_DIGITS.'d-analyse.jpg', $row['FrameId']);
$analPath = $Event->Path().'/'.$analImage;
$alarmFrame = $row['Type'] == 'Alarm';
$hasAnalImage = $alarmFrame && file_exists($analPath) && filesize($analPath);
# Our base img source component, which we will add on to
$base_img_src = '?view=image&fid=' .$row['Id'];
# if an analysis images exists, use it as the thumbnail
if ( $hasAnalImage ) $base_img_src .= '&show=analyse';
# Build the subcomponents needed for the image source
$ratio_factor = $Monitor->ViewHeight() / $Monitor->ViewWidth();
$thmb_width = ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_WIDTH ? 'width='.ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_WIDTH : '';
$thmb_height = 'height="'.( ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_HEIGHT ? ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_HEIGHT : ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_WIDTH*$ratio_factor ) .'"';
$thmb_fn = 'filename=' .$Event->MonitorId(). '_' .$row['EventId']. '_' .$row['FrameId']. '.jpg';
# Assemble the scaled and unscaled image source image source components
$img_src = join('&', array_filter(array($base_img_src, $thmb_width, $thmb_height, $thmb_fn)));
$full_img_src = join('&', array_filter(array($base_img_src, $thmb_fn)));
$frame_src = '?view=frame&eid=' .$row['EventId']. '&fid=' .$row['FrameId'];
# finally, we assemble the the entire thumbnail img src structure, whew
$row['Thumbnail'] = '<img src="' .$img_src. '" '.$thmb_width. ' ' .$thmb_height. 'img_src="' .$img_src. '" full_img_src="' .$full_img_src. '">';
$returned_rows[] = $row;