Merge branch 'master' of

Isaac Connor 2017-05-17 11:54:02 -04:00
commit 234a9ce236
7 changed files with 1287 additions and 1390 deletions

View File

@ -505,6 +505,20 @@ our @options = (
type => $types{directory},
category => "paths",
name => "ZM_DIR_EXPORTS",
default => "@ZM_TMPDIR@",
description => "Directory where exported archives are stored",
help => qqq("
This is the path to the exports directory where exported
tar.gz and zip archives are stored. By default this points to
ZoneMinder's temp folder, which often sits in ram. Since exported
archives can potentially become large, it is a good idea to move
this folder to some other location on machines with low memory.
type => $types{directory},
category => "paths",
name => "ZM_PATH_ZMS",
default => "/cgi-bin/nph-zms",

View File

@ -100,16 +100,15 @@ GetOptions(
'interactive' =>\$interactive,
'continuous' =>\$continuous,
'version' =>\$version
) or pod2usage(-exitstatus => -1);
) or pod2usage(-exitstatus => -1);
if ( $version ) {
print( ZoneMinder::Base::ZM_VERSION . "\n");
print( ZoneMinder::Base::ZM_VERSION . "\n");
if ( ($report + $interactive + $continuous) > 1 )
print( STDERR "Error, only one option may be specified\n" );
pod2usage(-exitstatus => -1);
if ( ($report + $interactive + $continuous) > 1 ) {
print( STDERR "Error, only one option may be specified\n" );
pod2usage(-exitstatus => -1);
my $dbh = zmDbConnect();
@ -123,517 +122,444 @@ my $image_path = IMAGE_PATH;
my $loop = 1;
my $cleaned = 0;
MAIN: while( $loop ) {
while ( ! ( $dbh and $dbh->ping() ) ) {
$dbh = zmDbConnect();
while ( ! ( $dbh and $dbh->ping() ) ) {
$dbh = zmDbConnect();
if ( $continuous ) {
Error("Unable to connect to database");
# if we are running continuously, then just skip to the next
# interval, otherwise we are a one off run, so wait a second and
# retry until someone kills us.
sleep( $Config{ZM_AUDIT_CHECK_INTERVAL} );
} else {
Fatal("Unable to connect to database");
} # end if
} # end while can't connect to the db
if ( $continuous ) {
Error("Unable to connect to database");
# if we are running continuously, then just skip to the next
# interval, otherwise we are a one off run, so wait a second and
# retry until someone kills us.
sleep( $Config{ZM_AUDIT_CHECK_INTERVAL} );
} else {
Fatal("Unable to connect to database");
} # end if
} # end while can't connect to the db
if ( $continuous ) {
# if we are running continuously, then just skip to the next
# interval, otherwise we are a one off run, so wait a second and
# retry until someone kills us.
sleep( $Config{ZM_AUDIT_CHECK_INTERVAL} );
} else {
sleep 1;
} # end if
if ( $continuous ) {
# if we are running continuously, then just skip to the next
# interval, otherwise we are a one off run, so wait a second and
# retry until someone kills us.
sleep( $Config{ZM_AUDIT_CHECK_INTERVAL} );
} else {
sleep 1;
} # end if
if ( ! exists $Config{ZM_AUDIT_MIN_AGE} ) {
Fatal("ZM_AUDIT_MIN_AGE is not set in config.");
if ( ! exists $Config{ZM_AUDIT_MIN_AGE} ) {
Fatal("ZM_AUDIT_MIN_AGE is not set in config.");
my $db_monitors;
my $monitorSelectSql = "select Id from Monitors order by Id";
my $monitorSelectSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $monitorSelectSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$monitorSelectSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
my $eventSelectSql = "SELECT Id, (unix_timestamp() - unix_timestamp(StartTime)) as Age
FROM Events WHERE MonitorId = ? ORDER BY Id";
my $eventSelectSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $eventSelectSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$eventSelectSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$cleaned = 0;
my $res = $monitorSelectSth->execute()
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$monitorSelectSth->errstr() );
while( my $monitor = $monitorSelectSth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
Debug( "Found database monitor '$monitor->{Id}'" );
my $db_events = $db_monitors->{$monitor->{Id}} = {};
my $res = $eventSelectSth->execute( $monitor->{Id} )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$eventSelectSth->errstr() );
while ( my $event = $eventSelectSth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
$db_events->{$event->{Id}} = $event->{Age};
Debug( "Got ".int(keys(%$db_events))." events\n" );
my $db_monitors;
my $monitorSelectSql = "select Id from Monitors order by Id";
my $monitorSelectSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $monitorSelectSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$monitorSelectSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
my $eventSelectSql = "SELECT Id, (unix_timestamp() - unix_timestamp(StartTime)) as Age
FROM Events WHERE MonitorId = ? ORDER BY Id";
my $eventSelectSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $eventSelectSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$eventSelectSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
my $fs_monitors;
foreach my $monitor ( glob("[0-9]*") ) {
# Thie glob above gives all files starting with a digit. So a monitor with a name starting with a digit will be in this list.
next if $monitor =~ /\D/;
Debug( "Found filesystem monitor '$monitor'" );
my $fs_events = $fs_monitors->{$monitor} = {};
( my $monitor_dir ) = ( $monitor =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
$cleaned = 0;
my $res = $monitorSelectSth->execute()
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$monitorSelectSth->errstr() );
while( my $monitor = $monitorSelectSth->fetchrow_hashref() )
Debug( "Found database monitor '$monitor->{Id}'" );
my $db_events = $db_monitors->{$monitor->{Id}} = {};
my $res = $eventSelectSth->execute( $monitor->{Id} )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$eventSelectSth->errstr() );
while ( my $event = $eventSelectSth->fetchrow_hashref() )
$db_events->{$event->{Id}} = $event->{Age};
Debug( "Got ".int(keys(%$db_events))." events\n" );
my $fs_monitors;
foreach my $monitor ( glob("[0-9]*") )
# Thie glob above gives all files starting with a digit. So a monitor with a name starting with a digit will be in this list.
next if $monitor =~ /\D/;
Debug( "Found filesystem monitor '$monitor'" );
my $fs_events = $fs_monitors->{$monitor} = {};
( my $monitor_dir ) = ( $monitor =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
if ( $Config{ZM_USE_DEEP_STORAGE} )
foreach my $day_dir ( glob("$monitor_dir/*/*/*") )
Debug( "Checking $day_dir" );
( $day_dir ) = ( $day_dir =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
chdir( $day_dir );
opendir( DIR, "." )
or Fatal( "Can't open directory '$day_dir': $!" );
my @event_links = sort { $b <=> $a } grep { -l $_ } readdir( DIR );
closedir( DIR );
my $count = 0;
foreach my $event_link ( @event_links )
Debug( "Checking link $event_link" );
( my $event = $event_link ) =~ s/^.*\.//;
my $event_path = readlink( $event_link );
if ( $count++ > MAX_AGED_DIRS )
$fs_events->{$event} = -1;
if ( !-e $event_path )
aud_print( "Event link $day_dir/$event_link does not point to valid target" );
if ( confirm() )
( $event_link ) = ( $event_link =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
unlink( $event_link );
$cleaned = 1;
$fs_events->{$event} = (time() - ($^T - ((-M $event_path) * 24*60*60)));
chdir( EVENT_PATH );
chdir( $monitor_dir );
opendir( DIR, "." ) or Fatal( "Can't open directory '$monitor_dir': $!" );
my @temp_events = sort { $b <=> $a } grep { -d $_ && $_ =~ /^\d+$/ } readdir( DIR );
closedir( DIR );
my $count = 0;
foreach my $event ( @temp_events )
if ( $count++ > MAX_AGED_DIRS )
$fs_events->{$event} = -1;
$fs_events->{$event} = (time() - ($^T - ((-M $event) * 24*60*60)));
chdir( EVENT_PATH );
Debug( "Got ".int(keys(%$fs_events))." events\n" );
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
$cleaned = 0;
while ( my ( $fs_monitor, $fs_events ) = each(%$fs_monitors) )
if ( my $db_events = $db_monitors->{$fs_monitor} )
if ( $fs_events )
while ( my ( $fs_event, $age ) = each(%$fs_events ) )
if ( !defined($db_events->{$fs_event}) && ($age < 0 || ($age > $Config{ZM_AUDIT_MIN_AGE})) )
aud_print( "Filesystem event '$fs_monitor/$fs_event' does not exist in database" );
if ( confirm() )
deleteEventFiles( $fs_event, $fs_monitor );
$cleaned = 1;
aud_print( "Filesystem monitor '$fs_monitor' does not exist in database" );
if ( confirm() )
my $command = "rm -rf $fs_monitor";
executeShellCommand( $command );
if ( $Config{ZM_USE_DEEP_STORAGE} ) {
foreach my $day_dir ( glob("$monitor_dir/*/*/*") ) {
Debug( "Checking $day_dir" );
( $day_dir ) = ( $day_dir =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
chdir( $day_dir );
opendir( DIR, "." )
or Fatal( "Can't open directory '$day_dir': $!" );
my @event_links = sort { $b <=> $a } grep { -l $_ } readdir( DIR );
closedir( DIR );
my $count = 0;
foreach my $event_link ( @event_links ) {
Debug( "Checking link $event_link" );
( my $event = $event_link ) =~ s/^.*\.//;
my $event_path = readlink( $event_link );
if ( $count++ > MAX_AGED_DIRS ) {
$fs_events->{$event} = -1;
} else {
if ( !-e $event_path ) {
aud_print( "Event link $day_dir/$event_link does not point to valid target" );
if ( confirm() ) {
( $event_link ) = ( $event_link =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
unlink( $event_link );
$cleaned = 1;
} else {
$fs_events->{$event} = (time() - ($^T - ((-M $event_path) * 24*60*60)));
} # end foreach event_link
chdir( EVENT_PATH );
} # end foreach day_dir
} else {
chdir( $monitor_dir );
opendir( DIR, "." ) or Fatal( "Can't open directory '$monitor_dir': $!" );
my @temp_events = sort { $b <=> $a } grep { -d $_ && $_ =~ /^\d+$/ } readdir( DIR );
closedir( DIR );
my $count = 0;
foreach my $event ( @temp_events ) {
if ( $count++ > MAX_AGED_DIRS ) {
$fs_events->{$event} = -1;
} else {
$fs_events->{$event} = (time() - ($^T - ((-M $event) * 24*60*60)));
chdir( EVENT_PATH );
Debug( "Got ".int(keys(%$fs_events))." events\n" );
} # end foreach monitor Id
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
my $monitor_links;
foreach my $link ( glob("*") )
next if ( !-l $link );
next if ( -e $link );
aud_print( "Filesystem monitor link '$link' does not point to valid monitor directory" );
if ( confirm() )
( $link ) = ( $link =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
my $command = qq`rm "$link"`;
executeShellCommand( $command );
$cleaned = 1;
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
$cleaned = 0;
my $deleteMonitorSql = "delete low_priority from Monitors where Id = ?";
my $deleteMonitorSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $deleteMonitorSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$deleteMonitorSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
my $deleteEventSql = "delete low_priority from Events where Id = ?";
my $deleteEventSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $deleteEventSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$deleteEventSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
my $deleteFramesSql = "delete low_priority from Frames where EventId = ?";
my $deleteFramesSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $deleteFramesSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$deleteFramesSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
my $deleteStatsSql = "delete low_priority from Stats where EventId = ?";
my $deleteStatsSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $deleteStatsSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$deleteStatsSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
while ( my ( $db_monitor, $db_events ) = each(%$db_monitors) )
if ( my $fs_events = $fs_monitors->{$db_monitor} )
if ( $db_events )
while ( my ( $db_event, $age ) = each(%$db_events ) )
if ( !defined($fs_events->{$db_event}) ) {
if ( $age > $Config{ZM_AUDIT_MIN_AGE} ) {
aud_print( "Database event '$db_monitor/$db_event' does not exist in filesystem" );
if ( confirm() ) {
my $res = $deleteEventSth->execute( $db_event )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteEventSth->errstr() );
$res = $deleteFramesSth->execute( $db_event )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteFramesSth->errstr() );
$res = $deleteStatsSth->execute( $db_event )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteStatsSth->errstr() );
$cleaned = 1;
} else {
aud_print( "Database event '$db_monitor/$db_event' does not exist in filesystem but too young to delete." );
$cleaned = 0;
while ( my ( $fs_monitor, $fs_events ) = each(%$fs_monitors) ) {
if ( my $db_events = $db_monitors->{$fs_monitor} ) {
if ( $fs_events ) {
while ( my ( $fs_event, $age ) = each(%$fs_events ) ) {
if ( !defined($db_events->{$fs_event}) && ($age < 0 || ($age > $Config{ZM_AUDIT_MIN_AGE})) ) {
aud_print( "Filesystem event '$fs_monitor/$fs_event' does not exist in database" );
if ( confirm() ) {
deleteEventFiles( $fs_event, $fs_monitor );
$cleaned = 1;
aud_print( "Database monitor '$db_monitor' does not exist in filesystem" );
#if ( confirm() )
# We don't actually do this in case it's new
#my $res = $deleteMonitorSth->execute( $db_monitor )
# or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteMonitorSth->errstr() );
#$cleaned = 1;
} else {
aud_print( "Filesystem monitor '$fs_monitor' does not exist in database" );
if ( confirm() ) {
my $command = "rm -rf $fs_monitor";
executeShellCommand( $command );
$cleaned = 1;
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
# Remove orphaned events (with no monitor)
$cleaned = 0;
my $selectOrphanedEventsSql = "SELECT Events.Id, Events.Name
FROM Events LEFT JOIN Monitors ON (Events.MonitorId = Monitors.Id)
WHERE isnull(Monitors.Id)";
my $selectOrphanedEventsSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $selectOrphanedEventsSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$selectOrphanedEventsSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$res = $selectOrphanedEventsSth->execute()
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$selectOrphanedEventsSth->errstr() );
while( my $event = $selectOrphanedEventsSth->fetchrow_hashref() )
aud_print( "Found orphaned event with no monitor '$event->{Id}'" );
if ( confirm() )
$res = $deleteEventSth->execute( $event->{Id} )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteEventSth->errstr() );
$cleaned = 1;
my $monitor_links;
foreach my $link ( glob("*") ) {
next if ( !-l $link );
next if ( -e $link );
aud_print( "Filesystem monitor link '$link' does not point to valid monitor directory" );
if ( confirm() ) {
( $link ) = ( $link =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
my $command = qq`rm "$link"`;
executeShellCommand( $command );
$cleaned = 1;
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
# Remove empty events (with no frames)
$cleaned = 0;
my $selectEmptyEventsSql = "SELECT E.Id AS Id, E.StartTime, F.EventId FROM Events as E LEFT JOIN Frames as F ON (E.Id = F.EventId)
WHERE isnull(F.EventId) AND now() - interval ".$Config{ZM_AUDIT_MIN_AGE}." second > E.StartTime";
my $selectEmptyEventsSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $selectEmptyEventsSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$selectEmptyEventsSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$res = $selectEmptyEventsSth->execute()
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$selectEmptyEventsSth->errstr() );
while( my $event = $selectEmptyEventsSth->fetchrow_hashref() )
aud_print( "Found empty event with no frame records '$event->{Id}'" );
if ( confirm() )
$res = $deleteEventSth->execute( $event->{Id} )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteEventSth->errstr() );
$cleaned = 1;
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
# Remove orphaned frame records
$cleaned = 0;
my $selectOrphanedFramesSql = "SELECT DISTINCT EventId FROM Frames
my $selectOrphanedFramesSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $selectOrphanedFramesSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$selectOrphanedFramesSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$res = $selectOrphanedFramesSth->execute()
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$selectOrphanedFramesSth->errstr() );
while( my $frame = $selectOrphanedFramesSth->fetchrow_hashref() )
aud_print( "Found orphaned frame records for event '$frame->{EventId}'" );
if ( confirm() )
$res = $deleteFramesSth->execute( $frame->{EventId} )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteFramesSth->errstr() );
$cleaned = 1;
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
# Remove orphaned stats records
$cleaned = 0;
my $selectOrphanedStatsSql = "SELECT DISTINCT EventId FROM Stats
my $selectOrphanedStatsSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $selectOrphanedStatsSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$selectOrphanedStatsSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$res = $selectOrphanedStatsSth->execute()
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$selectOrphanedStatsSth->errstr() );
while( my $stat = $selectOrphanedStatsSth->fetchrow_hashref() )
aud_print( "Found orphaned statistic records for event '$stat->{EventId}'" );
if ( confirm() )
$res = $deleteStatsSth->execute( $stat->{EventId} )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteStatsSth->errstr() );
$cleaned = 1;
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
# New audit to close any events that were left open for longer than MIN_AGE seconds
my $selectUnclosedEventsSql =
max(F.TimeStamp) as EndTime,
unix_timestamp(max(F.TimeStamp)) - unix_timestamp(E.StartTime) as Length,
max(F.FrameId) as Frames,
count(if(F.Score>0,1,NULL)) as AlarmFrames,
sum(F.Score) as TotScore,
max(F.Score) as MaxScore,
M.EventPrefix as Prefix
FROM Events as E
LEFT JOIN Monitors as M on E.MonitorId = M.Id
INNER JOIN Frames as F on E.Id = F.EventId
WHERE isnull(E.Frames) or isnull(E.EndTime)
GROUP BY E.Id HAVING EndTime < (now() - interval ".$Config{ZM_AUDIT_MIN_AGE}." second)"
my $selectUnclosedEventsSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $selectUnclosedEventsSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$selectUnclosedEventsSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
my $updateUnclosedEventsSql =
"UPDATE low_priority Events
SET Name = ?,
EndTime = ?,
Length = ?,
Frames = ?,
AlarmFrames = ?,
TotScore = ?,
AvgScore = ?,
MaxScore = ?,
Notes = concat_ws( ' ', Notes, ? )
WHERE Id = ?"
my $updateUnclosedEventsSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $updateUnclosedEventsSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$updateUnclosedEventsSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$res = $selectUnclosedEventsSth->execute()
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$selectUnclosedEventsSth->errstr() );
while( my $event = $selectUnclosedEventsSth->fetchrow_hashref() )
aud_print( "Found open event '$event->{Id}'" );
if ( confirm( 'close', 'closing' ) )
$res = $updateUnclosedEventsSth->execute
? int($event->{TotScore} / $event->{AlarmFrames})
: 0
) or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$updateUnclosedEventsSth->errstr() );
# Now delete any old image files
if ( my @old_files = grep { -M > $max_image_age } <$image_path/*.{jpg,gif,wbmp}> )
aud_print( "Deleting ".int(@old_files)." old images\n" );
my $untainted_old_files = join( ";", @old_files );
( $untainted_old_files ) = ( $untainted_old_files =~ /^(.*)$/ );
unlink( split( /;/, $untainted_old_files ) );
# Now delete any old swap files
( my $swap_image_root ) = ( $Config{ZM_PATH_SWAP} =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
File::Find::find( { wanted=>\&deleteSwapImage, untaint=>1 }, $swap_image_root );
# Prune the Logs table if required
if ( $Config{ZM_LOG_DATABASE_LIMIT} =~ /^\d+$/ )
# Number of rows
my $selectLogRowCountSql = "SELECT count(*) as Rows from Logs";
my $selectLogRowCountSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $selectLogRowCountSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$selectLogRowCountSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$res = $selectLogRowCountSth->execute()
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$selectLogRowCountSth->errstr() );
my $row = $selectLogRowCountSth->fetchrow_hashref();
my $logRows = $row->{Rows};
if ( $logRows > $Config{ZM_LOG_DATABASE_LIMIT} )
my $deleteLogByRowsSql = "DELETE low_priority FROM Logs ORDER BY TimeKey ASC LIMIT ?";
my $deleteLogByRowsSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $deleteLogByRowsSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$deleteLogByRowsSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$res = $deleteLogByRowsSth->execute( $logRows - $Config{ZM_LOG_DATABASE_LIMIT} )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteLogByRowsSth->errstr() );
if ( $deleteLogByRowsSth->rows() )
aud_print( "Deleted ".$deleteLogByRowsSth->rows()
." log table entries by count\n" )
# Time of record
my $deleteLogByTimeSql =
"DELETE low_priority FROM Logs
WHERE TimeKey < unix_timestamp(now() - interval ".$Config{ZM_LOG_DATABASE_LIMIT}.")";
my $deleteLogByTimeSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $deleteLogByTimeSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$deleteLogByTimeSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$res = $deleteLogByTimeSth->execute()
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteLogByTimeSth->errstr() );
if ( $deleteLogByTimeSth->rows() ){
aud_print( "Deleted ".$deleteLogByTimeSth->rows()
." log table entries by time\n" )
$cleaned = 0;
my $deleteMonitorSql = "delete low_priority from Monitors where Id = ?";
my $deleteMonitorSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $deleteMonitorSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$deleteMonitorSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
my $deleteEventSql = "delete low_priority from Events where Id = ?";
my $deleteEventSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $deleteEventSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$deleteEventSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
my $deleteFramesSql = "delete low_priority from Frames where EventId = ?";
my $deleteFramesSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $deleteFramesSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$deleteFramesSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
my $deleteStatsSql = "delete low_priority from Stats where EventId = ?";
my $deleteStatsSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $deleteStatsSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$deleteStatsSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
while ( my ( $db_monitor, $db_events ) = each(%$db_monitors) ) {
if ( my $fs_events = $fs_monitors->{$db_monitor} ) {
if ( $db_events ) {
while ( my ( $db_event, $age ) = each(%$db_events ) ) {
if ( !defined($fs_events->{$db_event}) ) {
if ( $age > $Config{ZM_AUDIT_MIN_AGE} ) {
aud_print( "Database event '$db_monitor/$db_event' does not exist in filesystem" );
if ( confirm() ) {
my $res = $deleteEventSth->execute( $db_event )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteEventSth->errstr() );
$res = $deleteFramesSth->execute( $db_event )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteFramesSth->errstr() );
$res = $deleteStatsSth->execute( $db_event )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteStatsSth->errstr() );
$cleaned = 1;
} else {
aud_print( "Database event '$db_monitor/$db_event' does not exist in filesystem but too young to delete." );
} # end if db_events
} else {
aud_print( "Database monitor '$db_monitor' does not exist in filesystem" );
#if ( confirm() )
# We don't actually do this in case it's new
#my $res = $deleteMonitorSth->execute( $db_monitor )
# or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteMonitorSth->errstr() );
#$cleaned = 1;
$loop = $continuous;
} # end foreach db_monitor
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
sleep( $Config{ZM_AUDIT_CHECK_INTERVAL} ) if $continuous;
# Remove orphaned events (with no monitor)
$cleaned = 0;
my $selectOrphanedEventsSql = "SELECT Events.Id, Events.Name
FROM Events LEFT JOIN Monitors ON (Events.MonitorId = Monitors.Id)
WHERE isnull(Monitors.Id)";
my $selectOrphanedEventsSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $selectOrphanedEventsSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$selectOrphanedEventsSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$res = $selectOrphanedEventsSth->execute()
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$selectOrphanedEventsSth->errstr() );
while( my $event = $selectOrphanedEventsSth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
aud_print( "Found orphaned event with no monitor '$event->{Id}'" );
if ( confirm() ) {
$res = $deleteEventSth->execute( $event->{Id} )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteEventSth->errstr() );
$cleaned = 1;
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
# Remove empty events (with no frames)
$cleaned = 0;
my $selectEmptyEventsSql = "SELECT E.Id AS Id, E.StartTime, F.EventId FROM Events as E LEFT JOIN Frames as F ON (E.Id = F.EventId)
WHERE isnull(F.EventId) AND now() - interval ".$Config{ZM_AUDIT_MIN_AGE}." second > E.StartTime";
my $selectEmptyEventsSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $selectEmptyEventsSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$selectEmptyEventsSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$res = $selectEmptyEventsSth->execute()
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$selectEmptyEventsSth->errstr() );
while( my $event = $selectEmptyEventsSth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
aud_print( "Found empty event with no frame records '$event->{Id}'" );
if ( confirm() ) {
$res = $deleteEventSth->execute( $event->{Id} )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteEventSth->errstr() );
$cleaned = 1;
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
# Remove orphaned frame records
$cleaned = 0;
my $selectOrphanedFramesSql = "SELECT DISTINCT EventId FROM Frames
my $selectOrphanedFramesSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $selectOrphanedFramesSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$selectOrphanedFramesSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$res = $selectOrphanedFramesSth->execute()
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$selectOrphanedFramesSth->errstr() );
while( my $frame = $selectOrphanedFramesSth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
aud_print( "Found orphaned frame records for event '$frame->{EventId}'" );
if ( confirm() ) {
$res = $deleteFramesSth->execute( $frame->{EventId} )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteFramesSth->errstr() );
$cleaned = 1;
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
# Remove orphaned stats records
$cleaned = 0;
my $selectOrphanedStatsSql = "SELECT DISTINCT EventId FROM Stats
my $selectOrphanedStatsSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $selectOrphanedStatsSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$selectOrphanedStatsSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$res = $selectOrphanedStatsSth->execute()
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$selectOrphanedStatsSth->errstr() );
while( my $stat = $selectOrphanedStatsSth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
aud_print( "Found orphaned statistic records for event '$stat->{EventId}'" );
if ( confirm() ) {
$res = $deleteStatsSth->execute( $stat->{EventId} )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteStatsSth->errstr() );
$cleaned = 1;
redo MAIN if ( $cleaned );
# New audit to close any events that were left open for longer than MIN_AGE seconds
my $selectUnclosedEventsSql =
max(F.TimeStamp) as EndTime,
unix_timestamp(max(F.TimeStamp)) - unix_timestamp(E.StartTime) as Length,
max(F.FrameId) as Frames,
count(if(F.Score>0,1,NULL)) as AlarmFrames,
sum(F.Score) as TotScore,
max(F.Score) as MaxScore,
M.EventPrefix as Prefix
FROM Events as E
LEFT JOIN Monitors as M on E.MonitorId = M.Id
INNER JOIN Frames as F on E.Id = F.EventId
WHERE isnull(E.Frames) or isnull(E.EndTime)
GROUP BY E.Id HAVING EndTime < (now() - interval ".$Config{ZM_AUDIT_MIN_AGE}." second)"
my $selectUnclosedEventsSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $selectUnclosedEventsSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$selectUnclosedEventsSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
my $updateUnclosedEventsSql =
"UPDATE low_priority Events
SET Name = ?,
EndTime = ?,
Length = ?,
Frames = ?,
AlarmFrames = ?,
TotScore = ?,
AvgScore = ?,
MaxScore = ?,
Notes = concat_ws( ' ', Notes, ? )
WHERE Id = ?"
my $updateUnclosedEventsSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $updateUnclosedEventsSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$updateUnclosedEventsSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$res = $selectUnclosedEventsSth->execute()
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$selectUnclosedEventsSth->errstr() );
while( my $event = $selectUnclosedEventsSth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
aud_print( "Found open event '$event->{Id}'" );
if ( confirm( 'close', 'closing' ) ) {
$res = $updateUnclosedEventsSth->execute(
? int($event->{TotScore} / $event->{AlarmFrames})
: 0
) or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$updateUnclosedEventsSth->errstr() );
# Now delete any old image files
my @old_files = grep { -M > $max_image_age } <$image_path/*.{jpg,gif,wbmp}>;
if ( @old_files ) {
aud_print( "Deleting ".int(@old_files)." old images\n" );
my $untainted_old_files = join( ";", @old_files );
( $untainted_old_files ) = ( $untainted_old_files =~ /^(.*)$/ );
unlink( split( /;/, $untainted_old_files ) );
# Now delete any old swap files
( my $swap_image_root ) = ( $Config{ZM_PATH_SWAP} =~ /^(.*)$/ ); # De-taint
File::Find::find( { wanted=>\&deleteSwapImage, untaint=>1 }, $swap_image_root );
# Prune the Logs table if required
if ( $Config{ZM_LOG_DATABASE_LIMIT} ) {
if ( $Config{ZM_LOG_DATABASE_LIMIT} =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
# Number of rows
my $selectLogRowCountSql = "SELECT count(*) as Rows from Logs";
my $selectLogRowCountSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $selectLogRowCountSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$selectLogRowCountSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$res = $selectLogRowCountSth->execute()
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$selectLogRowCountSth->errstr() );
my $row = $selectLogRowCountSth->fetchrow_hashref();
my $logRows = $row->{Rows};
if ( $logRows > $Config{ZM_LOG_DATABASE_LIMIT} ) {
my $deleteLogByRowsSql = "DELETE low_priority FROM Logs ORDER BY TimeKey ASC LIMIT ?";
my $deleteLogByRowsSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $deleteLogByRowsSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$deleteLogByRowsSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$res = $deleteLogByRowsSth->execute( $logRows - $Config{ZM_LOG_DATABASE_LIMIT} )
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteLogByRowsSth->errstr() );
if ( $deleteLogByRowsSth->rows() ) {
aud_print( "Deleted ".$deleteLogByRowsSth->rows() ." log table entries by count\n" );
} else {
# Time of record
my $deleteLogByTimeSql =
"DELETE low_priority FROM Logs
WHERE TimeKey < unix_timestamp(now() - interval ".$Config{ZM_LOG_DATABASE_LIMIT}.")";
my $deleteLogByTimeSth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $deleteLogByTimeSql )
or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$deleteLogByTimeSql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
$res = $deleteLogByTimeSth->execute()
or Fatal( "Can't execute: ".$deleteLogByTimeSth->errstr() );
if ( $deleteLogByTimeSth->rows() ){
aud_print( "Deleted ".$deleteLogByTimeSth->rows() ." log table entries by time\n" );
} # end if ( $Config{ZM_LOG_DATABASE_LIMIT} )
$loop = $continuous;
sleep( $Config{ZM_AUDIT_CHECK_INTERVAL} ) if $continuous;
exit( 0 );
sub aud_print
my $string = shift;
if ( !$continuous )
print( $string );
Info( $string );
sub aud_print {
my $string = shift;
if ( ! $continuous ) {
print( $string );
} else {
Info( $string );
sub confirm
my $prompt = shift || "delete";
my $action = shift || "deleting";
sub confirm {
my $prompt = shift || "delete";
my $action = shift || "deleting";
my $yesno = 0;
if ( $report )
print( "\n" );
my $yesno = 0;
if ( $report ) {
print( "\n" );
} elsif ( $interactive ) {
print( ", $prompt y/n: " );
my $char = <>;
chomp( $char );
if ( $char eq 'q' ) {
exit( 0 );
elsif ( $interactive )
print( ", $prompt y/n: " );
my $char = <>;
chomp( $char );
if ( $char eq 'q' )
exit( 0 );
if ( !$char )
$char = 'y';
$yesno = ( $char =~ /[yY]/ );
if ( !$char ) {
$char = 'y';
if ( !$continuous )
print( ", $action\n" );
Info( $action );
$yesno = 1;
$yesno = ( $char =~ /[yY]/ );
} else {
if ( !$continuous ) {
print( ", $action\n" );
} else {
Info( $action );
return( $yesno );
$yesno = 1;
return( $yesno );
sub deleteSwapImage
my $file = $_;
sub deleteSwapImage {
my $file = $_;
if ( $file !~ /^zmswap-/ )
if ( $file !~ /^zmswap-/ ) {
# Ignore directories
if ( -d $file )
# Ignore directories
if ( -d $file ) {
if ( -M $file > $max_swap_age )
Debug( "Deleting $file" );
#unlink( $file );
if ( -M $file > $max_swap_age ) {
Debug( "Deleting $file" );
#unlink( $file );

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
define( "ZM_CONFIG", "@ZM_CONFIG@" ); // Path to config file
// Define, and override any given in config file
define( "ZM_VERSION", "@VERSION@" ); // Version
define( "ZM_DIR_TEMP", "@ZM_TMPDIR@" );
$configFile = ZM_CONFIG;
$localConfigFile = basename($configFile);

View File

@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ function exportEvents( $eids, $exportDetail, $exportFrames, $exportImages, $expo
$eids = array($eids);
$monitorPath = 'events/';
$monitorPath = ZM_DIR_EVENTS."/";
$html_eventMaster = 'zmEventImagesMaster_'.date('Ymd_His'). '.html';
if ( !($fp = fopen( $monitorPath."/".$html_eventMaster, "w" )) ) Fatal( "Can't open event images export file '$html_eventMaster'" );
fwrite( $fp, exportEventImagesMaster( $eids ) );
@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ function exportEvents( $eids, $exportDetail, $exportFrames, $exportImages, $expo
$exportFileList[] = $monitorPath."/".$html_eventMaster;
$listFile = "temp/".$export_listFile;
$listFile = ZM_DIR_EXPORTS."/".$export_listFile;
if ( !($fp = fopen( $listFile, "w" )) )
Fatal( "Can't open event export list file '$listFile'" );
@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ function exportEvents( $eids, $exportDetail, $exportFrames, $exportImages, $expo
$archive = "";
if ( $exportFormat == "tar" )
$archive = "temp/".$export_root.".tar.gz";
$archive = ZM_DIR_EXPORTS."/".$export_root.".tar.gz";
@unlink( $archive );
$command = "tar --create --gzip --file=$archive --files-from=$listFile";
exec( escapeshellcmd( $command ), $output, $status );
@ -925,8 +925,7 @@ function exportEvents( $eids, $exportDetail, $exportFrames, $exportImages, $expo
elseif ( $exportFormat == "zip" )
$archive = "temp/";
$archive = "temp/".$export_root.".zip";
$archive = ZM_DIR_EXPORTS."/".$export_root.".zip";
@unlink( $archive );
$command = "cat ".escapeshellarg($listFile)." | zip -q ".escapeshellarg($archive)." -@";
//cat zmFileList.txt | zip -q -@
@ -948,7 +947,7 @@ function exportEvents( $eids, $exportDetail, $exportFrames, $exportImages, $expo
return( $archive );
return( '?view=archive%26type='.$exportFormat );
function mygetEventPath( $event )

web/views/archive.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
// ZoneMinder file view file, $Date: 2008-09-29 14:15:13 +0100 (Mon, 29 Sep 2008) $, $Revision: 2640 $
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Philip Coombes
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
if ( !canView( 'Events' ) )
$view = "error";
$archivetype = $_REQUEST['type'];
if ( $archivetype ) {
switch ($archivetype) {
case "tar":
$mimetype = "gzip";
$file_ext = "tar.gz";
case "zip":
$mimetype = "zip";
$file_ext = "zip";
$mimetype = NULL;
$file_ext = NULL;
if ( $mimetype ) {
$filename = "zmExport.$file_ext";
$filename_path = ZM_DIR_TEMP."/".$filename;
if ( is_readable($filename_path) ) {
header( "Content-type: application/$mimetype" );
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename");
readfile( $filename_path );
} else {
Error("$filename_path does not exist or is not readable.");
} else {
Error("Unsupported archive type specified. Supported archives are tar and zip");
} else {
Error("No archive type given to archive.php. Please specify a tar or zip archive.");