refactor some redundant code
@ -99,6 +99,9 @@ Event::Event( Monitor *p_monitor, struct timeval p_start_time, const std::string
tot_score = 0;
max_score = 0;
char id_file[PATH_MAX];
struct stat statbuf;
if ( config.use_deep_storage ) {
char *path_ptr = path;
path_ptr += snprintf( path_ptr, sizeof(path), "%s/%d", storage->Path(), monitor->Id() );
@ -117,11 +120,12 @@ Event::Event( Monitor *p_monitor, struct timeval p_start_time, const std::string
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(dt_parts)/sizeof(*dt_parts); i++ ) {
path_ptr += snprintf( path_ptr, sizeof(path)-(path_ptr-path), "/%02d", dt_parts[i] );
struct stat statbuf;
errno = 0;
// Do we really need to stat it? Perhaps we could do that on error, instead
if ( stat( path, &statbuf ) ) {
if ( errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOTDIR ) {
if ( mkdir( path, 0755 ) ) {
// FIXME This should not be fatal. Should probably move to a different storage area.
Fatal( "Can't mkdir %s: %s", path, strerror(errno));
} else {
@ -133,21 +137,14 @@ Event::Event( Monitor *p_monitor, struct timeval p_start_time, const std::string
else if ( i >= 3 )
time_path_ptr += snprintf( time_path_ptr, sizeof(time_path)-(time_path_ptr-time_path), "%s%02d", i>3?"/":"", dt_parts[i] );
char id_file[PATH_MAX];
// Create event id symlink
snprintf( id_file, sizeof(id_file), "%s/.%d", date_path, id );
if ( symlink( time_path, id_file ) < 0 )
Fatal( "Can't symlink %s -> %s: %s", id_file, path, strerror(errno));
// Create empty id tag file
snprintf( id_file, sizeof(id_file), "%s/.%d", path, id );
if ( FILE *id_fp = fopen( id_file, "w" ) )
fclose( id_fp );
Fatal( "Can't fopen %s: %s", id_file, strerror(errno));
} else {
snprintf( path, sizeof(path), "%s/%d/%d", storage->Path(), monitor->Id(), id );
struct stat statbuf;
errno = 0;
stat( path, &statbuf );
if ( errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOTDIR ) {
@ -155,14 +152,15 @@ Event::Event( Monitor *p_monitor, struct timeval p_start_time, const std::string
Error( "Can't mkdir %s: %s", path, strerror(errno));
char id_file[PATH_MAX];
// Create empty id tag file
snprintf( id_file, sizeof(id_file), "%s/.%d", path, id );
if ( FILE *id_fp = fopen( id_file, "w" ) )
fclose( id_fp );
Fatal( "Can't fopen %s: %s", id_file, strerror(errno));
} // deep storage or not
// Create empty id tag file
snprintf( id_file, sizeof(id_file), "%s/.%d", path, id );
if ( FILE *id_fp = fopen( id_file, "w" ) )
fclose( id_fp );
Fatal( "Can't fopen %s: %s", id_file, strerror(errno));
last_db_frame = 0;
video_name[0] = 0;
@ -173,8 +171,6 @@ Event::Event( Monitor *p_monitor, struct timeval p_start_time, const std::string
int nRet;
snprintf( video_name, sizeof(video_name), "%d-%s", id, "video.mp4" );
snprintf( video_file, sizeof(video_file), video_file_format, path, video_name );
snprintf( timecodes_name, sizeof(timecodes_name), "%d-%s", id, "video.timecodes" );
snprintf( timecodes_file, sizeof(timecodes_file), video_file_format, path, timecodes_name );
/* X264 MP4 video writer */
if(monitor->GetOptVideoWriter() == 1) {
@ -187,6 +183,7 @@ Event::Event( Monitor *p_monitor, struct timeval p_start_time, const std::string
if(videowriter != NULL) {
/* Open the video stream */
nRet = videowriter->Open();
if(nRet != 0) {
@ -195,6 +192,8 @@ Event::Event( Monitor *p_monitor, struct timeval p_start_time, const std::string
videowriter = NULL;
snprintf( timecodes_name, sizeof(timecodes_name), "%d-%s", id, "video.timecodes" );
snprintf( timecodes_file, sizeof(timecodes_file), video_file_format, path, timecodes_name );
/* Create timecodes file */
timecodes_fd = fopen(timecodes_file, "wb");
if(timecodes_fd == NULL) {
@ -209,12 +208,13 @@ Event::Event( Monitor *p_monitor, struct timeval p_start_time, const std::string
Event::~Event() {
static char sql[ZM_SQL_MED_BUFSIZ];
struct DeltaTimeval delta_time;
DELTA_TIMEVAL( delta_time, end_time, start_time, DT_PREC_2 );
if ( frames > last_db_frame ) {
struct DeltaTimeval delta_time;
DELTA_TIMEVAL( delta_time, end_time, start_time, DT_PREC_2 );
Debug( 1, "Adding closing frame %d to DB", frames );
static char sql[ZM_SQL_SML_BUFSIZ];
snprintf( sql, sizeof(sql), "insert into Frames ( EventId, FrameId, TimeStamp, Delta ) values ( %d, %d, from_unixtime( %ld ), %s%ld.%02ld )", id, frames, end_time.tv_sec, delta_time.positive?"":"-", delta_time.sec, delta_time.fsec );
if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) ) {
Error( "Can't insert frame: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) );
@ -238,11 +238,6 @@ Event::~Event() {
timecodes_fd = NULL;
static char sql[ZM_SQL_MED_BUFSIZ];
struct DeltaTimeval delta_time;
DELTA_TIMEVAL( delta_time, end_time, start_time, DT_PREC_2 );
snprintf( sql, sizeof(sql), "update Events set Name='%s%d', EndTime = from_unixtime( %ld ), Length = %s%ld.%02ld, Frames = %d, AlarmFrames = %d, TotScore = %d, AvgScore = %d, MaxScore = %d, DefaultVideo = '%s' where Id = %d", monitor->EventPrefix(), id, end_time.tv_sec, delta_time.positive?"":"-", delta_time.sec, delta_time.fsec, frames, alarm_frames, tot_score, (int)(alarm_frames?(tot_score/alarm_frames):0), max_score, video_name, id );
if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) )
Reference in New Issue