Added interaction with monitors.
git-svn-id: e3e1d417-86f3-4887-817a-d78f3d33393fpull/27/merge
@ -31,6 +31,10 @@
# ==========================================================================
use constant DB_NAME => "zm";
use constant DB_USER => "zmadmin";
use constant DB_PASS => "zmadminzm";
use constant DB_RELOAD_INTERVAL => 60;
use constant X10_DEVICE => '/dev/ttyS1';
use constant X10_HOUSE_CODE => 'K';
use constant X10_SOCK_FILE => '/tmp/zmx10.sock';
@ -44,6 +48,7 @@ use constant X10_LOG_FILE => '/tmp/zmx10.log';
use strict;
use POSIX;
use DBI;
use Socket;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
@ -106,7 +111,186 @@ if ( !connect( CLIENT, $saddr ) )
( $ENV{PATH} ) = ( $ENV{PATH} =~ /^(.*)$/ );
my $dbh = DBI->connect( "DBI:mysql:".DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASS );
my %device_hash;
my %pending_tasks;
sub addToActivationList
my $unit_code = shift;
my $event = shift;
my $monitor = shift;
my $function = shift;
my $limit = shift;
#print( "Adding to activation list, uc:$unit_code, ev:$event, mo:$monitor, fu:$function, li:$limit\n" );
my $device = $device_hash{$unit_code};
if ( !$device )
$device = $device_hash{$unit_code} = { status=>'unknown' };
my $task = { monitor=>$monitor->{Id}, function=>$function };
if ( $limit )
$task->{limit} = $limit
my $task_list = $device->{$event."_list"};
if ( !$task_list )
$task_list = $device->{$event."_list"} = [];
push( @$task_list, $task );
sub loadTasks
my %monitor_hash;
#print( "Loading tasks\n" );
# Clear out all old device task lists
foreach my $unit_code ( sort( keys(%device_hash) ) )
my $device = $device_hash{$unit_code};
$device->{ON_list} = [];
$device->{OFF_list} = [];
my $sql = "select * from Monitors";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or die( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() );
my $res = $sth->execute() or die( "Can't execute: ".$sth->errstr() );
while( my $monitor = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() )
$monitor_hash{$monitor->{Id}} = $monitor;
if ( $monitor->{Function} eq 'X10' && $monitor->{X10Active} )
#print( "$monitor->{Name} has active string '$monitor->{X10Active}'\n" );
foreach my $code_string ( split( ',', $monitor->{X10Active} ) )
#print( "Code string: $code_string\n" );
my ( $invert, $unit_code, $modifier, $limit ) = ( $code_string =~ /^([!~])?(\d+)(?:([+-])(\d+)?)?$/ );
$limit = 0 if ( !$limit );
if ( $unit_code )
if ( !$modifier || $modifier eq '+' )
addToActivationList( $unit_code, "ON", $monitor, !$invert?"start_active":"stop_active", $limit );
if ( !$modifier || $modifier eq '-' )
addToActivationList( $unit_code, "OFF", $monitor, !$invert?"stop_active":"start_active", $limit );
if ( $monitor->{X10Alarm} )
#print( "$monitor->{Name} has alarm string '$monitor->{X10Alarm}'\n" );
foreach my $code_string ( split( ',', $monitor->{X10Alarm} ) )
#print( "Code string: $code_string\n" );
my ( $invert, $unit_code, $modifier, $limit ) = ( $code_string =~ /^([!~])?(\d+)(?:([+-])(\d+)?)?$/ );
$limit = 0 if ( !$limit );
if ( $unit_code )
if ( !$modifier || $modifier eq '+' )
addToActivationList( $unit_code, "ON", $monitor, !$invert?"start_alarm":"stop_alarm", $limit );
if ( !$modifier || $modifier eq '-' )
addToActivationList( $unit_code, "OFF", $monitor, !$invert?"stop_alarm":"start_alarm", $limit );
sub addPendingTask
my $task = shift;
# Check whether we are just extending a previous pending task
# and remove it if it's there
foreach my $activation_time ( sort(keys(%pending_tasks) ) )
my $pending_list = $pending_tasks{$activation_time};
my $new_pending_list = [];
foreach my $pending_task ( @$pending_list )
if (( $task->{monitor}->{Id} != $pending_task->{monitor}->{Id} )
|| ( $task->{function} != $pending_task->{function} ))
push( @$new_pending_list, $pending_task )
if ( @$new_pending_list )
$pending_tasks{$activation_time} = $new_pending_list;
delete( $pending_tasks{$activation_time} );
my $end_time = time() + $task->{limit};
my $pending_list = $pending_tasks{$end_time};
if ( !$pending_list )
$pending_list = $pending_tasks{$end_time} = [];
$task->{function} =~ s/start/stop/;
delete( $task->{limit} );
push( @$pending_list, $task );
sub processTask
my $task = shift;
my ( $instruction, $class ) = ( $task->{function} =~ /^(.+)_(.+)$/ );
my $command;
if ( $class eq "active" )
if ( $instruction eq "start" )
$command = " start zma ".$task->{monitor};
if ( $task->{limit} )
addPendingTask( $task );
elsif( $instruction eq "stop" )
$command = " stop zma ".$task->{monitor};
elsif( $class eq "alarm" )
if ( $instruction eq "start" )
$command = "zmu --monitor ".$task->{monitor}." --alarm";
if ( $task->{limit} )
addPendingTask( $task );
elsif( $instruction eq "stop" )
$command = "zmu --monitor ".$task->{monitor}." --cancel";
print( "Executing command '$command'\n" );
if ( $command )
qx( $command );
sub dprint
@ -122,6 +306,8 @@ if ( !connect( CLIENT, $saddr ) )
my $x10 = new X10::ActiveHome( port=>X10_DEVICE, house_code=>X10_HOUSE_CODE, debug=>1 );
sub x10listen
foreach my $event ( @_ )
@ -133,9 +319,18 @@ if ( !connect( CLIENT, $saddr ) )
my $device = $device_hash{$unit_code};
if ( !$device )
$device = $device_hash{$unit_code} = $x10->Appliance( unit_code=>$unit_code );
$device = $device_hash{$unit_code} = { appliance=>$x10->Appliance( unit_code=>$unit_code ) };
next if ( $event->func() !~ /(?:ON|OFF)/ );
$device->{status} = $event->func();
my $task_list = $device->{$event->func()."_list"};
if ( $task_list )
foreach my $task ( @$task_list )
processTask( $task );
print( LOG strftime( "%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime() )." - ".$event->as_string()."\n" );
@ -146,7 +341,7 @@ if ( !connect( CLIENT, $saddr ) )
my $rin = '';
vec( $rin, fileno(SERVER),1) = 1;
vec( $rin, $x10->select_fds(),1) = 1;
my $timeout = 60;
my $timeout = 1;
#print( "F:".fileno(SERVER)."\n" );
while( 1 )
@ -175,40 +370,39 @@ if ( !connect( CLIENT, $saddr ) )
$device = $device_hash{$unit_code};
if ( !$device )
$device = $device_hash{$unit_code} = $x10->Appliance( unit_code=>$unit_code );
$device->{status} = 'unknown';
$device = $device_hash{$unit_code} = { appliance=>$x10->Appliance( unit_code=>$unit_code ), status=>'unknown' };
my $result;
if ( $command eq 'on' )
$result = $device->on();
$result = $device->{appliance}->on();
elsif ( $command eq 'off' )
$result = $device->off();
elsif ( $command eq 'dim' )
$result = $device->dim();
elsif ( $command eq 'bright' )
$result = $device->bright();
$result = $device->{appliance}->off();
#elsif ( $command eq 'dim' )
#$result = $device->{appliance}->dim();
#elsif ( $command eq 'bright' )
#$result = $device->{appliance}->bright();
elsif ( $command eq 'status' )
if ( $device )
dprint( $device->address()." ".$device->{status}."\n" );
dprint( $unit_code." ".$device->{status}."\n" );
foreach my $unit_code ( sort( keys(%device_hash) ) )
my $device = $device_hash{$unit_code};
dprint( $device->address()." ".$device->{status}."\n" );
dprint( $unit_code." ".$device->{status}."\n" );
@ -225,11 +419,11 @@ if ( !connect( CLIENT, $saddr ) )
if ( 1 || $result )
$device->{status} = $command;
dprint( $device->address()." $command, ok\n" );
dprint( $device->{appliance}->address()." $command, ok\n" );
dprint( $device->address()." $command, failed\n" );
dprint( $device->{appliance}->address()." $command, failed\n" );
close( CLIENT );
@ -250,7 +444,22 @@ if ( !connect( CLIENT, $saddr ) )
#print( "Select timed out\n" );
# Maybe do something administrative, not sure what though!
# Check for pending tasks
my $now = time();
foreach my $activation_time ( sort(keys(%pending_tasks) ) )
last if ( $activation_time > $now );
my $pending_list = $pending_tasks{$activation_time};
foreach my $task ( @$pending_list )
processTask( $task );
delete( $pending_tasks{$activation_time} );
if ( !($now%DB_RELOAD_INTERVAL) )
print( LOG "X10 server exiting at ".strftime( '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime() )."\n" );
Reference in New Issue