diff --git a/scripts/ZoneMinder/lib/ZoneMinder/ConfigData.pm.in b/scripts/ZoneMinder/lib/ZoneMinder/ConfigData.pm.in
index 5ed90119c..ab6a743b3 100644
--- a/scripts/ZoneMinder/lib/ZoneMinder/ConfigData.pm.in
+++ b/scripts/ZoneMinder/lib/ZoneMinder/ConfigData.pm.in
@@ -899,6 +899,21 @@ our @options = (
     type        => $types{integer},
     category    => 'network',
+  {
+    name        =>  'ZM_MIN_STREAMING_PORT',
+    default     =>  '',
+    description =>  'Alternate port range to contact for streaming video.',
+    help        =>  q`
+    Due to browsers only wanting to open 6 connections, if you have more
+    than 6 monitors, you can have trouble viewing more than 6.  This setting
+    specified the beginning of a port range that will be used to contact ZM 
+    on.  Each monitor will use this value plus the Monitor Id to stream
+    content.  So a value of 2000 here will cause a stream for Monitor 1 to 
+    hit port 2001.  Please ensure that you configure apache appropriately 
+    to respond on these ports.`,
+    type  =>  $types{integer},
+    category  => 'network',
+  },
     name        => 'ZM_MIN_RTP_PORT',
     default     => '40200',
diff --git a/web/includes/Monitor.php b/web/includes/Monitor.php
index 41a978258..81465fc51 100644
--- a/web/includes/Monitor.php
+++ b/web/includes/Monitor.php
@@ -174,10 +174,13 @@ private $control_fields = array(
   public function getStreamSrc( $args, $querySep='&' ) {
     if ( isset($this->{'ServerId'}) and $this->{'ServerId'} ) {
       $Server = new Server( $this->{'ServerId'} );
-      $streamSrc = ZM_BASE_PROTOCOL.'://'.$Server->Hostname().ZM_PATH_ZMS;
+      $streamSrc = ZM_BASE_PROTOCOL.'://'.$Server->Hostname();
     } else {
-      $streamSrc = ZM_BASE_URL.ZM_PATH_ZMS;
+      $streamSrc = ZM_BASE_URL;
+      $streamSrc .= ':'. (ZM_MIN_STREAMING_PORT+$this->{'Id'});
+    $streamSrc .= ZM_PATH_ZMS;
     $args['monitor'] = $this->{'Id'};