2005-11-06 19:06:03 +00:00
< ? php
// ZoneMinder web video view file, $Date$, $Revision$
// Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Philip Coombes
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
if ( ! canView ( 'Events' ) )
$view = " error " ;
return ;
if ( $user [ 'MonitorIds' ] )
$mid_sql = " and MonitorId in ( " . join ( " , " , preg_split ( '/["\'\s]*,["\'\s]*/' , $user [ 'MonitorIds' ] ) ) . " ) " ;
$mid_sql = '' ;
2005-11-22 11:21:27 +00:00
$sql = " select E.*,M.Name as MonitorName,M.Width,M.Height,M.DefaultRate from Events as E inner join Monitors as M on E.MonitorId = M.Id where E.Id = ' $eid ' $mid_sql " ;
2005-11-06 19:06:03 +00:00
$result = mysql_query ( $sql );
if ( ! $result )
die ( mysql_error () );
$event = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $result );
$device_width = ( isset ( $device ) &&! empty ( $device [ 'width' ])) ? $device [ 'width' ] : DEVICE_WIDTH ;
$device_height = ( isset ( $device ) &&! empty ( $device [ 'height' ])) ? $device [ 'height' ] : DEVICE_HEIGHT ;
if ( $device_width >= 352 && $device_height >= 288 )
$video_size = " 352x288 " ;
elseif ( $device_width >= 176 && $device_height >= 144 )
$video_size = " 176x144 " ;
$video_size = " 128x96 " ;
2005-12-19 16:52:30 +00:00
// Allow for margins etc
$device_width -= 16 ;
$device_height -= 16 ;
$event_width = $event [ 'Width' ];
$event_height = $event [ 'Height' ];
2005-11-06 19:06:03 +00:00
if ( ! isset ( $rate ) )
2005-11-22 11:21:27 +00:00
$rate = reScale ( RATE_SCALE , $event [ 'DefaultRate' ], ZM_WEB_DEFAULT_RATE );
2005-11-06 19:06:03 +00:00
$event_dir = ZM_DIR_EVENTS . " / " . $event [ 'MonitorId' ] . " / " . sprintf ( " %d " , $eid );
$video_formats = array ();
$ffmpeg_formats = preg_split ( '/\s+/' , ZM_FFMPEG_FORMATS );
foreach ( $ffmpeg_formats as $ffmpeg_format )
preg_match ( '/^([^*]+)(\**)$/' , $ffmpeg_format , $matches );
$video_formats [ $matches [ 1 ]] = $matches [ 1 ];
2005-11-22 15:12:59 +00:00
if ( $matches [ 2 ] == '*' )
2005-11-06 19:06:03 +00:00
2005-11-22 15:12:59 +00:00
$default_video_format = $matches [ 1 ];
2005-11-06 19:06:03 +00:00
2005-11-22 15:12:59 +00:00
elseif ( $matches [ 2 ] == '**' )
$default_phone_format = $matches [ 1 ];
if ( isset ( $default_phone_format ) )
$video_format = $default_phone_format ;
elseif ( isset ( $default_video_format ) )
$video_format = $default_video_format ;
$video_format = $ffmpeg_formats [ 0 ];
2005-11-06 19:06:03 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $generate ) )
$command = ZM_PATH_BIN . " /zmvideo.pl -e " . $event [ 'Id' ] . " -f " . $video_format . " -r " . sprintf ( " %.2f " , ( $rate / RATE_SCALE ) ) . " -S " . $video_size ;
if ( $overwrite )
$command .= " -o " ;
$generated = exec ( $command , $output , $status );
$video_files = array ();
if ( $dir = opendir ( $event_dir ) )
while ( ( $file = readdir ( $dir )) !== false )
$file = $event_dir . '/' . $file ;
if ( is_file ( $file ) )
if ( preg_match ( '/-S([\da-z]+)\.(?:' . join ( '|' , $video_formats ) . ')$/' , $file , $matches ) )
if ( $matches [ 1 ] == $video_size )
$video_files [] = $file ;
closedir ( $dir );
if ( isset ( $download ) )
header ( " Content-disposition: attachment; filename= " . $video_files [ $download ] . " ; size= " . filesize ( $video_files [ $download ]) );
readfile ( $video_files [ $download ] );
exit ;
< html >
< head >
< title >< ? = ZM_WEB_TITLE_PREFIX ?> - <?= $zmSlangVideo ?> - <?= $event['Name'] ?></title>
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " zm_xhtml_styles.css " type = " text/css " >
</ head >
< body >
< form method = " post " action = " <?= $PHP_SELF ?> " >
< div style = " visibility: hidden " >
< fieldset >
< input type = " hidden " name = " view " value = " <?= $view ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " eid " value = " <?= $eid ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " generate " value = " 1 " />
</ fieldset >
</ div >
< table >
< tr >< td style = " width: 12em " >< ? = $zmSlangVideoFormat ?> </td><td><?= buildSelect( "video_format", $video_formats ) ?></td></tr>
< tr >< td >< ? = $zmSlangFrameRate ?> </td><td><?= buildSelect( "rate", $rates ) ?></td></tr>
< tr >< td >< ? = $zmSlangOverwriteExisting ?> </td><td><input type="checkbox" class="form-noborder" name="overwrite" value="1"<?php if ( isset($overwrite) ) { ?> checked<?php } ?>></td></tr>
</ table >
< table >
< tr >< td align = " center " >< input type = " submit " class = " form " value = " <?= $zmSlangGenerateVideo ?> " ></ td ></ tr >
</ table >
< table align = " center " border = " 0 " cellspacing = " 0 " cellpadding = " 8 " width = " 96% " >
< ? php
if ( isset ( $generated ) )
if ( $generated )
< tr >< td align = " center " valign = " middle " class = " head " >< font color = " green " >< ? = $zmSlangVideoGenSucceeded ?> </font></td></tr>
< ? php
< tr >< td align = " center " valign = " middle " class = " head " >< font color = " red " >< ? = $zmSlangVideoGenFailed ?> </font></td></tr>
< ? php
</ table >
< table >
< tr >< td class = " head " align = " center " >< br />< ? = $zmSlangVideoGenFiles ?> </td></tr>
</ table >
< table align = " center " >
< ? php
if ( count ( $video_files ) )
< tr >
< td class = " text " align = " center " style = " width: 5em " >< ? = $zmSlangFormat ?> </td>
2005-12-19 16:52:30 +00:00
< td class = " text " align = " center " style = " width: 6em " >< ? = $zmSlangSize ?> </td>
2005-11-06 19:06:03 +00:00
< td class = " text " align = " center " style = " width: 4em " >< ? = $zmSlangRate ?> </td>
2005-12-19 16:52:30 +00:00
< td class = " text " align = " center " style = " width: 6em " >< ? = $zmSlangScale ?> </td>
2005-11-06 19:06:03 +00:00
< td class = " text " align = " center " style = " width: 8em " >< ? = $zmSlangAction ?> </td>
</ tr >
< ? php
if ( isset ( $delete ) )
unlink ( $video_files [ $delete ] );
unset ( $video_files [ $delete ] );
if ( count ( $video_files ) > 0 )
$index = 0 ;
foreach ( $video_files as $file )
preg_match ( '/^(.+)-((?:r[_\d]+)|(?:F[_\d]+))-((?:s[_\d]+)|(?:S[0-9a-z]+))\.([^.]+)$/' , $file , $matches );
if ( preg_match ( '/^r(.+)$/' , $matches [ 2 ], $temp_matches ) )
$rate = ( int )( 100 * preg_replace ( '/_/' , '.' , $temp_matches [ 1 ] ) );
$rate_text = isset ( $rates [ $rate ]) ? $rates [ $rate ] : ( $rate . " x " );
elseif ( preg_match ( '/^F(.+)$/' , $matches [ 2 ], $temp_matches ) )
$rate_text = $temp_matches [ 1 ] . " fps " ;
if ( preg_match ( '/^s(.+)$/' , $matches [ 3 ], $temp_matches ) )
$scale = ( int )( 100 * preg_replace ( '/_/' , '.' , $temp_matches [ 1 ] ) );
$scale_text = isset ( $scales [ $scale ]) ? $scales [ $scale ] : ( $scale . " x " );
elseif ( preg_match ( '/^S(.+)$/' , $matches [ 3 ], $temp_matches ) )
$scale_text = $temp_matches [ 1 ];
< tr >
< td class = " text " align = " center " >< ? = $matches [ 4 ] ?> </td>
< td class = " text " align = " center " >< ? = filesize ( $file ) ?> </td>
< td class = " text " align = " center " >< ? = $rate_text ?> </td>
< td class = " text " align = " center " >< ? = $scale_text ?> </td>
< td class = " text " align = " center " >< table >< tr >< td >< a href = " <?= $file ?> " >< ? = $zmSlangView ?> </a></td><td>/</td><td><a href="<?= $PHP_FILE ?>?view=<?= $view ?>&eid=<?= $eid ?>&delete=<?= $index ?>"><?= $zmSlangDelete ?></a></td></tr></table></td>
</ tr >
< ? php
$index ++ ;
< tr >< td align = " center " >< ? = $zmSlangVideoGenNoFiles ?> </td></tr>
< ? php
</ table >
</ form >
</ body >
</ html >