2008-07-14 13:54:50 +00:00
// ZoneMinder web zones view file, $Date$, $Revision$
2008-07-25 09:48:16 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Philip Coombes
2008-07-14 13:54:50 +00:00
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
if ( !canView( 'Monitors' ) )
$_REQUEST['view'] = "error";
2008-09-01 16:43:34 +00:00
$wd = getcwd();
2008-07-14 13:54:50 +00:00
chdir( ZM_DIR_IMAGES );
$status = exec( escapeshellcmd( getZmuCommand( " -m ".$_REQUEST['mid']." -z" ) ) );
2008-09-01 16:43:34 +00:00
chdir( $wd );
2008-07-14 13:54:50 +00:00
$monitor = dbFetchMonitor( $_REQUEST['mid'] );
$sql = "select * from Zones where MonitorId = '".dbEscape($_REQUEST['mid'])."' order by Area desc";
$zones = array();
foreach( dbFetchAll( $sql ) as $row )
if ( $row['Points'] = coordsToPoints( $row['Coords'] ) )
$row['AreaCoords'] = preg_replace( '/\s+/', ',', $row['Coords'] );
$zones[] = $row;
$image = 'Zones'.$monitor['Id'].'.jpg';
xhtmlHeaders(__FILE__, $SLANG['Zones'] );
<div id="page">
<div id="header">
<div id="headerButtons"><a href="#" onclick="closeWindow();"><?= $SLANG['Close'] ?></a></div>
<h2><?= $SLANG['Zones'] ?></h2>
<div id="content">
<map name="zoneMap" id="zoneMap">
foreach( array_reverse($zones) as $zone )
<area shape="poly" coords="<?= $zone['AreaCoords'] ?>" href="#" onclick="createPopup( '?view=zone&mid=<?= $_REQUEST['mid'] ?>&zid=<?= $zone['Id'] ?>', 'zmZone', 'zone', <?= $monitor['Width'] ?>, <?= $monitor['Height'] ?> ); return( false );"/>
<!--<area shape="default" nohref>-->
<img src="<?= ZM_DIR_IMAGES.'/'.$image ?>" alt="zones" usemap="#zoneMap" width="<?= $monitor['Width'] ?>" height="<?= $monitor['Height'] ?>" border="0"/>
<form name="contentForm" id="contentForm" method="get" action="<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="view" value="<?= $_REQUEST['view'] ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete"/>
<input type="hidden" name="mid" value="<?= $_REQUEST['mid'] ?>"/>
<table id="contentTable" class="major" cellspacing="0">
<th class="colName"><?= $SLANG['Name'] ?></th>
<th class="colType"><?= $SLANG['Type'] ?></th>
<th class="colUnits"><?= $SLANG['AreaUnits'] ?></th>
<th class="colMark"><?= $SLANG['Mark'] ?></th>
foreach( $zones as $zone )
<td class="colName"><a href="#" onclick="createPopup( '?view=zone&mid=<?= $_REQUEST['mid'] ?>&zid=<?= $zone['Id'] ?>', 'zmZone', 'zone', <?= $monitor['Width'] ?>, <?= $monitor['Height'] ?> ); return( false );"><?= $zone['Name'] ?></a></td>
<td class="colType"><?= $zone['Type'] ?></td>
<td class="colUnits"><?= $zone['Area'] ?> / <?= sprintf( "%.2f", ($zone['Area']*100)/($monitor['Width']*$monitor['Height']) ) ?></td>
<td class="colMark"><input type="checkbox" name="markZids[]" value="<?= $zone['Id'] ?>" onclick="configureDeleteButton( this );"<?php if ( !canEdit( 'Monitors' ) ) { ?> disabled="disabled"<?php } ?>/></td>
<div id="contentButtons">
<input type="button" value="<?= $SLANG['AddNewZone'] ?>" onclick="createPopup( '?view=zone&mid=<?= $_REQUEST['mid'] ?>&zid=0', 'zmZone', 'zone', <?= $monitor['Width'] ?>, <?= $monitor['Height'] ?> );"<?php if ( !canEdit( 'Monitors' ) ) { ?> disabled="disabled"<?php } ?>/>
<input type="submit" name="deleteBtn" value="<?= $SLANG['Delete'] ?>" disabled="disabled"/>