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2013-09-28 09:59:50 +00:00
# CMakeLists.txt for the Mootools
# The only purpose of this file is to create the symlinks required.
# Find the latest mootools-core version and create a symlink mootools-core.js to it
file(GLOB mtcorelist RELATIVE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" "mootools-core-*.js")
if(NOT mtcorelist)
message(WARNING " Unable to find mootools-core files")
else(NOT mtcorelist)
list(SORT mtcorelist)
list(LENGTH mtcorelist mtcorelistcount)
math(EXPR mtcoreindex "${mtcorelistcount} - 1")
list(GET mtcorelist ${mtcoreindex} mtcorelatest)
message(STATUS "Using mootools core file: ${mtcorelatest}")
execute_process(COMMAND ln -f -s "${mtcorelatest}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/mootools-core.js" RESULT_VARIABLE mtcoreresult)
message(WARNING " Failed creating the required symlinks for mootools-core. Exit code: ${mtcoreresult}")
endif(NOT mtcorelist)
# Find the latest mootools-more version and create a symlink mootools-more.js to it
file(GLOB mtmorelist RELATIVE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" "mootools-more-*.js")
if(NOT mtmorelist)
message(WARNING " Unable to find mootools-more files")
else(NOT mtmorelist)
list(SORT mtmorelist)
list(LENGTH mtmorelist mtmorelistcount)
math(EXPR mtmoreindex "${mtmorelistcount} - 1")
list(GET mtmorelist ${mtmoreindex} mtmorelatest)
message(STATUS "Using mootools more file: ${mtmorelatest}")
execute_process(COMMAND ln -f -s "${mtmorelatest}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/mootools-more.js" RESULT_VARIABLE mtmoreresult)
message(WARNING " Failed creating the required symlinks for mootools-more. Exit code: ${mtmoreresult}")
endif(NOT mtmorelist)