Display existing credentials (OAuth and API keys) for all current providers: Google, Github, Notion and allow user to remove them. For providers that support it, we also revoke the tokens through the API: of the providers we currently have, Google and GitHub support it; Notion doesn't. - Add credentials list and `Delete` button in `/profile` - Add `revoke_tokens` abstract method to `BaseOAuthHandler` and implement it in each provider - Revoke OAuth tokens for providers on `DELETE` `/{provider}/credentials/{cred_id}`, and return whether tokens could be revoked - Update `autogpt-server-api/baseClient.ts:deleteCredentials` with `CredentialsDeleteResponse` return type Bonus: - Update `autogpt-server-api/baseClient.ts:_request` to properly handle empty server responses |
.. | ||
backend | ||
graph_templates | ||
migrations | ||
secrets | ||
test | ||
.env.example | ||
.gitignore | ||
Dockerfile | ||
README.advanced.md | ||
README.md | ||
config.default.json | ||
docker-compose.test.yaml | ||
linter.py | ||
poetry.lock | ||
pyproject.toml | ||
run_tests.py | ||
schema.prisma |
AutoGPT Agent Server
This is an initial project for creating the next generation of agent execution, which is an AutoGPT agent server. The agent server will enable the creation of composite multi-agent systems that utilize AutoGPT agents and other non-agent components as its primitives.
You can access the docs for the AutoGPT Agent Server here.
We use the Poetry to manage the dependencies. To set up the project, follow these steps inside this directory:
Install Poetry
pip install poetry
Configure Poetry to use .venv in your project directory
poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
Enter the poetry shell
poetry shell
Install dependencies
poetry install
Copy .env.example to .env
cp .env.example .env
Generate the Prisma client
poetry run prisma generate
In case Prisma generates the client for the global Python installation instead of the virtual environment, the current mitigation is to just uninstall the global Prisma package:
pip uninstall prisma
Then run the generation again. The path should look something like this:
<some path>/pypoetry/virtualenvs/backend-TQIRSwR6-py3.12/bin/prisma
Migrate the database. Be careful because this deletes current data in the database.
docker compose up db redis -d poetry run prisma migrate dev
Running The Server
Starting the server without Docker
Run the following command to build the dockerfiles:
poetry run app
Starting the server with Docker
Run the following command to build the dockerfiles:
docker compose build
Run the following command to run the app:
docker compose up
Run the following to automatically rebuild when code changes, in another terminal:
docker compose watch
Run the following command to shut down:
docker compose down
If you run into issues with dangling orphans, try:
docker compose down --volumes --remove-orphans && docker-compose up --force-recreate --renew-anon-volumes --remove-orphans
To run the tests:
poetry run test
Formatting & Linting
Auto formatter and linter are set up in the project. To run them:
poetry install --with dev
Format the code:
poetry run format
Lint the code:
poetry run lint
Project Outline
The current project has the following main modules:
This module stores all the Agent Blocks, which are reusable components to build a graph that represents the agent's behavior.
This module stores the logical model that is persisted in the database. It abstracts the database operations into functions that can be called by the service layer. Any code that interacts with Prisma objects or the database should reside in this module. The main models are:
: anything related to the block used in the graphexecution
: anything related to the execution graph executiongraph
: anything related to the graph, node, and its relations
This module stores the business logic of executing the graph. It currently has the following main modules:
: A service that consumes the queue of the graph execution and executes the graph. It contains both pieces of logic.scheduler
: A service that triggers scheduled graph execution based on a cron expression. It pushes an execution request to the manager.
This module stores the logic for the server API.
It contains all the logic used for the API that allows the client to create, execute, and monitor the graph and its execution.
This API service interacts with other services like those defined in manager
and scheduler
This module stores utility functions that are used across the project. Currently, it has two main modules:
: A module that contains the logic to spawn a new process.service
: A module that serves as a parent class for all the services in the project.
Service Communication
Currently, there are only 3 active services:
- AgentServer (the API, defined in
) - ExecutionManager (the executor, defined in
) - ExecutionScheduler (the scheduler, defined in
The services run in independent Python processes and communicate through an IPC.
A communication layer (service.py
) is created to decouple the communication library from the implementation.
Currently, the IPC is done using Pyro5 and abstracted in a way that allows a function decorated with @expose
to be called from a different process.
By default the daemons run on the following ports:
Execution Manager Daemon: 8002 Execution Scheduler Daemon: 8003 Rest Server Daemon: 8004
Adding a New Agent Block
To add a new agent block, you need to create a new class that inherits from Block
and provides the following information:
- All the block code should live in the
) module. input_schema
: the schema of the input data, represented by a Pydantic object.output_schema
: the schema of the output data, represented by a Pydantic object.run
method: the main logic of the block.test_input
: the sample input and output data for the block, which will be used to auto-test the block.- You can mock the functions declared in the block using the
field for your unit tests. - Once you finish creating the block, you can test it by running
pytest -s test/block/test_block.py