
60 lines
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import openai
import keys
# Initialize the OpenAI API client
openai.api_key = keys.OPENAI_API_KEY
def create_chat_message(role, content):
Create a chat message with the given role and content.
role (str): The role of the message sender, e.g., "system", "user", or "assistant".
content (str): The content of the message.
dict: A dictionary containing the role and content of the message.
return {"role": role, "content": content}
def chat_with_ai(prompt, user_input, full_message_history, permanent_memory, token_limit, debug = False):
Interact with the OpenAI API, sending the prompt, user input, message history, and permanent memory.
prompt (str): The prompt explaining the rules to the AI.
user_input (str): The input from the user.
full_message_history (list): The list of all messages sent between the user and the AI.
permanent_memory (list): The list of items in the AI's permanent memory.
token_limit (int): The maximum number of tokens allowed in the API call.
str: The AI's response.
current_context = [create_chat_message("system", prompt), create_chat_message("system", f"Permanent memory: {permanent_memory}")]
current_context.extend(full_message_history[-(token_limit - len(prompt) - len(permanent_memory) - 10):])
current_context.extend([create_chat_message("user", user_input)])
# Debug print the current context
if debug:
print("------------ CONTEXT SENT TO AI ---------------")
for message in current_context:
# Skip printing the prompt
if message["role"] == "system" and message["content"] == prompt:
print(f"{message['role'].capitalize()}: {message['content']}")
print("----------- END OF CONTEXT ----------------")
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
assistant_reply = response.choices[0].message["content"]
# Update full message history
full_message_history.append(create_chat_message("user", user_input))
full_message_history.append(create_chat_message("assistant", assistant_reply))
return assistant_reply