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site_name: AutoGPT Documentation
site_url: https://docs.agpt.co/
repo_url: https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPT
repo_name: AutoGPT
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- Home: index.md
- The AutoGPT Platform 🆕:
- Getting Started:
- Setup AutoGPT (Local-Host): platform/getting-started.md
- Edit an Agent: platform/edit-agent.md
- Delete an Agent: platform/delete-agent.md
- Download & Import and Agent: platform/download-agent-from-marketplace-local.md
- Create a Basic Agent: platform/create-basic-agent.md
- Submit an Agent to the Marketplace: platform/submit-agent-to-marketplace.md
- Advanced Setup: platform/advanced_setup.md
- Agent Blocks: platform/agent-blocks.md
- Build your own Blocks: platform/new_blocks.md
- Using Ollama: platform/ollama.md
- Using D-ID: platform/d_id.md
- Blocks: platform/blocks/blocks.md
- Contributing:
- Tests: platform/contributing/tests.md
- AutoGPT Classic:
- Introduction: classic/index.md
- Setup:
- Setting up AutoGPT: classic/setup/index.md
- Set up with Docker: classic/setup/docker.md
- For Developers: classic/setup/for-developers.md
- Configuration:
- Options: classic/configuration/options.md
- Search: classic/configuration/search.md
- Voice: classic/configuration/voice.md
- Usage: classic/usage.md
- Help us improve AutoGPT:
- Share your debug logs with us: classic/share-your-logs.md
- Contribution guide: contributing.md
- Running tests: classic/testing.md
- Code of Conduct: code-of-conduct.md
- Benchmark:
- Readme: https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPT/blob/master/classic/benchmark/README.md
- Forge:
- Introduction: forge/get-started.md
- Components:
- Introduction: forge/components/introduction.md
- Agents: forge/components/agents.md
- Components: forge/components/components.md
- Protocols: forge/components/protocols.md
- Commands: forge/components/commands.md
- Built in Components: forge/components/built-in-components.md
- Creating Components: forge/components/creating-components.md
- Frontend:
- Readme: https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPT/blob/master/classic/frontend/README.md
- Contribute: contribute/index.md
# - Challenges:
# - Introduction: challenges/introduction.md
# - List of Challenges:
# - Memory:
# - Introduction: challenges/memory/introduction.md
# - Memory Challenge A: challenges/memory/challenge_a.md
# - Memory Challenge B: challenges/memory/challenge_b.md
# - Memory Challenge C: challenges/memory/challenge_c.md
# - Memory Challenge D: challenges/memory/challenge_d.md
# - Information retrieval:
# - Introduction: challenges/information_retrieval/introduction.md
# - Information Retrieval Challenge A: challenges/information_retrieval/challenge_a.md
# - Information Retrieval Challenge B: challenges/information_retrieval/challenge_b.md
# - Submit a Challenge: challenges/submit.md
# - Beat a Challenge: challenges/beat.md
- License: https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPT/blob/master/LICENSE
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