
264 lines
9.9 KiB

- repo:
rev: v4.4.0
- id: check-added-large-files
args: ["--maxkb=500"]
- id: fix-byte-order-marker
- id: check-case-conflict
- id: check-merge-conflict
- id: check-symlinks
- id: debug-statements
- repo:
rev: v1.5.0
- id: detect-secrets
name: Detect secrets
description: Detects high entropy strings that are likely to be passwords.
files: ^autogpt_platform/
stages: [push]
- repo: local
# For proper type checking, all dependencies need to be up-to-date.
# It's also a good idea to check that poetry.lock is consistent with pyproject.toml.
- id: poetry-install
name: Check & Install dependencies - AutoGPT Platform - Backend
alias: poetry-install-platform-backend
entry: poetry -C autogpt_platform/backend install
# include autogpt_libs source (since it's a path dependency)
files: ^autogpt_platform/(backend|autogpt_libs)/poetry\.lock$
types: [file]
language: system
pass_filenames: false
- id: poetry-install
name: Check & Install dependencies - AutoGPT Platform - Libs
alias: poetry-install-platform-libs
entry: poetry -C autogpt_platform/autogpt_libs install
files: ^autogpt_platform/autogpt_libs/poetry\.lock$
types: [file]
language: system
pass_filenames: false
- id: poetry-install
name: Check & Install dependencies - Classic - AutoGPT
alias: poetry-install-classic-autogpt
entry: poetry -C classic/original_autogpt install
# include forge source (since it's a path dependency)
files: ^classic/(original_autogpt|forge)/poetry\.lock$
types: [file]
language: system
pass_filenames: false
- id: poetry-install
name: Check & Install dependencies - Classic - Forge
alias: poetry-install-classic-forge
entry: poetry -C classic/forge install
files: ^classic/forge/poetry\.lock$
types: [file]
language: system
pass_filenames: false
- id: poetry-install
name: Check & Install dependencies - Classic - Benchmark
alias: poetry-install-classic-benchmark
entry: poetry -C classic/benchmark install
files: ^classic/benchmark/poetry\.lock$
types: [file]
language: system
pass_filenames: false
- repo: local
# For proper type checking, Prisma client must be up-to-date.
- id: prisma-generate
name: Prisma Generate - AutoGPT Platform - Backend
alias: prisma-generate-platform-backend
entry: bash -c 'cd autogpt_platform/backend && poetry run prisma generate'
# include everything that triggers poetry install + the prisma schema
files: ^autogpt_platform/((backend|autogpt_libs)/poetry\.lock|backend/schema.prisma)$
types: [file]
language: system
pass_filenames: false
- repo:
rev: v0.7.2
- id: ruff
name: Lint (Ruff) - AutoGPT Platform - Backend
alias: ruff-lint-platform-backend
files: ^autogpt_platform/backend/
args: [--fix]
- id: ruff
name: Lint (Ruff) - AutoGPT Platform - Libs
alias: ruff-lint-platform-libs
files: ^autogpt_platform/autogpt_libs/
args: [--fix]
- id: ruff-format
name: Format (Ruff) - AutoGPT Platform - Libs
alias: ruff-lint-platform-libs
files: ^autogpt_platform/autogpt_libs/
- repo: local
# isort needs the context of which packages are installed to function, so we
# can't use a vendored isort pre-commit hook (which runs in its own isolated venv).
- id: isort
name: Lint (isort) - AutoGPT Platform - Backend
alias: isort-platform-backend
entry: poetry -C autogpt_platform/backend run isort -p backend
files: ^autogpt_platform/backend/
types: [file, python]
language: system
- id: isort
name: Lint (isort) - Classic - AutoGPT
alias: isort-classic-autogpt
entry: poetry -C classic/original_autogpt run isort -p autogpt
files: ^classic/original_autogpt/
types: [file, python]
language: system
- id: isort
name: Lint (isort) - Classic - Forge
alias: isort-classic-forge
entry: poetry -C classic/forge run isort -p forge
files: ^classic/forge/
types: [file, python]
language: system
- id: isort
name: Lint (isort) - Classic - Benchmark
alias: isort-classic-benchmark
entry: poetry -C classic/benchmark run isort -p agbenchmark
files: ^classic/benchmark/
types: [file, python]
language: system
- repo:
rev: 23.12.1
# Black has sensible defaults, doesn't need package context, and ignores
# everything in .gitignore, so it works fine without any config or arguments.
- id: black
name: Format (Black)
- repo:
rev: 7.0.0
# To have flake8 load the config of the individual subprojects, we have to call
# them separately.
- id: flake8
name: Lint (Flake8) - Classic - AutoGPT
alias: flake8-classic-autogpt
files: ^classic/original_autogpt/(autogpt|scripts|tests)/
args: [--config=classic/original_autogpt/.flake8]
- id: flake8
name: Lint (Flake8) - Classic - Forge
alias: flake8-classic-forge
files: ^classic/forge/(forge|tests)/
args: [--config=classic/forge/.flake8]
- id: flake8
name: Lint (Flake8) - Classic - Benchmark
alias: flake8-classic-benchmark
files: ^classic/benchmark/(agbenchmark|tests)/((?!reports).)*[/.]
args: [--config=classic/benchmark/.flake8]
- repo: local
# To have watertight type checking, we check *all* the files in an affected
# project. To trigger on poetry.lock we also reset the file `types` filter.
- id: pyright
name: Typecheck - AutoGPT Platform - Backend
alias: pyright-platform-backend
entry: poetry -C autogpt_platform/backend run pyright
args: [-p, autogpt_platform/backend, autogpt_platform/backend]
# include forge source (since it's a path dependency) but exclude * files:
files: ^autogpt_platform/(backend/((backend|test)/|(\w+\.py|poetry\.lock)$)|autogpt_libs/(autogpt_libs/.*(?<!_test)\.py|poetry\.lock)$)
types: [file]
language: system
pass_filenames: false
- id: pyright
name: Typecheck - AutoGPT Platform - Libs
alias: pyright-platform-libs
entry: poetry -C autogpt_platform/autogpt_libs run pyright
args: [-p, autogpt_platform/autogpt_libs, autogpt_platform/autogpt_libs]
files: ^autogpt_platform/autogpt_libs/(autogpt_libs/|poetry\.lock$)
types: [file]
language: system
pass_filenames: false
- id: pyright
name: Typecheck - Classic - AutoGPT
alias: pyright-classic-autogpt
entry: poetry -C classic/original_autogpt run pyright
args: [-p, classic/original_autogpt, classic/original_autogpt]
# include forge source (since it's a path dependency) but exclude * files:
files: ^(classic/original_autogpt/((autogpt|scripts|tests)/|poetry\.lock$)|classic/forge/(forge/.*(?<!_test)\.py|poetry\.lock)$)
types: [file]
language: system
pass_filenames: false
- id: pyright
name: Typecheck - Classic - Forge
alias: pyright-classic-forge
entry: poetry -C classic/forge run pyright
args: [-p, classic/forge, classic/forge]
files: ^classic/forge/(forge/|poetry\.lock$)
types: [file]
language: system
pass_filenames: false
- id: pyright
name: Typecheck - Classic - Benchmark
alias: pyright-classic-benchmark
entry: poetry -C classic/benchmark run pyright
args: [-p, classic/benchmark, classic/benchmark]
files: ^classic/benchmark/(agbenchmark/|tests/|poetry\.lock$)
types: [file]
language: system
pass_filenames: false
- repo: local
- id: pytest
name: Run tests - AutoGPT Platform - Backend
alias: pytest-platform-backend
entry: bash -c 'cd autogpt_platform/backend && poetry run pytest'
# include autogpt_libs source (since it's a path dependency) but exclude * files:
files: ^autogpt_platform/(backend/((backend|test)/|poetry\.lock$)|autogpt_libs/(autogpt_libs/.*(?<!_test)\.py|poetry\.lock)$)
language: system
pass_filenames: false
- id: pytest
name: Run tests - Classic - AutoGPT (excl. slow tests)
alias: pytest-classic-autogpt
entry: bash -c 'cd classic/original_autogpt && poetry run pytest --cov=autogpt -m "not slow" tests/unit tests/integration'
# include forge source (since it's a path dependency) but exclude * files:
files: ^(classic/original_autogpt/((autogpt|tests)/|poetry\.lock$)|classic/forge/(forge/.*(?<!_test)\.py|poetry\.lock)$)
language: system
pass_filenames: false
- id: pytest
name: Run tests - Classic - Forge (excl. slow tests)
alias: pytest-classic-forge
entry: bash -c 'cd classic/forge && poetry run pytest --cov=forge -m "not slow"'
files: ^classic/forge/(forge/|tests/|poetry\.lock$)
language: system
pass_filenames: false
- id: pytest
name: Run tests - Classic - Benchmark
alias: pytest-classic-benchmark
entry: bash -c 'cd classic/benchmark && poetry run pytest --cov=benchmark'
files: ^classic/benchmark/(agbenchmark/|tests/|poetry\.lock$)
language: system
pass_filenames: false