import yaml import data class AIConfig: def __init__(self, ai_name="", ai_role="", ai_goals=[]): self.ai_name = ai_name self.ai_role = ai_role self.ai_goals = ai_goals # Soon this will go in a folder where it remembers more stuff about the run(s) SAVE_FILE = "last_run_ai_settings.yaml" @classmethod def load(cls, config_file=SAVE_FILE): # Load variables from yaml file if it exists try: with open(config_file) as file: config_params = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) except FileNotFoundError: config_params = {} ai_name = config_params.get("ai_name", "") ai_role = config_params.get("ai_role", "") ai_goals = config_params.get("ai_goals", []) return cls(ai_name, ai_role, ai_goals) def save(self, config_file=SAVE_FILE): config = {"ai_name": self.ai_name, "ai_role": self.ai_role, "ai_goals": self.ai_goals} with open(config_file, "w") as file: yaml.dump(config, file) def construct_full_prompt(self): prompt_start = """Your decisions must always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.""" # Construct full prompt full_prompt = f"You are {self.ai_name}, {self.ai_role}\n{prompt_start}\n\nGOALS:\n\n" for i, goal in enumerate(self.ai_goals): full_prompt += f"{i+1}. {goal}\n" full_prompt += f"\n\n{data.load_prompt()}" return full_prompt