"""Execute code in a Docker container""" import os import subprocess import docker from docker.errors import ImageNotFound from autogpt.commands.command import command from autogpt.config import Config from autogpt.workspace import WORKSPACE_PATH, path_in_workspace CFG = Config() @command("execute_python_file", "Execute Python File", '"file": ""') def execute_python_file(file: str): """Execute a Python file in a Docker container and return the output Args: file (str): The name of the file to execute Returns: str: The output of the file """ print(f"Executing file '{file}' in workspace '{WORKSPACE_PATH}'") if not file.endswith(".py"): return "Error: Invalid file type. Only .py files are allowed." file_path = path_in_workspace(file) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): return f"Error: File '{file}' does not exist." if we_are_running_in_a_docker_container(): result = subprocess.run( f"python {file_path}", capture_output=True, encoding="utf8", shell=True ) if result.returncode == 0: return result.stdout else: return f"Error: {result.stderr}" try: client = docker.from_env() image_name = "python:3.10" try: client.images.get(image_name) print(f"Image '{image_name}' found locally") except ImageNotFound: print(f"Image '{image_name}' not found locally, pulling from Docker Hub") # Use the low-level API to stream the pull response low_level_client = docker.APIClient() for line in low_level_client.pull(image_name, stream=True, decode=True): # Print the status and progress, if available status = line.get("status") progress = line.get("progress") if status and progress: print(f"{status}: {progress}") elif status: print(status) # You can replace 'python:3.8' with the desired Python image/version # You can find available Python images on Docker Hub: # https://hub.docker.com/_/python container = client.containers.run( image_name, f"python {file}", volumes={ os.path.abspath(WORKSPACE_PATH): { "bind": "/workspace", "mode": "ro", } }, working_dir="/workspace", stderr=True, stdout=True, detach=True, ) container.wait() logs = container.logs().decode("utf-8") container.remove() # print(f"Execution complete. Output: {output}") # print(f"Logs: {logs}") return logs except Exception as e: return f"Error: {str(e)}" @command( "execute_shell", "Execute Shell Command, non-interactive commands only", '"command_line": ""', CFG.execute_local_commands, "You are not allowed to run local shell commands. To execute" " shell commands, EXECUTE_LOCAL_COMMANDS must be set to 'True' " "in your config. Do not attempt to bypass the restriction.", ) def execute_shell(command_line: str) -> str: """Execute a shell command and return the output Args: command_line (str): The command line to execute Returns: str: The output of the command """ if not CFG.execute_local_commands: return ( "You are not allowed to run local shell commands. To execute" " shell commands, EXECUTE_LOCAL_COMMANDS must be set to 'True' " "in your config. Do not attempt to bypass the restriction." ) current_dir = os.getcwd() # Change dir into workspace if necessary if str(WORKSPACE_PATH) not in current_dir: os.chdir(WORKSPACE_PATH) print(f"Executing command '{command_line}' in working directory '{os.getcwd()}'") result = subprocess.run(command_line, capture_output=True, shell=True) output = f"STDOUT:\n{result.stdout}\nSTDERR:\n{result.stderr}" # Change back to whatever the prior working dir was os.chdir(current_dir) return output def we_are_running_in_a_docker_container() -> bool: """Check if we are running in a Docker container Returns: bool: True if we are running in a Docker container, False otherwise """ return os.path.exists("/.dockerenv")