import os import re import requests import yaml from colorama import Fore, Style from git.repo import Repo from autogpt.logs import logger # Use readline if available (for clean_input) try: import readline except ImportError: pass from autogpt.config import Config def clean_input(prompt: str = "", talk=False): try: cfg = Config() if cfg.chat_messages_enabled: for plugin in cfg.plugins: if not hasattr(plugin, "can_handle_user_input"): continue if not plugin.can_handle_user_input(user_input=prompt): continue plugin_response = plugin.user_input(user_input=prompt) if not plugin_response: continue if plugin_response.lower() in [ "yes", "yeah", "y", "ok", "okay", "sure", "alright", ]: return cfg.authorise_key elif plugin_response.lower() in [ "no", "nope", "n", "negative", ]: return cfg.exit_key return plugin_response # ask for input, default when just pressing Enter is y"Asking user via keyboard...") answer = input(prompt) return answer except KeyboardInterrupt:"You interrupted Auto-GPT")"Quitting...") exit(0) def validate_yaml_file(file: str): try: with open(file, encoding="utf-8") as fp: yaml.load(, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) except FileNotFoundError: return (False, f"The file {Fore.CYAN}`{file}`{Fore.RESET} wasn't found") except yaml.YAMLError as e: return ( False, f"There was an issue while trying to read with your AI Settings file: {e}", ) return (True, f"Successfully validated {Fore.CYAN}`{file}`{Fore.RESET}!") def readable_file_size(size, decimal_places=2): """Converts the given size in bytes to a readable format. Args: size: Size in bytes decimal_places (int): Number of decimal places to display """ for unit in ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"]: if size < 1024.0: break size /= 1024.0 return f"{size:.{decimal_places}f} {unit}" def get_bulletin_from_web(): try: response = requests.get( "" ) if response.status_code == 200: return response.text except requests.exceptions.RequestException: pass return "" def get_current_git_branch() -> str: try: repo = Repo(search_parent_directories=True) branch = repo.active_branch return except: return "" def get_latest_bulletin() -> tuple[str, bool]: exists = os.path.exists("data/") current_bulletin = "" if exists: current_bulletin = open( "data/", "r", encoding="utf-8" ).read() new_bulletin = get_bulletin_from_web() is_new_news = new_bulletin != "" and new_bulletin != current_bulletin news_header = Fore.YELLOW + "Welcome to Auto-GPT!\n" if new_bulletin or current_bulletin: news_header += ( "Below you'll find the latest Auto-GPT News and updates regarding features!\n" "If you don't wish to see this message, you " "can run Auto-GPT with the *--skip-news* flag.\n" ) if new_bulletin and is_new_news: open("data/", "w", encoding="utf-8").write(new_bulletin) current_bulletin = f"{Fore.RED}::NEW BULLETIN::{Fore.RESET}\n\n{new_bulletin}" return f"{news_header}\n{current_bulletin}", is_new_news def markdown_to_ansi_style(markdown: str): ansi_lines: list[str] = [] for line in markdown.split("\n"): line_style = "" if line.startswith("# "): line_style += Style.BRIGHT else: line = re.sub( r"(?