name: Classic - AutoGPT Docker Release on: release: types: [ published, edited ] workflow_dispatch: inputs: no_cache: type: boolean description: 'Build from scratch, without using cached layers' env: IMAGE_NAME: auto-gpt DEPLOY_IMAGE_NAME: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USER }}/auto-gpt jobs: build: if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/autogpt-') runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Log in to Docker hub uses: docker/login-action@v3 with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USER }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} - name: Set up Docker Buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3 # slashes are not allowed in image tags, but can appear in git branch or tag names - id: sanitize_tag name: Sanitize image tag run: | tag=${raw_tag//\//-} echo tag=${tag#autogpt-} >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT env: raw_tag: ${{ github.ref_name }} - id: build name: Build image uses: docker/build-push-action@v5 with: context: classic/ file: Dockerfile.autogpt build-args: BUILD_TYPE=release load: true # save to docker images # push: true # TODO: uncomment when this issue is fixed: tags: > ${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }}, ${{ env.DEPLOY_IMAGE_NAME }}:latest, ${{ env.DEPLOY_IMAGE_NAME }}:${{ steps.sanitize_tag.outputs.tag }} labels: GIT_REVISION=${{ github.sha }} # cache layers in GitHub Actions cache to speed up builds cache-from: ${{ !inputs.no_cache && 'type=gha' || '' }},scope=autogpt-docker-release cache-to: type=gha,scope=autogpt-docker-release,mode=max - name: Push image to Docker Hub run: docker push --all-tags ${{ env.DEPLOY_IMAGE_NAME }} - name: Generate build report env: event_name: ${{ github.event_name }} event_ref: ${{ github.event.ref }} event_ref_type: ${{ github.event.ref}} inputs_no_cache: ${{ inputs.no_cache }} prod_branch: master dev_branch: development repository: ${{ github.repository }} base_branch: ${{ github.ref_name != 'master' && github.ref_name != 'development' && 'development' || 'master' }} ref_type: ${{ github.ref_type }} current_ref: ${{ github.ref_name }} commit_hash: ${{ github.sha }} source_url: ${{ format('{0}/tree/{1}', github.event.repository.url, github.event.release && github.event.release.tag_name || github.sha) }} github_context_json: ${{ toJSON(github) }} job_env_json: ${{ toJSON(env) }} vars_json: ${{ toJSON(vars) }} run: .github/workflows/scripts/ >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY continue-on-error: true