""" This is a minimal file intended to be run by users to help them manage the autogpt projects. If you want to contribute, please use only libraries that come as part of Python. To ensure efficiency, add the imports to the functions so only what is needed is imported. """ try: import click except ImportError: import os os.system("pip3 install click") import click @click.group() def cli(): pass @cli.command() def setup(): """Installs dependencies needed for your system. Works with Linux, MacOS and Windows WSL.""" import os import subprocess click.echo( click.style( """ d8888 888 .d8888b. 8888888b. 88888888888 d88888 888 d88P Y88b 888 Y88b 888 d88P888 888 888 888 888 888 888 d88P 888 888 888 888888 .d88b. 888 888 d88P 888 d88P 888 888 888 888 d88""88b 888 88888 8888888P" 888 d88P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 d8888888888 Y88b 888 Y88b. Y88..88P Y88b d88P 888 888 d88P 888 "Y88888 "Y888 "Y88P" "Y8888P88 888 888 """, fg="green", ) ) script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) setup_script = os.path.join(script_dir, "setup.sh") install_error = False if os.path.exists(setup_script): click.echo(click.style("šŸš€ Setup initiated...\n", fg="green")) try: subprocess.check_call([setup_script], cwd=script_dir) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: click.echo( click.style("āŒ There was an issue with the installation.", fg="red") ) install_error = True else: click.echo( click.style( "āŒ Error: setup.sh does not exist in the current directory.", fg="red" ) ) install_error = True if install_error: click.echo( click.style( "\n\nšŸ”“ If you need help, please raise a ticket on GitHub at https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPT/issues\n\n", fg="magenta", bold=True, ) ) @cli.group() def agent(): """Commands to create, start and stop agents""" pass @agent.command() @click.argument("agent_name") def create(agent_name: str): """Create's a new agent with the agent name provided""" import os import re import shutil if not re.match(r"\w*$", agent_name): click.echo( click.style( f"šŸ˜ž Agent name '{agent_name}' is not valid. It should not contain spaces or special characters other than -_", fg="red", ) ) return try: new_agent_dir = f"./agents/{agent_name}" new_agent_name = f"{agent_name.lower()}.json" if not os.path.exists(new_agent_dir): shutil.copytree("./forge", new_agent_dir) click.echo( click.style( f"šŸŽ‰ New agent '{agent_name}' created. The code for your new agent is in: agents/{agent_name}", fg="green", ) ) else: click.echo( click.style( f"šŸ˜ž Agent '{agent_name}' already exists. Enter a different name for your agent, the name needs to be unique regardless of case", fg="red", ) ) except Exception as e: click.echo(click.style(f"šŸ˜¢ An error occurred: {e}", fg="red")) @agent.command() @click.argument("agent_name") @click.option( "--no-setup", is_flag=True, help="Disables running the setup script before starting the agent", ) def start(agent_name: str, no_setup: bool): """Start agent command""" import os import subprocess script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) agent_dir = os.path.join( script_dir, f"agents/{agent_name}" if agent_name not in ["autogpt", "forge"] else agent_name, ) run_command = os.path.join(agent_dir, "run") run_bench_command = os.path.join(agent_dir, "run_benchmark") if ( os.path.exists(agent_dir) and os.path.isfile(run_command) and os.path.isfile(run_bench_command) ): os.chdir(agent_dir) if not no_setup: click.echo(f"āŒ› Running setup for agent '{agent_name}'...") setup_process = subprocess.Popen(["./setup"], cwd=agent_dir) setup_process.wait() click.echo() subprocess.Popen(["./run_benchmark", "serve"], cwd=agent_dir) click.echo("āŒ› (Re)starting benchmark server...") wait_until_conn_ready(8080) click.echo() subprocess.Popen(["./run"], cwd=agent_dir) click.echo(f"āŒ› (Re)starting agent '{agent_name}'...") wait_until_conn_ready(8000) click.echo("āœ… Agent application started and available on port 8000") elif not os.path.exists(agent_dir): click.echo( click.style( f"šŸ˜ž Agent '{agent_name}' does not exist. Please create the agent first.", fg="red", ) ) else: click.echo( click.style( f"šŸ˜ž Run command does not exist in the agent '{agent_name}' directory.", fg="red", ) ) @agent.command() def stop(): """Stop agent command""" import os import signal import subprocess try: pids = subprocess.check_output(["lsof", "-t", "-i", ":8000"]).split() if isinstance(pids, int): os.kill(int(pids), signal.SIGTERM) else: for pid in pids: os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGTERM) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: click.echo("No process is running on port 8000") try: pids = int(subprocess.check_output(["lsof", "-t", "-i", ":8080"])) if isinstance(pids, int): os.kill(int(pids), signal.SIGTERM) else: for pid in pids: os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGTERM) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: click.echo("No process is running on port 8080") @agent.command() def list(): """List agents command""" import os try: agents_dir = "./agents" agents_list = [ d for d in os.listdir(agents_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(agents_dir, d)) ] if os.path.isdir("./autogpt"): agents_list.append("autogpt") if agents_list: click.echo(click.style("Available agents: šŸ¤–", fg="green")) for agent in agents_list: click.echo(click.style(f"\tšŸ™ {agent}", fg="blue")) else: click.echo(click.style("No agents found šŸ˜ž", fg="red")) except FileNotFoundError: click.echo(click.style("The agents directory does not exist šŸ˜¢", fg="red")) except Exception as e: click.echo(click.style(f"An error occurred: {e} šŸ˜¢", fg="red")) @cli.group() def benchmark(): """Commands to start the benchmark and list tests and categories""" pass @benchmark.command( context_settings=dict( ignore_unknown_options=True, ) ) @click.argument("agent_name") @click.argument("subprocess_args", nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED) def start(agent_name, subprocess_args): """Starts the benchmark command""" import os import subprocess script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) agent_dir = os.path.join( script_dir, f"agents/{agent_name}" if agent_name not in ["autogpt", "forge"] else agent_name, ) benchmark_script = os.path.join(agent_dir, "run_benchmark") if os.path.exists(agent_dir) and os.path.isfile(benchmark_script): os.chdir(agent_dir) subprocess.Popen([benchmark_script, *subprocess_args], cwd=agent_dir) click.echo( click.style( f"šŸš€ Running benchmark for '{agent_name}' with subprocess arguments: {' '.join(subprocess_args)}", fg="green", ) ) else: click.echo( click.style( f"šŸ˜ž Agent '{agent_name}' does not exist. Please create the agent first.", fg="red", ) ) @benchmark.group(name="categories") def benchmark_categories(): """Benchmark categories group command""" pass @benchmark_categories.command(name="list") def benchmark_categories_list(): """List benchmark categories command""" import glob import json import os categories = set() # Get the directory of this file this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) glob_path = os.path.join( this_dir, "./benchmark/agbenchmark/challenges/**/[!deprecated]*/data.json" ) # Use it as the base for the glob pattern, excluding 'deprecated' directory for data_file in glob.glob(glob_path, recursive=True): if "deprecated" not in data_file: with open(data_file, "r") as f: try: data = json.load(f) categories.update(data.get("category", [])) except json.JSONDecodeError: print(f"Error: {data_file} is not a valid JSON file.") continue except IOError: print(f"IOError: file could not be read: {data_file}") continue if categories: click.echo(click.style("Available categories: šŸ“š", fg="green")) for category in categories: click.echo(click.style(f"\tšŸ“– {category}", fg="blue")) else: click.echo(click.style("No categories found šŸ˜ž", fg="red")) @benchmark.group(name="tests") def benchmark_tests(): """Benchmark tests group command""" pass @benchmark_tests.command(name="list") def benchmark_tests_list(): """List benchmark tests command""" import glob import json import os import re tests = {} # Get the directory of this file this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) glob_path = os.path.join( this_dir, "./benchmark/agbenchmark/challenges/**/[!deprecated]*/data.json" ) # Use it as the base for the glob pattern, excluding 'deprecated' directory for data_file in glob.glob(glob_path, recursive=True): if "deprecated" not in data_file: with open(data_file, "r") as f: try: data = json.load(f) category = data.get("category", []) test_name = data.get("name", "") if category and test_name: if category[0] not in tests: tests[category[0]] = [] tests[category[0]].append(test_name) except json.JSONDecodeError: print(f"Error: {data_file} is not a valid JSON file.") continue except IOError: print(f"IOError: file could not be read: {data_file}") continue if tests: click.echo(click.style("Available tests: šŸ“š", fg="green")) for category, test_list in tests.items(): click.echo(click.style(f"\tšŸ“– {category}", fg="blue")) for test in sorted(test_list): test_name = ( " ".join(word for word in re.split("([A-Z][a-z]*)", test) if word) .replace("_", "") .replace("C L I", "CLI") .replace(" ", " ") ) test_name_padded = f"{test_name:<40}" click.echo(click.style(f"\t\tšŸ”¬ {test_name_padded} - {test}", fg="cyan")) else: click.echo(click.style("No tests found šŸ˜ž", fg="red")) @benchmark_tests.command(name="details") @click.argument("test_name") def benchmark_tests_details(test_name): """Benchmark test details command""" import glob import json import os # Get the directory of this file this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) glob_path = os.path.join( this_dir, "./benchmark/agbenchmark/challenges/**/[!deprecated]*/data.json" ) # Use it as the base for the glob pattern, excluding 'deprecated' directory for data_file in glob.glob(glob_path, recursive=True): with open(data_file, "r") as f: try: data = json.load(f) if data.get("name") == test_name: click.echo( click.style( f"\n{data.get('name')}\n{'-'*len(data.get('name'))}\n", fg="blue", ) ) click.echo( click.style( f"\tCategory: {', '.join(data.get('category'))}", fg="green", ) ) click.echo(click.style(f"\tTask: {data.get('task')}", fg="green")) click.echo( click.style( f"\tDependencies: {', '.join(data.get('dependencies')) if data.get('dependencies') else 'None'}", fg="green", ) ) click.echo( click.style(f"\tCutoff: {data.get('cutoff')}\n", fg="green") ) click.echo( click.style("\tTest Conditions\n\t-------", fg="magenta") ) click.echo( click.style( f"\t\tAnswer: {data.get('ground').get('answer')}", fg="magenta", ) ) click.echo( click.style( f"\t\tShould Contain: {', '.join(data.get('ground').get('should_contain'))}", fg="magenta", ) ) click.echo( click.style( f"\t\tShould Not Contain: {', '.join(data.get('ground').get('should_not_contain'))}", fg="magenta", ) ) click.echo( click.style( f"\t\tFiles: {', '.join(data.get('ground').get('files'))}", fg="magenta", ) ) click.echo( click.style( f"\t\tEval: {data.get('ground').get('eval').get('type')}\n", fg="magenta", ) ) click.echo(click.style("\tInfo\n\t-------", fg="yellow")) click.echo( click.style( f"\t\tDifficulty: {data.get('info').get('difficulty')}", fg="yellow", ) ) click.echo( click.style( f"\t\tDescription: {data.get('info').get('description')}", fg="yellow", ) ) click.echo( click.style( f"\t\tSide Effects: {', '.join(data.get('info').get('side_effects'))}", fg="yellow", ) ) break except json.JSONDecodeError: print(f"Error: {data_file} is not a valid JSON file.") continue except IOError: print(f"IOError: file could not be read: {data_file}") continue def wait_until_conn_ready(port: int = 8000, timeout: int = 30): """ Polls localhost:{port} until it is available for connections Params: port: The port for which to wait until it opens timeout: Timeout in seconds; maximum amount of time to wait Raises: TimeoutError: If the timeout (seconds) expires before the port opens """ import socket import time start = time.time() while True: time.sleep(0.5) with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: if s.connect_ex(("localhost", port)) == 0: break if time.time() > start + timeout: raise TimeoutError(f"Port {port} did not open within {timeout} seconds") if __name__ == "__main__": cli()