import platform from pathlib import Path from pkgutil import iter_modules from typing import Union from cx_Freeze import Executable, setup # type: ignore packages = [ for m in iter_modules() if m.ispkg and m.module_finder and ("poetry" in m.module_finder.path) # type: ignore ] # set the icon based on the platform icon = "../../assets/gpt_dark_RGB.ico" if platform.system() == "Darwin": icon = "../../assets/gpt_dark_RGB.icns" elif platform.system() == "Linux": icon = "../../assets/gpt_dark_RGB.png" def txt_to_rtf(input_file: Union[str, Path], output_file: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """ Convert a text file to RTF format. Args: input_file (Union[str, Path]): Path to the input text file. output_file (Union[str, Path]): Path to the output RTF file. Returns: None """ input_path = Path(input_file) output_path = Path(output_file) with"r", encoding="utf-8") as txt_file: content = # RTF header rtf = r"{\rtf1\ansi\deff0 {\fonttbl {\f0 Times New Roman;}}\f0\fs24 " # Replace newlines with RTF newline rtf += content.replace("\n", "\\par ") # Close RTF document rtf += "}" with"w", encoding="utf-8") as rtf_file: rtf_file.write(rtf) # Convert LICENSE to LICENSE.rtf license_file = "LICENSE.rtf" txt_to_rtf("../LICENSE", license_file) setup( executables=[ Executable( "classic/original_autogpt/", target_name="autogpt", base="console", icon=icon, ), ], options={ "build_exe": { "packages": packages, "includes": [ "autogpt", "spacy", "spacy.lang", "spacy.vocab", "spacy.lang.lex_attrs", "", "srsly.msgpack.util", "blis", "", "", "uvicorn.lifespan.on", ], "excludes": ["readability.compat.two"], }, "bdist_mac": { "bundle_name": "AutoGPT", "iconfile": "../assets/gpt_dark_RGB.icns", "include_resources": [""], }, "bdist_dmg": { "applications_shortcut": True, "volume_label": "AutoGPT", }, "bdist_msi": { "target_name": "AutoGPT", "add_to_path": True, "install_icon": "../assets/gpt_dark_RGB.ico", "license_file": license_file, }, }, )