import glob import json import os from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union import pandas as pd from gql import Client, gql from gql.transport.aiohttp import AIOHTTPTransport from pydantic import BaseModel, Field # from agbenchmark.reports.processing.report_types import Report, SuiteTest class Metrics(BaseModel): difficulty: str success: bool success_percent: float = Field(alias="success_%") run_time: Optional[str] = None fail_reason: Optional[str] = None attempted: Optional[bool] = None class MetricsOverall(BaseModel): run_time: str highest_difficulty: str percentage: Optional[float] = None class Test(BaseModel): data_path: str is_regression: bool answer: str description: str metrics: Metrics category: List[str] task: Optional[str] = None reached_cutoff: Optional[bool] = None class SuiteTest(BaseModel): data_path: str metrics: MetricsOverall tests: Dict[str, Test] category: Optional[List[str]] = None task: Optional[str] = None reached_cutoff: Optional[bool] = None class Report(BaseModel): command: str completion_time: str benchmark_start_time: str metrics: MetricsOverall tests: Dict[str, Union[Test, SuiteTest]] config: Dict[str, str | dict[str, str]] def get_reports(): # Initialize an empty list to store the report data report_data = [] # Get the current working directory current_dir = os.getcwd() # Check if the current directory ends with 'reports' if current_dir.endswith("reports"): reports_dir = "/" else: reports_dir = "reports" # Iterate over all agent directories in the reports directory for agent_name in os.listdir(reports_dir): if agent_name is None: continue agent_dir = os.path.join(reports_dir, agent_name) # Check if the item is a directory (an agent directory) if os.path.isdir(agent_dir): # Construct the path to the report.json file # Get all directories and files, but note that this will also include any file, not just directories. run_dirs = glob.glob(os.path.join(agent_dir, "*")) # Get all json files starting with 'file' # old_report_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(agent_dir, "file*.json")) # For each run directory, add the report.json to the end # Only include the path if it's actually a directory report_files = [ os.path.join(run_dir, "report.json") for run_dir in run_dirs if os.path.isdir(run_dir) ] # old_report_files already contains the full paths, so no need to join again # report_files = report_files + old_report_files for report_file in report_files: # Check if the report.json file exists if os.path.isfile(report_file): # Open the report.json file with open(report_file, "r") as f: # Load the JSON data from the file json_data = json.load(f) print(f"Processing {report_file}") report = Report.model_validate(json_data) for test_name, test_data in report.tests.items(): test_json = { "agent": agent_name.lower(), "benchmark_start_time": report.benchmark_start_time, } if isinstance(test_data, SuiteTest): if ( test_data.category ): # this means it's a same task test test_json["challenge"] = test_name test_json["attempted"] = test_data.tests[ list(test_data.tests.keys())[0] ].metrics.attempted test_json["categories"] = ", ".join( test_data.category ) test_json["task"] = test_data.task test_json["success"] = test_data.metrics.percentage test_json[ "difficulty" ] = test_data.metrics.highest_difficulty test_json[ "success_%" ] = test_data.metrics.percentage test_json["run_time"] = test_data.metrics.run_time test_json["is_regression"] = test_data.tests[ list(test_data.tests.keys())[0] ].is_regression else: # separate tasks in 1 suite for ( suite_test_name, suite_data, ) in test_data.tests.items(): test_json["challenge"] = suite_test_name test_json[ "attempted" ] = suite_data.metrics.attempted test_json["categories"] = ", ".join( suite_data.category ) test_json["task"] = suite_data.task test_json["success"] = ( 100.0 if suite_data.metrics.success else 0 ) test_json[ "difficulty" ] = suite_data.metrics.difficulty test_json[ "success_%" ] = suite_data.metrics.success_percentage test_json[ "run_time" ] = suite_data.metrics.run_time test_json[ "is_regression" ] = suite_data.is_regression else: test_json["challenge"] = test_name test_json["attempted"] = test_data.metrics.attempted test_json["categories"] = ", ".join(test_data.category) test_json["task"] = test_data.task test_json["success"] = ( 100.0 if test_data.metrics.success else 0 ) test_json["difficulty"] = test_data.metrics.difficulty test_json[ "success_%" ] = test_data.metrics.success_percentage test_json["run_time"] = test_data.metrics.run_time test_json["is_regression"] = test_data.is_regression report_data.append(test_json) return pd.DataFrame(report_data) def get_helicone_data(): helicone_api_key = os.getenv("HELICONE_API_KEY") url = "" # Replace with your personal access key transport = AIOHTTPTransport( url=url, headers={"authorization": f"Bearer {helicone_api_key}"} ) client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True) SIZE = 250 i = 0 data = [] print("Fetching data from Helicone") while True: query = gql( """ query ExampleQuery($limit: Int, $offset: Int){ heliconeRequest( limit: $limit offset: $offset ) { costUSD prompt properties{ name value } requestBody response createdAt } } """ ) print(f"Fetching {i * SIZE} to {(i + 1) * SIZE} records") try: result = client.execute( query, variable_values={"limit": SIZE, "offset": i * SIZE} ) except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred: {e}") result = None i += 1 if result: for item in result["heliconeRequest"]: properties = { prop["name"]: prop["value"] for prop in item["properties"] } data.append( { "createdAt": item["createdAt"], "agent": properties.get("agent"), "costUSD": item["costUSD"], "job_id": properties.get("job_id"), "challenge": properties.get("challenge"), "benchmark_start_time": properties.get("benchmark_start_time"), "prompt": item["prompt"], "response": item["response"], "model": item["requestBody"].get("model"), "request": item["requestBody"].get("messages"), } ) if not result or (len(result["heliconeRequest"]) == 0): print("No more results") break df = pd.DataFrame(data) # Drop rows where agent is None df = df.dropna(subset=["agent"]) # Convert the remaining agent names to lowercase df["agent"] = df["agent"].str.lower() return df if os.path.exists("raw_reports.pkl") and os.path.exists("raw_helicone.pkl"): reports_df = pd.read_pickle("raw_reports.pkl") helicone_df = pd.read_pickle("raw_helicone.pkl") else: reports_df = get_reports() reports_df.to_pickle("raw_reports.pkl") helicone_df = get_helicone_data() helicone_df.to_pickle("raw_helicone.pkl") def try_formats(date_str): formats = ["%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"] for fmt in formats: try: return pd.to_datetime(date_str, format=fmt) except ValueError: pass return None helicone_df["benchmark_start_time"] = pd.to_datetime( helicone_df["benchmark_start_time"].apply(try_formats), utc=True ) helicone_df = helicone_df.dropna(subset=["benchmark_start_time"]) helicone_df["createdAt"] = pd.to_datetime( helicone_df["createdAt"], unit="ms", origin="unix" ) reports_df["benchmark_start_time"] = pd.to_datetime( reports_df["benchmark_start_time"].apply(try_formats), utc=True ) reports_df = reports_df.dropna(subset=["benchmark_start_time"]) assert pd.api.types.is_datetime64_any_dtype( helicone_df["benchmark_start_time"] ), "benchmark_start_time in helicone_df is not datetime" assert pd.api.types.is_datetime64_any_dtype( reports_df["benchmark_start_time"] ), "benchmark_start_time in reports_df is not datetime" reports_df["report_time"] = reports_df["benchmark_start_time"] # df = pd.merge_asof( # helicone_df.sort_values("benchmark_start_time"), # reports_df.sort_values("benchmark_start_time"), # left_on="benchmark_start_time", # right_on="benchmark_start_time", # by=["agent", "challenge"], # direction="backward", # ) df = pd.merge( helicone_df, reports_df, on=["benchmark_start_time", "agent", "challenge"], how="inner", ) df.to_pickle("df.pkl") print( print("Data saved to df.pkl") print("To load the data use: df = pd.read_pickle('df.pkl')")