import os import subprocess directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) BACKEND_DIR = "." LIBS_DIR = "../autogpt_libs" TARGET_DIRS = [BACKEND_DIR, LIBS_DIR] def run(*command: str) -> None: print(f">>>>> Running poetry run {' '.join(command)}")["poetry", "run"] + list(command), cwd=directory, check=True) def lint(): try: run("ruff", "check", *TARGET_DIRS, "--exit-zero") run("ruff", "format", "--diff", "--check", LIBS_DIR) run("isort", "--diff", "--check", "--profile", "black", BACKEND_DIR) run("black", "--diff", "--check", BACKEND_DIR) run("pyright", *TARGET_DIRS) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Lint failed, try running `poetry run format` to fix the issues: ", e) raise e def format(): run("ruff", "check", "--fix", *TARGET_DIRS) run("ruff", "format", LIBS_DIR) run("isort", "--profile", "black", BACKEND_DIR) run("black", BACKEND_DIR) run("pyright", *TARGET_DIRS)