Frontend broke in #7171 because of changes to the request models in `forge.agent_protocol`. This PR unbreaks it.
- Make `input` required on `TaskRequestBody` and `StepRequestBody`
- Amend `toJson()` on `TaskRequestBody` and `StepRequestBody` to omit attributes with `null` value
- Added logic to display a temporary chat message while waiting for the response from the agent.
- When a user sends a message, a temporary chat message is created and displayed.
- Implemented a method to remove the temporary chat message when the response is received or in case of an error.
- Updated the UI to invoke the method for adding a temporary chat message when the send button is pressed.
- This change improves the user experience by allowing them to see their own message immediately while waiting for the response from the agent.
- Added a boolean property `isWaitingForAgentResponse` to the `TaskViewModel` class to track whether a task is being created and waiting for a response from the agent.
- When a task is being created, we set `isWaitingForAgentResponse` to `true` and notify the listeners.
- When the task creation process is completed (successfully or not), `isWaitingForAgentResponse` is set to `false` and listeners are notified.
- Updated the `ChatView` class to listen to changes in `TaskViewModel.isWaitingForAgentResponse` to show the loading indicator conditionally.
- Updated the regular expression pattern to include matching fenced code blocks in addition to headers.
- Set the `dotAll` parameter to `true` to match across multiple lines in the regular expression.
- Wrapped the message container with a `SingleChildScrollView` widget to enable scrolling when the message content exceeds the available space.
- Implemented logic to conditionally render the message as markdown or selectable text based on the value of `hasMarkdown`.
- Modified the `MarkdownStyleSheet` to customize the appearance of blockquotes and code blocks.
- Updated the child widget of the message container to reflect the changes.
- Implement `containsMarkdown` function to identify messages with Markdown
- Utilize `flutter_markdown` package to render detected Markdown content
- Enhance chat UI to conditionally display plain text or formatted Markdown
This commit addresses a UI issue where the ListView items were overlapping with the Positioned widget in the TaskQueueView. The Positioned widget has been replaced with a more flexible layout using a Column widget to ensure proper spacing and positioning of elements on the screen. The ListView now takes up all available space above the buttons, preventing any overlap and enhancing the user experience.
A new property named _isWaitingForAgentResponse has been introduced to the ChatViewModel class to track the loading state when waiting for the agent's response. This boolean property is set to true when a chat message is being sent and reverts to false upon completion, whether successful or not. The notifyListeners() method is invoked to update the UI accordingly. This enhancement facilitates the display of a loading indicator, offering users visual feedback during the wait time for agent responses.
Implemented a new LoadingIndicator widget that displays a pulsating gradient line, giving users visual feedback during asynchronous operations such as API calls. The indicator animates a gradient from white to AppColors.primaryLight and back to the grey background color, signifying the loading state.