## Config
- For Supabase, the back end needs `SUPABASE_URL`, `SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY`, and `SUPABASE_JWT_SECRET`
- For the GitHub integration to work, the back end needs `GITHUB_CLIENT_ID` and `GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET`
- For integrations OAuth flows to work in local development, the back end needs `FRONTEND_BASE_URL` to generate login URLs with accurate redirect URLs
- Tweak output of OAuth `/login` endpoint: add `state_token` separately in response
- Add `POST /integrations/{provider}/credentials` (for API keys)
- Add `DELETE /integrations/{provider}/credentials/{cred_id}`
## Back end
- Add Supabase support to `AppService`
- Add `FRONTEND_BASE_URL` config option, mainly for local development use
### `autogpt_libs.supabase_integration_credentials_store`
- Add `CredentialsType` alias
- Add `.bearer()` helper methods to `APIKeyCredentials` and `OAuth2Credentials`
### Blocks
- Add `CredentialsField(..) -> CredentialsMetaInput`
## Front end
### UI components
- `CredentialsInput` for use on `CustomNode`: allows user to add/select credentials for a service.
- `APIKeyCredentialsModal`: a dialog for creating API keys
- `OAuth2FlowWaitingModal`: a dialog to indicate that the application is waiting for the user to log in to the 3rd party service in the provided pop-up window
- `NodeCredentialsInput`: wrapper for `CredentialsInput` with the "usual" interface of node input components
- New icons: `IconKey`, `IconKeyPlus`, `IconUser`, `IconUserPlus`
### Data model
- `CredentialsProvider`: introduces the app-level `CredentialsProvidersContext`, which acts as an application-wide store and cache for credentials metadata.
- `useCredentials` for use on `CustomNode`: uses `CredentialsProvidersContext` and provides node-specific credential data and provider-specific data/functions
- `/auth/integrations/oauth_callback` route to close the loop to the `CredentialsInput` after a user completes sign-in to the external service
- Add `BlockIOCredentialsSubSchema`
### API client
- Add `isAuthenticated` method
- Add methods for integration OAuth flow: `oAuthLogin`, `oAuthCallback`
- Add CRD methods for credentials: `createAPIKeyCredentials`, `listCredentials`, `getCredentials`, `deleteCredentials`
- Add mirrored types `CredentialsMetaResponse`, `CredentialsMetaInput`, `OAuth2Credentials`, `APIKeyCredentials`
- Add GitHub blocks + "DEVELOPER_TOOLS" category
- Add `**kwargs` to `Block.run(..)` signature to support additional kwargs
- Add support for loading blocks from nested modules (e.g. `blocks/github/issues.py`)
#### Executor
- Add strict support for `credentials` fields on blocks
- Fetch credentials for graph execution and pass them down through to the node execution
Restructuring the Repo to make it clear the difference between classic autogpt and the autogpt platform:
* Move the "classic" projects `autogpt`, `forge`, `frontend`, and `benchmark` into a `classic` folder
* Also rename `autogpt` to `original_autogpt` for absolute clarity
* Rename `rnd/` to `autogpt_platform/`
* `rnd/autogpt_builder` -> `autogpt_platform/frontend`
* `rnd/autogpt_server` -> `autogpt_platform/backend`
* Adjust any paths accordingly