* feat: Refactor config loading and initialization to be modular and decentralized
- Refactored the `ConfigBuilder` class to support modular loading and initialization of the configuration from environment variables.
- Implemented recursive loading and initialization of nested config objects.
- Introduced the `SystemConfiguration` base class to provide common functionality for all system settings.
- Added the `from_env` attribute to the `UserConfigurable` decorator to provide environment variable mappings.
- Updated the `Config` class and its related classes to inherit from `SystemConfiguration` and use the `UserConfigurable` decorator.
- Updated `LoggingConfig` and `TTSConfig` to use the `UserConfigurable` decorator for their fields.
- Modified the implementation of the `build_config_from_env` method in `ConfigBuilder` to utilize the new modular and recursive loading and initialization logic.
- Updated applicable test cases to reflect the changes in the config loading and initialization logic.
This refactor improves the flexibility and maintainability of the configuration loading process by introducing modular and recursive behavior, allowing for easier extension and customization through environment variables.
* refactor: Move OpenAI credentials into `OpenAICredentials` sub-config
- Move OpenAI API key and other OpenAI credentials from the global config to a new sub-config called OpenAICredentials.
- Update the necessary code to use the new OpenAICredentials sub-config instead of the global config when accessing OpenAI credentials.
- (Hopefully) unbreak Azure support.
- Update azure.yaml.template.
- Enable validation of assignment operations on SystemConfiguration and SystemSettings objects.
* feat: Update AutoGPT configuration options and setup instructions
- Added new configuration options for logging and OpenAI usage to .env.template
- Removed deprecated configuration options in config/config.py
- Updated setup instructions in Docker and general setup documentation to include information on using Azure's OpenAI services
* fix: Fix image generation with Dall-E
- Fix issue with image generation with Dall-E API
Additional user context: This commit fixes an issue with image generation using the Dall-E API. The code now correctly retrieves the API key from the agent's legacy configuration.
* refactor(agent/core): Refactor `autogpt.core.configuration.schema` and update docstrings
- Refactor the `schema.py` file in the `autogpt.core.configuration` module.
- Added docstring to `SystemConfiguration.from_env()`
- Updated docstrings for functions `_get_user_config_values`, `_get_non_default_user_config_values`, `_recursive_init_model`, `_recurse_user_config_fields`, and `_recurse_user_config_values`.
- Update the instruction in the prompt strategy to ensure the response is pure JSON.
- Remove unnecessary text and make the instruction clearer.
- Also update the error logging to include the received JSON content.
This commit refactors the code in the `one_shot.py` file and the `utilities.py` file.
- Update the pytest command in the .pre-commit-config.yaml file to use Poetry run instead of directly running pytest in the autogpts/autogpt directory.
- Refactored the `MemoryItem` class in the `autogpt.memory.vector.memory_item` module to improve code organization and readability.
- Split the `MemoryItem` class into two separate classes: `MemoryItem` and `MemoryItemFactory`.
- Modified the `get_embedding` function in the `autogpt.memory.vector.utils` module to accept an `EmbeddingModelProvider` for creating embeddings.
- Updated the usage of the `get_embedding` function in the `MemoryItem` class to pass the `embedding_provider` parameter.
- Updated the imports in the affected modules.
- Modify check_requirements.py to correctly handle optional dependencies
- Skip optional dependencies when iterating through dependence group dependencies in check_requirements.py
- Update autogpt.bat to use `poetry install` instead of `%PYTHON_CMD% -m poetry install`
- Update autogpt.sh to use `poetry install` instead of `$PYTHON_CMD -m poetry install`
- Use `poetry run` to execute the `autogpt` command in both scripts
- Update the reference to the VCR submodule in the autogpt tests
- Previous reference: 1896d8ac12ff1d27b7e9e5db6549abc38b260b40
- New reference: 9996f1d104a1e4f33c1e10aa664d01ea78db2a06
- Updated the `run` script to also check if `$OPENAI_API_KEY` is empty before copying `.env.example` and prompting the user to set API keys.
- Modified the `setup` script to install `--extras benchmark` separately from the initial `poetry install` command.
- Added `POETRY_INSTALLER_PARALLEL=false` flag to prevent conflicts between `forge` and `agbenchmark` during installation.
* Fix all but one flake8 linting errors
* Remove unused imports
* Wrap strings that are too long
* Add basic autogpts/autogpt/.flake8
* Delete planning_agent.py
* Delete default_prompts.py
* Delete _test_json_parser.py
* Refactor the example function call in AgentProfileGeneratorConfiguration from a string to an object
* Rewrite/update docstrings here and there while I'm at it
* Minor change to the description of the `open_file` command
* Use `user-agent` from config in web_selenium.py
* Delete hardcoded ABILITIES from core/planning/templates.py
* Delete duplicate and superseded test from test_image_gen.py
* Fix parameter definitions in mock_commands.py
* Delete code analysis blocks from test_spinner.py, test_url_validation.py
- Modify the test_url_validation_fails_local_path function to remove the specific match parameter and raise the ValueError without any match requirement.
- Update `test_config.py` to check if `config.smart_llm` starts with "gpt-4"
- Delete `test_retry_provider_openai.py` as it is no longer needed
- Update `test_url_validation.py` to properly test local file URLs
- Update `test_web_search.py` to assert against expected parts of output
- Refactor the `run_auto_gpt_server` function to make the Agent Protocol server database URL configurable.
- Use the `os.getenv` method to retrieve the database URL from the environment variable `AP_SERVER_DB_URL`.
- Created a new `LoggingConfig` class to represent the logging configuration in the `Config` class.
- Created a new `LogFormatName` enum to represent the available log formats: 'simple', 'debug', and 'structured_google_cloud'.
- Modified the `configure_logging` function to also accept an unpacked `LoggingConfig` object for arguments.
- Updated the `configure_logging` function to use the appropriate log format based on the log level.
- Added a `StructuredLoggingFormatter` class to handle formatting for structured logs.
- Updated the import statements and usages of `configure_logging` etc. in relevant modules to reflect the changes.
- Updated the `config` fixture in the unit tests to include the new logging configuration attributes.
- Updated the CLI with new parameters for log level and format.
- Reordered the parameters of the CLI.
- Removed memory related parameter from CLI.
- Remove the unused debug argument from the functions `inspect_zip_for_modules`, `initialize_openai_plugins`, `instantiate_openai_plugin_clients`, and `scan_plugins`.
- The debug argument was not being used in these functions and was unnecessary.
- Added information about the workspace folder in the AutoGPT user guide
- Clarified that files outside the workspace folder are inaccessible unless RESTRICT_TO_WORKSPACE is set to False. Provided a warning against disabling RESTRICT_TO_WORKSPACE unless in a sandbox environment.
- Update the `RESTRICT_TO_WORKSPACE` variable in `.env.template` to use the new workspace location
- Update the `.gitignore` files to remove the old workspace directory
- Update the `voice.md` file in the documentation to reflect the new command for speech mode
- Renamed `run.sh` to `autogpt.sh` for consistent naming and easier command usage.
- Updated relevant documentation to reflect the new entrypoint name.
- Adjusted the Docker setup for AutoGPT to expose the full CLI and allow access to the Agent Protocol Server's port.
- Updated the AutoGPT+Docker guide in the documentation to reflect the changes.
Changes made:
- In the `Dockerfile`, removed the `--install-plugin-deps` option from the `ENTRYPOINT` command.
- In the `docker-compose.yml` file, added the `ports` section to expose port `8000`.
- In the `pyproject.toml` file, changed the `run` script to `autogpt.app.cli:cli`.
- In the `docker.md` file, added instructions for the new Docker setup and updated the configuration steps.
- Added a new section to the documentation about the project CLI
- Provided an overview of the CLI and its usage
- Included common commands and their descriptions
- Updated the link to OpenAI API key page in the setup guide
- Fixed formatting issues in the usage guide
- Updated the link to the `.env.template` file in the usage guide
- Fixed formatting and wording issues in the index page