- Fixed `--mock` mode
- Moved interrupt to beginning of the step iterator pipeline (from `BuiltinChallenge` to `agent_api_interface.py:run_api_agent`). This ensures that any finish-up code is properly executed after executing a single step.
- Implemented mock mode in `WebArenaChallenge`
- Fixed `fixture 'i_attempt' not found` error when `--attempts`/`-N` is omitted
- Fixed handling of `python`/`pytest` evals in `BuiltinChallenge`
- Disabled left-over Helicone code (see 056163e)
- Fixed a couple of challenge definitions
- WebArena task 107: fix spelling of months (Sepetember, Octorbor *lmao*)
- synthesize/1_basic_content_gen (SynthesizeInfo): remove empty string from `should_contain` list
- Added some debug logging in agent_api_interface.py and challenges/builtin.py
LLMs are probabilistic systems. Reproducibility of completions is not guaranteed. It only makes sense to account for this, by running challenges multiple times to obtain a success ratio rather than a boolean success/failure result.
- Add `-N`, `--attempts` option to CLI and `attempts_per_challenge` parameter to `main.py:run_benchmark`.
- Add dynamic `i_attempt` fixture through `pytest_generate_tests` hook in conftest.py to achieve multiple runs per challenge.
- Modify `pytest_runtest_makereport` hook in conftest.py to handle multiple reporting calls per challenge.
- Refactor report_types.py, reports.py, process_report.ty to allow multiple results per challenge.
- Calculate `success_percentage` from results of the current run, rather than all known results ever.
- Add docstrings to a number of models in report_types.py.
- Allow `None` as a success value, e.g. for runs that did not render any results before being cut off.
- Make SingletonReportManager thread-safe.
* feat(benchmark): Add JungleGym WebArena challenges
- Add `WebArenaChallenge`, `WebArenaChallengeSpec`, and other logic to make these challenges work
- Add WebArena challenges to Pytest collection endpoint generate_test.py
* feat(benchmark/webarena): Add hand-picked selection of WebArena challenges
Squashed commit of the following:
commit 7d6476d329
Author: Reinier van der Leer <pwuts@agpt.co>
Date: Tue Jan 9 18:10:45 2024 +0100
refactor(benchmark/challenge): Set up structure to support more challenge providers
- Move `Challenge`, `ChallengeData`, `load_challenges` to `challenges/builtin.py` and rename to `BuiltinChallenge`, `BuiltinChallengeSpec`, `load_builtin_challenges`
- Create `BaseChallenge` to serve as interface and base class for different challenge implementations
- Create `ChallengeInfo` model to serve as universal challenge info object
- Create `get_challenge_from_source_uri` function in `challenges/__init__.py`
- Replace `ChallengeData` by `ChallengeInfo` everywhere except in `BuiltinChallenge`
- Add strong typing to `task_informations` store in app.py
- Use `call.duration` in `finalize_test_report` and remove `timer` fixture
- Update docstring on `challenges/__init__.py:get_unique_categories`
- Add docstring to `generate_test.py`
commit 5df2aa7939
Author: Reinier van der Leer <pwuts@agpt.co>
Date: Tue Jan 9 16:58:01 2024 +0100
refactor(benchmark): Refactor & rename functions in agent_interface.py and agent_api_interface.py
- `copy_artifacts_into_temp_folder` -> `copy_challenge_artifacts_into_workspace`
- `copy_agent_artifacts_into_folder` -> `download_agent_artifacts_into_folder`
- Reorder parameters of `run_api_agent`, `copy_challenge_artifacts_into_workspace`; use `Path` instead of `str`
commit 6a256fef4c
Author: Reinier van der Leer <pwuts@agpt.co>
Date: Tue Jan 9 16:02:25 2024 +0100
refactor(benchmark): Refactor & typefix report generation and handling logic
- Rename functions in reports.py and ReportManager.py to better reflect what they do
- `get_previous_test_results` -> `get_and_update_success_history`
- `generate_single_call_report` -> `initialize_test_report`
- `finalize_reports` -> `finalize_test_report`
- `ReportManager.end_info_report` -> `SessionReportManager.finalize_session_report`
- Modify `pytest_runtest_makereport` hook in conftest.py to finalize the report immediately after the challenge finishes running instead of after teardown
- Move result processing logic from `initialize_test_report` to `finalize_test_report` in reports.py
- Use `Test` and `Report` types from report_types.py where possible instead of untyped dicts: reports.py, utils.py, ReportManager.py
- Differentiate `ReportManager` into `SessionReportManager`, `RegressionTestsTracker`, `SuccessRateTracker`
- Move filtering of optional challenge categories from challenge.py (`Challenge.skip_optional_categories`) to conftest.py (`pytest_collection_modifyitems`)
- Remove unused `scores` fixture in conftest.py
commit 370d6dbf5d
Author: Reinier van der Leer <pwuts@agpt.co>
Date: Tue Jan 9 15:16:43 2024 +0100
refactor(benchmark): Simplify models in report_types.py
- Removed ForbidOptionalMeta and BaseModelBenchmark classes.
- Changed model attributes to optional: `Metrics.difficulty`, `Metrics.success`, `Metrics.success_percentage`, `Metrics.run_time`, and `Test.reached_cutoff`.
- Added validator to `Metrics` model to require `success` and `run_time` fields if `attempted=True`.
- Added default values to all optional model fields.
- Removed duplicate imports.
- Added condition in process_report.py to prevent null lookups if `metrics.difficulty` is not set.
* refactor(benchmark): Deduplicate configuration loading logic
- Move the configuration loading logic to a separate `load_agbenchmark_config` function in `agbenchmark/config.py` module.
- Replace the duplicate loading logic in `conftest.py`, `generate_test.py`, `ReportManager.py`, `reports.py`, and `__main__.py` with calls to `load_agbenchmark_config` function.
* fix(benchmark): Fix type errors, linting errors, and clean up CLI validation in __main__.py
- Fixed type errors and linting errors in `__main__.py`
- Improved the readability of CLI argument validation by introducing a separate function for it
* refactor(benchmark): Lint and typefix app.py
- Rearranged and cleaned up import statements
- Fixed type errors caused by improper use of `psutil` objects
- Simplified a number of `os.path` usages by converting to `pathlib`
- Use `Task` and `TaskRequestBody` classes from `agent_protocol_client` instead of `.schema`
* refactor(benchmark): Replace `.agent_protocol_client` by `agent-protcol-client`, clean up schema.py
- Remove `agbenchmark.agent_protocol_client` (an offline copy of `agent-protocol-client`).
- Add `agent-protocol-client` as a dependency and change imports to `agent_protocol_client`.
- Fix type annotation on `agent_api_interface.py::upload_artifacts` (`ApiClient` -> `AgentApi`).
- Remove all unused types from schema.py (= most of them).
* refactor(benchmark): Use pathlib in agent_interface.py and agent_api_interface.py
* refactor(benchmark): Improve typing, response validation, and readability in app.py
- Simplified response generation by leveraging type checking and conversion by FastAPI.
- Introduced use of `HTTPException` for error responses.
- Improved naming, formatting, and typing in `app.py::create_evaluation`.
- Updated the docstring on `app.py::create_agent_task`.
- Fixed return type annotations of `create_single_test` and `create_challenge` in generate_test.py.
- Added default values to optional attributes on models in report_types_v2.py.
- Removed unused imports in `generate_test.py`
* refactor(benchmark): Clean up logging and print statements
- Introduced use of the `logging` library for unified logging and better readability.
- Converted most print statements to use `logger.debug`, `logger.warning`, and `logger.error`.
- Improved descriptiveness of log statements.
- Removed unnecessary print statements.
- Added log statements to unspecific and non-verbose `except` blocks.
- Added `--debug` flag, which sets the log level to `DEBUG` and enables a more comprehensive log format.
- Added `.utils.logging` module with `configure_logging` function to easily configure the logging library.
- Converted raw escape sequences in `.utils.challenge` to use `colorama`.
- Renamed `generate_test.py::generate_tests` to `load_challenges`.
* refactor(benchmark): Remove unused server.py and agent_interface.py::run_agent
- Remove unused server.py file
- Remove unused run_agent function from agent_interface.py
* refactor(benchmark): Clean up conftest.py
- Fix and add type annotations
- Rewrite docstrings
- Disable or remove unused code
- Fix definition of arguments and their types in `pytest_addoption`
* refactor(benchmark): Clean up generate_test.py file
- Refactored the `create_single_test` function for clarity and readability
- Removed unused variables
- Made creation of `Challenge` subclasses more straightforward
- Made bare `except` more specific
- Renamed `Challenge.setup_challenge` method to `run_challenge`
- Updated type hints and annotations
- Made minor code/readability improvements in `load_challenges`
- Added a helper function `_add_challenge_to_module` for attaching a Challenge class to the current module
* fix(benchmark): Fix and add type annotations in execute_sub_process.py
* refactor(benchmark): Simplify const determination in agent_interface.py
- Simplify the logic that determines the value of `HELICONE_GRAPHQL_LOGS`
* fix(benchmark): Register category markers to prevent warnings
- Use the `pytest_configure` hook to register the known challenge categories as markers. Otherwise, Pytest will raise "unknown marker" warnings at runtime.
* refactor(benchmark/challenges): Fix indentation in 4_revenue_retrieval_2/data.json
* refactor(benchmark): Update agent_api_interface.py
- Add type annotations to `copy_agent_artifacts_into_temp_folder` function
- Add note about broken endpoint in the `agent_protocol_client` library
- Remove unused variable in `run_api_agent` function
- Improve readability and resolve linting error
* feat(benchmark): Improve and centralize pathfinding
- Search path hierarchy for applicable `agbenchmark_config`, rather than assuming it's in the current folder.
- Create `agbenchmark.utils.path_manager` with `AGBenchmarkPathManager` and exporting a `PATH_MANAGER` const.
- Replace path constants defined in __main__.py with usages of `PATH_MANAGER`.
* feat(benchmark/cli): Clean up and improve CLI
- Updated commands, options, and their descriptions to be more intuitive and consistent
- Moved slow imports into the entrypoints that use them to speed up application startup
- Fixed type hints to match output types of Click options
- Hid deprecated `agbenchmark start` command
- Refactored code to improve readability and maintainability
- Moved main entrypoint into `run` subcommand
- Fixed `version` and `serve` subcommands
- Added `click-default-group` package to allow using `run` implicitly (for backwards compatibility)
- Renamed `--no_dep` to `--no-dep` for consistency
- Fixed string formatting issues in log statements
* refactor(benchmark/config): Move AgentBenchmarkConfig and related functions to config.py
- Move the `AgentBenchmarkConfig` class from `utils/data_types.py` to `config.py`.
- Extract the `calculate_info_test_path` function from `utils/data_types.py` and move it to `config.py` as a private helper function `_calculate_info_test_path`.
- Move `load_agent_benchmark_config()` to `AgentBenchmarkConfig.load()`.
- Changed simple getter methods on `AgentBenchmarkConfig` to calculated properties.
- Update all code references according to the changes mentioned above.
* refactor(benchmark): Fix ReportManager init parameter types and use pathlib
- Fix the type annotation of the `benchmark_start_time` parameter in `ReportManager.__init__`, was mistyped as `str` instead of `datetime`.
- Change the type of the `filename` parameter in the `ReportManager.__init__` method from `str` to `Path`.
- Rename `self.filename` with `self.report_file` in `ReportManager`.
- Change the way the report file is created, opened and saved to use the `Path` object.
* refactor(benchmark): Improve typing surrounding ChallengeData and clean up its implementation
- Use `ChallengeData` objects instead of untyped `dict` in app.py, generate_test.py, reports.py.
- Remove unnecessary methods `serialize`, `get_data`, `get_json_from_path`, `deserialize` from `ChallengeData` class.
- Remove unused methods `challenge_from_datum` and `challenge_from_test_data` from `ChallengeData class.
- Update function signatures and annotations of `create_challenge` and `generate_single_test` functions in generate_test.py.
- Add types to function signatures of `generate_single_call_report` and `finalize_reports` in reports.py.
- Remove unnecessary `challenge_data` parameter (in generate_test.py) and fixture (in conftest.py).
* refactor(benchmark): Clean up generate_test.py, conftest.py and __main__.py
- Cleaned up generate_test.py and conftest.py
- Consolidated challenge creation logic in the `Challenge` class itself, most notably the new `Challenge.from_challenge_spec` method.
- Moved challenge selection logic from generate_test.py to the `pytest_collection_modifyitems` hook in conftest.py.
- Converted methods in the `Challenge` class to class methods where appropriate.
- Improved argument handling in the `run_benchmark` function in `__main__.py`.
* refactor(benchmark/config): Merge AGBenchmarkPathManager into AgentBenchmarkConfig and reduce fragmented/global state
- Merge the functionality of `AGBenchmarkPathManager` into `AgentBenchmarkConfig` to consolidate the configuration management.
- Remove the `.path_manager` module containing `AGBenchmarkPathManager`.
- Pass the `AgentBenchmarkConfig` and its attributes through function arguments to reduce global state and improve code clarity.
* feat(benchmark/serve): Configurable port for `serve` subcommand
- Added `--port` option to `serve` subcommand to allow for specifying the port to run the API on.
- If no `--port` option is provided, the port will default to the value specified in the `PORT` environment variable, or 8080 if not set.
* feat(benchmark/cli): Add `config` subcommand
- Added a new subcommand `config` to the AGBenchmark CLI, to display information about the present AGBenchmark config.
* fix(benchmark): Gracefully handle incompatible challenge spec files in app.py
- Added a check to skip deprecated challenges
- Added logging to allow debugging of the loading process
- Added handling of validation errors when parsing challenge spec files
- Added missing `spec_file` attribute to `ChallengeData`
* refactor(benchmark): Move `run_benchmark` entrypoint to main.py, use it in `/reports` endpoint
- Move `run_benchmark` and `validate_args` from __main__.py to main.py
- Replace agbenchmark subprocess in `app.py:run_single_test` with `run_benchmark`
- Move `get_unique_categories` from __main__.py to challenges/__init__.py
- Move `OPTIONAL_CATEGORIES` from __main__.py to challenge.py
- Reduce operations on updates.json (including `initialize_updates_file`) outside of API
* refactor(benchmark): Remove unused `/updates` endpoint and all related code
- Remove `updates_json_file` attribute from `AgentBenchmarkConfig`
- Remove `get_updates` and `_initialize_updates_file` in app.py
- Remove `append_updates_file` and `create_update_json` functions in agent_api_interface.py
- Remove call to `append_updates_file` in challenge.py
* refactor(benchmark/config): Clean up and update docstrings on `AgentBenchmarkConfig`
- Add and update docstrings
- Change base class from `BaseModel` to `BaseSettings`, allow extras for backwards compatibility
- Make naming of path attributes on `AgentBenchmarkConfig` more consistent
- Remove unused `agent_home_directory` attribute
- Remove unused `workspace` attribute
* fix(benchmark): Restore mechanism to select (optional) categories in agent benchmark config
* fix(benchmark): Update agent-protocol-client to v1.1.0
- Fixes issue with fetching task artifact listings
* ci: Mitigate security issues in autogpt-ci.yml
- Remove unnecessary pull_request_target paths and related variables and config
- Set permissions for contents to read only
* ci: Simplify steps in autogpt-ci.yml workflow using GitHub CLI
- Simplify step in 'autogpt-ci.yml' by using GitHub CLI instead of API for adding label and comment functionality
- Replace curl command with 'gh issue edit' to add "behaviour change" label to the pull request
- Replace gh api command with 'gh issue comment' to leave a comment about the changed behavior of AutoGPT in the pull request
* ci: Fix issues in workflows
- Move environment variable definition to top level in benchmark-ci.yml (because the other job also needs it)
- Removed invalid 'branches: [hackathon]' restriction in hackathon.yml workflow
- Removed redundant 'ref' and 'repository' fields in the 'checkout' step of both workflows.
* ci: Delete legacy benchmarks.yml workflow
* ci: Add triggers for CI workflows
- Add triggers to run CI workflows when they are edited.
- Update the paths for the CI workflows in the trigger configuration.
* fix: Fix benchmark lint error
- Removed unnecessary blank lines in report_types.py
- Fixed string quotes in challenge.py to maintain consistency
* fix: Update task description in password generator data.json
- Update task description in `data.json` file for the password generator challenge to clarify the input requirements and error handling.
- This change is made in an attempt to make the Benchmark CI pass.
* fix: Fix PasswordGenerator challenge in CI
- Fix the behavior of the reference password_generator.py to align with the task description
- Use default password length 8 instead of a random length in the generate_password function
- Retrieve the password length from the command line arguments if "--length" is provided, else set it to 8