- Add `autogpt` and `forge` dependency to the `autogpt_server`
- Add `AutoGPTAgentBlock` that initializes and runs a single agent loop on execution
- Add `BlockAgent` that inherits from `autogpt` `Agent` and is a thin extension on the agent that allows to disable components
- Add `OutputComponent` that adds `output` command for the agent
- Add `google-api-python-client-stubs` dev dependency
- Add version specification to `google-api-python-client` dependency
- Fix type error (by ignoring it) in forge/components/web/search.py
Update Pydantic dependency of `autogpt`, `forge` and `benchmark` to `^2.7`
[Pydantic Migration Guide](https://docs.pydantic.dev/2.7/migration/)
- Migrate usages of now-deprecated functions to their replacements
- Update `Field` definitions
- Ellipsis `...` for required fields is deprecated
- `Field` no longer supports extra `kwargs`, replace use of this feature with field metadata
- Replace `Config` class for specifying model configuration with `model_config = ConfigDict(..)`
- Removed `ModelContainer` in `BaseAgent`, component configuration dict is now directly serialized using Pydantic v2 helper functions
- Forked `agent-protocol` and updated `packages/client/python` for Pydantic v2 support: https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/agent-protocol
Co-authored-by: Reinier van der Leer <pwuts@agpt.co>
Revert some changes to fix forge agent and enable components support.
- Rename forge `Agent` to `ProtocolAgent`
- Bring back and update `forge/app.py` and `forge/agent/forge_agent.py`
- `ForgeAgent` inherits from `BaseAgent`, supports component execution and runs the same pipelines as autogpt Agent
- Update forge version from 0.1.0 to 0.2.0
- Update code comments
### Linting
- Clean up linter configs for `autogpt`, `forge`, and `benchmark`
- Add type checking with Pyright
- Create unified pre-commit config
- Create unified linting and type checking CI workflow
### Testing
- Synchronize CI test setups for `autogpt`, `forge`, and `benchmark`
- Add missing pytest-cov to benchmark dependencies
- Mark GCS tests as slow to speed up pre-commit test runs
- Repair `forge` test suite
- Add `AgentDB.close()` method for test DB teardown in db_test.py
- Use actual temporary dir instead of forge/test_workspace/
- Move left-behind dependencies for moved `forge`-code to from autogpt to forge
### Notable type changes
- Replace uses of `ChatModelProvider` by `MultiProvider`
- Removed unnecessary exports from various __init__.py
- Simplify `FileStorage.open_file` signature by removing `IOBase` from return type union
- Implement `S3BinaryIOWrapper(BinaryIO)` type interposer for `S3FileStorage`
- Expand overloads of `GCSFileStorage.open_file` for improved typing of read and write modes
Had to silence type checking for the extra overloads, because (I think) Pyright is reporting a false-positive:
- Change `count_tokens`, `get_tokenizer`, `count_message_tokens` methods on `ModelProvider`s from class methods to instance methods
- Move `CompletionModelFunction.schema` method -> helper function `format_function_def_for_openai` in `forge.llm.providers.openai`
- Rename `ModelProvider` -> `BaseModelProvider`
- Rename `ChatModelProvider` -> `BaseChatModelProvider`
- Add type `ChatModelProvider` which is a union of all subclasses of `BaseChatModelProvider`
### Removed rather than fixed
- Remove deprecated and broken autogpt/agbenchmark_config/benchmarks.py
- Various base classes and properties on base classes in `forge.llm.providers.schema` and `forge.models.providers`
### Fixes for other issues that came to light
- Clean up `forge.agent_protocol.api_router`, `forge.agent_protocol.database`, and `forge.agent.agent`
- Add fallback behavior to `ImageGeneratorComponent`
- Remove test for deprecated failure behavior
- Fix `agbenchmark.challenges.builtin` challenge exclusion mechanism on Windows
- Fix `_tool_calls_compat_extract_calls` in `forge.llm.providers.openai`
- Add support for `any` (= no type specified) in `JSONSchema.typescript_type`
* Add `FileStorage.mount()` method, which mounts (part of) the workspace to a local path
* Add `watchdog` library to watch file changes in mount
* Amend `CodeExecutorComponent`
* Amend `execute_python_file` to execute Python files in a workspace mount
* Amend `execute_python_code` to create temporary .py file in workspace instead of as a local file
* Add support for `Path` argument to `filename` parameter on `execute_python_file`
* Fix `test_execute_python_code` (by making it async)
- Moved `autogpt` and `forge` to project root
- Removed `autogpts` directory
- Moved and renamed submodule `autogpts/autogpt/tests/vcr_cassettes` to `autogpt/tests/vcr_cassettes`
- When using CLI agents will be created in `agents` directory (instead of `autogpts`)
- Renamed relevant docs, code and config references from `autogpts/[forge|autogpt]` to `[forge|autogpt]` and from `*../../*` to `*../*`
- Updated `CODEOWNERS`, GitHub Actions and Docker `*.yml` configs
- Updated symbolic links in `docs`