-`--category challenge_category` to run tests in a specific category
-`--mock` to only run mock tests if they exists for each test
-`--noreg` to skip any tests that have passed in the past. When you run without this flag and a previous challenge that passed fails, it will now not be regression tests
4. We call boilerplate code for your agent
5. Show pass rate of tests, logs, and any other metrics
1. Navigate to `auto-gpt-benchmarks/agent/mini-agi`
2.`pip install -r requirements.txt`
3.`cp .env_example .env`, set `PROMPT_USER=false` and add your `OPENAI_API_KEY=`. Sset `MODEL="gpt-3.5-turbo"` if you don't have access to `gpt-4` yet. Also make sure you have Python 3.10^ installed
If `--mock` flag is used it is at `agbenchmark/workspace`. Otherwise for mini-agi it is at `C:/Users/<name>/miniagi` - it will be automitcally set on config