We recommend to use Git or Docker, to make updating easier. Also note that some features such as Python execution will only work inside docker for security reasons.
2. Create a copy of `.env.template` and call it `.env`;
if you're already in a command prompt/terminal window: `cp .env.template .env`.
3. Open the `.env` file in a text editor.
4. Find the line that says `OPENAI_API_KEY=`.
5. After the `=`, enter your unique OpenAI API Key *without any quotes or spaces*.
6. Enter any other API keys or tokens for services you would like to use.
!!! note
To activate and adjust a setting, remove the `# ` prefix.
7. Save and close the `.env` file.
!!! info "Using a GPT Azure-instance"
If you want to use GPT on an Azure instance, set `USE_AZURE` to `True` and
make an Azure configuration file:
- Rename `azure.yaml.template` to `azure.yaml` and provide the relevant `azure_api_base`, `azure_api_version` and all the deployment IDs for the relevant models in the `azure_model_map` section:
-`fast_llm_model_deployment_id`: your gpt-3.5-turbo or gpt-4 deployment ID
-`smart_llm_model_deployment_id`: your gpt-4 deployment ID
-`embedding_model_deployment_id`: your text-embedding-ada-002 v2 deployment ID
# Please specify all of these values as double-quoted strings
Details can be found in the [openai-python docs], and in the [Azure OpenAI docs] for the embedding model.
If you're on Windows you may need to install an [MSVC library](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170).
Important: Docker Compose version 1.29.0 or later is required to use version 3.9 of the Compose file format.
You can check the version of Docker Compose installed on your system by running the following command:
docker-compose version
This will display the version of Docker Compose that is currently installed on your system.
If you need to upgrade Docker Compose to a newer version, you can follow the installation instructions in the Docker documentation: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
Once you have a recent version of docker-compose, run the commands below in your Auto-GPT folder.
1. Build the image. If you have pulled the image from Docker Hub, skip this step (NOTE: You *will* need to do this if you are modifying requirements.txt to add/remove depedencies like Python libs/frameworks)
Due to security reasons, certain features (like Python execution) will by default be disabled when running without docker. So, even if you want to run the program outside a docker container, you currently still need docker to actually run scripts.