Moe f0321004ac Update Docker image to use Ubuntu 20.04 2020-08-26 15:30:34 -07:00
.. Update Docker image to use Ubuntu 20.04 2020-08-26 15:30:34 -07:00 Update Docker image to use Ubuntu 20.04 2020-08-26 15:30:34 -07:00
pm2.yml basic docker installation from main repo 2020-08-25 01:30:51 -07:00

Install Shinobi with Docker

Image is based on Ubuntu Bionic (20.04). Node.js 12 is used. MariaDB and FFmpeg are included.

  1. Download Repo
git clone -b dev ShinobiSource
  1. Enter Repo and Build Image.
cd ShinobiSource
docker build --tag shinobi-image:1.0 .
  1. Create a container with the image.

This command only works on Linux because of the temporary directory used. This location must exist in RAM. -v "/dev/shm/shinobiStreams":'/dev/shm/streams':'rw'. The timezone is also acquired from the host by the volume declaration of -v '/etc/localtime':'/etc/localtime':'ro'.

docker run -d --name='Shinobi' -p '8080:8080/tcp' -v "/dev/shm/Shinobi/streams":'/dev/shm/streams':'rw' -v "$HOME/Shinobi/config":'/config':'rw' -v "$HOME/Shinobi/customAutoLoad":'/home/Shinobi/libs/customAutoLoad':'rw' -v "$HOME/Shinobi/database":'/var/lib/mysql':'rw' -v "$HOME/Shinobi/videos":'/home/Shinobi/videos':'rw' -v "$HOME/Shinobi/plugins":'/home/Shinobi/plugins':'rw' -v '/etc/localtime':'/etc/localtime':'ro' shinobi-image:1.0

Host mount paths have been updated in this document.


Volumes Description
/dev/shm/Shinobi/streams IMPORTANT! This must be mapped to somewhere in the host's RAM. When running this image on Windows you will need to select a different location.
$HOME/Shinobi/config Put conf.json or super.json files in here to override the default. values.
$HOME/Shinobi/customAutoLoad Maps to the /home/Shinobi/libs/customAutoLoad folder for loading your own modules into Shinobi.
$HOME/Shinobi/database A map to /var/lib/mysql in the container. This is the database's core files.
$HOME/Shinobi/videos A map to /home/Shinobi/videos. The storage location of your recorded videos.
$HOME/Shinobi/plugins A map to /home/Shinobi/plugins. Mapped so that plugins can easily be modified or swapped.

Configurable Environment Variables

Environment Variable Description Default
SUBSCRIPTION_ID THIS IS NOT REQUIRED. If you are a subscriber to any of the Shinobi services you may use that key as the value for this parameter. If you have donated by PayPal you may use your Transaction ID to activate the license as well. None
DB_USER Username that the Shinobi process will connect to the database with. majesticflame
DB_PASSWORD Password that the Shinobi process will connect to the database with. mizukagesbluedress
DB_HOST Address that the Shinobi process will connect to the database with. localhost
DB_DATABASE Database that the Shinobi process will interact with. ccio
DB_ROOT_USER Privileged Username for the MariaDB instance. root
DB_ROOT_PASSWORD Privileged Password for the MariaDB instance. mizukagesbluedress
DB_DISABLE_INCLUDED Disable included database to use your own. Set to true to disable. false


Modifying conf.json or Superuser credentials.

Please read Volumes table in this README. conf.json is for general configuration. super.json is for Superuser credential management.

Get Docker Containers

docker ps -a

Get Images

docker images

Container Logs

docker logs /Shinobi

Enter the Command Line of the Container

docker exec -it /Shinobi /bin/bash

Stop and Remove

docker stop /Shinobi
docker rm /Shinobi

WARNING - DEVELOPMENT ONLY!!! Kill all Containers and Images

These commands will completely erase all of your docker containers and images. You have been warned!

docker stop /Shinobi
docker rm $(docker ps -a -f status=exited -q)
docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)