const { Worker } = require('worker_threads'); module.exports = function(s,config,lang,app){ const { modifyConfiguration, getConfiguration } = require('./system/utils.js')(config) var runningWorker; config.machineId = config.p2pApiKey + '' + config.p2pGroupId config.p2pTargetAuth = config.p2pTargetAuth || s.gid(30) if(!config.p2pServerList)config.p2pServerList = { "paris-1": { name: 'Paris-1', host: '', p2pPort: '8084', webPort: '8000', maxNetworkSpeed: { up: 200, down: 200, shared: true }, location: { lat: 48.873877, lon: 2.295533 }, }, "paris-2": { name: 'Paris-2', host: '', p2pPort: '8084', webPort: '8000', maxNetworkSpeed: { up: 200, down: 200, shared: true }, location: { lat: 48.873877, lon: 2.295533 }, }, } if(!config.p2pHostSelected)config.p2pHostSelected = 'paris-1' const stopWorker = () => { if(runningWorker){ runningWorker.postMessage({ f: 'exit' }) } } const startWorker = () => { stopWorker() // set the first parameter as a string. const pathToWorkerScript = __dirname + '/commander/worker.js' const workerProcess = new Worker(pathToWorkerScript) workerProcess.on('message',function(data){ switch(data.f){ case'debugLog': s.debugLog( break; case'systemLog': s.systemLog( break; } }) setTimeout(() => { workerProcess.postMessage({ f: 'init', config: config, lang: lang }) },2000) // workerProcess is an Emitter. // it also contains a direct handle to the `spawn` at `workerProcess.spawnProcess` return workerProcess } const beginConnection = () => { if(config.p2pTargetGroupId && config.p2pTargetUserId){ runningWorker = startWorker() }else{ s.knexQuery({ action: "select", columns: "ke,uid", table: "Users", where: [], limit: 1 },(err,r) => { const firstUser = r[0] config.p2pTargetUserId = firstUser.uid config.p2pTargetGroupId = runningWorker = startWorker() }) } } if(config.p2pEnabled){ beginConnection() } /** * API : Superuser : Log delete. */':auth/p2p/save', function (req,res){ s.superAuth(req.params,async (resp) => { const response = {ok: true}; const form = s.getPostData(req,'data',true) form.p2pEnabled = form.p2pEnabled === '1' ? true : false config = Object.assign(config,form) const currentConfig = await getConfiguration() const configError = await modifyConfiguration(Object.assign(currentConfig,form)) if(configError)s.systemLog(configError) setTimeout(() => { if(form.p2pEnabled){ s.systemLog('Starting P2P') beginConnection() }else{ s.systemLog('Stopping P2P') stopWorker() } },2000) s.closeJsonResponse(res,response) },res,req) }) }