#!/bin/bash echo "Shinobi - Do you want to Install Node.js?" echo "(y)es or (N)o" read -r nodejsinstall if [ "$nodejsinstall" = "y" ]; then wget https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x chmod +x setup_12.x ./setup_12.x sudo apt install nodejs -y rm setup_12.x fi #Detect Ubuntu Version echo "=============" echo " Detecting Ubuntu Version" echo "=============" getubuntuversion=$(lsb_release -r | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d . -f1) echo "=============" echo " Ubuntu Version: $getubuntuversion" echo "=============" if [[ "$getubuntuversion" == "16" || "$getubuntuversion" -le "16" ]]; then echo "=============" echo "Shinobi - Get FFMPEG 3.x from ppa:jonathonf/ffmpeg-3" sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/ffmpeg-3 -y sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install ffmpeg x264 x265 -y echo "=============" else echo "=============" echo "Shinobi - Installing FFMPEG" sudo apt install ffmpeg x264 x265 -y echo "=============" fi # Install MariaDB echo "Shinobi - Do you want to Install MariaDB? Choose No if you have MySQL." echo "(y)es or (N)o" read -r mysqlagree if [ "$mysqlagree" = "y" ]; then echo "Shinobi - Installing MariaDB" echo "Password for root SQL user, If you are installing SQL now then you may put anything:" read -r sqlpass echo "mariadb-server mariadb-server/root_password password $sqlpass" | debconf-set-selections echo "mariadb-server mariadb-server/root_password_again password $sqlpass" | debconf-set-selections apt install mariadb-server -y service mysql start fi # Make sure files have correct perms chmod -R 755 . # Database Installation #Check If Mysql-Server is already installed echo "=============" echo "Checking for mysql-server" echo "=============" dpkg -s mysql-server &> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "+====================================+" echo "| Warning MYSQL SERVER IS INSTALLED! |" echo "+====================================+" echo "| DO YOU WANT TO INSTALL MariaDB? |" echo "| This will remove MYSQL-Server! |" echo "+====================================+" echo "Shinobi - Do you want to Install MariaDB?" echo "(y)es or (N)o" read -r installmariadb if [ "$installmariadb" = "y" ]; then echo "+=============================================+" echo "| This will DESTORY ALL DATA ON MYSQL SERVER! |" echo "+=============================================+" echo "Please type the following to continue" echo "DESTORY!" read -r mysqlagree if [ "$mysqlagree" = "DESTORY!" ]; then echo "Shinobi - Installing MariaDB" echo "Password for root SQL user, If you are installing SQL now then you may put anything:" read -r sqlpass echo "mariadb-server mariadb-server/root_password password $sqlpass" | debconf-set-selections echo "mariadb-server mariadb-server/root_password_again password $sqlpass" | debconf-set-selections #Create my.cnf file echo "[client]" >> ~/.my.cnf echo "user=root" >> ~/.my.cnf echo "password=$sqlpass" >> ~/.my.cnf chmod 755 ~/.my.cnf apt install mariadb-server service mysql start fi fi else echo "Shinobi - Do you want to Install MariaDB?" echo "(y)es or (N)o" read -r mysqlagree if [ "$mysqlagree" = "y" ]; then echo "Shinobi - Installing MariaDB" echo "Password for root SQL user, If you are installing SQL now then you may put anything:" read -r sqlpass echo "mariadb-server mariadb-server/root_password password $sqlpass" | debconf-set-selections echo "mariadb-server mariadb-server/root_password_again password $sqlpass" | debconf-set-selections echo "[client]" >> ~/.my.cnf echo "user=root" >> ~/.my.cnf echo "password=$sqlpass" >> ~/.my.cnf chmod 755 ~/.my.cnf apt install mariadb-server -y service mysql start fi fi chmod -R 755 . echo "Shinobi - Database Installation" echo "(y)es or (N)o" read -r mysqlagreeData if [ "$mysqlagreeData" = "y" ]; then mysql -e "source sql/user.sql" || true echo "Shinobi - Do you want to Install Default Data (default_data.sql)?" echo "(y)es or (N)o" read -r mysqlDefaultData if [ "$mysqlDefaultData" = "y" ]; then escapeReplaceQuote='\\"' groupKey=$(head -c 64 < /dev/urandom | sha256sum | awk '{print substr($1,1,7)}') userID=$(head -c 64 < /dev/urandom | sha256sum | awk '{print substr($1,1,6)}') userEmail=$(head -c 64 < /dev/urandom | sha256sum | awk '{print substr($1,1,6)}')"@"$(head -c 64 < /dev/urandom | sha256sum | awk '{print substr($1,1,6)}')".com" userPasswordPlain=$(head -c 64 < /dev/urandom | sha256sum | awk '{print substr($1,1,7)}') userPasswordMD5=$(echo -n "$userPasswordPlain" | md5sum | awk '{print $1}') userDetails='{"days":"10"}' userDetails=$(echo "$userDetails" | sed -e 's/"/'$escapeReplaceQuote'/g') echo "$userDetailsNew" apiIP='' apiKey=$(head -c 64 < /dev/urandom | sha256sum | awk '{print substr($1,1,32)}') apiDetails='{"auth_socket":"1","get_monitors":"1","control_monitors":"1","get_logs":"1","watch_stream":"1","watch_snapshot":"1","watch_videos":"1","delete_videos":"1"}' apiDetails=$(echo "$apiDetails" | sed -e 's/"/'$escapeReplaceQuote'/g') rm sql/default_user.sql || true echo "USE ccio;INSERT INTO Users (\`ke\`,\`uid\`,\`auth\`,\`mail\`,\`pass\`,\`details\`) VALUES (\"$groupKey\",\"$userID\",\"$apiKey\",\"$userEmail\",\"$userPasswordMD5\",\"$userDetails\");INSERT INTO API (\`code\`,\`ke\`,\`uid\`,\`ip\`,\`details\`) VALUES (\"$apiKey\",\"$groupKey\",\"$userID\",\"$apiIP\",\"$apiDetails\");" > "sql/default_user.sql" mysql -u "$sqluser" -p"$sqlpass" --database ccio -e "source sql/default_user.sql" > "INSTALL/log.txt" echo "=====================================" echo "=======!! Login Credentials !!=======" echo "|| Username : $userEmail" echo "|| Password : $userPasswordPlain" echo "|| API Key : $apiKey" echo "=====================================" echo "=====================================" echo "** To change these settings login to either to the Superuser panel or login to the dashboard as the user that was just created and open the Settings window. **" fi fi # Install NPM Libraries echo "=============" echo "Shinobi - Install NPM Libraries" sudo npm i npm -g sudo npm install --unsafe-perm # sudo npm audit fix --unsafe-perm echo "=============" #Install PM2 echo "Shinobi - Install PM2" sudo npm install pm2@latest -g if [ ! -e "./conf.json" ]; then cp conf.sample.json conf.json fi if [ ! -e "./super.json" ]; then getip=$(ip route get | awk '{print $NF; exit}') echo "Admin panel default url: http://$getip:8080/super" echo "Default Superuser : admin@shinobi.video" echo "Default Password : admin" cp super.sample.json super.json fi echo "Shinobi - Finished" touch INSTALL/installed.txt echo "Shinobi - Start Shinobi?" echo "(y)es or (N)o" read -r startShinobi if [ "$startShinobi" = "y" ]; then pm2 start camera.js #pm2 start cron.js pm2 list fi