var os = require('os'); var exec = require('child_process').exec; var onvif = require("node-onvif"); module.exports = function(s,config,lang,app,io){ const createOnvifDevice = async (onvifAuth) => { var response = {ok: false} const monitorConfig =[].rawMonitorConfigurations[] const controlBaseUrl = monitorConfig.details.control_base_url || s.buildMonitorUrl(monitorConfig, true) const controlURLOptions = s.cameraControlOptionsFromUrl(controlBaseUrl,monitorConfig) //create onvif connection const device = new onvif.OnvifDevice({ address : + ':' + controlURLOptions.port, user : controlURLOptions.username, pass : controlURLOptions.password })[].activeMonitors[].onvifConnection = device try{ const info = await device.init() response.ok = true }catch(err){ response.msg = 'Device responded with an error' response.error = error } return response } const runOnvifMethod = (onvifOptions,callback) => { var onvifAuth = onvifOptions.auth var response = {ok: false} var errorMessage = function(msg,error){ response.ok = false response.msg = msg response.error = error callback(response) } var actionCallback = function(onvifActionResponse){ response.ok = true if({ response.responseFromDevice = }else{ response.responseFromDevice = onvifActionResponse } if(onvifActionResponse.soap)response.soap = onvifActionResponse.soap callback(response) } var isEmpty = function(obj) { for(var key in obj) { if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) return false; } return true; } var doAction = function(Camera){ var completeAction = function(command){ if(command && command.then){ command.then(actionCallback).catch(function(error){ errorMessage('Device Action responded with an error',error) }) }else if(command){ response.ok = true response.repsonseFromDevice = command callback(response) }else{ response.error = 'Big Errors, Please report it to Shinobi Development' callback(response) } } var action if(onvifAuth.service){ if([onvifAuth.service] === undefined){ return errorMessage('This is not an available service. Please use one of the following : '+Object.keys(', ')) } if([onvifAuth.service] === null){ return errorMessage('This service is not activated. Maybe you are not connected through ONVIF. You can test by attempting to use the "Control" feature with ONVIF in Shinobi.') } action =[onvifAuth.service][onvifAuth.action] }else{ action = Camera[onvifAuth.action] } if(!action || typeof action !== 'function'){ errorMessage(onvifAuth.action+' is not an available ONVIF function. See for functions.') }else{ var argNames = s.getFunctionParamNames(action) var options var command if(argNames[0] === 'options' || argNames[0] === 'params'){ options = onvifOptions.options || {} } if(onvifAuth.service){ command =[onvifAuth.service][onvifAuth.action](options) }else{ command = Camera[onvifAuth.action](options) } completeAction(command) } } if(![].activeMonitors[].onvifConnection){ const response = createOnvifDevice(onvifAuth) if(response.ok){ doAction(response.device) }else{ errorMessage(response.msg,response.error) } }else{ doAction([].activeMonitors[].onvifConnection) } } /** * API : ONVIF Method Controller */ app.all([ config.webPaths.apiPrefix+':auth/onvif/:ke/:id/:action', config.webPaths.apiPrefix+':auth/onvif/:ke/:id/:service/:action' ],function (req,res){ s.auth(req.params,function(user){ runOnvifMethod({ auth: { ke:, id:, auth: req.params.auth, action: req.params.action, service: req.params.service, }, options: s.getPostData(req,'options',true) || s.getPostData(req,'params',true), },(endData) => { s.closeJsonResponse(res,endData) }) },res,req); }) s.createOnvifDevice = createOnvifDevice s.runOnvifMethod = runOnvifMethod }