var execSync = require('child_process').execSync; module.exports = function(s,config){ var staticFFmpeg = false; try{ staticFFmpeg = require('ffmpeg-static').path; if (!fs.existsSync(staticFFmpeg)) { staticFFmpeg = false console.log('"ffmpeg-static" from NPM has failed to provide a compatible library or has been corrupted.') console.log('You may need to install FFmpeg manually or you can try running "npm uninstall ffmpeg-static && npm install ffmpeg-static".') } }catch(err){ staticFFmpeg = false; console.log('No Static FFmpeg. Continuing.') } //ffmpeg location if(!config.ffmpegDir){ if(staticFFmpeg !== false){ config.ffmpegDir = staticFFmpeg }else{ if(s.isWin===true){ config.ffmpegDir = s.mainDirectory+'/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe' }else{ config.ffmpegDir = 'ffmpeg' } } } //ffmpeg version s.ffmpegVersion=execSync(config.ffmpegDir+" -version").toString().split('Copyright')[0].replace('ffmpeg version','').trim() console.log('FFMPEG version : '+s.ffmpegVersion) if(s.ffmpegVersion.indexOf(': 2.')>-1){ s.systemLog('FFMPEG is too old : '+s.ffmpegVersion+', Needed : 3.2+',err) throw (new Error()) } s.splitForFFPMEG = function (ffmpegCommandAsString) { //this function ignores spaces inside quotes. return ffmpegCommandAsString.match(/\\?.|^$/g).reduce((p, c) => { if(c === '"'){ p.quote ^= 1; }else if(!p.quote && c === ' '){ p.a.push(''); }else{ p.a[p.a.length-1] += c.replace(/\\(.)/,"$1"); } return p; }, {a: ['']}).a }; s.createFFmpegMap = function(e,arrayOfMaps){ //`e` is the monitor object var string = ''; if(e.details.input_maps && e.details.input_maps.length > 0){ if(arrayOfMaps && arrayOfMaps instanceof Array && arrayOfMaps.length>0){ arrayOfMaps.forEach(function(v){ if('')'0' string += ' -map ' }) }else{ string += ' -map 0:0' } } return string; } }