#!/bin/bash #Identify version of CentOS version=$(rpm --eval %{centos_ver}) #Set script to use dnf or yum if [ "$version" = 7 ]; then pkgmgr="yum" elif [ "$version" = 8 ]; then pkgmgr="dnf" else echo "This version of CentOS is unsupported!" read -p "Continue at your own risk? Y/N" osoverride #Changes input to uppercase osoverride=${osoverride^} if [ ! "$osoverride" = "Y" ]; then exit 1 else pkgmgr="yum" fi fi #Check to see if we are running on a virtual machine if hostnamectl | grep -oq "Chassis: vm"; then vm="open-vm-tools" else vm="" fi #Clear screen clear echo "=========================================================" echo "== Shinobi : The Open Source CCTV and NVR Solution ==" echo "=========================================================" echo "This script will install Shinobi CCTV on CentOS $version with" echo "minimal user intervention." echo echo "You may skip any components you already have or do not" echo "wish to install." echo "=========================================================" read -p "Press [Enter] to begin..." #Install dependencies echo "Installing dependencies and tools..." if [ "$version" = 7 ]; then #Installing deltarpm first will greatly increase the download speed of the other packages sudo yum install deltarpm -y -q -e 0 fi #Install remaining packages sudo $pkgmgr install $vm nano dos2unix net-tools curl wget git gcc gcc-c++ make zip -y -q -e 0 #Install updates echo "Updating system..." sudo $pkgmgr update -y -q -e 0 #Skip if running from the Ninja installer if [ "$1" != 1 ]; then #Clone git repo and change directory sudo git clone -q https://gitlab.com/Shinobi-Systems/Shinobi.git Shinobi cd Shinobi echo "=========================================================" echo "Do you want to use the Master or Development branch of Shinobi?" read -p "[M]aster or [D]ev " gitbranch #Changes input to uppercase gitbranch=${gitbranch^} if [ "$gitbranch" = "D" ]; then #Change to dev branch sudo git checkout dev sudo git pull fi fi if ! [ -x "$(command -v node)" ]; then echo "=========================================================" echo "Node.js not found, installing..." sudo curl --silent --location https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo bash - sudo $pkgmgr install nodejs -y -q -e 0 else echo "Node.js is already installed..." echo "Version : $(node -v)" fi if ! [ -x "$(command -v npm)" ]; then sudo $pkgmgr install npm -y -q -e 0 fi echo "=========================================================" read -p "Do you want to install FFMPEG? Y/N " ffmpeginstall #Changes input to uppercase ffmpeginstall=${ffmpeginstall^} if [ "$ffmpeginstall" = "Y" ]; then #Install EPEL Repo sudo $pkgmgr install epel-release -y -q -e 0 if [ "$version" = 7 ]; then #Enable Nux Dextop repo for FFMPEG (CentOS 7) sudo rpm --import http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/RPM-GPG-KEY-nux.ro sudo rpm -Uvh http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop/el7/x86_64/nux-dextop-release-0-1.el7.nux.noarch.rpm sudo yum install ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel -y -q -e 0 elif [ "$version" = 8 ]; then #Enable Negativo17 repo for FFMPEG (CentOS 8) sudo dnf install epel-release dnf-utils -y -q -e 0 sudo yum-config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo=https://negativo17.org/repos/epel-multimedia.repo sudo dnf install ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel -y -q -e 0 fi fi echo "=========================================================" read -p "Do you want to install MariaDB? Y/N " installdbserver #Changes input to uppercase installdbserver=${installdbserver^} if [ "$installdbserver" = "Y" ] || [ "$installdbserver" = "" ]; then echo "=========================================================" echo "Installing MariaDB repository..." #Add the MariaDB repository to yum sudo curl -sS https://downloads.mariadb.com/MariaDB/mariadb_repo_setup | sudo bash -s -- --skip-maxscale echo "Installing MariaDB..." sudo $pkgmgr install mariadb mariadb-server -y -q -e 0 #Start mysql and enable on boot sudo systemctl start mariadb sudo systemctl enable mariadb #Configure basic security for MariaDB sudo mysql_secure_installation else echo "=========================================================" echo "Skipping database server installation..." fi echo "=========================================================" read -p "Install default database? Y/N " mysqlDefaultData #Changes input to uppercase mysqlDefaultData=${mysqlDefaultData^} if [ "$mysqlDefaultData" = "Y" ]; then if [ "$installdbserver" = "N" ]; then #Get the hostname/ip of the database server read -p "Please enter the hostname or IP address of the MariaDB server: " sqlhost #Get the port for the database server read -p "Please enter the port number of the MariaDB instance: " sqlport fi #Get the username we will use to connect to the database read -p "Please enter your MariaDB username: " sqluser #Get the password for the database user read -p -s "Please enter your MariaDB password: " sqlpass if [ "$installdbserver" = "N" ]; then while ! mysql -h $sqlhost -P $sqlport -u $sqluser -p$sqlpassword -e ";" ; do echo "Unable to connect to MariaDB with the supplied credentials!" read -p "Please enter the hostname or IP address of the MariaDB server: " sqlhost read -p "Please enter the port number of the MariaDB instance, or leave blank for the default port: " sqlport if [ "$sqlport" = "" ]; then sqlport=3306 fi read -p "Please enter your MariaDB username: " sqluser read -p -s "Please enter your MariaDB password: " sqlpass done else while ! mysql -u $sqluser -p$sqlpassword -e ";" ; do echo "Unable to connect to MariaDB with the supplied credentials!" read -p "Please enter your MariaDB username: " sqluser read -p -s "Please enter your MariaDB password: " sqlpass done fi sudo mysql -u $sqluser -p$sqlpass -e "source sql/user.sql" || true sudo mysql -u $sqluser -p$sqlpass -e "source sql/framework.sql" || true else echo "=========================================================" echo "Skipping database installation..." fi echo "=========================================================" echo "Installing NPM libraries..." sudo npm i npm -g sudo npm install --unsafe-perm sudo npm install ffbinaries mp4frag@latest cws@latest sudo npm audit fix --force echo "=========================================================" echo "Installing PM2..." sudo npm install pm2@latest -g sudo chmod -R 755 . touch INSTALL/installed.txt dos2unix INSTALL/shinobi ln -s INSTALL/shinobi /usr/bin/shinobi echo "=========================================================" read -p "Automatically create firewall rules? Y/N " createfirewallrules #Changes input to uppercase createfirewallrules=${createfirewallrules^} if [ "$createfirewallrules" = "Y" ]; then sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8080/tcp -q sudo firewall-cmd --reload -q fi #Create default configuration file if [ ! -e "./conf.json" ]; then cp conf.sample.json conf.json echo "Created conf.json" #Generate a random Cron key for the config file cronKey=$(head -c 1024 < /dev/urandom | sha256sum | awk '{print substr($1,1,29)}') #Insert key into conf.json sed -i -e 's/change_this_to_something_very_random__just_anything_other_than_this/'"$cronKey"'/g' conf.json echo "Cron key generated" fi if [ ! -e "./super.json" ]; then echo "=========================================================" echo "Enable superuser access?" echo "This may be useful for account and password managment" read -p "in commercial deployments. Y/N " createSuperJson #Changes input to uppercase createSuperJson=${createSuperJson^} if [ "$createSuperJson" = "Y" ]; then sudo cp super.sample.json super.json fi fi echo "=========================================================" read -p "Start Shinobi on boot? Y/N " startupShinobi #Changes input to uppercase startupShinobi=${startupShinobi^} if [ "$startupShinobi" = "Y" ]; then sudo pm2 startup sudo pm2 save sudo pm2 list fi echo "=========================================================" read -p "Start Shinobi now? Y/N " startShinobi #Changes input to uppercase startShinobi=${startShinobi^} if [ "$startShinobi" = "Y" ]; then sudo pm2 start camera.js sudo pm2 start cron.js fi ipaddress=$(hostname -I) echo "" echo "=========================================================" echo "||=============== Installation Complete ===============||" echo "=========================================================" echo "|| Login with the Superuser and create a new user!! ||" echo "=========================================================" echo "|| Open http://${ipaddress// /}:8080/super in your browser. ||" echo "=========================================================" if [ "$createSuperJson" = "Y" ]; then echo "|| Default Superuser : admin@shinobi.video ||" echo "|| Default Password : admin ||" echo "|| You can edit these settings in \"super.json\" ||" echo "|| located in the Shinobi directory. ||" echo "=========================================================" fi